Now announcing

now announcing....

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introducing Dadgick
tfw no dadgick's cummies

why are you getting obsessed with magick

go suck a cock you fucking faggot

hey yoogee, how's the transition going?

im not
why do you want to know

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he would love that LOLE


I agree androgynous cat people are very cute!

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wow i guess you're not even hiding your pedoness anymore...disgusting

kagami is not only 18 years old but my wife

shut up you fucking pedo

shut up pedo

Yes! Cute things are nice, especially when I'm stressed!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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good because I am very stressed

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Me too

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How's the transition pedo?

everyone makes me nervous me out now and someone stresses me out even when im alone

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Petting androgynous cat people is therapeutic. Sucks they aren't real... hopefully you'll feel better soon

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thanks..what I really hate is that most of the things and people I’m stressed about I could deal with now but I don’t know how

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Yoogee is such a pathetic loser

Are you stressed Boii??????
Are you stressed out??????????

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That sounds like quite the stressful situation in and of itself...
Need moar cute kitties!

Ye little bit.. it's getting better though.
Staying cute I hope?


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I don't stay cute, cute stays with me.

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now announcing....
my dick

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I'm inclined to agree with you there

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kinda wish there was a way to just not deal with anything that wasnt dying

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you want some dinner?

You should cook yourself a nice dinner!

This thread makes everything seem cozier

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I am kind of hungry but I dont even have the energy to move right now :(
feel like id just puke it back up
hate my body desu

remember that the way you look at your body isn't how others look at it, if you have to look in the mirror for a bit to see stuff you don't like instead of immediately noticing it, it's probably just insecurities and not an actual problem.

nah my actual body is just boring skinny I just hate how it feels like nothing in my body works properly not even my brain