Why do people want to ban guns?

Why do people want to ban guns?

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Because at least it's something to try to prevent the violence.

The only other "solution" that seems to come up is basically finger-pointing: "it's society/social media/mental health/whatever" and we promptly give up on solving anything. Meanwhile, kids are shot.


Banning stuff makes it go away.

Please tell Obamas cousins Jayqwan and AshTrayvon that murder and rape and drug dealing are banned in Chicago. They did not get the message

Why prevent violence? What’s so bad about it?

Ban violent video games then faggot

Our society should be willing to try ANY type of legislation in order to reduce the amount of gun violence. But we actually have to TRY it, not just sit back and postulate why it may or may not work. Try banning for a year. If that doesn't work, then try a free-for-all. If that doesn't work, then try something else. We will never come up with optimal legislation "ex nihilo", it always must be tested and the legislative process must be fixed to be iterative and data-based.

Because I don't want to be shot, of course.

A ban only works if the object in question is in very limited numbers and low circulation. Even then, technically a firearm ban of any sort needs to be done via constitutional amendment even though it hasn't stopped them before. Cartels would just start running guns into the USA as much as they do drugs though.

Because it the best tool to protects one's life, liberty, and property.

>Our society should be willing to try ANY type of legislation in order to reduce the amount of gun violence.
We did in the 90s. We had a full blown assault weapons ban and that was even before they're as prevalent as they are now. Not only was it found to not have any impact on violent crime what so ever, it did nothing to stop Columbine in which assault weapons were used and weapons illegal under the National Firearms Act without a $200 tax and direct ATF / Government approval which generally involves waiting 6 months to a year and lots of fingerprinting, background checks, etc. New York, California, specific cities like Chigago and Detroit. These places have the strictest gun control in the nation and have appalling violent crime rates even with bans in place.

You are one retarded faggot. You think that criminals and felons who already banned from owning guns, are going to just up and go to the police station to turn them in? How stupid can you be?

Ok, that's fine, it's a data point. My point was to try other things too. But what's appalling is that everyone is content to sit on their hands and say "oh well, guess we can't stop it, might as well not even try!", while kids get killed.

Zero action on changing gun laws, either loosening or tightening, or sideways. There are probably countless ideas to try out there, but because of lobby money, no one wants to sacrifice their payday.

You've totally misunderstood me. I'm not for or against bannning anything. I'm for constant change of laws until something seems to work better.

Why not?

There are things both sides want to try, neither is willing to concede or give it a shot. That the unfortunate reality of mainly two-party politics.

Lmao, dude thinks Obama is real

Yes, but guns also save more lives than they are used in crime
Not to mention how many are unrecorded, and how many people are saved by just pulling it out
Want to stop a high death rate? Remove the fat problem, get people to be fit and healthy, make obeisity as hated as smoking

Ban niggers and spics and the crime rate drops lower than Luxemburg

thats because they can just drive to other states with more relaxed gun laws and purchase them there. even drug cartels in mexico smuggle guns into mexico from the US.

>I'm for constant change of laws until something seems to work better.
So, not only are you for banning, but also ignorant of history, and just want more stupid do-nothing feel-good regulation. God, you are stupid.

this guy is asking the real questions. sometimes violence is good.

Don't worry. They're not going ANYWHERE and sales are up. We still have giant gun shows in my state and crime is low.

anons trying to go for a double hot thread! this crazy bastard just might get it!!!

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Every single state is required to perform a NICS 4473 federal background check on purchase, and it's a federal form, with all the same questions. I don't believe you have a clue what you're talking about.

>oh well, guess we can't stop it, might as well not even try
thats where I am tbh

Personally, that's why I'm willing to "ride the wave" and throw my support in favor of any legislative change, as long as it makes even a lick of sense. And since "red flag" laws seem to be getting traction, it has my support 100%.

I've seen others quote the stats, to me it's a wash and even that is questionable. About 500k gun crimes and 500k foiled crimes.

Read what I wrote before commenting again. Iterative refinement works, especially when there aren't clear-cut answers.

It can be such a beautiful sight.

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They don't. They want the ruling class to be the only one with access to guns. That's different from banning them.

people don't understand they are responsible for their safety

Incorrect there bucko. You ever tried to travel to another state a buy a pistol, for example? That's illegal. It has to be a transferred to an FFL in your home state when you were fill out the forms, do a background check, etc.

Lets kill all the niggers just to be safe

they are mexicans

Didn't like 90% of these mass shooters just skip over the border to Nevada or whatever back-assward state to buy a Killinator9000 before going on their rampage?

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(561) 762-7293 call me i'll tell you

no most mass shooters bought their firearms illegally

Red flag laws means your ex wife can make shit up about you, then you get swatted, and denied your constitutional rights without any due process. Terrible concept, and easily abused.

Jewish Influence

The selective fire assault rifle is the musket of the modern military.

The semiauto rifles available to the public are a poor compromise for arms that are supposed to be comparable to the modern soldiers standard issue.

A musket behind every door is the surest protection against tyranny of the state.

And no we don't need smaller magazines because little Johnny shot up his school when he went off his meds.

Maybe we should bring back insane asylums instead of depending on pills to deal with crazy.

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They were either bought illegally, purchased legally before having committed any felonies or severe mental health diagnosis, or in the Sandy Hook shooter's case, he stole it from his mother. You cannot just waltz across state lines and legally buy a firearm.

Also if you look into the data you will find a correlation between ssri use and mass shooters.

Just sayin.

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>And since "red flag" laws seem to be getting traction, it has my support 100%
it's a violation of several amendments.
>your things are taken without the due process of law
>your things are taken without committing a crime
>you do not get to face your accuser
>your accuser just needs a name and to say they know you in a lot of states
>you have to prove your innocence
>your things can be held indefinitely and those things frequently get lost or stolen in police care
>youre supposed to have the right to own these things
Very easy system to abuse. Greenlight to swatting and harassment by malicious antigun family or just people who find out you have guns.

True true lil dracos and galils people like century arms make and shit are still fun tho I wish I could I could have a South African galil. I think the first ones were Israeli made

Because the majority of you are irresponsible, irrational, uneducated, mongoloid fucktards who watch too much TV, and don't know shit about how the world works.

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more children die from an antifa terrorist act than guns every single year

All I care about is reducing gun violence for now. In my mind, that's the only metric that should be used to determine a successful outcome of a legislation.

If that type of abuse becomes an issue, we'll deal with that later, through a similar iterative process. But it's all hypothetical armchair-quarterbacking right now

Do you actually believe that, or are you just naturally stupid?

Youre giving people the tools to control others and making innocent people defenseless. Kind of evil user.

sorry auto correct changed it from communism gomen

Only NPCs want to ban guns.

Why do I need to know how the world works to defend myself from attackers?

communist used guns to kill a lot of the people but starvation was their primary method

If I had my dream kit I would want an mp5, .50 cal bolt action, and a nice pistol, maybe a sawn off. Some grenades and smokes, a thermal camera mini drone, and a lil auto mated killbot.

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They can't control you when you have a gun in your hand and they can't take everything from you.

This is the answer. All other answers are lies and bullshit.

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you gotta take the guns away BEFORE you starve them. Thats where they keep making the same mistakes

I see this seen a lot by people who have never taken or used SSRIs or know anything about how they work. The problem is not the SSRIs but the "Mood Stabilizers"(Anti-psychotics) they've started prescribing along with them. Even if you just have minor depression odds are they'll try to get you on some sort of schizophrenic / sever bi-polar med in conjunction with your basic SSRI and this is where the problems and really bad side effects come from.

because they blame the guns on gun violence instead of the people using them

>prevent the violence

yeah,how well did that work out in chicago.retard

If outlawing guns only caused more people to obtain them Australia would have a higher rate of gun violence. Or literally any other country where guns are illegal.

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Like I said, let's solve the violence problem first. Kids are dying, we are having mass shootings every week. It's an emergency and we should act like it.

We must streamline our legislative process to change these things quickly. Any abuses by red-flag laws will be similarly addressed.

The same reason they created a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol in the entire US. Because they're fucking retarded, and think simplistically that the problem is inanimate objects, when clearly the problem is human beings being human beings.

Guys, Prohibition was pushed with the framework that it would end crime, end poverty, and end violence, especially at home. What it did was create the larges black market the country had ever seen, and made organized crime popular among the citizens. A complete goddamned disaster.

The problem has always been with the people themselves, not the tools they have.

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>freedom for a perceived safety
really? move out of the states.

How about outlawing niggers?

show the chart for knife crime and acid attacks lol

and what do you find in common with all those stupid socialist left wing countrys with no guns? thats right,it only increases the amount of violence with other weapons.perhaps you libtards should just ban everything.since thats your only solution to the problem

id rather have a world full of niggers then a world full of retarded hillbillys with maga hats on

All im saying is this cocktail of pills is no substitute for 24 HR care of those who would present a danger to themselves or others if they were unmedicated.

The pills have terrible side effects and the mentally ill are forced into a marginal existence, it's no wonder they stop taking them so often.

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muh strawman


Dude haha wtf that sounds super badass lol. Were you ever in the military ?seems like it lol and speaking of pistols I can't decide if I like the FN 5.7 I finally got to shoot one but I'd feel like I'd only want it if they had body armor on idk then again if you shoot them in head it doesn't matter lol

Feel free to move to Africa then and make your tard-dream a tard-reality. You realize they will fucking eat you, right?

One flaw I just noticed in this comic is that the differences are not as pronounced as suggested. A breed may be slightly more cognitively prepared to balance a ball on its nose, but any dog can be trained. So if you try to apply this analogy to race, you notice a discrepancy in degree; races may possess slightly different mental faculties, but this doesn't explain the massive wealth disparity. This artist really likes playing the victim card and whining without having a bearing on logic.

I agree, but there are also too many people who immediate point the finger at SSRIs when they don't cause those sorts of side effects on their own.

Hahahahahaha I'd love to see you in each world and how you get treated in each world then see you make a decision

face the accuser and allow sueing for defamation and damages might make you sound more reasonable. Id still prefer you to leave the country though.

sweden wants to eat people now too. to fix the weather or some shit


I believe people want to ban firearms (in the US) because they have an infantile perspective of the overall situation.

lol, k


What now?

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muh chilluns

I dunno I think something you could just go full auto with to suppress and reposition would be best.

I don't really think I would actually need to use the pistol tho.

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Quick! Ar 15 stand's for assault rifle 15 boolits per second.... doesn't it.

If you don't know what your speaking of, STFU.

ha ha you got me user your charts made a world of difference. I feel bad about my guns that haven't harmed a soul. You still can't have them though

Wow that's fucked lol. Instead of just eating good old cow these twist offs want fake chemical meat that undoubtedly causes ultra cancer and cannibalism instead. We really need a good purge.

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Quit being a liberal.

Oh no doubt I'm just saying as my sidearm last resort. Always good to have a proper knife too Never know when you'll need the little things

And suing for defamation would be reasonable, I'm sure you'd get support for that.

But, it does slide us down the slippery slope of armchair-quarterbacking and the sin of premature optimization.

I'm a rational conservative, which is why Republicans hate me.

Come to Baltimore faggot.

I think the intent is to allow rapefugees to legally eat their victims there.

why dont more relaxed gun law states have the same crime as these places?

Clearly everyone has a limit to their intelligence, memory, and cognitive capacity.

Some races consistently exhibit much lower limits than others in mental capacity, even when stripping the socioeconomic aspect of it. It's objective fact.

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I mean, there's definitely a corellation there.

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Because those places aren't full of niggers, dude. There's the truth they won't tell you.

they hate you because youre a reactionary and wipe your ass with the constitution

If you review the American FBI's statistics starting from 2011 and onward, it will show a detailed breakdown of what goes into gun homicide or "gun death" rates in the country. Suicides and lawful homicide (killing someone in self defense) are also included in these statistics and the suicides make up the largest portion of these numbers in most years.

No, I think it's because I'm not a dogmatic robot

We just need to keep fucking each other till we all turn the same color.

That's how evolution works user.

>whites are good at killing
>blacks are good at running
>yellows are good at math

Add them all together you get a person good at killing, running and math!

We just need everybody to be the same color, then we institutionalize a eugenics program to filter out the bad genes and then bam a superhuman homogenous united world to conquer the stars.

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You're a real simpleton, dude. I feel sorry for you, since with your level of discernment, the best you can hope for is being someone's lapdog. All they have to is virtue signal "gun violence" and you're on board, you schmuck

I am because I recognize the reason it was written and accept that level of wreckless freedom over peaceful slavery. You should leave.

>We just need to keep fucking each other till we all turn the same color. That's how evolution works user.

That is the most retarded idea ever, and pointedly, that is NOT how evolution works. Evolution works by wiping out the inferior opposition, and only works, when conflict isn't being artificially arbitrated. If it wasn't for the government stepping in, I'm pretty sure, that huge swaths of America would be void of niggers, in the same way, huge swaths of Africa are devoid of whites since the niggers there hunt them down and kill them in places.

Just make gun ownership mandatory. Everyone has a weapon and the ability to defend themselves. Any active shooter can and will be shot as soon as possible.

Losers who think the government can keep them safe, and government comrades who want to tighten their grip on their subjects.

fuck off bjorn

Dude, once were mixed, you don't let the idiots breed, mandatory birth control and a testing process to become parents.

If we're gonna dominate the universe we need the best genes possible, and there are some traits of all races that would be useful to homo constructus

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To keep everyone weak and defenseless

Feel what you will, I guess. It's obvious you are unfamiliar with even simple things like cause-and-effect as well as the value of iteration and even the basis of scientific progress. My key interest is a more nimble legislation process and recognizing that if we cannot refine laws easily, we cannot legislate effectively.

Well, you are definitely free to be a blind follower. But you're being played like a fiddle.

I'd definitely be willing to try that too. I have a feeling that it would be shot down by knee-jerk Republicans as "socialist", though, since the government would need to buy guns for low-income people if they can't afford it.

Also some kind of war or bloodsports would probably move things along quicker.

Maybe a battle royal where the last person standing earns the right to breed.

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Because for some reason they think it'll stop it. Hardcore drugs aren't allowed yet millions of pounds of the shit comes in everyday. If they ban guns they'll get them across the border one way or another anyway. And what happens when people don't want to give up their guns and go crazy? Riots? Violence? Let people keep their guns for safety but make the laws suitable for people who want them for protection and not for the gun toating gangbangers and other criminals.

>We should ban murder that will stop it!

Jesus, you are a simpleton. You're not a conservative, you're an authoritarian. And a stupid one at that. You think that the federal government should have the power to arm or disarm the people in the name of, "doing something."

I'll let your blind strawmanning slide, since it's par for this shit, but the fact that you have so much faith in the government is completely ludicrous. You believe that people can't control themselves, but you want the government (composed of people) to control you for you, and be able to "nimbly" create laws to facilitate controlling you even faster!

Gosh your blind faith in people you don't know to take care of your interests, sure is convincing!


no you’re not: you’re LARPing and it’s totally obvious.

Are you even for real?

You want a nimble legislation process? It's called hereditary rule, and if you don't like the law, it's off with your head. That sounds like exactly the kind of "nimble legislation" that you're espousing, fool.

The only way to have that is if there is a central authoritarian regime with one decision maker, and no congress or parliament to stop them going off the rails.

Wow, obviously you're missing my entire point. I DON'T have faith that the government can do a decent job of legislating. And in fact, as I've stated before, ANY person or people don't have a hope to get decent legislation correct even after enormous levels of debate, Because people are irrational and don't think clearly. That much should be blatantly obvious to anyone with any exposure to US politics at all. Not only that, but we also see a huge amount of FUD and misinformation coming from corrupt lobbyist groups and politicians who are just out there for their monthly payday.

I'm proposing a solution to government incompetence: statistics-based iterative legislation. It's scientific (I know, scary!).

You set up conditions you want to fulfill, then try different types of legislation until you see a good outcome.

If you can't understand the mechanism behind this, then I honestly won't be able to explain it any more simply.

Given that criminals tend to commit violent crimes against other criminals and against their own communities, I am tempted to say we should help give guns to felons, esp inner city..... wait..... *more* guns... fixed

It's clear what you're saying, and it honestly makes me wonder what your profession for you to be so biased.

Politics is all about manipulating information to advance your agenda. Let's not mince words. This isn't a fantasy utopia we're in, everyone's in it for themselves. Your system fails just like the others, through corruption and misinformation. You can't sit there and throw shade at all the information manipulation in the world and then pretend that your system is immune to corruption. It's the same shit with a new authoritative spin!

Ultimately, the solution is personal accountability. Intelligent people are waking up all over and realizing it's up to them personally to protect themselves and their interests, and that's how it should be. May the best win.

Fuck those kids / people, if the government gets our guns 1000 times more will die

I've never met anyone who is anti-gun

Oh there's plenty of idiots who say they are. Maybe they even think they are, but they are not.

Think about it. If you want to ban guns, you're not against them, you're very much for them. You just think they should be in the hands of the government instead.

And when you think about that at face value, it's honestly fucking ridiculous.

Hey, at least I'm trying to come up with some type of solution.

It's honestly very easy to be a gun supporter, especially on online forums. All you have to do is sit back, wait for someone to offer a solution, then dream up of some reason why it may not work. Then say "See, you're an idiot because your idea isn't perfect!" But no real actionable solutions need to ever be offered, you only need to criticize the attempts of others.

And if pushed, you can just shrug and say "Muh freedoms, hands tied, we shouldn't even try to come up with a solution."

But the cost of this recalcitrance is enormous. Kids are dying, mass shootings are occurring every week, and it's sickening that no solutions are even ATTEMPTED.

Because in countries with less or no guns there is less or no gun crime

This is true - there is a positive relationship between guns and violence


The laws are already in place, fool. What about that don't you get? Make a new law banning murder? Make a new law banning some inanimate object?

People like you need to wake up to the reality that is that people have been killing each other for a very long time, and won't stop anytime soon. It is in fact normal, especially as population density increases in an area. How is that for thoughtcrime, m8? Killing each other is NORMAL!

You seem to think it's some inhuman aberration that can be solved by stripping people's rights, but we're all telling you that's retarded because it's been tried before. You want to be an armchair legislator out of nowhere, and your petals shrink when you meet resistance. Do you think politicians meet no resistance?

You lament that no solutions are attempted, and that makes you a complete goddamned liar, and a farce, and makes everything you have to say, for naught, fool. Enjoy your mental masturbation, Armchair Generalissimo

Here's what I'm hearing: you've given up on trying to make anything better and yet seem to be critical of those that think things can be improved.

Remember - I'm not in favor (or opposed) to stripping rights away. If we can show that MORE guns would help, then frikkin' sign me up. I'l be a gun totin', rootin' shootin' cowboy like everyone else.

But what I lament is that no attempts are being made, no new ideas are being tried out. And that's literally the only job of these politicians. That doesn't make me a liar.

nice unrelated statement

Do you cry to your local politicians whenever a car accident happens? Reactionary, "JUST DO SOMETHING," when it solves nothing and will have a clear backfire is obviously worse than the status quo.
>buh, muh bleeding heart
No, you'd just make things worse. The criminals and crazies will have guns, but the law-abiding citizens won't.

It wouldn’t work like it does in yurop
There are already too many guns here, many unregistered and illegal, and too many people willing to break the law to possess weapons
See Mexico for a wonderful example of what heavy gun regulations would do, not Europe or Australia