I have been browsing Yea Forums since 2006

I have been browsing Yea Forums since 2006.

Attached: 1337241387194.jpg (1280x960, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the holocaust actually happend

Nice try, newfag.

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Are you sure?

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yes, but the numbers are exaggerated

uncomfortable, but not shocked in anyway

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>op likes animals
How bout these?

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>inb4 monkeys arn't animals

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what camera in 2006 had that high of quality jesus

seen it before, you're close, it made me pretty angry when i first saw it

haven't seen that before, lmao fucking niggers

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OP, How does this make you feel?

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i lol'd. TY

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>islam is a religion of peace

Attached: 1544116346655.webm (720x480, 1.48M)

Take a crack at this

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that image dont mean shit.

Also old fags dont brag about being old fags so go fuck a fat one cunt.

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seen it, it makes me lol.

oh look a newfag falling for a meme perpetrated by newfags

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haven't seen this one before. but oh look animal decapitation, haven't seen that on Yea Forums before

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oh look fag pretending to be less of a fag than the rest of the fags.

Getting angered yet? Confused?

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dont be salt newfaggot

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>white boi made her do it

i dont get it, what's the SJW's upset about?


>be fat
>be angry on cuckbook
the end

of course some fucking professor here would say that dumb shit... too many fucking niggers

uhm...what's to stop someone from just putting the date on their body and claiming the pic was taken in 2006? hmmm

Do you have the Sam DiFabio nudes then?

Why would this make anyone upset? Its a good thing

Salty? Bitch you fucking invented osmosis.

this thread feels kinda old Yea Forums, it's nice. disregard this i suck cocks.

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it's nice to see that we still have oldfags that are lurking here. newfag since '10 or by the chart a lousy cancer

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08 newfag here, miss the good old days

*the brightest color

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She became a tripfag on /k/. Had fun brining up the past with her.

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The dog eating a dick, that was a good one. I dont have it, but one of you other fags probably do

You lost when you did your first post.. Let go user chan

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Oldfag here this is proof.

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