I agree that people should be able to own guns for personal defence(wich is already an extreme opinion in my country)...

I agree that people should be able to own guns for personal defence(wich is already an extreme opinion in my country), but one of the more retarded pro gun statements I hear a lot for americans is that guns will protect them from a totalitarian government.

Are you fucking serious? The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal, and if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal
Gee I wonder why....

I love the thought that some half illiterate cousin fucker thinks they can fight back the government.

Washington can An drone strike a cave dwelling towel head without even walking outside the building they control the drones from. If our government wanted to oppress us it would literally happen over fucking night.

Vietnam and Somalia. Prime examples champ. Theres plenty more

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you're talking about america. Things are different in other countries like syria.

The problem is that you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys. There's a very thin line between the people who want genuine good things, and the terrorists who just want to topple the government and put a dictator in charge.

Who gets to decide who is good and who is bad?

>If our government wanted to oppress us it would literally happen over fucking night
No, it wouldn't.
The standing army of the US is small compared to the number of citizens that own firearms and weaponry, both legal and 'illegal'. The number of military personnel who would start shooting at fellow citizens is quite small. Those who do take action against the citizenry will be met with a force on a scale they can only dream of comprehending. Not only would they be up against an enormous indistinguishable army of people, but there would likely be interventions by outside countries. The interventions would start small and covert, like supplying weapons and ammunition to the people, but if things got bad enough, there would very likely be invasion of the homeland. The phrase "bad enough" here means that the force of the people would be dwindling, as outside invaders would also meet resistance from the citizenry, which again is much larger than current standing armies.

Because you would have to. There is no question you have to fight back. Already having a mass of civilian weapons is a huge start.

And you are correct. That is indeed why the dems are trying to take your guns away.

Why didn't your laws limit authorized weapons to handgun for civilians? Don't tell me a fuckin military grade assault rifle is for "defense"...

Because most crime is done with handguns not "military grade assault rifles" most people can't even get a legit assault rifle.

Also military grade is a meme. Military grade means it's done by the lowest bidder, so military grade means it's shit

It's for defence. From criminals. Including the government.

You are literally Adolph Shitler...

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mass shootings in america are done with assault rifles...

If we let them take our guns. Then we have already lost.

>Military grade
Means option of the weapon and sometimes "upgraded" parts. Agreed not much different and lowest bidder for sure

Your argument makes no sense. The right to self preservation is a god given right, not one granted by any government. The restriction placed on the us government barring the state from disarming the populous is explicitly there to defend against tyranny. If a government becomes tyrannical, they are no longer the arbiter of Law.

Actually only a few of them have been.

More people die in Chicago in 2 weeks than all mass shooters will kill all year.

mass shootings is a very very small part of murder in the US

>military grade assault rifle is for "defense"...
It is for defense, how do I know what I have to defend against. And if the shit hits the fan, well I'm ready to tackle most people problems with a AR-15. Plus who the fuck has the right to tell me what weapon I can or can't have? If you are a law abiding citizen, what's wrong with owing weapons that if needed can keep you alive over the I don't believe in guns pussies?

excuse my ignorance then

It's not about an all out war with the federal government. (In a true "civil war" scenario, it wouldn't be "all government forces" vs "all private citizens". Some national guard units would refuse to go along with the program. Some local police departments (with all of their military grade APCs and shit) would join the people, foreign countries would get involved, etc...)

It's about making ordinary every day domination that much harder. It's about raising the stakes for government enforcers. It means that police and federal agents can't just casually knock a door down, waltz on in, and cuff everyone.

See Waco. The ATF couldn't just waltz on in and arrest everyone. It took 51 days, 4 dead ATF agents, and burning all of the Davidians alive.

One could make an argument that, in ramping up the stakes, guns really just make the government that much more brutal and fascistic. But you're not making that argument.

Bundy stand off is another example.

Yeah, the military isn't gonna pick up that fight.

>invasion of homeland
>america is literally surrounded by two fucking oceans
yeah ok buddy

Assault rifle is a term coined by a journalist to stupid to know ar stood for armalight ( the manufacturer), and also wanting to make a more dramatic and scary sounding name for a simple rifle.

Research the battle in alaska during ww2

Hey look at this guy, hasn't heard of ships and planes. What are you from alabama, or west virginia. Really just a question if you fuck your sister or just your cousin

I live in UK. I like using guns for shooting at targets.
I believe that they should be allowed for personal defence both at home and open carry.
I also think handguns should be allowed in mainland uk
We have them in NI
Atm in America however there is a totalitarian government forming in place of the usual left democracy who are actively trying to take away their guns if you follow their debates at all.
And the ones on the left democrats side who are moderate get surpressed. Eg. Yang and tulsi.

Partisan rhetoric in the US is just that, rhetoric.
The US isn't a democracy. Never was and never will be. Just like firearms will never go anywhere.

There is no such thing as a god-given right, or even a human right. All rights are granted by your government, and they can be taken just as easily.

US is a Democratic Republic

Represenatitive republic*
Which presidential candidate had more votes in 2016? Is that candidate in office now?
Sounds democratic to me

I and most competent people disagree with you.

Are you this retarded by choice or by nature?

A form of government that is ruled by the people and their elected officials. Yes that candidate is in office now.

The system that got the current president in power was established to ensure that large metropolitan areas wouldnt be the only places where votes mattered. It ensures small rural areas matter just as much. A fact the Democrats constantly ignore and are trying to change

>ruled by the people
Lol ok buddy
>their elected officials
Lol ok buddy
>the candidate with more popular support is in office
Lol ok buddy
>appointed electoral voters are bound to vote in the direction dictated by the people
Lol ok buddy
The cognitive dissonance is strong with you, or you're dumb as fuck.

angry political response!

I'm aware. I'm in favor of representative voting. I was just making the argument that the US isn't a democracy. Anyone that has read the constitution even once could pick up on that. Some people hit the kool aide too hard though.

Direct Insult!

So you want to sail an entire fucking army across a fucking ocean to kill another entire fucking army? You really want to sail an ocean to fight the world's biggest military? How do you think that will work out?
Do you realise the logistical effort AND the military advantage the US would have?

Ii just don't understand how white ppl love their guns sooo much, but continue to do dumb shit like mass shootings

More people die by being shot by black people in "democratic" cities every week than white mass shooters shoot all year.

There are more black people packing heat than white people. Implying black people don't like guns is horribly racist.

lmao this
the same place where dem cucks preach about taking guns away from the rest of america

Germanfag here:
How much is such a rifle?
Aand can one really carry it in public? I mean somehow while shopping or so?

Listen, you fantastically retarded motherfucker. I’m going to try to explain this so that you can understand it.

You cannot control an entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones or any of these things that you so stupidly believe trumps citizen ownership of firearms.

A fighter jet, tank, drone, battleship or whatever cannot stand on street corners. And enforce “no assembly” edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband.

None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating, flattening and glassing large areas and many people at once and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of its people and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.C. into glowing green glass they would be the absolute rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit.

Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks.

BUT when every random pedestrian could have a Glock in their waistband and every random homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now the police are out numbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.

If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has tried to destroy. They’re all still kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick up trucks and improvised explosives because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them.

Dumb. Fuck

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lol thats not true. If it were then Obama wouldn't live in chicago

More people die from drunk drivers every year. I don't hear for calls on reducing case capacity of beer to 6 silver bullets.

>How much is such a rifle?
around 1200 for that set up

>Aand can one really carry it in public?
depends on the state and their laws

>I mean somehow while shopping or so?
some buildings bar entry to people openly carrying a firearm

ARs range from $600 to $10000
Mine was about $4000
Some states allow open carry of long arms. My state is one of them. No one does it, but you can.

t. complete fucking retard

2nd amendment exists only to protect 2nd amendment. With guns
prove me wrong
>u cant

fuck off squid

Bill of rights is a package deal. These amendments are restrictions on the government, not granting rights from the government.
Freedom of assembly doesnt mean a whole lot for a disarmed population.

this sounds just as smart the democratic debates

the first amendment was written during time of ink and quill. You need to delete this thread and its assault letters

Law enforcement patrol rifle instructor, actually. State sponsored shooter.
Suck my balls.

Because we would rather be law abiding citizens. Rule of law is necessary in any functional society. Look at places where there is no rule of law such as Afghanistan, and most of subsaharan Africa. However, if there is a ban, we will most likely rebel. Don't forget that the Kentucky long rifle was banned in 1775, and to anyone who says, "but how can you fight an army with only 'assault' rifles?" Remember that there Taliban has been giving us a run for our money for the last 18 years with nothing more than donkies and ak47s.

Not remotely the biggest military. Just the most powerful. But wouldn't be after a civil war started, which is what taking guns away would involve.

stop lying squid. Just because you don't post pictures of your uncles Scars doesn't mean we believe you

doesnt address the point
get rid of 2nd amendment

You have to be 18 to post on this board. Try paying attention in your middle school civics class so you dont make yourself look like a retard online.

I'd never own a scar. I couldn't care less if you believe me or not.

That is true. However, didn't the U.S ship people across the ocean in ww2. Like in the D-day or island hoping for Japan?

clean your room first


I would not easy give up the right to own guns if I had it.

But I guess I would feel uncomfortable in Case people go around with weapons.

>nigga responds
>i don't care if u believe me

>one of the more retarded pro gun statements I hear a lot for americans is that guns will protect them from a totalitarian government
>The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal
Are you actually retarded? You've answered yourself, fucking dumbass

The government would have no chance against us. United States citizens would absolutely decimate the military, even if every member of the military was willing to fire on their fellow citizens, which an incredibly small number would. They don't have 350 million drones flying around by the way. There would certainly be a chance if the population was unarmed however. Armed, citizens of the United States are unconquerable

>Military grade
Imagine knowing so little about firearms that you think this term means fuck all

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Miss me with that authoritarian Bullshit. Vietnam and Afghanistan disagree with you

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Easy. Just get an amendment passed through state conventions.
Oh wait, the majority of states are red and that will literally never happen.

clean your law 1st

>we cant change the law cuz ppl r too dumb
>that makes the law good
u lose

depends on brand,configuration, caliber etc I got my 1st AR for $600 usd,built my 2nd for for $450(pistol configuration) and my SCAR 17 for $2500. some states have open carry while others don't. pic related

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Nice copypasta. A totalitarian government would not use drones in their own territory. They would you just ban guns and put everybody that doesn't obey in jail and most people would obey the law.
You can't compare that situation with a militia resisting a foreign occupation.

Hurr the US military will have a 0% desertion rate in the event of a civil war durrr.

Everyone is stupid except you. Got it. Thank goodness your opinion means nothing.

retard wearing a shooting jacket and such a fucked up stance

>Remember that there Taliban has been giving us a run for our money for the last 18 years with nothing more than donkies and ak47s.
Stop with that argument. that is not a real war. It is just a silly show.


Stopped reading right there

thank goodness u cant vote cuz u r underaged

That sounds not too much.

Don't forget that 2/3 of the military voted for Trump and 90% of military veterans identity as conservatives. All that it takes is one socom operator to train hundreds of civilians to fight and that the conservatives in the military are unlikely to kill the very people with whom they agree politically. I'm a vet, a conservative, and I remember my oath: "...to uphold the constitution and protect our country from all threats, foreign and domestic." It says country, not government. When we believe that the government is the threat, and they are desecrating our constitution, it's likely that most military personnel will either go awol, join a resistance militia, or stay in the service and fulfill a role as a mole to sabotage military operations. We have nothing to worry about, brother.

If everyone thought like you do, and your vote mattered, guns would already be outlawed. Something isn't adding up here.

No the dumbest argument for gun ownership is the last phrase of the second amendment.

"The Right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed."

How is this an adequate Defence. The congress might as well have said, we do declare that this congress and all its members shall live forever, and the same results would have occured.

All prices of legislation can be amended.

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Try telling that to the families of the soldiers who died there.

>every1 thinks health care should be a right
>the statistics of what ppl want and what laws get passed vs what rich want and what laws get passed
go be a nigger somewhere else

If you want to disarm yourself, go for it. You have that option. The option you do not have is to disarm me. Have a nice day.

The constitution says I do. Social contract.

nah you just said it was a dumb argument

Not everyone thinks healthcare should be provided by taxing our neighbors to finance corrupt insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
You do because you're a lowlife scumbag. You steal from your neighbors to cover your own poor choices. Doesnt get much lower than you honestly.

its cheaper to build one yourself, so you get exactly what you want right off the bat rather than add on later

It's not a contract. It's a declaration.

>750 billion dollar military tech and drone strikes
>a few boys in a 12 ft underground bunker

Bunker wins everytime

If your sentiment was popular, it would be enacted. Guns aren't going anywhere. Defend yourself or dont. The choice is yours.

Wow it's like you're just now figuring out what the big deal is

I said an infinitive argument holds no value. Laws can be passed, revoked, or changed based on the needs of the living. So the day 60% of the congress and the president's desk are democrats, we will finally be able to achieve sensible gun reform.

No. Most people do not think health care should be a right.

majority of voters think healthcare should be provided from the taxes. U dont, cuz u r a retard that cant understand whats a good society and how its still cheaper to crowdfund it, rather than paying for individual insurance
also didnt address my point, nigger, so u can kys now

In a real war, Afghanistan would be turned into a pile of ash by a nuclear bombardment. That is why real wars don't happen anymore.

yes, most ppl do

D-day worked because the Allies fed the Nazis false intelligence using dummy tanks that they would land elsewhere, somewhere a bit more north, Pas de Calais I think. Look up the simple history video.

Army has tanks, good luck going up against that with an AR-15! Our whole country is full of scared little men who needs their guns to feel safe.

Stop watching CNN

You know what we should do. Demand to surrender more autonomy to the already overreaching state apparatus. The state has done such an amazing job stamping out corruption and maximizing efficiency. They should oversee all aspects of our lives.


we said no

because I'm 27 trying to summon God and live with my parents

goddamn capchas

It is a contract. You agree to be part of this great American expirement and are given protection from any form of cruel or undeserved abuse and in exchange you give away some of your rights.
It is a popular sentimesentiment but republicans wont vote for legislation because there in the NRAs pockets and gun control isnt a concern for the average republican. Democrats cant get the senete majority they need. They could have 8 years ago but would risk losing more seats.

Yeah, because you need to look cool or know what you're doing to shoot at people. Bullets are bullets, faggot. A senile 80yo woman that weighs 90lbs is going to beat a 205lbs lean 25yo musclehead if she has a gun and there is space between them

poor attempt at deflection

Well 60% of the country says yes, you're just using borrowed time. Eventually the congress and executive will go blue.

stop watching fox news

stay mad, nigger bitch

the government is corrupt
the government cannot be trusted
put them in charge of health care
let them take our guns

Nope. You're a scumbag that thinks stealing from your neighbor to finance your poor decisions is appropriate. That's who you are. I dont need to deflect.

u r still talking?

>doesnt understand that insurance IS
>crowdfunding. And better.
Neck yourself commie fag

>being this mad

that's why we're better than you faggot.

...I admit I would want to own a gun too.

not for my defence, I feel save here - just to own it.

his stance is fucked up you nar nar.

90% of the country says no

You're still cloaked in your faux superiority?

One thing people forget is you don't need a long arm or even a large caliber handgun to fight a resistance. A smaller and lighter pistol like a 38 or a 32 could be used to discreetly kill a soldier and retrieve their kit. Resistance fighters did it in WW2.

Exactly. Insurance is crowd funding. Without the complete waste of money the government is when in charge of something. And you have the freedom of choice to shop elsewhere for insurance. "insurance" is not the problem. The insane cost of anything medical is. Until they get that under control it doesn't matter who does health insurance it will be un-affordable and lacking.

What are these statistics. Every democrat agrees we need some form of gun reform with most proposing some form of semiauto rifle ban and most republicans support background checks. It's a popular idea that mitch doesnt want to vote on.

what rifle we talking about for $1200?

But government sponsored healthcare has been proven to reduce cost because you effectively unionize the industry. Either you ensure all of us for this price or we go somewhere else.

and just wait until the government is making decisions on which child should be taken off life support and die because the cost is too high and effects the greater good

bullshit, the insurance industry is full of collusion and monopolistic power. gov isnt the answer, but its certainly not 'crowdfunding, but better' its for profit after all.


pretty sure you do though. you wouldnt have tried to brag about having an over priced AR if you didnt care.

Its not happening

r u seething, or fuming, currently?

setup. E.G. rifle, optic, sling, mags

I know right, jts insane bow much reoublicans dodge the facts.

Bump stocks happened friends, and yall said it wouldnt haopen.

we'll turn in our weapons when your gods and lords do first

The far superior binary trigger is still legal

“Military grade”

The cheapest item the government could buy.

Most civilian items are built to a higher standard with higher cost parts. Why? Because you’re only buying one of them for yourself. Uncle Sam has to buy millions and only has a limited amount of tax dollars it can use. Hence, hearing the term “military grade” means jack shit.

It is proven. That raising taxes on average people to an extreme amount does offset and hide the cost of health care.

WE ALREADY HAVE BACKGROUND CHECKS. This has been the law for as long as Ive been alive. This round of Democrat candidates are so completely out of touch and un american that I dont know how that half of politics can ever come back. At the same time the Democrats have also covinced everyone they are the party for the minorities when not even 100 years ago they were still the ones running around hanging niggers.

big narcotics are banned. That means nobody owns them or can make them.

expo fatso there is no physical way to have a bump stock

still though, i didnt see a pic of the setup. wanted to see.

No user, they've legal in your state. Not at a national level.

bump stocks were a retarded gimmick anyway. no proper lever of accuracy can be achieved with a wobbly ass end on the gun.

Doesnt matter, it passed

the fuck are you talking about?

something like mine is about 1,200

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it passed because noone gave a shit about them. nobody actually used "bump stocks". you think a gimmicky incomplete buttstock being banned is anywhere near the same level as trying to ban SEMIAUTO rifles?

whats the brand or did you frankenstein it?

PSA lower with random parts as they came up for sale.

look for "blemished" parts putting an AR together is simple. The most complex part is the "length" and gas system. After you get that down it all just screws or pins together. I put this one together years ago primarily with a multitool and hammer

No but it's a start. When people start to see how useless it is to own an ar, we will finally get movement in the senete

This. Just like immigration. Enforce the fucking laws.

One thing foreigners fail to realize is that the fact that America has an armed citizenry has a been a part of our national defense strategy from the beginning. Any country thinking about invading has always has to consider that fact. Unless of course they’re planning on invading New York or California

it's not the guns or laws
guns and good gun owners have always been here
it's the liberal socialist trained era of children that can't handle real life and go mental
fix your fucking kids and stop bitching about people's guns

I know how to build an AR friend. I have a PSA CMMG blend but it cost me $390.

sounds like a noguns faggot.

i'm gonna make a PCC that uses glock 9mm mags

The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordnance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be shooters behind any window.

Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.

The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.

So, the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.

"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using swords, knives and clubs against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.

That's why Americans having guns is so important.

Why are mass murders usually liberal democrats?

Purist of the constitution believe that a y weapon the government has should be available to the militias so as to stop something just like this. Legally you cn get a drone and tanks or pretty much anything not nuclear there is just numerous hoops to jump through. That is why we have state guard units and militias. They're to defend against a federal government that gets to powerful

The biggest keypoint in all this is the amount of Psychotropic Drug use in todays children from parents that want a quiet kid. you cant just go fucking with developing brain chemistry and not expect repercussions.


ITT: alternative facts

self hatred mostly. They invest a lot emotionally and financially in the cult so when the scales drop they usually turn to violence

the buffer tube system would likely make that recoil like a .17


is a new civil war coming?

yeah people with guns vs a bunch of trannies and SJW's

Look it up. All but a few were liberal whacks that support leberal dem's and antifa. It always comes out a couple days later after investigators look through their social media accounts.

Interesting. Scalia didnt mention militias being allowed to have certain hardware. He did mention citizens not being restrained from having arms. State guard units are not the militias referenced in the bill of rights.

Do more people die in "democratic" cities at the hands of "democrats" per year or mass shootings in "Republican" areas.

and you don't even need to look it up now. If the media drops a "mass shooter" story suddenly with no explanation then you can guarantee it was a leftist extremist

>a few hundred tanks vs. 100 million gun owners

If it starts your life will be very uncomfortable. All supply lines to cities will be cut off and your power, internet and cell service will be down within the first couple days.

This. Lmao. Cnn. Every time. Suddenly not a word about it. Purged from their website like it never happened.

My guns will protect me from NIGGERS. That's the real deal.

Maybe not in terms of enlisted men, but for example there are 41 aircraft carriers in the world and the US has 11 of them, more total deck space than all other countries combined

The answer is yes user. Thanks for playing.

man that's an impressive level of crazy unless you're just trolling

>200 tanks start the fight
>188 out of the 200 tank crews defect

please give me even one example I'm begging you

what does this even

Not even trolling. You are a blind follower you don't see it.


alabama school shooting

so the Dayton shooting according to you disappeared from the news as if it never happened?

The Dayton shooter.

Yes. Lmao. Cnn dropped it like a rock off their main page.

why does "alabama school shooting returned 70 MILLION google results?

no amount of talking to you is going to help you see the truth for what it is

>National Firearms Act
>Gun Control Act of 1968
>Firearm Owners Protection Act
>Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
> Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
>reg flag laws

how much more are we going to take? are their no true american's anymore?

There is no such thing as a given right. So long as the people are armed, the government won't take anything.

Never happened. It stopped getting coverage when there was nothing new to report. Also El Paso kinda eclipsed it. I saw something about the Dayton kid just a week or so ago anyway so wtf are you talking about

ok Ivan, you do you

what does this have to do with anything? The msm dropped the story suddenly because it wasn't in accordance with their ideology.

black on black crime is a nonstory because it points to democratically controlled areas as dangerous

liberal news outlets had it pasted across their sites in dramatic gun control fashion
cnn even had article with theories of him being a right wing gun nut
then same day all articles gone and just small mention about the mads murder

ahahahaha military weaponry is no match for my off-the-shelf guns and ammo

this isn't pokemon. Those two things aren't going to fight each other

Right. Because Alex Jones told you so. Must be true.

youre the first to mention alex jones

Not true. But keep repeating it and maybe someone will start to believe you.

Ha. You don't want to believe it so it must not be true. Fucking cuck.

you can keep repeating that its not true but nobody believes you more than you believe yourself

Defend the media's integrity. Its what you've been trained to do. I dont fault you. It's just sad really.

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thanks for the keks comrade!


It's not a shooter. It's a mass murderer.

Or, because it's different. There was a fight at the game and someone pulled a gun and started shooting. Six people were hit and a few others were injured in the chaos. No one died. The shooter was arrested.

This wasn't some hateful idiot planning to murder people for attention or a bullshit cause, this was an aggressive retard with a gun on him that got in a fight and pulled it out.

Not hate based. Not ideological. No one died. Suspect is arrested and facing charges.

ah its different. People can fire weapons at each other so long as nobody dies. MSM wants to report on death not some dinky injury.

are there no true american's anymore?


I'm not gonna go that far, but I will say that an inordinate number of them are leftist, socialist, etc.

The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordnance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be shooters behind any window.

Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.

The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.

So, the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.

"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using swords, knives and clubs against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.

That's why Americans having guns is so important.

your arguing with a troll or an extremely retarded individual with negative value self worth

The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordnance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be shooters behind any window.

Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.

The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.

So, the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.

"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using swords, knives and clubs against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.

That's why Americans having guns is so important.

It's part of the gun violence statistics now. If the MSM covered all firearms deaths in America, they'd have almost 100 per day to cover. If they expanded to injuries as well, they'd have closer to 300 'stories' every day. Wouldn't you get sick of that?

That a story about someone hating a political, racial, or other group stocking up on firearms, planning a murder fest, then carrying it out gains more national attention than someone getting into and fight and pulling a pistol seems surprising or conspiratorial to you is a fucking joke.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordnance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with JUUL pods. The point is that you CAN VAPE. You can annoy them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be vapers behind any window.

Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.

The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to vape first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.

So, the point is to vape. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't vape. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.

"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using cigarettes, cigars, and blunts against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.

That's why Americans having vapes is so important.

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I want the MSM to report on all the mass shootings in places like chicago. I want those mass shootings to make national headlines hourly. I want them to do it until obama moves back to chicago. I want them to do it for so long that it becomes a game of predicting how many and when will die. I want people to get sick of what everyone else is sick of. I want people to see how horrible these democratically controlled cities are.

I want the MSM to report a map of san francisco that shows plague outbreaks and "used needle and feces warnings"

nobody cares about the vape ban

did you serve in the military?



again nobody cares about the vape ban

am you come on here to argue with retards and children?

i'm bored

your pathetic, and if i served with you i would make sure you cane back in a pine box


the tolerant left everybody

you are gay dude

Chicago, the place with .5% of the population and 1.7% of the murders.

I think seeing 2% of shooting of the coverage on gun related murders being about Chicago would be fine. It's at least that much for some outlets already.

This. End of thread

I most certainly am not Gay Dude. G. Dude was a good man

This. People should pay more attention to this

>Are you fucking serious? The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal, and if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?
err so you and everyone who needs one gets the guns you want and of good quality more easily than after theyre banned?

The US military has literally been fighting a war against half illiterate cousin fucker hillbillies in Afganistan for 18 years and have been losing. Are you really that retarded?

Basically this pasta.

Also, the left severely underestimates the amount of military and police that are full 2A supporters, and would never follow an order to take that away from the people.

Signed, prior LEO.

I think they should send texts out like nation wide amber alerts. "Mass shooting between gang x and gang y". Let people see it happen real time and let them upload their acts to wurrlll star and make that interrupt CNN's feed regardless of the time of day.

CNN reporting on a drowning rat in hurricane dorian? nope interrupted to show shamarcus opening up on a house with his AK

CNN trying to link a random vehicle accident on the highway to the trump campaign? Nope Oranjello and Lemonjello twins are shooting at each other because one wore the wrong color.

You need a history lesson

they aren't underestimating anyone. They don't have a dog in the fight. They think they will get to stand by on the sidelines as a civil war erupts.

But see, you don't have to serve in the military to make them bleed.

well at least you admitted what you were


*nobody that matters

I'd keep my serious face on, just so I don't let on what I'm planning to do.
But yep.
I really don't understand how people can ignore the fact that farmers handed us our asses in Vietnam.
And guess what we have a lot of here?
That like to shoot guns.
And some are getting pretty pissed off with the state of things.
Those anti-gun fags should just keep stoking the fire.

The vape ban is a good example of what happens when a few ignorant people make enough noise to make the government change things for the worse. I don't vape but this is the sort of bullshit that pro 2A people have been putting up with for decades

>Those anti-gun fags should just keep stoking the fire.

Thats the point.

That's sort of reminiscent of "I know you are but what am I".
How pathetic are you?
Honest answer only please.
I'll be able to tell if you downplay the extent to which you are pathetic.
Trust me.

>How pathetic are you?
That's sort of reminiscent of "I know you are but what am I".

I'm curious to what their position will change to once the civil war starts.
Because I can guarantee you, anyone who values their life will be packin.

You retarded?

You're a piece of shit

>no true scotsman
Also, your superiority complex is duly noted. ;-)

I hope you die.

Finally, somebody gets it!

You're a sad, sad cunt that nobody loves.

I know you are, but what am I?

Keep on making stupid comments.
No one thinks you have anything valuable to add to the conversation

What's it feel like to be an inadequate person?

if you ever read about the nations that fell to communism or socialism they usually don't learn anything until they face the headsman's axe. And even then they only realize they made a mistake once they notice that it was their axe and the headsman himself was their comrade.

People that escaped the horrors of leftist extremist states usually argue to the death against its inception here.

You are the stupidest cunt I've ever seen

Yet another recycled retarded argument.
Somalia doesn't have the most powerful military the world has ever seen with fucking drones. Same goes for Vietnam, and that argument is from the fucking 60s before drones and real satellite intel.

Fuck off

And it would still remain a fraction of the problem, and one that doesn't automatically mean reducing the number of guns available is a bad idea (even if it were for other reasons). Just lets people say shit akin to "blacks drink a disproportionate amount of booze for their demographic, so alcoholism isn't really a problem"

>nigga pretends he's actually seen a cunt

Well put, but the left has already decided and will not be convinced by the truth or logic.

but could you imagine entertainment news networks like CNN being forced to do honest unbiased reporting?

Yeah, they never said Somalia had the strongest military.
Fuck all you retards that don't have simple reading comprehension skills, and or, simply putting words in people mouths.
Eat a dick if you're one of those people.

>Nigger pretends to be clever

>first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal

>if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?

the u.s. constitution lays out a bill of rights - any body of government that denies any of those rights is not a constitutional government, thus not a u.s. government, thus not a legal government

therefore, laws created by said government are not laws, they are violations of law and need to be fought until said government is eradicated and the u.s. is returned to a lawful country.

>I agree that people should be able to own guns for personal defence(wich is already an extreme opinion in my country), but one of the more retarded pro gun statements I hear a lot for americans is that guns will protect them from a totalitarian government.
>Are you fucking serious? The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal, and if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?
>I agree that people should be able to own guns for personal defence(wich is already an extreme opinion in my country), but one of the more retarded pro gun statements I hear a lot for americans is that guns will protect them from a totalitarian government.
>Are you fucking serious? The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal, and if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?
>I agree that people should be able to own guns for personal defence(wich is already an extreme opinion in my country), but one of the more retarded pro gun statements I hear a lot for americans is that guns will protect them from a totalitarian government.
>Are you fucking serious? The first thing a totalitarian government would do is make guns illegal, and if you are not going to follow the law, why do you even care if guns are legal?

What the fuck? I know they didnt. Thats the point, they omitted shit to make their argument seem sound. You can't compare a shithole like Somalia to the US

its not a finally thing. Ive always thought like that as i'm one of those pro 2A people.

You can't change peoples opinion. You can throw as much logic and facts into the argument as humanly possible but the only way to convince a "useful idiot" to stop fighting against his own interests is by letting them experience the fruits of their "labor"

as someone once said

Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times

I'd like you to do something for me.
Please, please, please urge the United States government to attack its citizens.
With the proviso that you will fight with the few enlisted that will side with the government.
Cause I want to see you get shot in the face.

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Rattling off 10 gun relating shootings each hour doesn't really seem like 'news' though, does it?

if they don't have a firearm but do have a video game console i doubt its an x-box.

selling a switch isn't getting enough to buy a gun

neither does months long news cycles about the presidents ice cream eating habits but here we are

As former enlisted most every soldier would side with the government. Know why? It's been drilled into their head to do as they're told.

>As former enlisted most every soldier


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were talking about the US military not the swedish defense forces here bjorn

They omit that starving niggers took down a Blackhawk?
Cause that doesn't make your argument any better.
Starving niggers brought it down.
Just think what the American people could do if they were being attacked by their own government.
What else do you want them to not omit?
That the guns the viet congratulations used were Chinese versions of the Kalashnikov?
Fucking a.
Stupid retards...

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>the u.s. constitution lays out a bill of rights - any body of government that denies any of those rights is not a constitutional government, thus not a u.s. government, thus not a legal government
>therefore, laws created by said government are not laws, they are violations of law and need to be fought until said government is eradicated and the u.s. is returned to a lawful country.
That is the first good argument I se in the thread. It only took 270 replies.

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It would have been a blip on one single day hadn't so many others covered the coverage for 'months'.

"Hey look, another evidence that Trump is a self serving, selfish, narcissist infant. On to the next thing."

tHe MeDiA iS fOcUsEd On IcE cReAm!!!

Shitler hitler

To start with OP dont seems to know much about what he is talking about or to put it simplified he is a totale retard or a troll.
But anyway for people that dont understand better and just believe everything they read on the Internet; How is North Korea?
If you dont understand that please read up on it.
The thing is, if you have a country that dictates everything you can do, is it a free country?
If you have a country that dictates most of the things you can do, is it a country?
If you have a country that doesnt dictate most things you can do, BUT, it dictates everything that could make it a problem for you, and by you Im refering to the ones in control, is it a free country?
And of cource OP is a faggot.

How do you inflict your bad grades on others?

entertainment media gonna entertain

Fox and such talking about it ad nauseum, you mean?

Lol you're so out of touch with reality.
I have family in the military you retard.
The last thing they would do are attack the citizens and constitution they swore to protect.
And as a matter of fact, a soldier is supposed to defect if they are given an orders to attack American citizens.
Want to keep on spewing bullshit outta your mouth?
I'll keep correcting you.

Nice try Shlomo.

I wouldn't know I don't watch fox

If 30,000 people were being stabbed to death with pencils every year, we might feel we have a problem that needs some solution.

these posts are being made by bots

Yeah listen to this user. We need to do something about the obesity crisis but everybody is arguing about guns!

Ah. CNN didn't cover or mention ice cream habits for months. Whoever suggested the media had was probably watching Fox et al. Don't know who you are.

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So why are abortions still legal?

the us military is volunteer. most wouldn't turn their muzzles on their neighbors, family, and friends.
not everyone is as hateful and easily led as libtards.

also, check your history books. america gets its ass kicked by gooks, sand niggers, and canadians.

Freedom dividend and Medicare for all?

>a soldier is supposed to defect if they are given an orders to attack American citizens
LMAOOOOO fucking source?

Why not make cars illegal?

someone who watched CNN cover the ice cream habits for months

Obesity crisis first then we can discuss socialism

If dicks' primary function were rape, I guess?

This argument is retarded. This happens on any god damn network. Fox did it for Obama with fucking mustard, a tan god damn suit, and they literally BLAMED WARS on him wearing a bicycle helmet


and the defense of willfully disobeying an unlawful order

yes fox and CNN are entertainment media not news

Primary function, transportation.

Extremely minor alternative use, homicide.

Does that describe rifles?

sounds kinda like the ford pinto


Primary use, obtain food.
Secondary use, self protection.

Sounds pretty similar.
Especially when they both rely on the intention of the "driver".

>Can gun manufacturers be sued for injuries caused by their use?
yes if a weapon fails and causes its owner damage the manufacturer can be sued.

>Are they pulling guns from the shelves?
like walmart and dicks sporting goods?

One thing at a time, ladies and gents, the government and populace only have the capacity for one thing at a time.

You read about the Posse Comitatus Act?
Thankfully someone else knew about it too.
So, lmao you fucking retard!

is the guns primary function to kill innocents who have done nothing wrong? or to defend yourself against government tyranny?

Oh i don't speak for the entire populace and govt "comrade"

>With the proviso that you will fight with the few enlisted that will side with the government.
He wont do it. He just hopes someone else will for him. The grabber fears cletus khan and his redneck hordes.

Id drag a little piece of led down the smart kid's scantrons when Id turn my papers in just to watch him cry when he got his grade.

>He wont do it. He just hopes someone else will for him. The grabber fears cletus khan and his redneck hordes.
also fears armed non-lefty voting hispanics, blacks who escaped the democratic plantation, roof koreans etc.

could you imagine what would happen if the most extreme of those parties would stop listening to the MSM and get along to stop the grabber agenda?

lefty as fuk

They sell these at the grocer so we can go obtain food with them.

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>they sell donuts at grocers so you can get just enough calories to survive

We don't need military superiority. Look at all the ragheads with $10 bombs that can take out $500K war machines in one hit. Just make the war too expensive and unpopular and you basically win
>See: Iraq War, Vietnam War, War On Terror

>Can gun manufacturers be sued for injuries caused by their use?
they can be if they have safety issues under proper use.
I dont think dodge was charged when a guy ran a challenger through a crowd of fags

famous man once said: The american military goes to war but flaming socialist leftists get tired

or defend yourself against government tyranny

the big rig manufacturer wasn't sued when their vehicle got religion of peaced through a group of people

The only place they'd be preaching their grabber agenda would be somewhere where they wouldn't be found out.
There definitely wouldn't be any public displays of their agenda.
But small pockets would probably be caught here and there.
I say, imprisonment for violations of the second amendment.
But I have a feeling some might just be dragged out into the streets and shot.

>The only place they'd be preaching their grabber agenda would be somewhere where they wouldn't be found out.
so basically public schools

You got a problem with me getting my food from the wild?
You don't get a say in what I eat, fucktard.

heres an option

Stop wasting time money and effort fighting the second amendment

start putting time money and effort into fighting the mental health crisis

Don't worry we'll repeal whatever law that says you can hunt for yourself. You will be brought to heel user. Your children will be transgender

If they want to be identified and shot later, sure.

Little johnny won't learn how to read. He'll learn how to apply makeup and fight the patriarchy.

Ah I see you've forgotten that we have lost every single fucking war since too. We cant leave any conflict right now and we are fighting third world countries you stupid faggot. Oh yeah and drone where invented in Vietnam. Seriously your such a fag. Go back bud

Don't worry.
You'll probably be the first to die.
But if I found you, and knew it was you, I'd torture you for awhile just cause your being a dipshit.

Drones where being used in Vietnam.

already illegal user. You'll have nothing left soon. We'll take it all.

In 5 years it will be illegal to drive a vehicle at night. In 20 driving a combustion engine vehicle will get you time in prison.

watch the news.




Lolz... Somalia

You should off yourself.
Your parents are embarrassed about their transgender son anyway.
It would give them peace to know your no longer suffering...
Do it for them.
Do it for us.

them and us is all there is user. Your alone

Along with 80% of the military when they are told to kill thier family and friends.

You're just making a big stink and a bunch of noise that people will get sick of someday.
Like I said, keep stoking the fires.

>people will get sick of someday.

and do what? by the time they have enough they won't own firearms or vehicles. They will be hopped up on so much estrogen and calming agents that they'll just cry. It won't even be legal to complain about it.

after the second amendment we'll wipe our faces and ready to remove the first.

The most powerful military in the world with drones cant even fucking defeat ISIS bruh

You know perfectly well you trans fags are a super tiny minority

why don't we just invade europe and sell it to the russians?

>super tiny minority
yet look at all the laws we've changed.

hard to defeat a terrorist organization when the commander and chief wanted to protect as many of them as possible

And you believe the american people would do a worse job of defending themselves than Vietnam and Somalia? Because of the time period? Is this nigger serious? Nah... this is bait

I know your a troll, but even if your don't mean what you say, I still think you should be shot.
No trial.
No explanation.
Just shot.
Right in the head.

How's it feel being hated by all humanity?

I am a troll but the most horrible jokes have a degree of truth.

They have time on their hands.

Yeah sure man. Totally the point.

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Is that rifle and magazine designed primarily for hunting?

Hey everyone, just cause this guys being a troll, we should all commit hate crimes against transgender people.
Maybe we'll get lucky and this fag will get murdered in the process

obama bombed kids user


KONY 2012

Are you designed to take dicks in the ass?
I'll take that as a probably.

primarily designed to hunt the commie pest

I think you could say that about any and every president that's been in office during wartime. I'm not understanding the argument here I guess.

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he bombed more kids than any other in history

Guess who will be laughing last.
I'll give you a hint.
It won't be the boys who think they're girls and who are scared of firearms.

the useful idiots? nobody cares about the serfs and plebs who fight for the socialist leaders

Killing machines designed to kill being used to kill is a non-issue because transport machines used to transport are rarely used to kill.

what about bomber aircraft?