Ask an old fag who went to prison in 2008 anything. Just got out a week ago

Ask an old fag who went to prison in 2008 anything. Just got out a week ago.

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bullshit. post some proof

What did you do

We're you diddled in there? Did you like it?

How much gayer than a prison rape is 4 Chan now?

Why`d you smuggle cigs you cheeky cunt

How different does society seem now?

Do you have support from family or friends to help get you back on your feet mate?

First time in? How are your job prospects? How old are we talking about? White collar crime?

did they take away your ability to answer simple questions, you attention-whoring fag?

How much butt-fucking happens in the joint?

I did a slightly inappropriate magic trick for a 14 year old girl.

No, but I did know a few guys that did.

Well, I must say that so far it looks like it's gone down hill here.

Not ad much as you'd think. It was minimum security.

Well, all this shit with these different genders is a bit fucked. My family won't talk to me and it's hard to find a job.

First time, hard to find a job. I'm 39.and see

I feel for you, man. Finding a job is going to be a shitshow... do you they have any kind of employment assistance? Did you do anything productive with your time? Was the punchline of the magic trick "poof! now I get to register everywhere I live!"

They are trying but no place wants to hire me. I told her I could make something of hers disappear forever, and she didn't believe me. So I made her virginity disappear.

"slightly inappropriate"

I mean, it's not like I killed her.

>felon here
>private companies is the only way
>have a few skilled trades under my belt
>not living comfortably.

was it a white kid?

What was it like getting anally reamed with nigger dick daily for the last ten years? Asking for a friend

I like fixing mowers. Maybe I could try that?

Yea, I'm not into niggers.

How did being a diddler go over with your fellow inmates?

I never did. Like I said, minimum security. Kind of like camp really.

You're an idiot for getting caught and deserve it.

Been with girls every age from 13 up and not been arrested yet. Cops had cell phone records and text history's with the 13 year old and I and still couldn't get me because I'm not retarded.

I got my ass beat a few times.

well, how as it? Tje food, enviroment, it must be alot different from the outside.

you will be fine. Yea Forums has the majority gay vote

You ever get your wig split for being a chomo, chomo?

Care to share some pointers? I'd like to get the show back on the road.

>Slightly inappropriate magic trick

Made your dick disapear?

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How about you greentext your best stories you kid diddling nigger scum?

Toronto is the centre of Canada still


Lol, of course not. But be honest, weren't several of them INTO you?
>lol i liek what I did right there

Not it isn

Im with this guy.

>greentext now chomo

I'm getting tired. Maybe another day.

Some anons never learn

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What is your favorite restuarant.

You would. Either youre fake or youre too scared to recollect the ass ramming you got. Youll fit in here with the newfags, faggot.

I hope you never find a job dipshit

Chuck E Cheez. I like to have my dick stick out of the ball pit.

I hope you choke on your own cock faggot.

Would you?

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I pay good money to see when the cops chop that dick off the ballpit

We really are barbarians when it comes to punishing crimes. In the US at least you're punished FOR LIFE regardless of the sentence, and while I'm not saying some don't deserve it, we take away your ability to be gainfully employed with a scarlet F.

I have to felons on payroll now. One is a kid who killed his best friend on his 21st birthday in a single-vehicle drunk driving wreck. He did his time but couldn't get a job for the life of him afterwards. Yes, someone died. Does this kid (man, now) deserve to be punished for life for it?

Sit on a fat big black nigger cock and let it fill your anus with cum
That’ll give you plenty of anally ingested proteins which released into your bloodstream faster therefore giving you a surge of energy
Niw you’ll have plenty of juice to greetext you queef sniffing cuck



sure, why the fuck not? I'd say cars.. But away from the public is better for you.

You're killing my boner, dude. Tell us a story about gay prison sex

What line of work? as for the punishment, no idea. The parents of the other kid could have stepped in maybe. An eye for an eye.

It's similar (actually in some ways milder) to what happened in the USSR and similar countries. Ex-inmates often had limited prospects for jobs or housing, but they were still guaranteed it because the state was supposed to guarantee everyone a house and a job.
Honestly I'm a critic of the punitive mindset in general.

>one time i taek shower
>i no have towel
>ey who stole towel
>guy slap my soap to floor
>pick up soap and start feeling trapped
>guy is impaling my ass

You're damaged goods my friend. If you were weak enough to get caught the first time I can't help you.

Leave the teen pussy to the pros, you go live in your single wide.

Would you suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?

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Does it trigger you that so many liberals like me make their home here now?

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You do realize that friends of the girl know you're out and will beat your fucking ass and very likely castrate you at the very least if not leave you to die in a National Forest.. How are you prepared for this?

Do you enjoy knowing how many times Andrew Biersack's lawyers have tried to get injunctions to stop this?

Care to share your techniques anyways? Asking for a friend.

I came

It's time for bed Hillary.

Not necessarily A lot of girls that go for this kind of thing basically don't have any friends or family that give a shit about them in the first place.

Were you executed?

so that's a "yes"
you're a snowflake who obsesses about people who aren't President

Yeah. And then there was this girl. They know brah. What are you going to do?

op did nothing wrong. his human rights were violated. i'm sorry our shithole society stole your life and future from you. deal with it retards.

You got something to exchange for my time

I'm not op

Yeah my sweet, sweet butthole. Come and get it sweet cheeks.

welcome back old friend

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You came here to get a rise. Stop projecting everything about yourself on other people. You're mentally ill.

This is a good question

>I'm not OP
You should be glad. You'd be harassed and hunted down until your penis is burned off using some sort of caustic while you plead for your manhood.

Look, all I asked you is if you were mad that so many liberals like me are here now. You're pretty much proving my point snowflake.

Explain what happened

If that were true probably half the men in Florida wouldn't have dicks

Nobody wants a used prison butthole you fag

they don't

^ This.

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The best way to punish a pedophile like op is to make him fuck as many 14 year old girls as he can until he pukes. That'll stop him

Yet another reason for wanting Florida to sink into the ocean.

The same is probably also true of a lot of places.

Especially anywhere with the large black or Muslim Community

Only point we should be making here. What pussies Yea Forums has become that every faggot tribe on the planet has the balls to fight for its own social justice movement and we still can't stand up for this. Love ya, OP. Give me your venmo and I'll send you a couple thousand dollars to help you get back on your feet. Fucking savages around here these days I swear to god.

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Why does The Grifter refuse to divulge his taxes?

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I would say 8-16 just to be safe. You don't want him switching preference years on us.

What TV show or movie represents best the prison you were in?

Home theater consulting/installs. The guy is a natural with clients; I'm tempted to set him up and kick him out on his own. He'd do great. I just feel for him; I was always jaded and figured you do the crime, you do the time, right? Well he did. 10 years in prison, most of it cakewalk, but the hell he lived for the two years after he got out were far worse. His story changed my mind about what a felon is.

Looks like a giant glory hole.

>Does this kid (man, now) deserve to be punished for life for it?
yep, he does. the kid he killed has zero chance for anything.

Learn a trade and stop raping little kids faggot.

I can't. You can't make me.

no rape occurred


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I fyou don't want to do the time and be punished for life afterwards, don't do the crime. Fucking moronic weak-minded faggots.

Ah yes, the tragedy of a life snuffed out before its prime.

In the US, 400 people a day die due to accidental circumstances.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be punishment for making a bad decision, or a series of bad decisions. But a life sentence of daily reminders isn't the right choice.

*crack* *sip*

If you recognize the value of that life, you should recognize the value of another life. Otherwise, you're just as bad.

The number of illegal things you have done is higher than you know. It isn't illegal until you get caught.

feminists that so many of you idiots complain about and purport to despise, pushed for the creation of statutory "rape" law. it was created by old jilted women solely to punish men that can fuck young girls while the old ladies get left behind. so if you complain about feminists destroying society why do you blindly swallow this load of shit?? use you heads you brainwashed dummies.

Ah, thus the moral quandary. Thank you for so delicately pointing out the obvious you dumb fuck. It must be nice to live in a world of black-or-white absolutes.

I would go to prison for a decade if I could impregnate these two women.

Any time. I like making people morally uncomfortable. That's why I'm here.

you're going to get your dick burned off

The Americans have found this thread.

No, the laws were made by men well before women ever had political power. You're stupid and wrong.

>cheeks beat
Gotchu fam

> laws don't change
> strict liability laws such as statutory "rape" laws have been the norm since the time of hammurabi
i'm not too surprised to find here something as stupid as you wrote

Please explain

You'd never be able to get any 14 year old pussy even if it were legal, so you should find something better to do with your time than fantasizing.

All a perspective that can change, with time it will. Your morals based on jewish/christian holy scripture vs the ever changing tide.

The Tanakh has been around for 2000 years and counting.


It's Yea Forums. Do you even have to ask?

And the salami disappears! It's MAGIC!


Amerifat locks you up for 10 years for that? 14 is legal here, and murders don't get that much time.

As you can see by some of the replies, Americans like locking people up and ruining their lives afterwards.

this 100%. one of the shittiest nations on earth

Jesus, Yea Forums has turned into whiteknightfagtopia.

I wouldn't go that far, but we've got issues that other developed countries don't have.

Did you see the video of a pit bull eating a rapists genitalia?

>fantasizing about sick shit

Did you make your PP disappear inside her?


I love that fucking cat, post original

OKAY Batman. Epstein had millions and still got busted.

Like you actually know anything faggot. You have school tomorrow

>One is a kid who killed his best friend on his 21st birthday in a single-vehicle drunk driving wreck. He did his time but couldn't get a job for the life of him afterwards. Yes, someone died. Does this kid (man, now) deserve to be punished for life for it?

Yeah man he only killed somebody, it’s just sooooo unfaaaaaiiiiirrrr

That's not what he said, faggot

do you know who won Randy Orton or john Cena. in WWE 2010