The woman on the right called out the thing on the left for wiping her disgusting ass with our rights...

the woman on the right called out the thing on the left for wiping her disgusting ass with our rights, the lives of real Americans

guess which one is still on the debate stage tonight?

fuck these people and their pet Monkey-Pig

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be you
>absolute racist fucker
>complain about someone being black and having different opinions
No wonder your type has no friends lel
>pic related, it’s you

Attached: 19FC36BA-99DA-401F-9AFC-778D33B44F5D.png (733x798, 570K)

project harder, faggot

>absolute racist fucker
go be a nigger somewhere else

>no friends lel
how is this a thing?
I mean I know about the no gf, but you guys also don't have friend friends?

Why aren’t people assassinating anyone anymore?

too many non-violent video games

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fuck outta here with that shit

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any nudes on the one on the right?

op here, ignore him

but seriously, Sonic spammer, what do you think about Tulsi not getting in tonight?

This thread went where it belonged.
In sonic yiff hell

You sound like a dumb twat.

yeah, Yanks get their chance at the first non-tyrannical leader in decades and Sonic spam comes up, not surprised

Look, everyone just vote for Yang, and let's keep the clown show that is America going for another four years, but this time people will be pissed off about "communism".

>be a real liberal
>support Tulsi over Kamala
>must he a racist
>check privilege
>still vote tulsi for not wanting to jail offenders of fake crimes

I would've loved to watch Tulsi debate Trump

that's just the other flavor of democrat, the one with prion disease that eats at their fucking faculties until they've signed everything they own away to fill an obligation they never fucking had

god I wish more dems were like me

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god I want to fuck tulsi so bad

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op here, thank you again based sonic kun for keeping Tulsi in your heart!

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it's just not fair

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I'd bet she's a dom

two words; cocoa-butter titjob

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>guess which one is still on the debate stage tonight?
the one with black privilege

I was so exited for this thread to die, but then you forgot to sage. You prick.

you want me to sage your dubs?

lol, doesn't matter because op is back to suck dick and bump with an unrelated image, your fate was sealed

trying to get outside and get a couple bowls in so I can shitpost all night

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oh and we /random/ thread now

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no wait, /comfy/

also fav ps1 titles

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Tulsi's barely a Democrat to begin with...even more conservative in her positions than Harris. But DUR military hot lady.

>get a couple bowls in
might as well join you

that's what i liked about her. she's probably theo only one that could've destroyed trump

here have this

Attached: kings.jpg (1280x720, 294K)'re a fucking idiot. Republitards already tried that shit with Palin and it turns out being hot isn't enough.


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Nice try, Putin. We know this is you or one of your trolls.

Her right-wingedness is what I wanted in her. I think she had the best chance of drawing sensible Rs to ousting Agent Orange. But she is too placid, calm, and collected. Murica wants shock and spectacle. Alas, Ds think Biden has the best chance and he's going to be their nominee.
4 more years of Trump, folks.

trump would put palin in ruins in a debate

Nice deflection - hoping to confuse the dim-witted into thinking the Russians support the Dems.

*Anyone* would ruin Palin.

As a Democrat, I am very concerned about the Kremlin trying to infiltrate our own party. Tulsi is Putin’s second choice after Trump.

That's a ... unique theory.
Please elaborate as to why they support her.

>As a Democrat, I am very concerned about the Kremlin trying to infiltrate our own party. Tulsi is Putin’s second choice after Trump.

dude the whole DNC is compromised by China, Russia, and the Mexican cartels

Because the media told him so... kek

Just do a search on Russia Today and Sputnik News. The Russian state media is publishing a lot of positive articles about her. There’s your proof.


Well... there's a lot of positive to say about her. So it's a 'convenient truth'? That's a lot different than going to social media with propaganda campaigns like they did for Agent Orange.

>The Russian state media is publishing a lot of positive articles about her.
why is this a bad thing? Russians can't vote for her. Also, she is a very positive person who likes to surf. What are her negatives?

op reporting from garage smoking bowls, phoneposting like an aba-daba

Russia looking a lot like a midwesten night right now

The Russian state media is our enemy. They are known to use it to try to influence foreign elections as they did in 2016. If someone has a lot of positive articles about them published in Russian state media, that’s definitely a red flag.

Oh. I just did a search. I see. Well... shit.

nice, thanks user

Try this,

That's fake news. Our own mainstream media is our enemy. They stopped reporting news long ago and are now spreading propaganda.

Why do you side with Putin on everything? Do you work for him perhaps?

more fake news

So here's a thought Now that we're all aware of Russia's influence, The Russians now act like they support a candidate they actualy do NOT want to win. That way, everyone says, "The Russian propaganda machine supports XYX - that means XYZ is bad. Don't for for XYZ."
Hm. So it comes down to one thing: listen to the candidates themselves, read their stances, watch how they behave on TV and try to interpret the body language, and picture how they'd do in 'situations' all on your own. Fuck the media. Use your own brains.

Either one of these smokin hot goddesses could wipe her ass with my rights. I'd pay to watch in fact.

Holy shit, Ivan - that's too far. You're giving yourself away.

No, tell me: Why are you so cozy with Putin?

triggered commies

Again, Ivan:

I’m not a commie. Trump and Tulsi are for liking Putin.

Pretty much.

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prove it

Nice try, Ivan. We know it’s you.

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women are cucking women now?

That's 4 words you dumb nigger

i want to see the nudes, faggot

What makes it worse is Harris is a fucking horrible candidate, even worse than Hillary. Everytime she talks it comes across as if she's struggling to remember her scripted lines. She was fucking terrible in the debate tonight.

this is way more productive than arguing on a Nepalese Off-Track Horse Racing Coat Check Deposit Ticket

Cope harder Ivan.

>Harris worse than Hillary
I completely and totally agree, dems be fuckin' up hard this time

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How’s the weather in Moscow?

Did you watch it? I already know you didn't, but I'll await another canned kike line from you

idk fam, in southeast Michigan it's a little chilled, bugs are still rocking loud, everythings wet but smells like freshness, I think I saw a shadow person last night so I'm trying to work around that shit

I did watch the debate, and was very glad that one of Putin’s assets couldn’t make it.

too bad sonic-kun left, I like my threads image-laden, as that is the mark of an image board.
Have some old papes I found on an open d

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>muh russians

If you watched it, tell me what Biden said when Castro called out his record on immigration. Should be easy for you to answer since you watched it, kike.

they look of shit but they're real classics

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It would create martyrs and give legitimacy to retards.

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>sage a thread with a good ppoint
fucking why?

it was just GiTS and DB btw

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because people like that are the real bad actors, not like that braying ass thinks the Tulsi supporters are.

/pol/ wouldn't know an infiltrator from anyone

It makes his team look bad

Because it’s a Russian thread.

I just donated to Mommy again. I dont gaf. Ima go she her in in iowa tomorrow too


He said that unemployed people automatically get Medicare and won’t have to “opt in.”

anyway, long story short

a shill convinced everyone we're shills, Tulsi actually said something, koala is a nigger, I need more pot

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wasn't AOC "mommy"?

I said immigration, not health care. Sorry bud, gonna have to give you an F on this one. Might wanna give that ESL class a re-do.

oh wow, a GT

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Because she's not insane like the rest of the democrats

>wiping their ass with our rights

funny how trump has did this,yet his supporters dont seem to mind.they just keep cryin about hillary and the democrats even though they elected a president who's been a democrat most of his life

Yet not a word from you on our blatant democratic influenced media.

Did you create another fake American persona to do that with as well?

thats why they kicked tulsi out

the internet has become a gulag under his watch, pure coincidence I'm sure

Attached: Dragon Ball - 063.jpg (1600x1200, 252K)

You can choose from Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC. The media is not Democratic-dominated.

god I must be bored

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He did a great service by trying to sage this Russian thread, but it turns out that one person is nothing against an entire Kremlin troll factory.

my dick salutes the one on the right

I'm like one dude, you psycho, and you debated with another dude(?) about russia, that's it

take a break, McCarthy

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Then your dick salutes Russia. Nice patriotism you’ve got there.

How can you say that with a straight face?

Democratic party controls about 93% of all US media, more then enough to call it state run single party controlled propaganda

Fox News is one of the most popular news channels and it’s not Democratic.

I knew /pol/ wasn't smart enough for this debate, that's why I had it here. This board has the brains for some ungodly reason, on both sides, or of any alignment

we're so boned, characters like and such, plus the Dems are trying to kill us too. Fuck, when are morons going to realize there are more prisoners than guards?

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you have no idea how my dick thinks

>listen to the candidates themselves, read their stances, watch how they behave on TV and try to interpret the body language

>Fuck the media. Use your own brains.

Are Americans REALLY this stupid? I just can't imagine existing as this much of a brainlet.

when people are forced by the government to not have kids

the ones that are addicted to the news, yes

Hey, Boris!
Say "Keel moose and squirrel"

Attached: Boris.jpg (1272x920, 111K)

>Baseball, Coca Cola, Mickey Mouse, Paul Rudd is likable

wouldn't be so bad, life is an imposition

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>The media is not Democratic-dominated

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Laughed harder than I should have.

jesus, even I'll concede that media is democrat owned and operated, it's just the leftist does equal democrat, and I'm leftist pretty much, except fuck niggers

pic unrelated, new machine, not much going yet

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*does not

that was a big fuck-up

>Keep the US out of destructive foreign wars
KH is a Zionist
>Actually go after the financial institutions
KH sucked their dicks as CA AG

Tulsi is the best choice.


>Chinese spies on staff
>Trying to warm relations with Russia against Dubya's and Romney's wishes
>Hand-in-glove with corrupt actors South of the Rio Grande who want to push drugs and dregs into the US
>By and large cozy with Israel, or erroneously vilify it as a white colonial power
Yet Tulsi and Trump are the problems for supposed Kremlin relations.

Yeah, hate Tulsi for beingly mildly attractive and vote for bitch who slept her way in to power, willfully and knowingly sent people innocent to prison and loved the death penalty until she wanted to blow autistic liberal retards for a vote.

what did she actually do in the military? wash dishes?


I hope da media is slithering through this thread, they need to see Kamala, Buttplug, Idiot Token, Tonto, etc., all meme candidates that are negatively energizing the party at Hillary levels

... and that's a bad thing

>wash dishes

Are you actually this stupid?

This nigger, get better jokes.

kek rekt

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fuck, I'll even go Green, I'm just so tired of being associated with democrat baggage, it's a dirty word anymore

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She commanded my cock to stand at attention

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no street shitters thank u

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>imagine having such powerful cognitive dissonance and cognitive bias that you liking a candidate of an opposing party forces you to fool yourself into thinking and saying this

for politics she was hot. A real life 6 is a politics 10

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Idiot vs louder idiot

Trump knows things, he knows more than anyone about everything, and he's got words, he's got all the best word. He's a very stable genius, he knows things you can't even imagine, He's got the highest IQ one of the highest, and he's in the best health of anyone his doctor has ever seen. He's the youngest person in the world and his wife's son thinks so too.

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Don't forget that he knows things about hacking others don't, he knows more about hacking than anyone.

as a yuropoor i like orange man

women make major just because. you do know that major is the lowest staff rank, right? it's where they put people that have to be promoted but they don't want them to get any further. it's kind of the same reason they have lite coronals. so they don't have to promote them to birds. you don't know shit

The thing is that i wouldn't let politics get in the way of saying
>she's hot as fuck
as they did with Palin. Goddamn liberals let politics get in the way of good pussy


whelp, must be true

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whatever, this sucks

they took my cool surfer president and replaced her with a cop... nigger


whoops, forgot pic

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this looks fun

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I hope that soon I'll be able to volunteer for proper white male reeducation, where Sen. Harris can personally regulate my toxic masculinity levels with some kicks to the genitals.

Tulsi offers the same service, except it's footjobs with silk while she plays ukulele