Have you ever dressed as a girl outside?
Have you ever dressed as a girl outside?
You should.
no faggot
Not everyone is a faggot like you
No but I roleplay as one
Not yet. Soon though I'll be able to pass.
nah, too old for that shit
Nice nice, got some pictures?
My boyfriend has some but I dont. He says my bitt is nice and big and getting bigger and better, hes been really into fucking me recently. I like it when he puts my collar on me .
Nah, but I used to wear some makeup outside every now and then. That really shouldn't be considered a feminine exclusive thing, though, but whatever kek.
I just RP online because I'm 6'4" and couldnt hope to pass.
I've always wanted to. But I'm too disgusted with knowing I'll never look like a genuinely cute girl. Just petty crossdresser.
Although I'm fine being a dude, I just like to get in touch with my femininity.
I'm an affectionate person, and I feel more comfortable expressing it with a feminine bent.
I've seen taller pass, I get the anxiety though, I'm 61lft1
I am almost that tall too and I crossdressed to a con last weekend.
I've worn women's panties and thongs as underwear in my more hornier times. Pretty hot walking around in public with that on.
PSA, thongs shouldn't count as underwear. They do nothing lol (except for look hot).
Yeah, why?
The best part is not even having to wear girls clothes to get mistaken for one
Broad shoulders, and barrel chested.
I wouldn't want to see what a "passing" version of myself would look like.
I said it before though I'm fine being masculine most of the time. I just like to occationally be more affectionate. Which I think will be fine being myself once my relationship with the girl i love takes off.
What's barrel chested and how tall is that in cm?
I would look it up but I'm lazy
I never gone all out, but I like wearing high thighs and pantsu.
Me and some friends (mostly girls) went to the Rocky Horror Show back when they were still on the road. We pretty much had front row seats, so drag was almost mandatory. It was good fun.
Some milfs found me very interesting. But we were going to our regular pub afterwards, and no way I would show up there in drag.
>ITT: actual men want to dress as girls, and faggots deny their cross dressing habits
Go back to africa
My sternum is pronounced more than most people. So I have a very deep chest.
Also 193cm
I would never pass as I'm 6'4" with a broad chest and full beard. However I've been dating this twink that I picked up at the gym. Slowly but surely making him more girly. Got him to start wearing girls underwear/thongs in public for me. He even surprised me by pulling me into an empty room at a house party and showing me he was wearing a buttplug under his clothes. I'm hoping to get him to start wearing skirts and stockings soon. As is he gets embarrassed just wearing the stuff for me let alone in public.
Baby steps! Took him a few weeks of constant fucking to be able to take my entire cock, so it's not surprising properly crossdressing will take a while too.
Why do you type like you're 10 years old, nerd
Yes, I have many times. I want to get caught and forced to suck dick.
every day
or was this question supposed to just be for dudes
You lucky fucker. Treat him with love, and lots of it. If you aren't sure how, Buddhism has a lot of great things to say about Love
fucking kek, also tits or GTFO
hey man. 5'10" chick here. tall girls exist! you have just as much of a right to dress up and feel feminine as the short guys. ot would be so cool to see girls taller than me out in the wild.
ah the old standby. because that never gets old.
There's no equivalent for girls, retard
My end game is to take him to this fancy lingerie shop in the city. They have dressing rooms for private showings (literally a chair for me to sit in and a small walkway/stage for the person to show off the fit). They also do custom made lingerie sets fit to size like a tailor. And color/material you want. I have $2000 to get him a whole bunch of dresses/bedroom wear. He'd be mortified if he knew, so I'm waiting until he's more comfortable with the whole thing. I already talked to the owner of the place and he says "gender doesn't matter. We'll make them sexy" so it's not gonna be a shock for his tailor ladies to measure my bf.
A man with body hair all over in girls clothes probably isn't something my neighborhood wants to see. If I could pass fuck yeah.
Wouldnt mind hanging out with you.
I've been searching my whole life for a BF like you. I wish you all the happiness :)
I'm not gonna keep my cuteness long enough to experience something like that so I'll live vicariously through you both
y'all cute
Love to hang and be friends.
Wow mate i feel you that was deep
nobody lives in Wisconsin tho
Yeah, I live California. ):