Facts don't care about your feelings

Facts don't care about your feelings

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fuck jews

fuck jews

I'm calling the ADL, prepare to have your ass doxxxed

I'm popular and nobody knows who you are

Well said. God doesn't exist and all religions are bullshit.

kys kike

ben shaqueero so full of fear though

Non-fagets don't care about your Shapiros. I mean, a right-wing homo? What does he do, beat himself up in the shower? Ludicrous cunt.

His sister is hot though. For a Jew.

> believes in magic beard daddy in the sky



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this, you would expect a guy that likes fact to know this, but hes actually a kike after all the facts, so i guess his feelings matter to him.

Yea Forums don't care about your facts

you're a fag. his sister is the biggest butterface in the history of buttery faces

fact: jews are not a race, but religion.

Someone post his sister nudes thank you

his sister has a nice body, but she's uglier than my atomic diarrhea. You sure you wanna go through with this?

real men don't have bitch tits

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I'd titty fuck him

hes been taking estrogen lately

everyone in his family has high estrogen, including the men

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thats his sister?, fucking shit 2/10 would not touch with a stick

Why does he still look and act like that smartass grade 9 kid who talks shit all the time, then one day gets smacked in the face and is traumatised for the rest of the year.

beggars can't be pickers, user

Fuck the Jews

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I wonder who will backstab who first

But we're not "beggars." We're fappers. And fappers can be as picky as they want.

Tried to warn you guys.

Somebody needs to put this kike in its place.

he already got humiliated, but like all kikes, he has sheeps

Both of them have a prophecy that they will join forces to take over all of earth
Muslim Africans are being spread globally
It's already happening
Even though religion is false it's prophecies can still very much come true
The white race is perishing faster than even the Jews had predicted

No man, not the Andrew Neil thing. I'm talking about when he goes on his little college tours debating kids over abortion and trannies.

Somebody needs to break his pseudo-intellectual veil and expose him for the hack he really is. There's a reason you never see him in any "real" debates with somebody on his level. Hitchens would have wiped the floor with him.

he goes to kids since he knows hes more researched and well spoken to them, and to give him credit sometimes he does say true things, but being pro life and "god is real", yeah he doesn't know crap

But he milks his ego as an intellectually superior pundit who completely "destroys" liberals and lefties. This is bullshit. I've read his books.

Anybody can state a fact. It's not talent. Calling a tranny "sir" on live television isn't thought provoking.

itt: intellectual midgets shit on someone vastly superior to them because they're jealous over his success

>vastly superior

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>successful youtube channel, makes good money, visits colleges around the country, well known
>virgins who live in their mom's basement that post memes
yes, I would say he's vastly superior to any of you. intellectually as well, because all you losers ever do is spout garbage on Yea Forums but never actually make an effort to confront the people you claim to smarter than and then give pussy excuses as to why you don't

he makes money by talking, think about that while you flip burgers or whatever you do

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Says the guy with retarded manga as his profile pic

He looks like a 12 year old boy

says the faggot on weeb land in the first place

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R/pol is not weebland

Not that it's your business but I live on my own and work as a nurse.

That's besides the point. He's a fucking hack. Sylvia Browne was also very successful according to your standards, except everybody knew she was full of shit. He isn't as smart as he thinks he is, his ass kissing followers are all religious nutbags, and The Daily Wire is nothing more than a collection fear mongering articles about drag queen conspiracies to brainwash your kids. He's fucking trash.

And a kike.

Ok you trump supporting racist

>all conservatives like and agree with /pol/ hardliners

bigotry constrains your view of the enemy, bigotry is a tool, not a toy

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I don't support Trump but ok.

You sound exactly like one you I go rant racist

Proof or gtfo

Learn to speak English you spic

I'm not racist. I hate everybody and every race equally.

Let me guess my sisters bf is Black I’m not racsist

My sisters husband is white but I've fucked several niggers.

Or they fucked you. Btfo

Both actually.

I would breed that wonderful jewess with the biggest of cums

That fucker cries and bitches about his feelings all the fucking time.

Fucking manlet.

proof is on TV every day, using the tactics of the enemy was a bad idea and the left's moral failings have gotten into trouble with more than just a handful of stormfags

again, bigotry constrains your view of the enemy

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Is your only argument DAS RAYCIS1!!!!

shut up kike

so, he's more successful than you in every way but he's doodoo because of his religion? got it.
stay mad, faggot, and stay inferior

Israel first, thats his position. Fuck him.

Again, if you consider being a pseudo-intellectual hack that writes shit blogs trying to pass them off as "news" then you are just as pathetic. And yes, I've already established that he is a baby-dick sucking kike. You stay inferior.


>as decreed by a basement dweller on Yea Forums
certainly reliable info here
All you've got against him is DE JOOZ!!!!! he's a JOO!!!!!!
time to take off the tinfoil hat, loser. stop being upset that some people will actually do things with their life. wish them well, don't look down on them for it.

You obviously haven't read my posts. Calling someone a basement dweller is old and cliche.

You know what, fuck it. You're right. I'll tear up my nursing degree and burn my house down to live in a jewish commune and strap boxes on my head while sucking baby dicks.


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de jooz!!!!1111 de jooozzz ruin everything!!!!111
time for bed, kiddo.

Typical response. At least I can sleep knowing I don't support this shit, princess.

yes, atleast you can say you're huddling in your mommy's basement, clutching your tinfoil and not letting DE JOOZ get at you. you're a real winner

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>mommy's basement

You're not even trying.

So you're ok with old Jewish rabbis literally performing fellatio on an infants penis

the whites should just produce more babies lol

no, I really don't give a shit honestly. You faggots don't have an issue with that, though. You all hate DE JOOZ because they CONTROL EVERYTHING!!!11111


Don't pretend to be me.

You are completely oblivious.

Yes, I'm oblivious. I haven't woken up to the fact that THE JEWS!!!111 control everything and are leading us all to our doom. I'm sorry I'm not enlightened like you, O Wise Basement Dweller

Angry JIDF

Angry incel
See I can throw out words too, watch. I'll do it some more.
Basement dweller
Butthurt faggot
Tinfoil hat wearer
etc etc

Yes, you are oblivious.

Sick burn, bro. That's what denying THE JOOZ does for you, really sharpens your mind. Good thing your tinfoil hat is on tight enough to block out their mind control rays. Good on ya, bud!

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Ouch. I don't know how I can ever recover from that.

Do what you normally do when you have a booboo; have mommy grab you some warm milk, tuck you in and tell you a beddyby story.

Yeah ok. Here's something for your spank bank.

"Facts are more important than your feelings. But my feelings are more important than facts." - Ben Shapiro

oh shit, its the king of logical fallacies!

Damn, I came here to shit on a manlet kike who can only outsmart children, not listen to two autists battle over who's more of a fucktard

Ah, another "intellectual" I take it. Are you also wearing your tinfoil hat, O enlightened one?

You'd have to be a fool to think Shapiro is smart. He "debates" like a high schooler, you dont have to be an intellectual to see that
And I'm not white so I dont have that weird hate/worship thing they have with the jews

I don't think he's "smart", per se. I just think he's smarter than most of the fags on Yea Forums who bash on him.

just off yourself and see the 6 jillion with sky daddy already

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The problem is you use the same words, and the same phrases too often
You wont earn your shekels being that obvious

I'm not Jewish. I'm white and agnostic. You've missed the mark, kiddies. You've had your fun on the internet, time for bed. You've got school.

we can see your nose from here shylock cmon

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this guy has such a punchable face.

You just relentlessly defend Jews using copy pasted terms and phrases by mere coincidence...

I'm not defending Jewish people. I have no opinion on them one way or another. I'm making fun of you and the other faggots who sit around with tinfoil hats all day because you think THE JEWS!!111 are coming to get you and are around every corner.

Looks like the female human sprite from World of Warcraft

STFU nerd

Is he wrong though?

I dunno what your stupid elves look like, nerd

Suck on the Virgin Mary's fat titty

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Triggered, reported!

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Don't talk about my people like that, antisemitic scum.

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All ibhave done is posted a few replies saying you're acting like a retard.
You don't even know who you're angry at

I hate how fucking attractive his sister is. I hope she doesn't think like him.

>Yea Forums posting
>Not a nerd
One. You get one.

like your tweet about michael jackson right in the middle of the "film" made by that bald motherfucker, yeah, facts don't give a fuck about your feelings bruh

Yes, that is the issue with ANONYMOUS message boards, isn't it, retard? I don't know who exactly I'm responding to. Also, I'm not angry. You are.

mmm yes fuck jews

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Then perhaps you shouldn't make raging accusations claiming I have done things which I have not

When i first saw this i thought it was referring to his hairless arm.

Incest runs in jewish families. Do you think they banged?

I guess Jews and whites aren't that different after all

nice nips baby! I would let him breastfeed me all day.

Funny, you sound angry. Are you sure you're okay? You should light some candles and take a nice bubble bath.

>sweet home alabama
do dixies really do this?

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You seem pretty angry though

Only incels like this incel

i feel sorry for ppl who think Ben "i support male genital mutilation and my wife is a doctor" Shapiro is an intellectual.

using strawmen to "crush" debates with high school kids, so sad.