Prepare your asses faggots, rekt thread

prepare your asses faggots, rekt thread

Attached: 1567277173936.webm (720x720, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>beat they ass
Why do liberals speak like niggers?

they have lived long enough to see themselves become the villain.

Someone post the nudes she's pretty tight

Lol I love it
This is exactly what I've always wanted
If a woman picks a fight, the man defends himself
Way to go to everyone

Because they're more racist than the worst /pol/ack. They just hide it in their assumptions rather than overt speech.

Attached: Cucked out of a fight.webm (960x540, 1.8M)

Attached: Hooked in the fuckin gabber.webm (1920x1080, 1.88M)

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What I wanna know is what kinda fucking story is blue shirt/blue hat in the background telling...

This is intrinsically the case as far as I can tell.

good bye faggot

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Love this video. Dude in the repent shirt is more Chad than Chad. Notice how the little pussy can't even take a swing when the guy is looking at him.

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Attached: 1566251591735.webm (288x360, 1.92M)

Good. Those little rag-mop fucking dogs shouldn't exist in the first place. If you want a tiny useless faggot pet get a fucking cat.

dubs checked.

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I was 16 once too bud

anyone have gif of the dog eating penis

Attached: squish.webm (548x434, 780K)

is moldy locks still doing cam shows?

If you think any dog that small should actually be kept as a pet u probably should have killed yourself before 16.

Quads PLUS new content omg

edgy 12 yo with his opinion lmao

>new content
wow, first day on Yea Forums?

Quad killed the giganigga

I've seen all the videos posted before that one on other rekt threads
So that's what I meant by new content
But yeah I'm pretty new
I would say like a month maybe

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Fuck off

Love this one

That was the weakest punch ever

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Also, checked.

right in the fucking face. gorgeous

>tfw your food eats your food

Attached: ching-chong-100-ching-chong-100-picture-41922422.png (500x178, 111K)

Size is irrelevant, don't be a faggot.

damn that's so satisfying man i'm jealous

Attached: 1532442171179.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

too much nigger violence
cats dying is so relaxing

Attached: 1563167571196.webm (480x360, 1.09M)

>repent sinner

Vodkas a helluva drug.

ching chong BBQ

Attached: 1565381878386.webm (408x720, 905K)

Bump for dead niggers.

poor dog

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Want gore? There's this website built just around it. Can you guess what it's called?

>newfag gtfo

Attached: 1508367639844.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

The fact that people literally say they're going out to get "Nazi scalps" is like so the opposite of making the world a better place. When the fuck did hitting people become the new way to solve problems

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Get a load of this faggot.


"I'm afraid it's been 9 years"

Because they wish they were? Obviously? That's like the cornerstone of modern liberal ideology.


How's that head count coming cunt? Lul

Attached: 1533878235036.webm (640x360, 1.71M)

Gotta be careful with that nerve gas.

kek checked right back, user


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Attached: gmod_boat_physics.webm (640x360, 899K)

dumb ass bitch cant handle two dogs dont walk them fuckwit

>Because they're more racist than the worst /pol/ack
I dunno. That's a close one. Both groups are hypersensitive, aggressive snowflakes

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What the fuck? What happens here? is the big guy with the bottle of liquid tryna burn him to death or something?

Yeah, earlier here I read the guy who pours the liquid died himself, the victim actually lived


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Yeah thats a real stupid way of trying to kill someone i like how the dude was just surprised and smacks the bottle away

How about I give you a smack in a moment nigger

those reflexes

Soulless fucking gook

>he didn't died
Well that was a waste of 2 minutes.

Don't do drugs people

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Nerve gas strikes again...

A classic

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Congrats, he hit a bitch...


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equal rights.....and lefts

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and niggin

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who wants crispy dog that tastes like acetylene?

I fucking hope you're trolling. Faggot either way.

The weak should fear the strong.

It's a tranny lol

not much diversity though

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lol niggers

what do you mean ?

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props to my man for having a fucking rifle under the desk damn.


It's a fake!

lol awesome

Won't somebody please think of the nazis!

lmao you just got off school huh?

eh ?

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lmao get a fucking life and stop beating your meat to fucking animal abuse you fucking faggot.

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Fucking niggers. Did it died?

wtf aren't u sposed to jerk it when u do that?

no idea

Attached: 1548279948563.webm (352x288, 1.52M)

>video is 49 sec long
>he fasten the belt @10sec
So you are implying he lost consciousness after 30 seconds of holding breath. For me it is a fake. Average man can hold his breath for more than 2 minutes without consequences. Next 4 minutes have to pass to start any brain damage.

Needs eurobeat edit

Stop blood flow and you ko someone in 10 seconds

I came her to watch videos of edgy punks getting rekt. not watch videos that the edgy punks watch. Silly faggots we want to watch YOU died.

this needs the benny hill tune

Attached: keepontruckin.webm (222x400, 1.62M)

Agreed. Two wrongs don't make a right

wtf does gmod have to do with that?

Good point.

This is from a movie? Would be fucking crazy if it were real though.

This is a movie with Ryan Reynolds fit wife

Do you know how holding your breath works?

doubt it
cockroaches are hard to kill

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bumping for commie nudes

what movie ? at least the shark wont be shitting for a week

Y he shoot them? how they suppos to get them clothes? how they suppose to get them money for them school lunch? they was jes gon talk to him about the lord

BREAKING NEWS: Liberals are hypocritical

defo Texas, could be Houston

The Shallows

>greasy dirty hippie dreadlocks
>elongated alien face
>no makeup because hippie
>gross bush because hippie
I would put gloves on before hitting it.

Most people don't control their dogs when they walk them. A 30 minute Petsmart obedience class teaches you to keep your dog on a training collar, keep the dog next to your leg. Give them a gentle tug when they get distracted.

previous experience ?

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Who is more racist?

Option A: Someone that thinks niggers are more violent and less intelligent than whites but respects them enough as people to say that to their faces.
Option B: Someone that thinks niggers are more violent and less intelligent than whites but they are not capable of actually surviving in society without handouts from their betters. Also, they won't admit how they feel about niggers because they think niggers are not emotionally capable of hearing a white person say mean things. Also, everything bad that has ever happened is the fault of white people, because every other race is incapable of making and being responsible for their own decisions.

really ? so what the fuck was she doing there ?

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thanks dude

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If you want to stop nazis you actually have to fucking kill them. I hate these people. The only reason I have guns is to kill nazis when they want round 2

wtf is wrong with that dog dude i do not torrate violance from my animals oh any kind i will beat them into submission let them know you are not the alpha i am the fucking alpha you are all betas my sister had a dog sofia and she was aggressive af bite up my dog bad one time i jumped on that bitch and walled on her to get her off my dog . got her off gave her a beating and would just dominate her at ever chance letting her know bitch ill kill you

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Made my day, user. Now I can go to sleep happy

guy killed himself months after this incident

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Source? Or are you just lying again?

wasn't a gaymo?

ha ha classic

There's a poor soul trapped in that body..

sweet dreams user

Attached: whitebucketbestbucket.webm (320x400, 1.66M)

no shit, retard

No nudity but she is fucking fit and in her bikini for the whole film

your a fucking fag dude it makes me happy knowing your some autistic faggot who will never have consensual sex blame people all you want for you having a shit life but its you bitch your the reason your life sucks go hero dude no one will miss you and Yea Forums will be a better place for it

I ain't looking that shit up again. She was "anti shaving" so she was skinny and cute ish but also a nasty hairy fuck

Doin gods work. It’s like trash that takes itself out. The only sad part is she won’t be a distant veggie always wondering what her life could have been. I love long term psychological suffering.

thanks again user its on my to do list right under never lust after Sophie turner any more

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Does anyone have the video of that nig that gets shot in the top of the head at close range? His hands move even after his brains are spilling out of his skull. That's all I remember.

What in the actual fuck are they doing? Is this typical behavior for them? Because they sure are acting like this is normal.

>muh horseshoe theory
don't feel bad. horseshoe cuckery is the last stage before you start thinking for yourself. congratulations you're almost a real boy

you would keep them cookies for yourself wouldn't you ?

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god damn right this little nigg is gonna die in like a week fuck why waste the cookies

its a black culture thing we dont understand

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maybe there was once

What the fuck is going on here?!

the gingers Nose gives him away

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What in God’s name did I just witness

He was ANTIFA's world boxing champ

Now thats what i call equality! she got it

but he might become a doctor etc

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and they wonder why we enjoy watching these sick fucks die horribly

nigs niggin

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>tfw white and have big nose
Feels bad man

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FUCKING KEK! They're all flying around jumping on top of eachother like actual monkey's!

Best "shave"

Fucking me too. I even have wavy hair.

didn't that chick adopt that kid or somethin?

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yeah i remember something like that

Attached: 1567460368620.webm (600x600, 1.1M)

this was funny Fucked up i would of loved to se her run back in chunking tables clearing out the bar

lmao genius

To be fair, they were absolutely racists, white supremacists, and assholes.
So retarded. Jesus won't judge anybody.

>Be me
>Watch Inglorious Basterds
>Fuck Imma do that shit myself
>Go to Antifa LARP rally
>Dress the part
>Smell the part
>5"3 manlet approaches me

that you on the left ?

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someone add discovery channel logo / wale hunetrs or some shit

I still don't understand why the husky fucked up the toy puddle

Shit movie but if your girlfriend has to watch something you might as well enjoy Blake lively's sexy body for a couple hours

white people can be fat to

Attached: 1550353934194.webm (1280x720, 694K)


Probably more interesting than what the reporter was saying.

This is how ShitHolers get down sweet high impacted Rutting ritualism at it's finest

I will tell her its a nature film about sharks

Attached: 1565734031063.webm (960x540, 1.93M)

Jesus drove the Jews out of the Temple with a whip you fuckin retard.

what fresh hell is this?

>Complains about small dogs being un-manly
>Proceeds to recommend they gayest pet possible

Just get out of the closet please

>Oh no a man with guaranteed spinal truama
>Better fucking pick him up and flail him about

Not mine she is the designated driver

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A penis that eats dogs?.. I gotta see that!



why are u being racist to black people
by implying I wanted to make that joke just because they were black but anyway ur right fuck niggers

this is how I want to go...

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dogs are just animals like pigs or cows, i respect they eat them. but at least kill the fucking dog before u toast it what the fuck ching chong

is she Potaos mother and also a opera singer?
if she is what a low class piece of trash with tatts

Nice every one should have this device ,but Boobietrap Laws .....Shotgun shell mod for urban areas

Good, I think he got at least one jigaboo.

Mods work

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It looked like a Dominance move but the Husky broke the rat-dogs neck unfortunately

Damn nerve gas >:(

Attached: n word.jpg (540x443, 20K)

No. The video is reversed. He's trying to put the fire out.

>snapped its neck
either this, or it crushed it's throat. I wonder how strong a toy dog's bones are?

google his name for a sensible chuckle

Kek, that image. When the farm equipment overheats and you have to add coolant.

Attached: 1550097613550.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

here in Europe farm equipment is top class thanks to extensive research

Attached: mengele11.jpg (400x300, 22K)
Racist rekt. White boi's fiance fucked the guy he called a nigger

Nice trips. that's a tranny.

"You goin ta jail!"

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>subway train
>the tims
Is this New York

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Belgian hunting crocs in the Congo very effective bait

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ahh the thread of human garbage on Yea Forums


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looks a bit clean

Attached: bucked.webm (426x426, 482K)

niggers lol

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afaik she quit, people kept trolling her chat

He's not wrong you fucking mongoloid. You seriously think the problem of extremist right-wing fascism, is to be an extremist left-wing fascist? Yeah, you're a retard.

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Gross, she has dreads dude. Her pussy def tastes like dirty pennies and sardines


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This guy has what it takes too look in mans eyes while strangles home to death

I want to feel bad for him. But I dont. Only person I feel bad for is his daughter. She has a racist inbred dad and a trailer trash coal burning skank as a mom

Stomp a tranny to death

>struggling...flailing hands..
you responders are morans. not a mispelt.

I would kill this bitch and her dogs

his family make some top class farm equipment but the advertising is kinda band they cant exactly say mengele is best

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What in the world is the context of this Mad Maxx tier scenario?


>beating someone in the face that is pushing your chest
literal nigger move


Attached: toucyscreen.webm (288x360, 319K)

What in the fuck is up with black people from Africa not feeling pain. This guy is just chilling there like “nah I’m good man, can you throw some kerosine on me? It’s getting cold”. It’s fucking insane.

Attached: antifa helmet.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

I can't stand China.

I suspect the lack of neanderthal DNA is a factor and also in the lack of empathy

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coupla busted noses - bravo

Tough talk from an AIDS filled keyboard warrior

ADL shill spotted

checked manly trips.

real men get 111 trips.
user in is a real man. God Bless you, sir.

>So you are implying he lost consciousness after 30 seconds of holding breath.
>holding breath.
Lol, you're not really this stupid, are you user?

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Clearly you don't understand choking. You're depriving your body from proper blood flow on top of loss of air. You ever see a proper choke hold? Out in seconds.

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Attached: libtards .webm (636x360, 1.83M)

nothing makes me happier than seeing those faggots get bashed


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this is what we're up against, guys.

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he cant even throw a fucking punch

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Did he get a participation medal?

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I think Ari Shaffir's missing his yarmulke

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dont accuse me of knowing where to find that user

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I don't think it'll be a close election.

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Here ya go

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Attached: trumpoline.webm (300x300, 1.99M)

I think its a group of jerks attacking a mentally handicap.

s4s is leaking again

Attached: kek em.png (314x314, 180K)

holy shit this is gold. saved.

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shit, i've been spotted.

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yeah black people

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coal is made for burning

I wish I could die and be up in heaven

aww man, say it ain't so...

she went from being a qt3.14 to a dirty dreadlocked skank


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and this is real ........i.........dont .......even .........

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I have straight dirty blonde hair and blue eyes but still get mistaken for jewish every so often. I have 0% jewish ancestry lol.

Ah, a fellow newfag. Good to see.

>that fucking bucket

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also darwin

This is old, stale shit man.

he should have waited another 15seconds for them to get inside and fucking slaughter them

>obviously knows nothing about the ferocity of dachshunds, rat terriers, and other breeds developed for killing burrowing vermin

Fucking LOL dude

nice dubs

Attached: cookie monster4.png (401x443, 240K)

Its fucked up but this is b shut the fuck up white knight. I don't agree with animal abuse makes me sick but cmon

It needs Deja Vu, and for it to cut out right when he hits the pole.

Nice b8 m8

Attached: niggers stealing.jpg (510x545, 29K)

the cruelty of a person is based on the amount of melanin they have yes of course

the fire was unexpected

some cats might be lazy bastards but i would gladly kill this bitch and her nigger dogs

the future is now old man

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Anyone who enjoys watching this sort of shit deserve to be beaten with a wet rubber hose, have their genitals mutilated with a carving fork, get a losing lottery ticket, have their intestines strung up on a cello, and be forced to watch fraggle rock while to strobe lights flash along side them while strapped to a gurney.

what are you talking about? it was just nerve gas. don't get such a rustled jimmy over it

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Fucking nerve gas...

neither can they
they fell over

what kind if dumb bitch buys two dogs if she can't even handle half? fucking idiot

This is why people hate pitbulls, they can be good dogs but the bad ones are really bad.

Nerve gas video with kid that lights up match with teeth?

act like monkeys, get called monkeys

have you ever heard of world war two? nazis being killed has long been a good thing

makes my southern engineering skills look pretty good...

thats a good sized girl

equal rights served

wow dude you're such an alpha male

"Porkchop! Stay in the grove!"

We killed them because they were fascists bent on world domination not because they were racists.

with a smoke in his mouth, what a guy.


Needs a GTA San Andreas edit.

"Aim for the bushes"
>There goes my hero

Love watching cats die. Fuck those little bastards

Show us on the doll where the tiny dog hurt you.

Big bitch

pussy probably smells like wet dog.

I know skanky thot that I went to high school with who owns 2 nigger dogs just like that. This bitch is like 4'11" there's no way she could control those monsters

Fucking savage.

They have a better chance at survival than you amerifaggot

we're all here to see rekt but beating your meat to it makes you a megafaggot:tm:

i dont understand why these stupid bitches walk dogs they can't handle. dont own a pet you aren't in control of you fucking retards