People Fucking Dying, Gimme your pest ones
People Fucking Dying, Gimme your pest ones
holy shit dudes hella dead and if not would definitely want to be
OP here, someone post shootings
Dumb bitch lol
Electric shock?
Nerve gas
no surely big by snake
Look at those poor poor Mexicans, they can't even afford to feed their dogs proper pet food they gotta feed them each others' nuts. Refugees welcome tb h.
What's happening here?
Did he die?
Oh my fucking god that's horrifying
Nerve gas
My dude didnt even fucking flinch, dude had been waiting for this his whole damn life
What a legend
KEK. George Lucas fucked that nigger
genuinely want to know what happened here
I like that he started reaching for his gun as soon as he saw a nigger come to the door. Smart ginger.
is that fan blowing out nerve gas?
OP here, post gore ass shit, tryna scare my normie friend rn
Lol what a fag. Gettin his dick sucked by a dog.
Why were they filming? Was this a prank gone wrong or something? I don't understand
I think they were arguing, it looks like a mall and it probably has something to do with a combination of shoplifting and amphetamines.
t. Californian
LOL. Look at that chimp go "watch my moves from back in the jungle"
OOga Booga
1. I"m impressed he dodged everything up until that point
2. Notice the guy just casually walk away
lmao prolly fake
>Notice the guy just casually walk away
Asian morality
Damn, people should do something about those random nerve gas clouds.
How is there barely any blood? Seems fake.
>be american
>get shot protecting the petrodollar
thank you for your service
Trump has had the EPA de-regulate them.
alpha as fuck
Story behind this?
I was part of the NCIS team that investigated this as part of a much bigger federal investigation involving the use of nerve gas. The guy you see killed was carrying a 50 pound canister of highly compressed nerve gas. His plan was to use it inside one of the trains to maximize casualties, however, he did not expect the previous train which didn't stop at the station. The vibrations caused the canister to rupture on its side, propelling him at an initial velocity Vo of 45mph. The speed combined with the still propelling gas caused him to hit the sign at over 60mph. The sign was well designed and tested for these type of situations so it suffered minimal damage. However, unfortunately for the deceased, human bodies are not designed to withstand that type of impact, resulting in what we see. The canister also disintegrated on impact. Nerve gas quickly dissipated, however, tiny amounts reached the second guy in the video, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him crazy enough to want to jump onto the tracks. We do not see that in the video, but we can see him approaching slowly.
that shop was already robbed twice this year so that fucker didnt take any chances
Fucking nigger dogs need to be exterminated.
gosh I wish that were me
There are these spics called mexicans. When they disagree about stuff they tie each other up and do things like this.
How would you even cross the road safely, green or red it doesn't even seem to matter
nervous gas
...okay... But what's the story? Cartel or something?
OP here, its actually exactly that. A man owed Cartel money and well you can see what they do
I hope that driver got fired >:(
lol that nut shot
lmfao, here's to another funny rekt
Of course. Cuz they are not pussy cucks like Americans who depend on the corrupt police force to "protect" them.
Real people looking for justice do the justice themselves. THat dude that got his dick eaten off by the dog may have raped a little girl. The neighbors did what they have to do. Cuz the police would get him and give him free housing and food in a prison cell. Fuck that. You do harm, you get harm. You're fucking asking for it. Wanna live a nice peaceful and prosper life? Then do no harm.
Were the gas canisters inside the tent?
I don't even know where the FUCK to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
Now if only this move would catch on in the black community
Always gets me, the way he walks in like such a badass
I agree thumbs up to you user
Too long didn't read
Cliff notes version please
He no die. Can clearly see he's in a fuckload of pain, but not dead.
no u
The best part?
He probably did nothing wrong.
In America you can be thrown in jail for accusations.
In shit hole countries you could be skinned alive for being accused of touching a girl.
This is trying too hard and way too obvious.
No, electric shook
Nighty night, nigger.
OP here, Am going to bed, before i go gimme vids of niggers getting shot
I crashed my bike at 20kph and got road rash all over my left side
This guy crashes at who knows and I can't even see any damage
He looks just a little red
quality is kinda shit, he got dragged for a long ass time, he's fucked
Bump, give me your most fucked up shit
He never got to finish the cigarette.
He drove all the way to a 7-11 and show the cashier his gun and kill himself
Purple face is purple
Brown recluse spider.
Fags lol
I love it when the goid guys win.
Gorilla snatching a baby?
yeah my dad was in a similar accident to this and he had to have basically his entire arm and part of his face skin grafted
Now this is a back story I need to know
how is that even possible
>>stands there for another 25 seconds
I watch it to avoid doing something to get myself rekt.
It's gonna be a bitch getting the red out of that shirt
Now that's a knife
i love this pic but i am not sure if it is legal
i was once banned for posting it lol
And which rule EXACTLY does it break? Mods are pussies nowadays banning people for posting animal abuse and stuff. They sincerely think their personal feelings matter on Yea Forums and ban people on a whim like they have a right to do so lol
Is he LE/security? wtf
Why don't the faggots get used to the fact that ids die too and Yea Forums has no rules lol
Old boy doesn't give a fuck, just walks off and leaves the cunt to die.
kek, saw this one, he tried to rob the place while the guy next to him was an off duty cop, don't think he died though
are you not allowed to post a picture of your own kids body in a casket? lol
He looks fine
No aftermath photo so who knows
After my first slide I bought used leather suit for $300
It was 5 years old but no smell or scratches
Wiped out literally the next day
Leather held up fantastically, just scuffed
OP here, please no kid shit. thats too fucked up
kek i remember this copypasta, thanks for making me chuckle
how the fuck
fuck off
Tfw bad guy wins the struggle
And how is this supposed to be impressive?
I can crush cans with my testicles
Time to clock out I guess haha
a smart nigger
build that wall! Those mexicans are nothing more than dessert white walkens
How? That's life Yea Forumsro
You're impressed by this?
What about it impresses you?
Have you never seen an animal with it's head cut off before?
Somebody got the gif of the frog head watching it's body being eaten?
Old mate is like fuck this 180 im out
heard the story a few years ago, can't remember much, the guy stabbing is a cop and the guy on the staircase did something with his wife, can't really remember anything else
I hope someone takes a hammer to this cunts skull
You done fucked up son
Most animals still have some reflexes even well past death. The mouth of the fish is just feeling something is in its mouth and chomping as hard as it can. Its why you shouldn't try to selfie-cam yourself sticking an arm inside a shark mouth for example
What the fuck is your problem?
Not everybody can afford an abortion and not everybody wants to pay to have their fetus sold to the highest bidder.
Skin cream, pepsico, etc.
That fish loves coke.
Im a little drunk user
And i kek'd enough a bit of wee came out from your choice of meme
Well played
i only thought tentacles had those reflexes, that's totally new to me. thanks user.
So apart from stay the fuck away from mexico and china, what have you learned?
personally think crime fighting nigger is a better filename
He's wrong you know
It is false to think everything dies after beheading
Wtfs your problem, that child as more a right to love than this whore, she made her bed and should fucking lay in it. And if abortion is so expensive she should just whore her self out for more to afford to murder her baby, dipshit
kek the absolute state of mudslime brainpower
OH you edge lord nobody fucking cares. get help.
you are implying that niggers have rights, they do not
niggers thieve
Damn sauce? Was she killed?
Me also
no, she took time to recover but she eventually went back to kindergarden
I meant did she kill herself or was she killed by an adult retard.
That's not how it works stop trying.
Rape happens to you know
Girls can become pregnant from rape
>just whore yourself to pay for a "professional" baby murder so we can sell it for pepsico flavor studies goyim!
yeah retard, a 6 year old was so fed up with life she tied a rope to the ceiling and hung herself, do you really think a 6 year old would fucking know how to kill herself
Dude children have killed themselves. Some 8 year old hung himself a few years back.
4 year olds have accidentally shot themselves.
>accidentally shot themselves.
different scenario
she looks to be 6 in that picture in my opinion, the chances of her knowing how to kill herself and managing to tie a rope to the ceiling seems so unlikely its idiotic to not assume this was murder
fucking plebs. didnt even show anything
>Rape happens to you know
Not the kid's fault
It's true
They do
nerve gas you nonce
let's piss off moralFAGS some more
I love how the chick had a gun drawer unlocked and ready
I wish I lived in USA
I wanna shoot niggers and Muslims so bad
Most likely this is just a whore who's trying to commit murder. Trying to justify it doesn't change a thing
>>Rape happens to you know
>Not the kid's fault
r u kidding me? some kids want to get raped, just look how they dress
public service
It's a fetus
A rape fetus
I'm not gonna lie it actually makes me diamond hard imaging raping a little girl and liberals forcing her to give birth
It's every niggers dream come true
I hope they burned the stumps so he didn't bleed to death
"Murder" requires a human killing another human
A fetus is not a human being like a bulb is not a flower
is that a whore
no some random chick. chink was mad about his gf and attacked just some rando girl
Niggers shooting niggers
Nothing new
steal fluid sold as cooking oil?
is it cooking oil?, cause if its not, isn't it like extremely poisonous?, how much can they even steal from there, like a litre or 2?
wow talk about beating a dead horse
shame, that black dude looked like a really nice guy, wonder what the dude's motives were
is this brazil?
Worldstar Worldstar!
how do you defend against this?
>Have sex
Ok !
everything here is brazil
It's mineral oil
It's not poisonous, but it's not a food
So graceful.
No but seriously, story? There does seem to be oddly little blood.
Only if he pays her after
gamma rage, who's got the story?
this happend actualy a few hours away from me the black guy was mad about his gf leaving him so he went on a killing spree and it was all over the news because they didnt know where he was going he made the old guy say the girls name and made sure he knew he was shot because of her the guy later killed himself in his car happend like 3 years ago
Morbid curiosity... Is that what brought you into this thread too?
Why would you ever leave your bike locked to a stop sign at night ever?
i am going to murder the president of the us lol
u faggots r useless. have to do everything for u. is it really that hard to google shit????
America is fucked up.
Shop dude blows him away and empties his clip to make sure.
Would do the same, but man ... this world is tough
Maybe more guns will help?
How do you get this shit to play on iphone
She deserved it.
Might be his only chance in life to kill a stupid nigger, better make it count
The bloods will come
i don't have it but post the christchurch shooting video someone so we could get Yea Forums banned in sheep fucker land
that shop was robbed before. he was ready and he did it perfectly
Being this retarded around large prey animals? Deserved it.
Accuracy of this one is so good
Hopefully just a lot of broken ribs, but it looks like he probably broke his spine.
It's already banned
The bans don't work though
The best way to execute these ISIS motherfuckers would be to burn them alive, since the Quran prohibits it.
Why somebody runs up and grabs a chunk of log?
I watched again and again
I see nobody get hit
Was that even a gun or his wallet?
Because niggers are stupid. Also i dont think anyone was hit.
what did he throw up there? a wire or something ?
What did he throw to agitate that nerve gas?
those people are so disgustingly sick.
and they're the future of america
"Reaching for something... "
Like the ground to prevent breaking his nose after kneeling and being told to lie face down?!?
yeah, it's a total coke head.
Guy was accused of touching the dudes daughter so they fed him to he dogs
He was actually innocent though
It's copypasta
Welcome to Yea Forums
tried to pull down the wires probably to steal them. used something metal to do that, what a genius
Why would anyone even watch this?
Filename kek
Morbid curiosity
I want to be the guy who cuts up dead bodies to find out how they died when I get older
I'm using this to desensitize myself
thanks for clarifying user
damn the fucking scum killed himself, would've wanted him behind bars, rotting
Or you know... put in jail for life.
If it wasn't for date rape I'd never get laid
Now if only I could get a date
Wow. I hope a pitbull bites his balls off
The legendary coomer in it's true form
nerve gas
Uh, that was necrophilia.
damn made in China katana
She's just pale
lmao is that his dog?
Yeah, pale bluish green..
on top of the tent
yeah i read the article my dude, this is a real shame as the old dude looked like a really good fellow, not like those nigger scum that rob stores, the fucker said he killed like 13 other people but the police said they didn't find any clues
Those aren't muslims, it happened in Jerusalem.
saw the video with sound, feelsbadman
definitely a gun
Tranny weeb
Nothing of value lost even if it was real
that was a muslim kid retard
took it from liveleak, you can clearly see a gun in that video, its a low quality version here so its less noticable, guy died btw
Story? Looks like yet another terrified whiteboi murdering an innocent man.
Please already accept the fact that only White Christian Men have a right to life and property
these are israeli cops in a mosque, i remember they told the people to get out so they can investigate something
Curiosity you pussy.
WTF is happening there? Why are the other guys just standing around. Was it such a good doggy?
What was it about?
it was real, and why judge a guy based on what he wants to become, hes still a fucking human, if he did something bad, sure
Oh, okay then.
i remember a year or so ago there was a video where an 11 (or maybe 12 fucc i remember) year old girl livestreamed her hanging herself. iirc her last words were i'm sorry. anyone have that vid can't find it
Fuck I wish you didn't make me remember that..
It's good seeing that peace officers have the right to take a life on a whim and people can't argue. This is a good society where there is clear authoritarianism and a strong leader.
guy named shuaib, goes under the nickname shuaiby online, was a r9k user, he livestreamed it on youtube and you can hear his friends crying and telling him not to do it, 10 seconds after he did it i presume his mom walked into the room and started crying, this went for another 40 minutes as cops went in to investigate
>and why judge a guy based on what he wants to become,
because it is rightful to judge a fagoot for what he is a faggot
judge was the wrong word here, you're right about judging, but you can't act as if its okay that he killed himself just because thats how he was born, i know were on b and its cool to be edgy, but come on man
He died defending against the horrible nigger filth.
she was a cutie. 2016, couple of days before new years. katelyn nicole davies
Wtf is that thing?
end of 2016 wow time flies when you buzzed. fucc i should drink less
also this is perhaps the only death video i have seen that made me cry
Must've been No Gun Friday
he had a gun, like 3 different cops told him to keep his arms up and the retard thought he could pull his gun and shoot like 6 cops while at gunpoint, video makes it look like its multiple shots but its only one
Thats what happens when you get too comfortable around a lathe.
Or any rotating machines for that matter.
The full video with sound was an utter mindfuck. You watch the sun set while she sways gently in the breeze. The last thing you hear is her mother calling her name in the gathering darkness....
That's depressing, anyway, thanks for clearing that up.
to clarify her last words were the only time i've watched people die online where i burst out crying. fuck this world for real
Its a Harlequin baby. For the love of God, do not Google it.
yup his mom found him and his room full of brain matter. i wouldn't blame her if she took the easy way out herself
He's cracking open a cold obe with the boys
yeah, that sway... and her mother calling for her in the background, phone ringing constantly
fucking hell i didn't know he had a mentally ill son, i feel sorry for him now
It was a fake death to escape his shame
Shame he felt because being a tranny weeb is shameful
this is the look of a perfectly healthy daughter.
my friend's aunt works at a hospital and she actually witnessed one being born. she yelled and well she no longer is present when births are involved
>People are born as crossdressers
If that's true, he only ever had a 60% of jot killing himself anyway
it's a miracle colin can still do comedy after his crotch goblin turned that mental...
She also did it wrong. The bodyweight is supposed to break the neck, causing instant death. She strangled, slowly, painfully, horribly.....
yeah, she strangled herself. she was strong as in she didnt fight but took it like a man. kudos
No blood splatter and movements after mag dump fake bullets?
That's a lot of work for some pussy
>fake bullets
ok there buddy. time for bed yet?
I don't understand these people. There's a fucking bunch of humans on the escalator, why wouldn't you use a fucking stairs neat it? It will be faster.
is it bad for me to hope she is in the best corner of heaven right now...
You're welcome user
thats the thing. people r so fucking lazy. i always use the stairs when possible
I have the same question for both of these fags.
Driver fag and wannabe tough guy fag. Was it worth it?
dont believe in that shit but she prolly is. she had it rough and she decided when to go out
wow do learn how the human body and bullets work. unless you hit the heart or the brain or the aorta to cause a massive and sudden drop in blood pressure you can survive a full mag for quite a while as in until you internally bleed out
You gotta admit, that's one determined nigger
No. Its okay.
talking about being born gay, trans, whatever, as a guy that thinks being trans is being mentally ill, the guy didn't do anything wrong
American, he lived by me
thin wire
airdropped to the kitchen
also nice numbers
Yes, let's use an extremely rare anomaly to justify murder
>"Yeah, this webm shows an 80 year old man raping a girl, but you don't know if the cameraman had a gun to his head so don't judge!"
I don't get the mentality of trying to keep everyone alive no matter what. Give the dude a fuckin ton of morphine and let him drift out of his unbearable misery. We have a lot of evolving to do.
Those high quality terrorist execution videos look fake.
Fucking 4k video of them dropping caged people in a pool?
Or rapping det-cord around their necks and popping their heads off?
you do not understand human physiology.
u cant. liberals will say its murder.
>lets fix him up to some extent
>let him suffer
>he has his whole life ahead of him
fucking liberals
it is not odd. at all.
Is the the intro scene to Jane Wick?
why wouldnt they be able to buy a gopro like the rest of the world?
yeah. i have all those vids. nowadays everyone can buy a gopro and be a "director"
Always happens in Chinastan.
somebody buy this slut 3 little ceasars lg 1 topping pizza, 4 big macs with extra mayo, 3 baconators, 8 chalupas and a diet coke. This bitch needs to eat!
oh look a thread full of dumbfuck edgelords who think debasing themselves by watching what their jew overlords feed them until their brains become so atrophied and primitive as to be indistinguishable from a common niggernoggin. how fucking novel.
none of you understand what you're doing to yourselves. which is fine by me, there are too fucking many of you anyway. if any of you are worth saving, you'll listen: turn back.
she has gained weight now and she looks pretty decent now tbh
>pussy always fat
why are you on this thread, pussy?
Not even in Moderation?
Bears are so cute
yeah, from a distance, unless stupid fucks go near them, then its all fun and games
"please don't kill the old man, please don't kill the old man, pl- fuck you"
made an improved version of the gif
whats her name?, think that was intentional?, does she have any material?
figured out her name, guess i can do the rest
wow sherlock
Goddamn. Everyone in the clip is armed.
But the black shirt guy is a fucking idiot.
>gonna draw my weapon in self defence.
>better sprint right up to the guy and let him grab my gun
It's weird that I can watch all of this weird shit while eating lunch, but when someone starts eating poop I just can't handle it
this is by far the most fucked up thing i've seen on Yea Forums. You have outdone yourself my good sir
A valiant death