Broke up with gf a month ago

>broke up with gf a month ago
>texts me and asks "how do i do it"
>"do what?"
>"pretend like i don't even exist"
>complains how i never texted her since we split to see if she was doing okay
>apparently i'm "selfish" for not doing so and i "need to become a better person"

what is it with femoids and making up their own set of rules? didn't realize that one must talk with their ex and see if they're doing well after said relationship failed. it's okay though, kings, the bpd will probably get her in the end.

Attached: myfuckingsides.exe.png (1023x903, 387K)

Block her. Also what's bpd?

You don't have to check in, but it is what a reasonable and not selfish person would do.

Saged because you sound like a dumbass kidult


She’s a stupid bitch
Must have expected you to take the breakup hard and hang up on her for the next few years and try to get her back etc etc

Nice job on not playing into her game

while you're here, what is bpd?

fucking foid isn’t even worth your time, none of them are

Bipolar disorder if I had to wager a guess

borderline personality disorder. not a shrink but she meets most of the criteria for it. constant mood swings, dissociation, cutting, chronic fear of me abandoning her.
thing is though, a few days after we broke up i texted and asked if she was doing okay, if she wanted to talk about anything, etc. she just gave me one word responses and then eventually left me on read, so i figured she didn't want to talk. she broke up with me, for what it's worth.
as soon as i agreed to the "break" she suggested, she immediately reneged and started sending me pictures of us early in the relationship saying how things would go back to the way they were, if i was really sure i wanted to do this, the whole nine yards.

thanks user

Yeah you need to block this psycho cunt. However if you have nudes plz share.

she blocked me prior to even responding to the message where she lambasted me, so i guess i've got that going for me. also, sorry, but no nudes. deleted everything i had of her after we split.

She’s just trying to play your emotions and make you think you’re the bad guy
Flip the role on her, the more she texts you the less responsive you get

If she ever pops back up block her ass

exactly, the night we split she texted me "goodnight, i love you" followed by "sorry, kinda a habit." she's manipulative as all hell if she can't get what she wants, took me far too long to realize this.

She's literally just bitchy you haven't become a beta-friendzone-orbiter. Her mind is incapable of handling the idea you may be ok without her. Drop her, block her, and move on. You don't need that toxic bitch.

Now begins the slow scraping of her from the bottom of your shoe, good luck bud

> bpd
never talk to her again. Itll be then best decision you evee made

Ok cuck. I see you being a stepfather in your future raising offspring that isn't yours and getting taken advantage by some thot.

Jesus user did you break up with my ex? I literally went through this a few weeks ago, she also got diagnosed with bipolar disorder while we were dating and has been doing basically all of this shit to me too, I still haven’t read the last text message she sent me because she has been acting so psycho and trying to guilt me.
How long were you guys broken up?

You sound like the sort of faggot who used to get his teeth kicked in by bullies and would compliment their footwear while it was happening.

You disregarded rule #1: don't stick your dick in crazy.
You then disregarded rule #2: if you stick your dick in crazy, follow up with "...and run".

This is the life you chose. Start burning contact methods. You have a stalker.

You’re a fucking retarded nigger