Hey guys. There is a new cryptocurrency that is being developed by two Standford PhDs and one Stanford MBA...

Hey guys. There is a new cryptocurrency that is being developed by two Standford PhDs and one Stanford MBA. It has a huge potential to succeed, these Stanford PhDs have knowledge of blockchain and economics.

They launched an app approved by Google after looking at their white papers: it is a network rewarding system for using our phones.

Until December, you can mine it absolutely free. All you have to do is download an app on your phone (Pi Network) and sign up using my invite code: Pimperator

This is not a scam. Nor does it leech off of your data or battery life. Hop on while you can!

Investment thread ask questions about pi or investments I am a heavy investor in crypto.

Attached: logo667cd4f63cb2e6f261e16560dea7ac9c9235dcfaf9a285274a576efc96b9ec79.png (1920x1920, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless self bump

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (650x764, 49K)

Eh got nothing to lose, used your code, you're welcome :^)

Thanks man, that's why I joined too. No need to pay something

Hi Yea Forumsro. I'm already on it. But do you know if we can add ourselves in our trust circle without being affiliated?
My username is Driane if you know how to do it

Is there a program or website for pc?

How do you solve the consensus problem?
How do you maintain integrity?
How do you prevent majority control attack?
Is it resource efficient?
Does it support smart contracts?

and use my username (wrwlfoflnd) as your invitation code.

Used your code as well, lets see how this turns out

Is there a white paper you could link?



I signed up too. Use code youontherun

Just signed up OP username AlphaViolence

Don't know, honestly

Not yet

Nice pyramid scheme coin faggot

I buy and sell crypto, don't ask too much


>I buy and sell cyrpto
>doesn't have a single information about what he's apparently "selling"

Fuck off, shill.
You're just trying to hoodwink folks.

Fun fact:
The last crypto to try advertising on Yea Forums is now worth less than one twentieth of its ICO.
That crypto has more inherent value than this one does.

>sage this jew

Do you need to know everything to buy and stocks?

Also kys faggot

Attached: FormalFearlessChitalsize_restricted.gif (480x368, 1.56M)

Fuck off, kike.

>saged and reported

For crypto currency you have to know unless you are a collosal faggot and a brainlet

fuck off kike

fuck off nasty kike

U guys, add Runes

The article doesn't appear overly negative to me...

If you can't link a white paper it's a scam.
Crypto isn't just a funny graph because if you buy shit and someone finds a way to exploit it you're fucked. Also can watch a few YouTube tutorials, make their own and backdoor it so they can just add how mich they want to the self or remove from others. A white paper is the bare minimum for crypto currencies.

Also kys 15 yo fag that has watched two videos explaining crypto and now thinks of themselves as a big player.

Here is the link, faggot


Replace * with .

Attached: IMG-20190911-WA0007.jpg (300x169, 17K)


One of the creator

Attached: 3323D53B-DCBB-40AF-9089-71802D77C5D6.jpg (310x464, 14K)

I think people tends to see a scam everywhere. The project seems legit