Any hacks for a normal looking front profile but wierd looking recessed chin side profile

Any hacks for a normal looking front profile but wierd looking recessed chin side profile.

>I mean art hoes seem to like me, but whenever they see a Chad then I'm completely forgotten about.

>Is the trick to just go places where Chad isn't?

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Top kek user

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Idk if this is real or not hut sounds down your alley

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it worked for me, my chin wasn't too fucked up though so its hard to say if it will work for everyone

You've got kind of a Christian Bale thing going on, maybe try talking in a lower register and slightly more gruff and people might notice.

I'm always compared to between Christian Bale and Jeffrey Dahmer.

I guess people just think I'm a psychopath

Attached: JeffDahmer.jpg (468x575, 88K)

It do be like that sometimes

I didnt expect to see flat eric today, thanks user

Can you grow a beard?

Nope. Just a shitty moustache and chin fluff

You should probably just get a better personality, that's what's really attractive to girls.

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I was gonna suggest a beard as well. Maybe grow your hair out and get a nice fade and swoop the top over. Another user mentioned a Christian bale look which is pretty accurate. He's got a similar chin thing going on and a lot of women find him attractive. Just make the rest of you look good to distract from your chin

Sure thing bro

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I guess that's solid advice. I was gonna regrow my hair out into a fade and milk it for as long as I can before it receeds to the point of no return

Long blond hair days are over

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Drop the "I'll curbstomp your ugly face" look. Do some hairdo instead.

Lol I'm a 5/10 at best and get 8s and 9s all the time, it's all about the attitude.

Attached: Screenshot_20190911-104101.jpg (945x1254, 405K)

Is that one of the 8s or 9s

Or is pic unrelated

You look nothing like Dahmer or Christian Bale

She's cute maybe a 7, but yea I fucked her

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fucking hell, bald, squinty eyes, weird ears, tiny fucking head. You won the genetic lottery of bad genes

so glad I was born with chad genetics.

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Did your mommy tell you that?

thats not a 7. shes fat, beady crossed eye,s cow tits. thats a 5

And I suppose this user is the top tier of men. He's probably a CEO making 10k a day with a haram of women

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Nope I'm a graphic designer, if you're good looking you dont need money to get girls, thats MGTOW mentality.

Cope. She's easily minimum 7.

Reference went right over your head. Not talking bout MGtards.

if you honestly think thats a 7 youre just deluding yourself to pump your ego. or maybe you leave in an area with 50% obesity rate

I'm not the guy who fucked her. You need to go outside so you're not comparing every girl with Instagram thots posted on Yea Forums.

The trick is to be Chad. No matter who you are you are Chad to some women. Pay attention the women looking at you. Ignore the rest of them.

More practically a chick I knew with a receding chin always smiled. She did this intentionally because it detracts attention from the jawline the lips and teeth. Worked for her.

That girl's cute. I also agree that looks aren't everything. I was good looking younger and that gave me confidence and game with women. Now I'm in my 50s, don't look so good, and am still fucking hotter women in their 30s and younger.

And, she'd still never give an incel like you the time of day.

why are there so many 50 year old creeps on here these days?!

Yes! Oldfag here. I went MGTOW back in the 1980s after hearing all of the Dear John letters my mates in the Navy got.

I do have some cash, all MGTOW do because they don't have to spend it on women. I'm not that good looking, but I have status in my field.

There really is magic in not giving a fuck.

I'm purple pill and look for any women that are looking at me. Otherwise I ignore them: no white knighting, no free drinks, no dating, no favors, no loans. Cash in the bank and a smile on my face.

Life's guud.

Attached: how awful i feel for not marrying.jpg (400x500, 29K)

>purple pill

Fucking kill yourself MGTOW terminology is pure fucking autism.

Hey, looks don't hurt in business. Especially height. I'm not so good looking, but I did do well in business and it does attract hot women.

The pity is I can't enjoy life because I'm so concerned about incels with bad genetics.

Keep white knigting and your sure to get that girl of your dreams.

Attached: MGTOW logo.png (1200x1200, 7K)

>spend it all on women

Either you're trolling or you have absolutely no experience with women, this isnt the 1940s women dont expect you to spend money on them, real women these days are independent.

Why not? Yea Forums is a lot of fun. Not so much anymore, but I remember the raids, tanking products, mass tolling, and original memes.

Now it's just fun to troll losers.

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>real women these days are independent.

But if you make less than them, they might just "accidentally" fall in love with someone who makes more

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I'm sure you are familiar with the terms incel and beta cuck.

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I had a surgery for this in Turkey, cost around $3000, they pushed the middle part of my face forward as well as the chin. Would do it again, the difference is incredible.

I agree. Women are coming to terms with the fact that most men are either soy boys with no money or MGTOW and won't give up their resources. I am all for it.

> women these days are independent

That's total bullshit. Women are living off welfare, alimony, daddy's money, student loans, and credit. Why do you think feminists complain about the "wage gap" and beg for more welfare? Most women are either dependent or broker than fuck.

Attached: feminism summed up.png (500x815, 153K)

Post before and after if possible. Would be interested to see

You're lucky you didn't end up in a hostel as torture bait.

You are right about that. Before I sold my business every employee's wife hit on me. Women are hypergamous. It's not a bad thing. They just want the best they can do with the pussy they have.

Women don't have careers worth shit for the most part. They are dependent on welfare, alimony, child support, daddy, sugar daddy, student loans, and credit. They have no sense for saving or investment.

Attached: beta cucked.jpg (982x1600, 267K)

Single moms typically have their shit together a lil

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fucking christ no wonder you're all single and alone. You are part of a cult.

I went bald early and have shaved my head for years. Don't sweat it. About 1/4 of women I meet just don't like bald men. Another 1/4 love them. Most women don't really care or notice if you have anything else going for you.

Do you think Melania married Trump for his hair? Do you think Michael Jordan can't get pussy because he's old and bald?

Big note: Once it starts to go, don't hide it. Women hate comb-overs and such. Hate them. Just keep your hair shorter as you bald. Or, get a pro wig. If you go wig, and I wouldn't, go big. Spend.

Say there are two men with on par looks facially and body-wise, one has thick brown harry styles hair and one is bald. Who is she going to pick?

Not that I would expect you to believe me but I am talking to 5 girls and fucking 2 if them atm. I also used to be married.

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Its literally an instinct to reproduce with men with healthy hair, means better genes. Women subconsciously lean to men with hair.

No they don't. That's why they're single. You don't see women married to quality men rushing to get rid of them. They know they can't replace them.

Being a single mom means you are both bad at selecting a mate and bad a attracting a new, quality one.

There's no evidence of that kid, let alone proof

I am single, but I see women regularly and get sex 4+ times per week.

I'm single because I realized early in life that there is *nothing* a Western man can gain through marriage. He can, however, lose his wealth and freedom with a single, "He hit me" phone call.

Don't worry beta. Fat single moms in their 30s will be looking for you when they're flat broke and need a sucker, er, good provider.

Oh, and I am in a men's group. We have a great time and help out our friends undergoing divorce.

Attached: beta - 20 years of patriarchy.jpg (1400x990, 257K)

are you serious? Like honestly? Thick hair is a sign of good genes, just like women wont go for short men or in fucking nature, the wolf with a genetic disorder making it bald is not going to be top bill for reproducing. Go back to school loser.

I'm the MGTOW poster and I believe you. I'm seeing 2 women regularly, 2 women occasionally, and one irregular woman occasionally. Guys that have never had this simply can't believe it's true. There's no use in trying to convince them.

This has to be bait, you people cant be real, I can hear your fedora.


(join a stupid autistic mens club)

On average, the one that looks like they have the most status and money. It's just not so much about the hair. You are noticing going bald way more than women are.

I've cucked guys with nice hair. Pic related, not me.

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I guess you're older? Because most millienals have casual sex pretty regularly, I do with lots of random girls and I have a girlfriend, oh and guess what she pays for everything. Got them chad genetics you see, didnt need to take any autistic red/purple pills. I'ma functioning normal person.

>I can think of reasons X would be true, that means it's true
Pleb tier

I dont think the bald thing applies to black men as the quality of hair is so poor anyway its either agro, rows or bald. If you're black then I agree it doesnt matter. If you're white then you're fucking wrong mate.

Here you go brainlet.

Since when did this thread become about MGtards

Actually they have way less sex than boomers overall, they mostly just sit on thier phones all day

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That literally mentions hook up culture and casual sex you braindead old fuck. Obviously thats not going to scale with your ridiculous bland married life sex schedule.

Good hair is part of an overall picture. Not a very big part. The people worried most about this are balding men, not women.

Here is something worth mentioning. All women have a tell when it comes to baldness. They will look at your head like men look down their blouses. If they smile, they *really* like baldness. If they scowl, they hate it.

That's how I came up with my rough estimate that 1/4 of women have a fetish for bald men, 1/4 hate baldness, and most women don't really care in the context of the overall package.

A lot of guys who just aren't man enough to get pussy often blame it on baldness, bad face, etc. The only advice I have is make a fucking life for yourself, not women, and you'll have no more dry spells.

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> a tell *scowll* *smile*

like a fucking oblivion character? Fuck off with your psycho bald coping mechanisms.

Pleasure is not the same as happiness, you are a degenerate. A married Boomer is much better off than you.

Stop the bald look. It doesn't go with your face and second you need a beard. If you are balding then still go with the beard

Keep on moving those goal posts, or did you just forget what we were talking about? Dehydration will make those dementia like effects much worse grandad.

What does this say about baldness?
Evolutionary psychology is not a science anyway.

He cant grow one from the looks of it, extremely low test/bad genetics.

Dude, i want to fucking strangle you.This shit is so annoying. What the fuck are we even arguing about? Im drunk, im watching parks and rec, and monitoring ops jackassery. get the fuck off my case

I bet you have too much arthritis for that.

Bald with a beard is cringy af.

ah the old im drunk thats why I said stupid shit defense. How pathetic.

You are talking about small pieces of a very big puzzle. A man's total appearance is only part of what interests a woman.

I have scarred up biker friends from my 20s that are totally battered looking in their 50s and get college pussy every weekend. We love cucking college betas.

What you are wanting is a recipe you can follow to force women to love you. There ain't one. Never will be.

Your posts remind me in incel Hall of Famer Elliot Rodger. He did everything right and girls still laughed at him.

Hit the gym and take a shower and quit worrying about women. Some will look your way from time to time. Approach them and quit wasting time on the others.

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Quite the opposite. I'm in a men's group that tries to help the fedora crowd.

Guys like you not getting any obsess over pussy. Just give that up and you're way closer to getting some. Get selfish and make you own life better. Women will notice and the pussy will be there.

Most of all, quit white knighting. Women *hate* nice guys. They want masculine men they can respect.

Attached: beta - white knight internet.jpg (800x450, 76K)

I dont know a single person that doesnt think bikers are fucking wankers. They are just old men who watched Sons of Anarchy and thought its what women are into, its really really fucking not. Unless somehow you're part of a real surviving MC that does crime.

Not at all. The fedora crowd aren't like me at all. I'm no gentleman and I know that women hate nice guys. I'm not nice. That's why they laugh at you while going home with me.

I love cucking the incel crowd. But, I'm not opposed to helping with a little advice that I know works.

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I have quite a few male friends. Since I retired that's who I spend most of my time with. You can get pussy with one easy step if you're balls have dropped.

1: Quit being a soy boy whiner and criticizing people who aren't!

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kek alright old man.

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wow your life sounds like top gun! playing with the boyyyss

Congrats! You have no idea how incredulous you sound. Do you think I don't know anyone under 100?

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Bet you dont know anyone under 30.

Since over-sensitive pussy boys heard from older guys actually getting some pussy - from women that have them friendzoned for life.

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the cope is real

Yeah im sure all the college girls are tripping over eachother to climb on your trike and talk about how good eric clapton is. Kys

its mad how older people completely miss how rekt they get on here. They just blindly argue with such confidence, its horrible.

Use beard oil, eat protein rich nuts, purchase over the counter biotin and consume as instructed on package, use face wash with aloe.
Beards grow in time, don't tamper it too much or it'll never grow.

I'm familiar. Older guys have a totally different hook up culture. We see several women on average and the women see fewer men. There are a *lot* more available women post 30.

Younger guys see one or two girls who are village bicycles. Everyone gets a ride. The smarter younger girls are looking a little further up the food chain and trying to lock in under 40 beta providers to use as a spring board to fuck whoever they want.

These guys get only Tindr quality women and can't talk to other men or women face-to-face where it counts. They can only associate with women who advertise.

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none of those things are going to change someones genetics and follicle placement kek stop getting scammed by marketing spiel.

kek complete fucking horseshit.

Don't get butthurt. You are worrying a lot more about your looks than a woman ever will.

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said like a true undesirable.

citation required holy fuck

I couldnt get in, I have too much hair

I've seen the type of happiness you get without pleasure. It's called radical Islam or evangelism.

Can't buy happiness with money, either, eh, Champ?

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You look like some kind of angry skinhead.
Smile more and grow your hair out a bit and you won't creep people out as much.

Also the reason they forget about you is because your personality is probably pretty mediocre.

Your crush doesn't think so. I think I'll get her to have you wash my car.

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This so much, they're so far removed from how arguing is done in younger generations they get fucking destroyed without noticing. Boomers are fucking idiots.

These guys are the older end of a real MC. Made and ran meth when it was still called crank.

The fact that your friends think bikers are wankers says more about them than it does about bikers. Here's some of your friends now.

Attached: incel hall of fame.jpg (1600x1600, 201K)

Nobody cares. Develop a personality and stop shit posting on Yea Forums.

What fucking MCs are dead? These guys are from real MCs.

The fact that you don't like them says more about your than them. You don't have me convinced for a minute that you have friends. You can't even get pussy.

kek You pathetic out of touch loser.

same fag old man.

You'd look much better with hair

What's your hangup with incels? I'm not one, never have been. You *will* get some pussy someday. Quit obsessing. Make something worthwhile of yourself and you want have to worry so much about your looks, balding, or any of that. Women will come around.

Attached: butthurt cream.jpg (640x640, 55K)

You should watch that south park episode about bikers, its a perfect metaphor for how people view biker culture today.

using the term "wanker" means youre from across the pond, so no one gives a fuck what your version of "biker" is because its probably gay as shit

ITT: one MGTOW old man on a crazy crusade.

no cure for a weak chin, friendo

No. I'm more like this. But look like Uncle Fester.

Attached: crazy old guy w sword and chihuahua.jpg (1200x1600, 360K)

How many times are you going to reply to the same post you salty fucking loser. Leather jackets are for autists and old virgins.

I have a very active life and I do spend most of it with male friends. I'm not a soy boy. I don't hang women. I'm the guy they talk about when they hang around cucks like you. You know, the bf that treats them like shit, but they still fuck him while you are friendzoned. I'm that guy.

Being a man, I like masculine activities, like working on cars and houses. Women love to interrupt these activities, but few ever contribute much. Try a day at a Habitat site to see what I mean. Out of a dozen women only one will be serious and competent. The rest will be disruptive attention whores looking for Facebook fodder.

So I have a pretty good time with my male friends and never have to worry about getting help if I'm sick, fridge breaks down, or I need bail. Try getting your hip gfs to do any of that.

You have some serious issues bro. How often do you guys all get drunk together and someone throws on some porn and you guys work on something other than the fridge if you get what I mean

I have a deli full of 20-somethings run by a 32 year old guy. I don't have a family, but some of my friends do.

As far as fucking goes, I wouldn't hit on any of my employees. The last 20-something I fucked was about a year ago. They're easier to pick up than 50 year old cat ladies.

They love riding on my Rascal. In seriousness, women that age are curious. They want a pump and dump to see what it's like. 30-somethings want money. 40-somethings can be pretty guud. After that baggage and poor health eat women alive.

Aim for pretty boy looks, you'll never be chad

This thread is the epitome of out of touch men desperately trying to prove they're not over the hill. Really fucking sad.

It's not confidence. It's smugness. I'm smug.

Eric Clapton's not good?

Best comics of the decade

I'm 60 and find that the same guys who use all sorts of logical fallacies and bad arguments on a board like this just look at their feet in a face-to-face. No wonder women their age will date older guys. The women already have pussies.

You all live in a fantasy world what the fuck.

Because we rape you and your mom in your sleep

You can't accelerate beard growth. Don't fall into the consumption cures all fallacy.

citation for what? Here's some about how older guys are getting more pussy:

See, some 90-99% of people are heterosexual, but millennials are some 99.9% female or soy-based life form. There are not enough men in that generation to satisfy sexual need.

I'm the jackass that fucks your mother and sister, but never helps out. That's your job. Or, your dad's. But, all guys my age get the blame for your single mother being an over-protective cunt and you being a failure at everything you touch.

I feel sorry for you guys raised by single moms. I know a lot of you. No skillsets, slipshod everything. No values and a bleak, unwarranted fatalism. Tattoos and piercings from other cultures you don't understand.

It doesn't make you look trendy and smart. It makes you look desperate for attention and ridiculous. It indicates you're ashamed of who you are.

Attached: good fucking god.jpg (323x412, 40K)

I was wondering who owned Yea Forums. Feel free to delete any posts you'd like.

BTW - why are you responding to shit posts. I don't.

I noticed you failed to answer the question.

I don't own a motorcycle. I have friends my age that are members of some ancient MCs. They've been riding since the late 70s. None of us are new to motorcycling.

I'm not a biker or own a motorcyle. I used to ride in my 20s and 30s. I do have some old biker friends that rode with a hardcore MC beginning in the late 70s. None of us are new to motorcycling.

Still and all it wouldn't matter if we were. We'd be having a great time and you'd still be watching us from mom's basement.

That wasn't me. I'm the original MGTOW poster. You might be surprised how old some of Yea Forums's oldfags are and how easy you younger guys are to bait and serve our entertainment purposes. You prove everything bad that older people believe about younger people.

You just need to get your eyebrows done and you'll be fine

More than one and it's certainly gotten your interest. Son, all the online silliness you can muster isn't going to get your lady ass laid.

Attached: soy boy starter pack.png (1396x1192, 1.75M)

Dude, don't listen to them, look up tounge posture. Once it becomes a habit that will he you're new face. Good luck.

implants if you want to go that far.

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I see at least one group of my friends daily. We're currently helping one guy's son with a divorce. We got his shit in safe storage and got him lawyered up. He'll get half of what he got into the house. That's good in the US. He won't be stuck paying for a house for his ex and Tyrone.

Needless to say his dad told him not to marry. But, he was raised by his mom and taught that all men are stupid and evil unless they consume the soy.

I'm going back and forth between this thread and a gf about tonight. I'm having friends over for a cookout and the gf available is a vegan.

There will definitely be some drinking and good food. The horror of it all. I've screened this thread and we'll be laughing our asses off.

The guy's son we're saving damn near lost everything his cuck ass had. It's a shame when a boy really only gets to know his father after the son has fucked up good and proper.

Here's a pic of me. See I really am a troll.

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At least I found the hill and I topped it. You won't. You can't even get pussy.

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I'm waiting for an answer to this one. Soy got your tongue?

The shape of your chin has minimal effect on your success with women. What are you avoiding?

I think they' are very telling. I was in the US Navy in the 1980s and these remind me of the Dear John letters.

One little bitch wrote to tell her husband she was divorcing him to marry his *father*, since his dad "owned everything" and wouldn't die for years.

Another guy gets one from his sister about his wife being the village bicycle - along with pix (Polaroids in those days, matey).

That's when I became MGTOW. I've never had a romantic disaster.

Attached: mgtow - bird to bride.jpg (718x642, 104K)

Looks completely fine to me mate.

It's because too many young men are being raised by single mothers that won't let them face a real challenge and overcome it. There's no confidence because it's never been earned.

It's a boy among men.

I only posted the one with the cartoon and this one. There are some other old guys (or supporters) in the thread. Now about *your* samefaggotry...

Start mewing and grow out a goatie.

Growing Your Face, Dr Mike Mew. This addresses your problem exactly, mouth breather.

Yeah, but we didn't use condoms. Not after high school. Because girls were on the pill and not looking to have babies with every guy they could before marriage.