What is the most immediate threat to humanities survival? What is the most severe?

What is the most immediate threat to humanities survival? What is the most severe?

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natural selection being derailed

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The Spanish inquisition

Natural selection doesnt apply to humanity anymore

That's my point

Natural selection got derailed the minute that PC and science started figuring out how to save those that wouldn't have made the cut 100+ years ago. We need another bubonic plague style event to level the field



Moral decay.

Computers and brain damage.


moral relativity, which usually just translates to no real morals

The fact that we aren't invested in space exploration. If we don't get off this rock we're fucked as a species.

Shit skins and kikes. Shit skins will over populate and drain the resources of the planet rapidly and kikes will destroy everything if they dont get their way.

This X10. All sentient life must master steel and the stars or die.



Meteor. Failing that, our failure to develop and transition to safe non-terrestrial fuels. Nuclear should just be a stepping stone to exploiting our solar system's resources.

Ugh, I hate you. I am forced to reply because if I don't "warn" you I am "responsible".

Storms stronger than you imagine can be formed under current conditions. The stalling of the jet stream, aka "blocks" (loo it up lazy fuck), can cause a very destructive pattern to persist for months or years. Most of the world's population is already dead.

REMEMBER READING THIS IF YOU CAN YOU FUCK UP PIECE OF SHIT: The northern hemisphere will be destroyed in a single year. What you think is real is a dream and what you imagine can't happen is just waiting to be realized.

Sigh. How many hundreds of times have I typed this? Get to the equator while you can. Get to high ground once there.

Fuck your arrogance. You cannot begin to imagine how much the survivors hate you.


communism need to be erradicated


Why the fuck didn't the dog just fucking eat it

are you from the future?

Good dog. Good chicken.

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The absence of nuclear fusion. If we don't/can't/won't figure that out, we're basically doomed.


Long GRB without a doubt.

immediate - deepfakes destroying the concept of truth.

The influx of all these non whites into our civilization.

How, exactly?

That wouldn't destroy 'humanity.' You could argue it could stall scientific advancement or destroy a certain culture but 'humanity' could live on without white folks.

Faggots like this guy, moralfags have ruined society.

Communism is horrible but it's on the decline and poses absolutely no threat to humanity as a whole.

I was joking. I was implying that non whites aren't human. Something I only sorta believe.

I don't see how it would destroy white people lol. Most cultures get assimilated into white culture. That's what all the lefts complain about. OH NOES our CULTURE is gone. Literally people adopted white culture because it's better.

>i only kind of believe it hahaha
>it's just a joke guys, i was doing it ironically

Resources being wasted on frivolous things. Oh boy a plastic toy for your kid to play with all of 3 min then never touch again. Alcohol is a complete waste of all products involved. I could go on forever


Cultural marxists have a firm grasp on all European nations. Communism is the overthrow of white civilization by the so called oppressed people of the world. You would be a fool if you couldn't see that the white man's countries have been taken over in the last 60 years.

>What is the most immediate threat to humanities survival?

>What is the most severe?

Thats beautiful user

The muslim scourge and mass coronal ejections. Roughly on the same tier of severity.

Well I believe that non whites have no fucking business in our civilization, but I hesitate to claim that all non whites are not human. Of course niggers aren't, but I can't in good conscience lump them in with the Chinese and Japanese.

Humanity would persist without white countries, dumbass. It would just be another five thousand year evolutionary cycle to bring it back round again.

God damn, there are a lot of dumb fucks on Yea Forums these days.

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>degenerate weeb
You're on the same level as niggers

Stone age to the Renaissance took longer than that. We would have to evolve new white people. IE people sick of niggers who move so far away for so long they become another species.


Jews, followed by Muslims and then niggers

She just wants to be a momma :

That's because of a bunch of autistic reddit kids came here because we're "edgy".


>you have to sift through the people to find the humans.

Humanity is clearly the biggest threat against humanity.

Faggots who use the word edgy on a regular basis.

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Uses the word "edgy" GG

but wait, do they have weed at the equator?

This is the right answer.

ha, zing. It's funny because it's true, see.

nuclear war is the most immediate
climate change is the most severe

Climate change and a famine/refuge crisis in places that are too broke to cope with the droughts and natural disasters that they will have to deal with constantly. Also the expansion of the power of China and their modern approach to Communism through building infrastructure in valuable developing countries and island creation in the South China sea, something Japan will only put up with for so long

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Other humans.

7/8ths of the population should be killed immediately.


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where is there a communist country. Are you still stuck the 60's?

Ifunny fag

The correct answer

rogue black holes which are completely undetected that would wipe out the entire world in an instance, leaving not a trace behind.

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Uh... that's not the way any of that works. Feel free to cross that one off the "shit I need to be worried about today" list.

How's it work then?

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What about this shit? Not a rogue-hole, but what if one fucking lobbed a god damn star directly up our butts.

And what if your microwave generates a wormhole that undoes our false vacuum?


I'd cum on it

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I'm not saying there's no concern about a extrasolar body disrupting/destroying some or all of our planet, but the idea that you need to be worried about some undetectable black hole streaking towards Earth that will instantaneously destroy us before we know what happens is the lowest level of science fiction effort. The idea that a black hole is this super vacuum that goes around just sucking everything up is just not correct.

Also, that might be the first time in history Newsweek got quoted as a source.

It would literally be more likely that they just pull the plug on the simulation than that earth gets get struck by an extra-solar solar-mass body.

>five thousand year evolutionary cycle
don't you mean hundred thousands or millions?

Thanks for the input, user! I hope you have a great night!

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Cuba, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos.
Any of those ring a bell, moron.

So you're saying Seattle and San Francisco will save the world, thanks Darwin

So could a gamma ray burst aimed in our direction

We could start with actually studying nuclear science again. And maybe building a few new fission reactors using newer technologies.

Possibly, but nasa is a lost cause.
Just a well paid parking spot for diversity.
Women, wogs, and niggers abound there.
Pretty soon we won't even be able to get to the ISS at all, when orion crashes and burns.

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So THIS is an actual concern. Extraordinarily unlikely, but not a lottery I'd want to win.

Global warming and Islam, in that order.

global nigger warmed

Define survival define severe.

Intelligence is inherently unstable.


Probably industrial farming tbh, most of the food in America probably shouldn't be able to be legally sold as food. Not that it's that much better in most places.

Meat should cost like 4x what it does.

When rudeness becomes commonplace, society is falling apart. Indifference is a thing too.

There is no threat to humanity's survival - but there is threat to its niggerficiation.

The sun will eventually expand to a size that earth will be inside it.
That's kind of hard to survive

Toxic Vaccines