How do we combat the waves of s0i boys and Reddit cuks that have orchestrated posts on Yea Forums...

how do we combat the waves of s0i boys and Reddit cuks that have orchestrated posts on Yea Forums? will the right rise again soon before election? i want that 2016 meme warrior feel back here again.

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Just vote. It's not a Red VS Blue sports ball match. Your hiring a president and some representatives, maybe some local judges too.

All the leftist cucks that post here, just make the left look even worse. It's actually fair to mistake that they are actually right wing and actively trying to make the left look bad.

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top tier cat meme friendo, please let pepe take over again.


Nah, son. Nothing can take the stink away from your bois killing ppl everywhere. The right is imploding on itself and us new generation are grabbing the popcorn and watching it die.

Probably shoot yourself in the head. That will show them.

The right is growing everywhere in the West and only becoming more relevant in reality.

The only chance leftists would have would be if they managed to change the demographics enough, that they would always win elections, no matter what. I'm not going to allow myself to live in a world where my only option of food is bugs, and the only place I can live in is a sleeping pod, while a handful of elites such me dry of all of my life.

Go back to /pol/ you retarded alt right kiddy

found the jew

Politically-minded dead jew cultists can only talk about gays and abortion and giving money to Israel but will never stand up for the White race. It's almost like they're not playing for the same team, hm? You faggots LOVE those hostile immigrants and did NOTHING about them because "at least they're not atheists!"

kill yourself autismo

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actually many christians are against jews, its just the easily manipulated masses that act as you say. America in general has a history of being "antisemetic" i am a christian and i stand for the white race .

most people i don't like coincidentally turn out to be kikes.

jews and niggers first

Your retarded agenda will never serve you in life. it will only prevent you from having friends and meaningful relationships, so enjoy that

niggers already prevented that when i was a good goy and thought we all were the same.

There will be a civil war in 5 years

>hurr durr just vote!
Except I did that in 2016, and our Government is so broken Trump can't spend 0.5% of the federal budget on a border wall that the American people voted for.

Does that sound fair?

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

Attached: Total Federal Government Budget 2015.png (1003x915, 146K)

Are you fucking retarded? Try making sense when you speak.

Litterally you OP you fucking npc bootlicking cuck

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Federal budget? But I thought Mexico was paying for the wall? Should we just foot the bill ourselves?

that time fucking sucked dude politics need to take a backseat from Yea Forums because it's been eaten up with it since, back in the day 2016 was when Yea Forums started getting really fucking shitty

Antisemitism is still strong in Poland, and there are plenty of young, attractive people participating in antisemitic, anti-Islamic, and anti-globohomo right-wing youth organizations.

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>country gets totaly fucked by Nazis
>wow that was awesome, lets worship this
>calling everything else cucked
You cant make this up

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why not skip the middle man and vote for Amazon or Google? Red and blue, it doesn't matter, they're two sides of the same coin. But both are pawns of various corporations, hell just look up "dark money political donations". And no, I'm not anti-capitalistic. However you need a balance of both. Capitalism is your bread and butter and socialism is your safety net (like social security). Now, go full socialism and you Venezuela yourself. We just need a better 3rd party, there is no more left and right, we're only left with the extremes of each at this point.

>that 2016 meme warrior feel

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I dont recall being asked to vote on a wall, you fat lying degenerate fuck

>2016 meme warrior feel

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You don’t, they eventually go to pol because they think it’ll be fun to troll nazis or whatever and inevitably convert

just tell them they're niggerfaggots

>I use confirmation bias as the basis of my worldview
What's it like being fully retarded. Like do you know you're retarded or does everyone just kinda humor you so you never notice?


fuck you nigger. anyone left of center needs their skull caved in.

the right are going to reee their retarded way into even more ridicule.

A big wasteful government sponsored wall is pure socialism at it's worst and you should feel bad for wanting it.

If you support it, you are a socialist

Go suck your dad’s cock and you’ll get that very same feel again.

Check out Help me on Roblox

Updated the meme to fit you leftists a little better. Thanks loser, enjoy LOSING in 2020 again oh well! :D

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this. Im europoor and confirming

Well, yes it is a broken political system. It has been like that for decades. He finally got it funded now though, through the pentagon.

im a rich european and cant confirm

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You're literally human scum.

Trump supporters are massively pro government. They're going to destroy this country.

The second most likely outcome of gun ownership, the first being a useless toy that gives you tinnitus even with muffs.

Those dogs are the worst.

Don't sweat it, user. Even if the left succeeds in banning firearms and getting a democrat in the white house, I believe that most conservatives will not relinquish their firearms. That means that we'd have a completely disarmed left, and a well armed conservative populace that contains 2/3 of the current military/ law enforcement and 90% of veterans. So, when civil war 2 erupts, we will fucking slaughter them. We may not have advanced degrees. But, we certainly know how to drop a deer from 500 meters. Doing the same to a human isn't any different.

very badass kek

I wish that were true, user. But, my sisters are leftists who love bernie and aoc and regularly extol the virtues of the green deal and affirmative action. They are literally that stupid.

Not at all. Trump favors deregulation. The left is pro government because they are socialists. They actually want the government to tell you bile much money you can make, where you can go to school, what you can drive, and what doctor you can see by showing the government to impose higher minimum wages, eliminating school vouchers, pushing the green deal, and forcing single payer healthcare on us, comrade.

The most likely outcome of gun ownership is it sits in your closet or safe except when you go hunting or target shooting.

Second most likely is it is used for suicide. Sucks but where there's a will there's a way

Third most likely is it gets stolen and ends up being used by some darkie shooting other darkies in some gun free urban ghetto.

Pretty sure the left wing rural areas probably won't relinquish their weapons either. I know a good number of black good old boys that love hunting and shootings as much as any Redneck but wont give Trump the time if day. As for the black bloc and commie types you can be assured they will keep thier weapons.

I'm so far left I dont want a state at all.

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here's my 2 cents: if you want the right wing to win, then let the left wing do whatever stupid shit they want. They will keep pushing and pushing and pushing it more and more until the barrel spills and people turn from being left wing, to being right wing.

Example: importing half a million sand niggers into europe. Leftists loved it. Now most of the SAME people who said ''yes let's take in immigrants'' changed their opinion.

we kill the jannies one by one and very slowly

the wall was trump's main campaign promise
you degenerate cocksucker

and kick all the kikes out

>there is no more left and right, we're only left with the extremes of each at this point.
bill clinton had more right wing white nationalist white supremacist (insert other jewish shit) words about the border and illegal immigration back in his days than trump ever has
the kikes are razing western nations with waves of shitskins

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to be fair, I'd rather just shoot illegals on site. The wall is a fair compromise.

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check the stats
you lefturds are human scum by all metrics
conservatives live longer, make larger families, have less fatherlessness, commit less crime, have less STDs and so on and so on
you're the scum
and you're killing yourselves

holes dont count

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Left and rightwing are memes for underachieving extremists losers. Just be responsible and take care of yourself and others like a real man.

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Kekerino is right

ANTIFA is an anarcho fascist terrorist org

communists aren't people

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This. I’ve seen a bunch of reddit type posts and responses lately. I don’t understand it.

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>I don’t understand it.

how else would you manipulate a website like Yea Forums into choosing "a side" also.

/pol/tards aren't going anywhere for a multitude of reasons.

Most of the /pol/ shitposters on Yea Forums are banned from /pol/ for being faggots.

Others avoid going to /pol/ because it moves slower than Yea Forums.

others avoid the flag and ID's because it makes it harder to shitpost.

/pol/ is apparently full of the dregs from (4+4) chan which booted the normal users out.

they aren't going anywhere unless gookmoot bans people avoiding the /pol/ quarantine

If you see a /pol/ thread you'll note that the majority of the time they will be talking to themselves.


bernie sanders should pay for it. Nobody needs 5 houses

That's corporate left.

The real lefty bois and socialists who support classical liberal ideals, we support gun ownership. Freedom and equality for individuals means freedom to purchase and consume whatever you want.

I believe abortion should be a legal option, but I personally wouldn't get one myself.

and I currently support some immigrant vetting and border processing. not "importing hostile immigrants"

it's almost as if when you intentionally misrepresent the left into a made up strawman it's easier to make fun of and parody.

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first thing: don't vote. the system is depended on people enabling it by interaction. and the red vs. blue is just a smokescreen for the gullible.

second: mind your own business. don't waste your time on getting mad over lazy niggers or dumb white-trash (avoid & move on). get a job and start making money to improve YOUR life instead of playing don quixote against the liberal windmills.

third: get married, get kids and raise a sane generation that can be the antidote to millennial insanity. we need kids with traditional core values.


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Dogs are better than cats to be rather curt.

nah imma vote for trump. The whole argument between the two sides is too hilarious to let go

He's got a point there...

I hope someone runs up and shoots you in your dumb fucking head.

Then there's nothing to worry about.

They'll fuck off after the election and it's not worth the money anymore. You'll have more ironic shit than actual shills.

Nationalism broseph. It's dead in America, hence our fading republic.

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You are in the way.

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Mines are cheaper than a wall. Prove me wrong =]

NYPA, faggot.

remember, it's liberalism, then left, then LEFTISTS.

You goys just triggered ALL my Benny

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Gonna fuck everyone with logic & facts

they'll just do what they usually do and switch sides.

2024: Republican extremist Beto O'rourke says "I never said anything about gun confiscation NEVER"

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We're still here user
And its a guaranteed god emporer win 2020

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The wall is up retard
Use the small computer in your pocket


They've orchestrated posts? What sort of posts? I've been away for awhile, what are they up to?

And its up

10/10 chance that this is a leftist infiltrator.

Spotted the newfag

not really orchestrating anything but the /pol/ spam is them. they think they're having an effect but we'll see come the election.

expect DDOS and ridiculous amounts of spam if donald trump wins 2020

>your reflection in the monitor

The wall is up
Where do you mongols get your info lol

Delusional much?

Like a lefty could operate anything more complicated than a microwave

the goal of /pol/ trolling isn't to make a coherent argument but to cause the other party to become angry.

It doesn't do anything but waste time but whatever

well most of them end up as mass shooters or using violence to make themselves feel better so

shit like this

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Only right-wingers aren't automatically nazis. Most of them only support similar stances on certain issues, rest is completely different.

its more like vote for a 3rd party or you're throwing your vote away

its actually fucked by communism that's the opposite of nationalism.



I'll bet you joined Yea Forums in 2016... (p_-)


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hey guys. im new here from reddit actually myself hahaha. do you guys wanna be friends or what my \b\ros?

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haha :)

Id love to fuck his sister

You don't join Yea Forums and it was around 2007 I first got on.

Alt right actually has facts and stats and isn't emotional until the leftist reject truth and proceed to spew lies to promote false outrage.

nobody cares about anyone's facts if they did they wouldn't discuss it on a board labelled "random".


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best comic and explanation ive ever seen.

My father was actually violently attacked by a monkey man the day that Treyvon made the news, they only arrested the nigger on out standing warrants my father has sever neck problems now. I should be able to use that anger and rage but im unsure how to politically channel it, if I post flyers about black on white violence it will be on the news as hate speech right?

>when you realise it was the Democratic party that got Woodrow Wilson into office. The very man who admitted to condemning America at the end of his term

Thanks Woodrow Wilson for letting centralized banking into America!!


sup nigga

We have to raid reddit.

>Sargon of Akkad body pillow

I imagine that's what the standard consevacuck NPC message.

but when we do, we must flood their Yea Forums subreddits with porn, gore, and nazism.
Here are some good contenders;
r/Yea Forums

and r/wholesomegreentext for lulz, but the raid must be coordinated on a discord server because if we post here, they'll be prepared. i say we open a discord server to discuss the raid, and ask a password for anyone who joins.

that shits retarded they already fuck themselves over by absorbing so much SJW shit.

raiding Yea Forums is pissing into an ocean of piss. Raiding reddit is like carpet bombing a ren fair consisting of nothing but autistic children

Then enlighten me on what to do then.

they hide real CP and illegal shit. Find it and report it to the entertainment media. Make them a public spectacle

take away their "safe space"

but where is the illegal stuff?

Its there user. They like to hide it but its easy to find.

Does have to be only me?

nah explain it to others. Do it for the old lulz

It shall be done. Not only for lulz, but for great justice.

walk with kek user in the spirit of shadilay

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thank you, but I must tell the blue checkmarks how alt right they are, and may kek shine on us all.