Thinking about playing Half-Life all over again

Thinking about playing Half-Life all over again....

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do it

Original or Black Mesa?

black mesa for sure

Too bad we'll never see HL 3

maybe some day user
maybe someday

Do it

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Good, why haven't you started already?

Porn, boredom......extreme laziness...

Do it and have Freeman's mind on in another tab.

porn is no excuse

Wow I didn't realise I was talking to a pathetic sack of shit, forget I said anything


I just did this recently
I played whatever is released of Black Mesa and then jumped to 2. Lots of fun but the nostalgia started to run out for me about 3 chapters into 2
Black Mesa makes half life 2 look like shit so if that will ruin the experience for you don’t go that route.

I'm hurt by can we send you back to Tumblr with such hate....

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True.....I'm just not sure I can go back to the old-style graphics of the Original HL... was really good porn.

BM came out before HL2, unless you're talking about the mod based on BM for the HL2 engine.

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Wasn't Black Mesa the redux of the original Half Life just with the new engine?

It’s just odd when you get around to playing 2 and the graphics are worse than what is supposed to be the original. It’s only because Black Mesa is still being developed and started years after 2 was released.

Fuck no it didn’t, how would it have come out before half life 2 when it started as a mod for half life 2

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Yes, the whole series started at BM.

Funny I was thinking the same thing... Black Mesa was great but I Wana experience the original game again, it's been too long

>searching for good vidya threads
>after scouring Yea Forums the best I've found is on a completely different board

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Think no longer faggot and click that play button

funny how that works

It's coming out after Half-Life 2: Episode 3

I have nothing to say so have some Alyx porn

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But before then we’ll have Left 4 Dead 3

I was gonna post some screenshots of Black Mesa I took along the ride but that would require me booting up my pc when I can just lazily post from my phone

I wish

Something something valve can’t count to 3, though supposedly left 4 dead 3 has seen development and they’re working on some other half life related projects, sorta like portal just some parallel games That just add to the story but don’t continue it


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The magic of Yea Forums

>"Crowbar is a meme"
Some fagchild who never played half-life wrote that shit today

I have hl on PC. If my pc would install it properly I'd be playing right now

The old discs don’t work because of incompatibilities with modern os. Steam installs them just fine but some of the games don’t recognize inputs for some reason so they’re still unplayable.
Never got to play blue shift and probably never will because of it. Opposing force works just fine though

That is a nice idea, gonna do that too..

fuck it, have some more

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