Bipolar user here. AMA

Bipolar user here. AMA.

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>oh no i got a little upset today aren't i so biploar XD

fuck off

Have the meds changed your sex life?

ok congrats with your label. Everyone has some issues. Deal with it and stop acting like a special snowflake. You are not interesting.

bipolar people have no sex life cause they are not capable of having a meaningful realationship

Dope eye

>mental illness isn't real
>I know more than doctors
Dunning–Kruger in full effect

My sister was bipolar and got on disability for 8 years cause she couldn't hold a job. She ended up having to pay most of it back forgot why. It's easily medicated though main side effects is just sleeping all day.Off medication she is a fucking nightmare though. Don't let your bipolar ruin your families lives just take your medicine and sleep 13 hours a day and everyone is a winner

dont be such assholes, mental health is an actual issue and you cant solve problems by just telling people to suck it up.
grow up

Not true. GF spent 6 months in mental hospital, have great relationship, trying to reduce her meds because they're giving her diabetes - just wondered if she's gonna be more or less horny on less meds!

Not true at all, you can still have hobbies and interests to connect with people. As long as you take the pills you'll be fine.

Everyone has some kind of mental illness nowadays. And when you comment about it, they will instantly start whining. Fucking pussies.

Anti-psychotics kill my sex life and testosterone. For this reason I tend not to take them.

OP here, I got legit psychiatric issues. I'm on some powerful medication and have for years. Just wanted to answer questions about bipolar symptoms.

True Type 1 mania I am out of control. I have no control over my thoughts (still conscious control over some behaviors i.e. not purely psychotic). It's serious.

Lol okay. In contrast we have better sex lives because we're more outgoing and less inhibited. My manic sex is like being on a roller coaster on sounds and smells.

>be fortunate enough to not have mental illness
>make fun of people that do
Do you also go around pushing people out of wheelchairs you faggot?

When I'm on my meds you would have zero clue I'm bipolar.

no it's not. It's a welfare disease. You don't feel bipolar if you are hungry and do everything in your power to get some food. Have you ever heard someone complaining about their bipolarness during war times or during the middle ages? Hell no, even during the industrial revolution no one was bothered by it. You had to work to survive, so you sucked your feelings up. Today everyone has to have something to be special and draw their special card, so they can be whining and people MUST feel sad for them.

Yeah sure, he used her as an easy fuck toy. Try to be bipolar as a guy. No girl will want that.

Hehe thanks for your welfare dollars faggot. I spend them on weed and pizza. Hope you didn't work hard for them ;)

oh no look at me, such mental issues. I can not do work and am so sad. Wait till you are hungry and cold. Than all of the sudden your mind is capable of focusing on important stuff.

exactly what all those mental illness people do. To lazy to work. fucking whiny bitches

losing a limb is different than being too lazy to work and tell everyone that they MUST feel sorry for you.

how's it feel to get mad a little and call yourself bipolar?

you are such a special snowflake! Do you want to care bear or a fluffy safe space.

That makes sense... Thanks.

So we're back to mental illness isn't real and you know more than doctors. Get off your high horse faggot, you aren't special.

until something triggers you or when you realize Yea Forums is not a safe space

ok grandpa, tell us more about what it was like living in the middle ages, did you have doctors back then? and how was the war? did you suffer from PTSD? Is that made up too?

I think it's not real indeed. I think you are just acting like a little bitch who wants some attention.

I really don't want her to be bipolar at all, but I also don't want her to be diabetic.
The idea of getting home one day to find she skipped work and painted the house purple or moved all the furniture into the garden worries me a little!

So you know better than doctors? Cool, cool. Arrogant, stupid and presumptive. You're a real shining star.

You're a symptom of "Big pharma" trying to sell more medication.

Convince me otherwise.

I wish I was faking and larking for attention, you have no clue.

Well my little son, when the days got shorter it grew colder in house. Sometimes the toilets froze and the only place to stay warm was at the stove. All day you had to cut wood and work the fields and in the evenings you where to tired to think. The worst was at the end of the winter, when the food stocks got low and the warmth would not come. You'll desperately wait for the spring to come. Praying for something to eat and some warmth. Those were though times boy. No time to think about yourself. Everything was about staying alive.

Lithium, the main medication used to treat manic depression, proliferated before the "big money" antidepressants and anti-psychotics.

dude when was the last time you had sex? be honest.

see how hard you are whining. Someone doesn't give a shit about your bitching and you go loco all way. You just want attention and people to feel sad for you. If people don't you just start to whine harder. Just like a bitching baby.

Almost as bad as these dumb fucks who claim to be "autistic" You're not autistic , you're just fucking stupid. Theres no such thing as autism. Theres normal or retarted.

why are you awake user?

10 years ago, that the blue pills stopped working.

this! and those retarded are mostly people to lazy to work and start searching for excuses.

So, you're trying to convince me that you're not a product of mass-marketing by telling me about the drug you're sold to alleviate your "symptoms"?..

Good strategy.

these have to be fake...
now people dont believe in autism?
there is literally no hope for them... good luck anons

The only one whining here is you. I'm just calling you a retarded faggot for it. Retarded faggot.

20 years ago no one was talking about autism. You just had hard working people and lazy people.

fair enough. But I was not the one who starting a topic to get attention.

Professionally or self diagnose?

Is situations you get in usually grizzley??

still waiting for a legitimate answer, tbh.

this. Fucking special snowflakes everywhere.

Sup op
I'm on lamictal

Didn't read through your thread, and i don't know if somebody already ask you this; what's the worst thing that you were overacted, and are you aware of the situation around you when type of shit hit the fag

*when that type

Are you a trap?

How big is your girlcock?

>jews tell me what to believe

Peasants enjoyed unprecedented and never repeated levels of free time during the middle ages under church rule

>doctors know
How to sell you the drugs of big pharma

Autism diagnotics did replace retardation ones, check both curves

I fuck your mom just fine

What do your thoughts smell like when you go crazy?