Let's settle this fags

Let's settle this fags.

Which one is best?

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Which contains the fewest insect larvae?

The answer is always coke

who still drinks sugar?

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Not saying Bangs.......an hero now please!

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Pepsi ended the U.S.S.R

So pepsi wins


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This one.

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pepsi did not end the USSR you retard.

carbonated water, sugar, citric acid, natural flavor, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), guarana extract, caramel color

i probably could not even tell the difference in a taste test. like i care anyway only use cola to chase down my vodka like i'm doing right now

Sprite and 7up > Pepsi and Coca Cola

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>literal lemon flavored water with lots of sugar and some co2
Fuck off kid

Need that skrillex pic with coke pepsi cut uncut ps3 xbox circle square comparrison.

First product of Capitalism that was sold in the USSR at the time

Pepsi was even a top 10 military power after Russia started paying for Pepsi with military weapons

Those soda niggers were better at Diplomacy than the U.S.

RC Cola

After USSR collapse Pepsi now had to do commercial diplomacy with all 15 new states it created. This clusterfuck almost tanked the company


Bangs is the best rootbizzle.

You don't know how lucky you are! Drinking Pepsi in the USSR!

>First product of Capitalism that was sold in the USSR
Um nope. Ever heard of a thing called 'food'?
Oh wait they did not have food in the USSR. Wintertime rat hunting in the basement was their sustenance

Was Coca-Cola ever a top 10 military power?

Pepsi wins

Pepsi obviously. Coke is for right wing racist white nationalist pieces of shit.


Retard. Even commies had food it was just shitty

>Coke is for right wing racist white nationalist pieces of shit.
You are mistaking it for monster you tool


Only poorfags and diabetics drink Pepsi. The same people who like Pepsi also think RC cola is palatable. Disgusting.

this is a bang
its carbonated pre workout

Attached: bang2.jpg (850x850, 75K)

Water, if you don't want to look 60 at 40

>implying food can only be shipped in

You're dumb AF.

Coke is better than Pepsi but
Pepsi Max is better than Coke Zero

>Even commies had food
Bruh... I am originally from the former USSR. No they did not. Store shelves were empty apart from cans of seaweed (yes the ruskies were that desperate) and a few dry loaves of bread that tasted like sour sawdust and was only good to take to the countryside where grandma lived and feed it to their cow

pepsi is for niggers

pepsi had to buy boats because they suck so much.
classic little man syndrome


drink kvas or fuck off

This one
Prove me wrong

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>First product of Capitalism that was sold in the USSR at the time

Pepsi: 1959
Ford Motor Company: 1929

They both react to my stomach like vinegar and baking soda.

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Both are shite really

So you guys never slaughtered the cow? I'm starting to see why you guys lost now

Mountain Dew, though I'd take the Coke if I had to over Pepsi.

Ever heard of a thing called milk you wartface? No shit we slit its throat as soon as its udders were dry

People didn't know what soda was dude. Those were just cars

Imagine if you invented soda and gave some to a guy who NEVER tasted something like it in his life!

Do you think he'll hate you afterwards?

>Do you think he'll hate you afterwards?
Yes as soon as he gets the diabeetus

your definition of "first" is quite interesting

Say, are you that troll that used to post the "I'm a Pepsi merchandiser in SoCal, AMA" guy?

woulda said coke by a mile but after radiation last year can't stand the taste of either one fml

Wasn't even a cold war in 1929

Pepsi ended the Soviets

And no I don't frequent this board I just stick by after my faps. Buy ChainLink

coke 100%

You never learned cursive did you?

ill drink both but

bepis > choke

Oh, the state of plebs.

>Which one is best?
coa-cola, no other choice makes sense

>Wasn't even a cold war in 1929
what's that got to do with "First product of Capitalism that was sold in the USSR at the time"

>Pepsi ended the Soviets
[citation needed]

>And no I don't frequent this board I just stick by after my faps.
Show us your Pepsi employee ID