Be me

>be me
>have ONE long childhood friend, we dated for a bit but I moved and we split up as a result. Mutual.
>think about her
>got a hold of her a couple years ago
>talked for a bit, met up where I used to live
>stay for a week, leave because of school at the time
>start thinking about her again
>find her phone number in my contacts
>shoot her a text
>"You cannot text this non-wireless number"
>try calling
>"The number you have tried to dial has been disconnected or is no longer in service, please try again later."
>mfw the only long term friend/lover I had is gone
>mfw she prob doesn't think of me anymore
>mfw I have no childhood friends to get a hold of

I know I should forget about it but she really was the only childhood friend I had and helped me when I was in a really bad spot in my life. I wanted to tell her I was doing good now and got my feet under me (job, car, house, college, etc.) and thank her for helping me in that time she did. I'm just gonna drink some jack and forget about her. Best thing I can do probably.

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M8 listen you gotta hold onto your happy memories because it is thanks to them that you even got this far. So appreciate that she was there for you and maybe one day tell her that you're the biggest fag on Yea Forums right after me



I did not sign up for this feels trip


Rekt. Just check Facebook

I dont have any friends either

I wish I did, but I cant really meet anyone special with my line of work and age

im so fucking lonely

I did that too, nothing came up.

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I mean, I have a gf and kid, but no friends, so i guess its not all that bad, but me and my gf arent really friends and are only together because of my kid. we rarely talk and its weird

At least your friends didn't destroy your self confidence in high school, and make truly hateful, personal remarks and call it banter.

I prefer the friends I've made online, my irl friends are fucking faggot pircks.

I dont have those either

the few people that do talk to me want shit from me, like anime drawings (that are shit) and fanfics of people fucking pokemon

Dude wtf kind of people do you interact with

Maybe don't go to fetish forums or weeb forums



I dont, they are people i meet while playing vidya


and weebs

ngl most furries are actually nice when you stay away from the fucked up "heavy fetish in public" retarded ones.
