I've been so insatiably horny, just thinking about pussy all throughout the day, getting rock hard fucking boners

i've been so insatiably horny, just thinking about pussy all throughout the day, getting rock hard fucking boners

i'm 20 and ugly, and this is my story

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As long as you have a warm anus you will always get laid

i don't want to get laid that way :(

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ugh. die faggot

You’re 20 and have no personality or social skills

When I was 20 I lost my virginity to a 10/10 and I was a 250lbs baby faced fat fuck

This is

a fabrication
we both know she wasn’t a 10/10

not anxious in social situations at all, im just ugly and fat

Lol that’s fine you can think whatever you want.

Be social. Make people laugh. Get interesting hobbies and do interesting stuff so you can have cool stories to tell

Chicks dig that stuff

I find that being sullen and completely disinterested in sex gets me more pussy than any other attitude in my maladjusted life
I would rather be happy and a virgin but here we are

i think the main thing is i don't get out much, but yeah im told im funny and outgoing when i do

im just not doing anything with my life

To be clear my situation makes me fucking miserable and I don’t even flirt back at this point I just want to kill myself because I’m pretty good looking but I can’t bring myself to be happy or experience joy anymore like when I was in my teens.

Being disinterested and getting laid is a real thing. For me when I don’t put much interest in it, I don’t get emotionally attached as easy and I put much less pressure on myself, and I am a lot more authentic as a person and girls see thag

I’m going through the same thing as you. 100%. I am just so depressed and not even sure why I’m depressed at this point anymore. Just seems like I’m depressed just for the sake of being depressed and forgot why I was even depressed to begin with. Seems like it’s apart of me now.

I would never say this to anyone in my real life, which I cultivate pretty carefully, but even when I’m having sex I’m just thinking about how miserable I am. I have a job in a field I like, I have a nice apartment, I play with my dog every day. I don’t get into rages or feel any anger. I just feel like I’m going through the motions. Idk maybe I should wife one of the fuck friends??

You need to get hobbies and be active. Not only does being active and have hobbies make you more interesting and appealing, it distracts you from being horny and porn hungry all the time.

Again 100% just like you. I’ve often thought about getting serious with one of my fuck buddies, but then the idea of commitment scares me. Being faithful is almost impossible for me, also doesn’t help that cheap high quality prostitutes are a 30 min drive from me

Why did you post such ugly tits

low t, inc

You need to find something new to fap/schlick to. Here, take this...
