Does weed make you retarded?

Does weed make you retarded?

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no, being retarded makes you retarded.

no but you'll feel sluggish and shite if you use it too often, and it makes you happy with being bored and idle

This. It's akin to alcohol imo. Fine to use every once in a while to relax, but not something to do every day.

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Thru the use of flower edibles and carts I have been high for an entire 30 days today.

>I'm a fucking stoned loser, AMA

you will lose IQ points if you smoke during your teen years. also heavy use will lead to long-term memory problems.

I quit smoking whuile ago because I couldn't remember something that was said 5mins earlier.
>Daily user, 5gr a day, even while working (paramedic kek, I got some nice stories)
Glad it's over, and never touched that again

it's not a high if you're high all the time, you start smoking just to feel normal.
if sleep is your only tolerance break, you have a problem. try to at least limit your smoke sesh to once a day, preferably a few times per week

30 days? That’s cute. I’m 39 and I’ve been high every day since I was 9. Don’t ask me shit.

weed makes my life worth living


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>5gr a day
damn that's what I smoke in a month when I'm using almost every night. you had a sick tolerance or some seriously 90s mids, yo.

Yeah man. Retarded just means slowed down. It doesn't make you permanently retarded but it definitely retards you.

that's so sad :/
used to think like that. You smoke to make your life tolerable, and you continue for the same reason.
>This is how I've started heroin, cocaine and xanax btw

only if you were to begin with

>Does weed make you retarded?
I dunno, maybe, maybe not, but being stoned makes you feel like a retarded while it last

Routine was :
>Morning 2 joints with coffee or 2 bongs
>Joint omw to work
>Taking shift with stoner friend
>1 joint each we pass while working
>2 more before eating
>Bong time break
>Repeat til end of shift
>Enjoy your evening

I admit that was waaay fucked up, but when you smoke this like cigarets, you don't see that way

That depends on the strain. Sativa gives a sluggish feeling and will help with sleep. Indica does not really make you sluggish and helps with anxiety or hunger.

Smoke that dirty, brown Mexican shit and it probably will make you retarded with all the shit they spray on it.

Weed makes you go through a complete mental shift. Its a mental training ground.

You start it unsure of yourself and will have bad experiences. You exit with weed doing nothing to you and being able to remain completely conscious and in control. The worlds a different place once you master it, but once you do the weed wont do shit anymore.

Theres a lot more to it than getting high. Its about your psyche and mind frame.

Are you talking about static IQ or crystallized IQ? And would you direct us to the study you are citing? Unless of course you are just talking out of your ass with anecdotal data and hearsay

spot the difference

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It made me exhibit signs of autism, and started giving me anxiety that I'd never had before. Tbf the autism stuff was more an inability to comunicate and not be awkward and that came from the anxiety caused by being so goddamn high that I couldn't behave normally or express myself properly, partly because I realised high people are really fucking annoying to sober people, with the stupid shit they say and think is deep etc

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In one picture the tranny is high but in the other he isnt

A little

>also heavy use will lead to long-term memory problems.
That was my experience. I used to have incredible recall and could memorise shit so easy, but after a few years of smoking i became really forgetful, now sometimes I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night or stuff that was in recent memory. I cant try and learn something and get it memorized but a week later its completely gone.

Not sure about retarded but it does make you a degenerate loser

what the fuck is that gif

here the tranny, faggot

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Worst part : you never aknowledge it when you're smoking, only way after

Maybe just at your core youre an unlikable autistic faggot and the weed makes it so you cant hide who you really are

Baited. Nice tits

It affects your ability to retain information. So yes, you can't learn properly, which is retarded.

Nah, he's right. Weed is proven to impair cognitive development and prevents a growing brain from reaching its full potential, which doesn't happen in a sober person until the early 20s, so if you start smoking weed regularly before then, you'll probably fuck yourself out of some potential.
>Cite a study
I don't know if he can, but I can't because I'm not autistic and I don't memorize every place I read something, especialy since I'll often read the same thing in a bunch of different places so I end up with an informed opinion but don't remember. If you really want to know then you could just Google it, but I suspect from your tone you'd rather it not be true and aren't about to go out of your way to prove it right.

weed was meant to me used sparingly in scared rituals but now there is a dude weed bro culture that promotes 24/7 thc in your system. stoners are the dumbest most retarded people in society and they are the ones that can’t see it

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These same CIA niggers tell us LSD induces schizophrenia. How the fuck can we trust anything these "studies" suggest.

Absolutely. For about an hour, if your weed is any good.

Rofl no.

I've had psychosis and HPPD from a large dose of LSD

If you dont know where your information is coming from then its not an informed opinion.

Maybe. Or maybe weed just fucks you up if you smoke too much, too often and that fact is something you don't want to accept.

I watched a close friend of mine go through a psychotic episode while on LSD and he's never been the same

that said, im a huge advocate of LSD and most drugs in general, but its important to know that for some people, it can and will just fuck them up pretty hard

Ayy nigger once you can withstand 300mg of pure thc edible or a gram plus of dabs and walk around like normal you won't be afraid of a fucking thing on god. You dont gotta believe me bitch cause I did it myself.

>I watched a close friend of mine go through a psychotic episode while on LSD and he's never been the same
It aint the LSD, its his own weakness. Sad truth homie.

no but it will drop your sober iq by at least 10 points
only use weed regularly if your iq started at 120

yeah ive come to terms with that, shoulda mentioned he was not in a good mental state when it all went down,

have tripped a few times since then, but did have me worried for my own sanity for a little while

Don't know =/= don't remember? We learn a lot of shit throughout our lives, our brain is wired to retain the useful and disregard the rest. The conclusion of a study is useful, Where I read about it, because some user faggot wants a citation 5 years later, is not. Especially when the same information can be found with a simple google search, if the person is genuinely interested.

this is very subjective and most people actually find the inverse scenario to be true. indica/sativa refers to botanical characteristics of the plant and isn't really applicable anymore or backed by scientific chemical composite correlations since many landrace strains of indica/sativa classification are vastly different to one another, virtually every modern cultivar of cannabis has been cross bred so many times that they're all technically hybrids and strains are pretty vaguely defined in that a northern lights from one seed breeder can be entirely different from another's. I don't have a scientific source but in my experience and observed experience of people around me, generally speaking, too much of a cannabinoid like thc or cbd will make you feel lethargic and sedated regardless of which terpenes or flavanoids are also present.

Boii stop.

>Does weed make you retarded?
no you do

ive been getting high every night for 10 years and im doing just fine

do you still smoke?
I've found that after completely cutting it out of my life, my memory slowly returned to normal over the course of a few years. although I still have very poor recollection of my heavy-usage years.

LSD is definitely not for everyone. When you go in there you fight your own demons. If your consciousness is not stronger than your hidden demons you might come out fucked up. A bad trip can destroy you if you arent prepared to fight it.

are you really doing fine? or have you become complacent with your position in life?
not a personal attack, genuine question.

are you telling me that you don't keep a logbook of sources for every single piece of information stored in your head? haha, fool!

>When you go in there you fight your own demons
that's just, like, your expectation, man. I've had a few bad trips but I've also had fun days of watching plants blow in the wind while writing nonsense poetry. it tends to get out of hand into demonville if you're on a high dose but not everybody drops to get lost in 300ug psychedelia

Nope. After maybe 5 years of daily use, morning 'till night, I finally stopped smoking it. That was about 2 years ago, though last year I shared a joint with an old friend and it gave me such bad paranoia and anxiety that I completely blacked out. My memory has been getting a lot better since, but my mood seems to have suffered, I think my dopamine circuits are fucked up or something.

from my experience, bad trips usually occur from thought-loops. the person deludes themselves into nonsensical ideas, exacerbated by the psychedelic headspace. you can often talk someone out of a bad trip by simply getting them to explain their thoughts, you can then rationally talk some sense into them.

I mean yeah man. Its really about you, ya know what I mean. Its totally and completely different for everyone.

On my last journey I went inside and viewed the source of all consciousness. Literally anything can happen.

Not that guy, but what's the difference?

Absolutely true. Thought loops are destructive with any substance but given the nature of LSD and how it makes you think even extra the thought loops can fuck you up for weeks after if you dont recognize whats going on.

in the case of my mate, I thought we had done that, brought him away from all the crazy stuff, talked him out of it, but it just came storming back a few hours later and with a vengeance

personally, ive not had a properlyh bad trip, and ive lost count of the amount of times ive tripped, I do think its a headspace and though process kinda deal, but I suppose I have my shit together better than others

Think of weed as a tool
Similar to a hammer, you can use a hammer to build a house or you can hit yourself in the dick with it

No. Ppl are retarded(have mental illness) then smoke weed

by complacency I'm referring to the typical stoner who hovers in an entry level job into their 30s and is quintessentially a loser. they essentially halt their progress in life, doing nothing other than smoking weed, playing video games, watching tv, etc.


Being here does a far better job user

Imagine being so fucking stupid that u think a job is the meaning of life.
So many fucking morons here

as social creatures, we need regular communication to stay "grounded" to everyone else. it's important to note that thought loops can (and do) occur without the use of psychedelics. for example: school shooters, incels, etc. they get so isolated from everyone else that they lose their grip on reality and form radicalized, demented views.

So there IS shame in an honest days work?
Choosing just to live your life how you want, having fun and enjoying your time vs stressing over climbing some career ladder, is a bad thing? I feel like there is validity in questioning what we are "supposed" to do in, and want from life.
If you can support yourself and enjoy your life, by what measure are you a loser? Not everyone wants to join the "rat race" and you don't have to be a drug user to opt out. This is just my opinion, though.

cope more, hedonist loser.
I'm not saying you need to be a 9-5 wagie, I'm saying that you need to be productive and further yourself as a person. which is something the majority of stoners don't do

complacent with my position?
no i always try to improve
i just make sure to give myself time to unwind at night and weed is great for that
its important to have an even work life balance

yes and this has been a big debate for years. just look at Yea Forums, half the threads are about it.
you can live a relaxed, fun-filled life, just don't fall into the endless cycle of choosing instant gratification over long-term fulfillment

well it seems you are one of the few high-functioning stoners, with a decent amount of self control.
I applaud you

>you need to be productive
For who? What even defines productive?
You can choose to be productive, but there is really no "need" for it, beyond society telling you to do so, and that's not for your wellbeing, it's for the tax you'll pay.


Smoke on lunch breaks, smoke when you wake up, smoke when you get off work? Life sucks, you should kys

There's more to productivity than doing something for a wage. Build a bird feeder, hippy.

well i wasnt always like this but i eventually got my shit together

This. If u smoke every day, you become a brainless ape. Every use of cannabis, apart from as a psychedelic, painkiller or sleep aid, is wrong.

The birds will and do happily eat the seeds I throw on the grass, though.

People who do drugs are already retarded :3
Don't do drugs kids

Low tier grass confirmed
Send in all units

and what are your opinions on alcohol

Been smoking since I was 12, 16 years now, yeah yeah I grew up in a neighborhood full of niggers. Can confirm that my memory is complete SHIT

Not sure that's what was implied to begin with.
>weed brain

Adrien de promotion social, je te connais.

its the only way to play classic wow dude
i dont know how all these hunders of thousands of players play classic wow completly sober in their late 20s and 30s.. how ???
i dont even have the willpower to try to play sober, its just a big no
so answering your question, it does makes you retarded

>5g=daily, 30 days
>.16 a day
>a goddamn crumble a day
You fucking retard

Relax, boss. It's not that serious.

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I used to smoke a small blunt with a filter and a light dusting of skunk when I was programming, wrote some of the best programs of my life and playing guitar was sick and my lock sport game was really relaxed and focused.


If I had a normal joint all bets are off, literally all I could do was fuck good and eat shit food and anything other than a single task was impossible!


i started around 14 15, 10 + years smoking and dude , it is shit
i cant even talk about the movies i watched sometimes because i dont fucking remember. i actually need to start playing a movie to realize, ohh i saw this before
i wonder if this can be improved somehow.
if i stop smoking for a month you guys think there gonna be improvements with memory?

Dude, this!!! Everyone at my work are huge tv/movie bugs, and all day its
>do you know so and so actor?
>do you remember so and so movie?
And exactly like you said, NONE of it is there. I will have to watch it for a while to see if I can remember it.

Buffs. Fucking phone.

Liberal scum.

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you and me bro.. i really want need to improv my memory somehow because this is a joke.
i remember everything from old call of dutys, world of warcraft, and a bunch other games i spent my life on, but dont remember a movie i watched a week ago ? wtf ?? even if its a good one.

fast extracting dry herb vapes: they're much more efficient in getting you cooked because they don't as many destroy cannabinoids through heating as setting the the bud on fire does, and they taste much better to boot. I smoke 0.05g some days, .2 other days. I only smoke at night and take occasional 2-3 days off or smoke every other day and take 2 week - 1 month tolerance resets when I'm not happy with the high at .2 or I'm blazing .3 7 days a week without any mild psychedelia/auditory hallucinations or eurphoria. if you manage your tolerance well 14g can the larger portion of a year without being overly timid about your consumption as long as you don't go overboard and hit dabs and blunts filled with kief all day.

I was half joking but also serious
Like if you drink alcohol don't overdo it
It should be an occasional thing
So maybe I should view weed the same way
Seriously though, whether alcohol or weed, if it's a regular thing it ain't healthy

switching up strains to get different effects and taking smaller bong hits to avoid inhaling more thc than your lungs can absorb, as one study with a volcano vaporizer found that around 40% of the thc in vapor was exhaled, as well as this and knowing when to call it a night after your bong rips don't fade you like the first 3 or 4 hours of the night's did helps. smoke more less often or smoke less more often to keep your baseline tolerance low. for whatever reason I find that exercising potentiates weed too. smoke weed with restraint and method you'll be high school high every night ;)

Stfu moron. U don't know shit about life

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top kek

absolutely, you will even see a vast improvement after a week sober

im gonna give this a try, i dont think i ever had a proper tolerance break and such.
usually smoke like 8grams in a week

then i really need to make this break happen
having a memory like this, is a joke

>a month
Just stop smoking, starts smoking cigars instead. A real mans smoke and one that won't have you zombiefied

A fucking men. Or having a family. Or any of that fucking bullshit everyone wants you to fucking do. Its all fucking stupid. Especially when youve been forced into your shit since high school.

I read the cognitive stuff as well, it's been studied for years and whether some choose to believe them or not is up to the individual. If it's being said in multiple places by different labs and similar conclusions are met, there's the answer. I'm over 25 so I'm not worried about lighting up a big fatty. I'm in a stable career/relationship and didn't start frequent use until about a year ago. We said, sir.

"live today like your perfect yesterday"
-professor jordan b. peterson, phd, public intellectual
he may be a meme, but he gives good self improvement advice. if you want to feel good about yourself, you need a sense of accomplishment. productivity doesn't have to be finishing the excel spreadsheets for your boss, it can be completing a personal goal, something you're passionate about ... maybe you work on a project, or clean up your house, etc. just "do" things and you will be happier.

don't expect to retain any information while high.
I watched the same youtube video three times in one week before I realized I'd already seen it

not on it's own

i do smoke cigs too :/

I said cigars not fags

good for you, it's well worth it both for the better high and the mental clarity ("sober high") as long as you don't celebrate reducing your tolerance by smoking a gram and building your tolerance back up in a week, lol. if you ever take a full cold turkey tolerance break it's worth knowing that the habit takes a few weeks to fully break, as most habits do, and having something to replace the smoking with, like running/whatever exercise gives you a dopamine hit, or a really engrossing hobby does help a lot, as does melatonin and practising healthy sleeping habits to help you get to sleep without weed. I'm a weekish into a 2 or maybe 3 break right now and don't even think about or want weed, but it's gonna be lit when a single 0.05g bowl of my dynavap has me tripping again after ruining my tolerance by excessively smoking up some weed I forgot about and let dry out in a big jar.

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yeah . whenever i stop smoking, i start to remember my dreams, but still get shit sleep in the first week. especially i work night shifts in a busy house so weed allways knocked me out good enough to get sleep..
but it is true, after the first week you dont care that much about smoking.

can you guys go back to /r9k/?

Yes. Fuck society and it's brainwashing.

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Talk about weed more faggot

Dumbest thing I've ever heard.

>plant solves all my porblums
>mini wage, depressed and no gf
>hitting 30 or in early twents

This is fucking crazy to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve exhibited some classic “signs of ADD” in the form of forgetfulness, like setting something down and not remembering where, leaving the house without my keys and needing to come back inside, etc. but I was a regular cannabis smoker for 10 years, consuming approximately .5-1g/day for the last 3 years or so, and I have NEVER had memory issues like this. I came to this thread to see people fight for their opinion to be taken seriously, but now that I’m here, I’m floored by all the people that say it has made your short term memory shit.

I stopped the regular use about two months ago to see if it improved anxiety, which I believe it has, but I’m halfway through college and spent the first three semesters smoking at the aforementioned rate and still maintained a 3.7 GPA. And I could always tell you the details about my favorite movies, even if I was high when I saw them.

The only other issue I used to have was missing appointments because I forgot that I had scheduled them, but about a year or two ago I made a habit of putting them in my phone’s calendar with alerts and have since remedied this issue. I can’t help you remember the details from the shit you watch or what you ate for dinner, but there are definitely things you can do to help you be more conscious of shit throughout your daily life.

Who gives a fuck, it's a plant. Expecting to have a "real conversation on Yea Forums, what the fuck were you thinking?

Speaking from experience, this user is completely correct.
Like the ancient Greeks knew, greater pleasures come from self control and restraint.


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Fuck, over 120 post in somethin like 5 minutes or so... couldn't really follow, so... does it make one dumb? Askin for a friend.

Mainly use it to sleep and not every night