Current day Yea Forums

> Current day Yea Forums
>How did it get this bad, user ?

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The fappening
Normies pornspamming cause edgy
Children who find facebook and instagram thots hot

Kids from redditfagotry, bots are posting 90% (more or less) porn threads.


What is this Yea Forums you speak of?

Whenever you showed up.



I dont know
The last time I was on here we rolled and made Larry the grasshopper a foil hat then sent him to space on a bottle rocket
Now it's just boring porn
Where did all the fun go

>shouldnt share
>fur thread
>andy sixx

Are these your cravings?

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lol internet

some people like it, and i have no problem with it in moderation. It's just when it becomes 40 threads of it i stop being okay

Flip to page 1 right now , how many porn threads?

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about 10

Don’t worry, there’s no loli threads yet

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God made it this way
Because too many rules

only one

We had a good raid on fb/ig threads last night. Ran about 4 or 5 of them to image limit and none of those little piggy’s got to cum. Eventually they gave up for the night.
We did have our own thread running to coordinate efforts and identify targets though. The belushiposting was at a premium.

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do it again ya great fuck

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Yeah that was a good one.

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Just one? Damn, a good day for Yea Forums

yeah i know right?

The end goal is to just take all this to feedback, you are aware of that right? Yea Forums is a business like anything else, and if enough people are ticked off, they'll have to fix it to maintain revenue

Can’t do it without based belushiposter

Faggots didn't follow rules 1 & 2, phone poster's and all the social media bullshit.

>Inb4 rules 1 & 2 only apply to raids

You were part of the problem cancer fags. Don't fucking @ me either lil bitches.

Maintaining revenue here just means keeping people posting, so if people are mad, they post more. It’s not in the sites favor to take down posts people don’t like, because people will post saying how much they don’t like it.
The only way to win is not to play.

@ you


Besides from the gay, trap, FB/IG, celeb thread that is

Are you serious?
b has been like this for years now.

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yes i am. Nature abhors a vacuum, and it would be filled by something more productive than porn

It dont think mods will care about porn being posted on random.

I don't either, but something has to be done. The fb/ig threads are oppressive at this point