Why is the news acting like this went viral, saying racism is taught...

why is the news acting like this went viral, saying racism is taught, when its should be obvious that toddlers are just stupid?

Attached: hugging toddlers.webm (360x360, 1.16M)

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Because people especially americans are dumb and are easily swayed by emotional manipulation rather than actual reason or logic.

Also very bad parenting to let 2 year olds, run free next to a road.

the news is party propaganda machines and has been for years

that black kid is goooooone...fastest tod alive.

The white portion of the US, is mostly descended from Germans and greatly prefer logic and precision. All you Eurofags see is our kike media and not a true picture of what we are actually like.

noooo two kids of different colour touched! why can't they be an alt right incel like me!??!

There's no such thing as the 'alt-right' or 'incels'. That's just more media subversion.

media subversion from what? it's just two toddlers hugging eachother and some how this is propaganda and media manipulation and in two days when a cop kills a black man you'll be saying the exact same shit, media manipulation to cause tension between the blacks and the whites. you people need to make up your fucking mind.

Those terms are divisive and extremely subversive, not the video... Wake the fuck up, please.

In-group preference towards similar looking people has been proven in toddlers already, stop listening to shitty media outlets.

alt right, okay fine. why incel though?

its the lizard people devaluing the dollar man

Why be mean, or literally hate people that can't get laid? It's not like it's rare or guaranteed to happen with certain qualifiers. It's a label that creates an 'other' and it's an 'other' that they want to create. To be a pariah, an outcast and potentially become an extremist that will go nuts and help push their gun and free speech banning agenda. Call people like me conspiracy theorists all you like, but this timeline is not natural, it's clearly manufactured. Once you see that, you can start to see what's causing it.

It's jews.

>lol i'm a retard, look at me saying retarded shit

Racism is taught, like any other social behviour, this is just a cute video to illustrate it, nothing more.
You guys arent even clever or fun anymore.

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Prejudices are learned, not taught. A strong and open mind can easily see reality.

Reminds me a story
> be me, 2yo toddler
> on the beach during summer
> a black nigger passes by
> first one I ever saw
> went to him
> touched his skin, just like I had to know if it was made of poop

He *was* made of poop.
I understood this day that niggers are poo golems.

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fucking kek my sides. alt right incels kys

if you're an incel look at it this way, you're failing at something every male in your dna line succeeded at in a time when it's never been easier. if you think that isn't pathetic and worth ridicule, you're probably one of them

Not the video itself is heartwarming but the fact how the whole planet is ejaculating over it. WE ARE NOT RACIST!

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Thanks for reading.

This is the gayest rekt thread I've ever seen.

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Toddlers are simply too young to know any better.

Look how fast that black kid outran the white kid. Clear evidence races aren't equal. Also has been scientifically proven sub-saharan africans are significantly genetically different than the rest of mankind.

Know any better than what?

That’s just the white kid’s superior brain making the black kid do most of the work

But the white boy was carrying a car, that the other boy was pointing at, while saying :
> " gib me dat, Conky " ;
so the rightful owner of the car kept a strong grip on saying:
> " you keep your filthy fingers off off my chick-mobile, or I'll kick your fucking head in, Treyvon
" ;
So Treyvon ran away ass fast as he could:
like Usain Bolt usually does, when he's being hotly pursued by multiple irate white men.


My two year old likes to hug the goats at the zoo.

You poor asshole!

friking luggenpresse

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It can be taught, but it surely isn't bred in people. Kids don't give a flying fuck what color somebody is. Neither should an adult. Blame melanin, retards.

You're so hilarious. How did you come up with that? Amazing

Honestly who gives a fuck

Imagine getting this mad all the time over stupid shit

Haven't read a single news article in months and I feel fucking great

Jews working overtime today eh wot.

>Racism is taught
Because if they can convince people that "racism", heterosexuality, gendered preferences, etc are both "bad" and "taught", then they can easily convince people that those in power must be given more power to fix them. If these things are to some extent inherent, then they will never be "fixed", and hence can always be used as a justification for more power, irrespective of how much power they have.

Would you say the same about da sjws and college kids? Do they have a reason to hate white people?

Silly question.

Why don't we see any black adults in this video that could be the parents?

>racism is taught
Racism is not taught, racism is learned. There is a difference.
No one is teaching kids "hey, look at those niggers. You should hate those niggers"
No, as kids get older and spend more time around blacks, they learn for themselves what shits most of them are.
At these kids age though, the ghetto culture hasnt taken over yet so black toddlers are generally on par with everyone else

Yeah, but after hundreds of years you mutts had to mix your filthy blood with the most disgusting things, there is not much German you left. Please dont understand yourself as European, dipshit

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Groups of children of different colors basically always segregate themselves in mixed schools. Not only that, but children in monoracial schools basically always segregate themselves based on other traits. Do you think there is no biological difference between the white dudebros and the white autists, considering that "high functioning autism" is basically as heritable as any other "racial" trait. People will always segregate because different people are better adapted to different environments, and humans, being social animals are one another's environment.

Maybe they are the ones who took the video, so they would be behind the camera?

Notice how the black child doesn't have parents.

cry more polcel

A kid running to hug his pet. It's cute and should be viral.

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>Do they have a reason to hate white people
The majority of them are either Jews or white themselves. For the Jews, the US basically imported the anti-white Jewish culture from the Weimar republic in its entirety, and the white-guilt industry has its roots in the extension of the holocaust guilt narrative by these Weimar Jews to also apply to those who fought Hitler and granted them asylum. For the white SJWs, they are mostly engaging in handicap signalling due to sexual liberalism.


Women want high status mates. Females of many species require potential mates to signal their status by engaging in self-destructive behaviour, since actually high status mates will be fit enough to survive the consequences of this behaviour, and low status mates will not, hence for any low status potential mate who attempts to cheat the system, the signalling behaviour actually is self-destructive. It's basically the biological analogue of conspicuous consumption, and most sexually dimorphic species engage in it. Rich powerful men can afford to survive the conseqeunces of SJW politics, as they can always just move away from the chaos, while low status men must live with the consequences, hence it acts as a reliable signal of status. Women will naturally know when low status men begin cheating the system since at this point, it will actually become self destructive, and the consequences will be observable, along with the kinds of men to be avoided.

Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims, etc aren't really "SJWs" for the most part, the "left wing" aligned ones are more just tribalists for their own groups, who see SJW culture as something that can be exploited to weaken their enemies, and the "right wing" aligned ones are basically just non-white boomercons.

An open mind isnt strong at all

That boy is gonna grow up to be a liberal bottom faggot

>grow up in liberal household, in multicultural area
>go to public school
>get randomly punched in the face 3 times, by three different black kids in kindergarten.

notice how the little nigglet had to stay running in front of the other boy. this is why they grow up demanding privileges, because they think they deserve free shit.

"white portion" of the US is heavily stupid

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>toddlers are just this stupid
I have to confess, your betahood SCREAMS from your post. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself.

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laugh and point all you want but our houses are 3x's bigger, we own 3 vehicles on average and can afford to eat steak 3 times a week. meanwhile this is you.

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the video went viral first - viral, as in popular

the news how has to show these viral videos in order to tag onto relevant, popular things to make sure people watch. the news has to literally show youtube videos nowadays because YT is the biggest competition nowadays

people will watch the news to see the latest viral videos, the same way people will literally just go to the homepage of video to see what's trending.

Because the majority of people are indeed STUPID they believe all kinds of bullshit TV tell them, most people are not rational, either they are full blown retarded snowflakes who believe this retarded video represent the human kind or they are the exact opposite, f cking nazis.

When you can just live your normal life without interacting with another race and is totally acceptable, no need for a excuse or moral reprimen, is a f cking right to live your life any way you want.

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Racism is taught. Obviously that's a hard concept to grasp for you because your stupid ass failed to learn anything in school.

You're right.

Alt-right should just be called what they are.

Confederate flag waving, Nazi wannabe losers.

you have to admit. it's pretty fucking cool

Racism is not taught, the guy saying it is learned is somewhat right, but rather the absence of racism is learned. Im not arguing it's right but racism is just an example of our instinct to distrust that wich is different from us. This boy has likely grown up in an area with many coloured people so he does not think it strange. I'm a filthy european leftist myself but i think to deny that we (lefties) are not racist is dumb as shit, we are all a bit racist, it is something we should acknowledge and work on for ourselves. If i see someone say: "Oh I don't have a racist bone in my body, I don't even see colour!", i automatically think you are stupid and part of the reason why liberalism is seen as such a joke these days.

did your daddy told this to you? usa: a bit over 70 cars / 100 amerifats. we can afford a lot more steaks a week but we don't want to look like you. houses are not 3x bigger. living space is only about 50% bigger. But I am really shure that you will never own the amount of capital I do in your life. And I am an so called Europoor.

Looks like a perfectly happy eastern european family to me. Look at those smiles, what's wrong with them? Concerning the bigger houses, that's true. There is a lot less space in europe per person so land is proportionately more expensive. As a kapitalist pig you should understand this.

This is pretty much on point.

Ignore the retards pushing an agenda.

This is so cool. If we all could stay this loving towards one another and not learn from society to hate one another....and randomly beat, hit, shoot punch steal and rape spray paint and urinate in elevators and poop in stairwells

I was honestly waiting for the black kid to steal that toy.

You are taking that meme too seriously? Maybe you are an old fat white American in a scooter?

I didn't know as a white person that racism even existed or that I was supposed to be racist until they made me watch roots in school. Coincidentally that's when all the black kids started acting up and fucking with white kids.

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you ignore the fact that many incels self-identify this way.

but racism is taught

>Losers who happen to look and think and act just like you self-identity as incels and alt-right
>OH no no N-NO! It CAN'T be true, it's all just a big media lie!!!!

LMAO, OP is the weakest snowflake on the planet. Getting triggered this bad by TODDLERS, LOLOLOL.

seripuslly though, find something remotely interesting to care about, you fucking loser

racism isn't taugh, it's learned by hanging out with niggas. Anyone who lives near niggas or deals with niggas is going to hate them. They are dumb af and contribute nothing to society

Not only is there a whole community of self-identified incels but the truth is it's not actually involuntary for many of them. Sex is less important to them than maintaining their victim complex.
Not only do such people refuse to better or change themselves to attract a mate but they refuse other solutions such as utilising sex workers or lowering their own standards to pair off with female incels.
In fact they deny the very existence of female incels, despite one inventing the term, because they reason that such women COULD get sex if they really wanted to and just lowered their standards enough. Of course the male incels hypocritically refuse to lower their own standards to such "low value"(their term) women as female incels, sex workers, and all the "thots" and just average girls.
See it's not really about sex, it's about opening a "high value" woman, one who all the Chads who bullied the incel want and are jealous of but who chooses to throw herself at the incel's feet and beg for the honor to be theirs. It's about insecurity and projecting your personal failures.

>Except for the people who do hang around them and don't grow to hate them but actually like them but they DON'T COUNT because they disagree with muh feels!

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you dont have self awareness until you're about 8 years old

racism is taught dumbass. You dont pop your lil head out of vagina and say "whew i sure hate niggers"

racism is taught AND toddlers are stupid

i was aware of race when i was 5. Didn't matter though, they were just different colour people. If i'd had a bad experience with them i would have thought people that color sucked forever after that.

My real problem is with stupid people and they're in every country, class, tribe or nation.

Awwwwwww. This doesn't sway my opinion on white ethnostates one bit, but awwwwwwwwww.

That's fucking adorable and both of those kids probably have good parents. But I grew up around black people. And those black people had their parents teach them to be super racist against white people. That's the most common scenario found. You see it all the time. Bad parents teaching their kids to be hateful and racist. Also teaching their kids that "only white people can be racist". So the whole "racism is taught" thing holds a bit of water.
You've probably never been to the US and don't really know anything about Americans beyond what your tv tells you
>mostly descended from Germans
And Irish in there too