Okay Yea Forums, vote for your President below

Okay Yea Forums, vote for your President below.

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Attached: poll.png (1077x910, 52K)

Haha butt.


President Buttgig, everyone!

lol, yea okay there.

Only 1 non leftist... hmmm...

No one is going to oppose Trump on the right.

need more votes

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Do this at prime time, it's 5am EST.

its always 7PM somewhere, nice holy trips.

okay, who the fuck voted for Biden?


>douches and turds but not based Yang
Fuck you OP

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Get fucked faggots!

Trump aint going anywhere!!

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Yangs poll rating was too low for me to include. I didnt want to dilute the options with candidates.

Attached: poll.png (884x343, 73K)

the poll data is bullshit, remember the last election?

Yang or no one!

Here's my vote

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WOW! You did so good on your homework project. You're Ms Johnson's favorite kindergartener, do you know that?

Make sure to add Yang next time too. Then we can see how many retarded neets are among us.

People still Trump meme-ing? Wow