You are a snake. Your goal is to eat. Dubs make the choices and I draw them

You are a snake. Your goal is to eat. Dubs make the choices and I draw them.

Attached: it begins.png (550x550, 21K)

Eat shit while crying faggot


Eat ass

Find my ass. Start chewing on it.




What are you rolling for?

it eats itself






make it so that it says "reply or your mother dies in her sleep tonight"



You're not very filling, and you can only eat so far before you get stuck.
reply or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

Attached: full of yourself.png (400x300, 14K)

You got dubs, what does this mean?

Make snek wearing a tuxedo

snake finds food and is extremely happy

meant to reply to

snake grows 1 leg

Snake forms a Mobius Strip.

> deliver

Infinity consuming, infinitely consumed.
I have grown to be more powerful than one could possibly imagine.

Attached: ∞.png (625x375, 20K)