29 y/o normal dude from NYC. Bought heroin out of boredom and blew through a half g last week...

29 y/o normal dude from NYC. Bought heroin out of boredom and blew through a half g last week. Another vendor sent me a sample and have been doing lines. Anyone manage casual use? Want to tell me how you were like me and fucked your life up?

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No one trying to talk about nodz?

Im here keep the thread alive while i give you the lowdown

Yea Forums is literally just Jewish psyop degeneracy now.

u do lines ? shoot it ! i promise u you will never be yourself again

Don't snort that shit it's bad for you. Shoot it if you're gonna do it.

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Don't do heroin. Nothing good about it. It's just a way the kikes control our population. Just look at TEVA, a big kike company, produces generic narcotics to get america hooked. It's all a fucking scam. If you do heroin, you're supporting a jewish agenda.

Also don't fucking snort that shit. If you're going to do it, shoot it. Snorting it is wasting it. I knew a dumb bitch who snorted heroin, I hated her for doing it, but hated her even more for not doing it right.

You can manage casual use Nd get by. If you want to be functional take small doses to get by so you can work or do family things. But your energy and drive go way down and your closest homies will notice your zombie like personality. It fucked me up a while because i cant afford to be down. I can afford to get high all day everyday and work my good job. But my morality cannot afford to be low. When i felt the low it killed me not to pick up and use again. My body would hurt all over and all i had to do was make a call and pay 20 bucks for .2 of a gram to fet me high. Keep me alive until i need it again. But when i was down boy was i down. Like debating suicide, hurting people ohysically ans emotionally. It was like 10x worse than my worse depression outburst.


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lurking for stories that make me feel like a superior human

always snort, never IV

not heroin, but been around drugs for almost a decade......It always starts off casual, the cliche is real. Chances are you have some serious underlying issues going on, healthy people don't just pick up heroin out of boredom. You should seek help, nothing good will come out of using heroin.

Same chap here. Everyone is saying to shoot it and not sort it. Thats a troll man. Snorting it is the high you need right now. Its a taste of heaven but keeps you low enough to the ground. Theres alot of health risks when mainlining. Snorting can monitor and limit your use. But once you mainline... Snorting will be pussy shit. Once you mainlinw you will taste bliss. A bliss youll never want to lwt go of. The first plunge from the syringe is the sweetest bliss of all. This is where a good amount of people od. Becaise that bliss is the most intense. People od from mainlining becaise they are tryong to catch that 1st bliss that you will never be able to experience again. So you pump it up and try more until your body guves out

>don't shoot it because shooting it is really fucking good and you'll never be able to feel that good again

I think you should shoot it. If you have self control, you can do it once.

If you want to do heroin casually, and not end up a degenerate addict, you've got to set strict rules. Restrict yourself to only doing it once a week, and only snort it. Once you start shooting up, you're too far gone. If you can't get high from just snorting anymore, then it's time to stop for awhile.

It's pretty hard to remain casual with heroin though. It's easier with pills, but that's a lot more expensive.

Same guy here telling stories of my use. I picked up heroin becaise my goal was to literally try every drug. And i have. H. Meth. Pcp. Shit that will kill you i tried it to experience whats on tue other side of that moon. I am strong enough to set them down after my fun. But meth and H were the hardesr. Meth because it was so enjoyable. And heroin made mw feel like i was dying without it. High body load on heroin

Thats risky business man. Thatnfirst mainline is so sweet thats all people want afterwards. Self control or none its hard to deny that desire for such a blissful moment

No one has managed casual use of heroin

Hey OP, I did some black few months ago. No shooting, just smoked it. CHEAP too! But first time I did it, knew I could get addicted easy. Felt so great. Not worth it. I paid 40 bucks. I slept for like 15hrs. Not sure what type of heroin you got, but it felt so good, I know I can't do it. Can't moderate it, even if it's half the price of coke. I'd totally fuck up my life on that shit, I'm already suicidal enough as it is. Prob not worth it if you actually want to live.

Fucking dope had me by the balls for years. I've been homeless because of it, I've been to over a dozen rehabs, and served 6 months in jail. I've got too many stories to type out, but I'm also a convicted felon because of my heroin use

floridian here how should i go about using heroin?
i know your not going to tell me where to buy it but how do i use it

I had a dilaudid shot at the hospital once. I can understand why people want that rush, but it's just so fucking risky considering how shitty heroin can just up and kill you

I agree with it. Started out as fun with pills. Snort a little h. On the weekends. But then it wants your life. It wantes to change your lifestyle. Youll feel like your managing heroin and life. But in actuality, the heroin chamged your lifestyle and you changed so you can get high

Or... all druggies might want to simply eradicate themselves from humankind. Useless degenerate fucks.

If its powder snort it. Just a small bump becaise it could be fentynal. See how it feel. Try some more when you wake up from a cat nap. Test the product a bit.

If its tar. Smoke it in some foil or a oil burner. Just a small chunch and see how you feel. Maybe the next hit you can do more and feel better

Well, here in Baltimore the dope comes laced with fentanyl. Baltimore and NYC have similar drug distribution lines and trends.

Leave the shit alone. Smoke weed if you don't want to be "sober". Dope will get you nowhere fast. What do I know, though? I'm 33, sober for 9 years.

Hey post, I wanna know what happened. I'm a user and just wanna know where it all went wrong, switch from amphtemaines to heroin? What happened dude

Its not that easy. Im not a wook or stoner. Im an educated adult living a good life. Culture is not your friend. If culture says dont do something, then fuck culture. Culture molds you and stops you from finding new realities. Culture stilfes knowledge we fear. Try drugs. Not all are bad and may be able to help if regulated and offered in safe legal doses. We could have cures to depression with ketamine and psilocibyn. We must still push the boundaries of societies and discover what is true in life

Not OP but we all want to escape from something man. Uppers allow you to deal with it all. Downers can make.you ignore it all and sleep it off until theres nothing left

underated post.

I'm literally terrified of heroin. I did it one time and I'm fighting to not ever do it again. I haven't felt that level of ecstasy in almost decade. Sometimes I'm not even sure how I woke up from the first time doing it. It's nor worth it. If you are at your most depressive point of life, you will OD and you will not wake up. Just be prepared for that and know that.

Those trips can't even negate the fact that you're clearly on some shit when you wrote that.

Heroin WILL fuck your shit up. If not now, later. It's as simple as that. My uncle used for YEARS and never died (completely). Guess what happened years after he got sober? Motherfucker died, his heart was so weakened after years of abuse that his 35 year old heart was at the functioning capacity of someone double his age.

I mean, I'm not bragging about this of course I want to feel better about behavior


It depends what type you have. I recommend looking for #4 or "east coast powder" stay away china white and ALWAYS test with fentanyl strips. Buying off the street without testing is asking to die. pure #4 can be snorted and is so smooth. It's the most pleasant drug I've ever insufflated.

Heroin is hard, man. Heroin is some next-level shit. The feeling, there is nothing other like it. I'm not OP on this particular post, but I know that Heroin feel, and you can't match it. At my most suicidal moments, I wanted Heroin. I'd pay anything for it, my entire paycheck. But I didn't have the resources, and I guess I should be thankful for that, because I would be deal otherwise.

OP here. Of course I do. I have a great life in New York with a decent job and great people around. I grew up in a family with high functioning substance abuse and just never had a true sense of normalcy. I got off on the idea of trying everything once in my 20s, and aside from some obscure psychedelics and PCP, heroin was the end. DNMs make it stupid easy.

I was given a sample by a previous vendor for an order mixup and just had a point of pure H in my mailbox today. I'm just now coming down.

I was hooked on percocet in 7th grade and was off and running from then. As I got through high school I was doing 10 perc 30s every day I could afford it. Heroin just became the cheaper option eventually. I've always been a heavy abuser though. I have no idea how to be a casual user. Been clean 6 years now though so it's not something I'm dealing with anymore. I'll share anything you want to know, I'm just not sure where it went wrong for me. My first taste of drugs had me chasing that feeling for a long time

Heroin is easy. Opiates are easy.

You were just a self-indulgent pussy that couldn't tell yourself no. That was the difficult part for you. That's why heroin is referred to as a "Mama's boy" drug, because most users are used to being coddled and ultimately end up coddling themselves with dope.

I've been around the shit my whole life. I've seen people try it recreationally, I've seen people die before you pussies required Narcan to be carried on every civil servant from cops to librarians, and I've seen people kick decades-long habits and never look back. That bullshit you're trying to feed me might work on mommy and the naive, but it doesn't work on me.

I don't even want to end up in the casual territory. The risk of physical withdrawals is what keeps me away. Also, the small chance that even with trusted vendors and testing I could still OD. It's just the satisfaction that I've tried it that gets me off.

That's honestly great that you think that way. Now that you've tried it hopefully there will be no need to do it again. It only takes 3 consecutive days of using for you to feel withdrawals that first day without it. Something to keep in mind with any drug.