New heroin user here. NYC/29/normal dude and had tried everything else so figured I'd buy a sample off a DNM...

New heroin user here. NYC/29/normal dude and had tried everything else so figured I'd buy a sample off a DNM. Just snorting, (never fucking with IV) 10mg lines every hour or so and feeling great. I think the euphoria of amps still wins for me, like I'd trade this for a couple addys tbh. Any casual heroin users here? Anyone want to talk about you got into/manage using without getting addicted?

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Yeah I don’t do heroin unless it’s pure #4 at 200 a g.

Heroin sucks imo. If you’re doing dnm, you fucked up. Get dilaudid and iv 4mg for your first time. So fucking bomb. Nothing beats THAT. I’d fucking stab you in the throat and leave you to die if I knew no one would find it for a few of em

Degenerate fucking faggot

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If you're in NYC why would you pay darknet prices? Cheaper on the streets

The pill binders from shooting Dilaudid are every bit as bad, if not worse, in the normal street h ur so afraid od

Yeah, this stuff is #4 from a highly reputable vendor who sells for close to that. I only buy a point sample at a time to avoid addiction. I've done 30mg over the past few hours and am fighting the nods a bit. is Dilaudid IV'd that much better than oral or insufflated?

enjoy dying from fentanyl

the problem with maintaining a casual habit lies in how much you enjoy the drug.if its a lot you will just keep redosing. if its a little then whats the point.

I'm not some junkie in East NY or the Bronx looking to OD on fent lmao

you dont iv pffft puussaayyy

test stripes and trusted DNM vendors, junkies and idiots OD on fent

whats the equivalent of a bundle in the west

Your life is over you retard. You're going to end up slamming it.

Me and my friends all started off just like you. You say youll never bang it but you will.

I'm finding that out. I'm sure IV is another level, but I'm never crossing that line no matter what people will say "just wait" etc. The itching and nausea is a bummer, and the euphoria isn't forced. It's just... pleasant. Like the final boss of hard drugs is just fine, but I don't get how people kill for this shit. If I was going to throw my life away, a meth addiction is the far better way to go IMO.

you have to iv the dilaudids to get the euphoric rush. it's really the rush that ppl rave about with dilaudid, but the high is great too. i'd say nothing beats good clean heroin. i've only ever had good pure shit in beijing. never able to find any in the states and don't know how to use tor and btc and shit so whatever, prolly a good thing. i was on opiates for 7 years, have been clean off them for about 6 by sticking to a daily kratom regimen. honestly not sure how you could avoid getting addicted. the fact that you're even asking that question would tell me that you're getting addicted, and you know it too. just be careful man, it's not a fun life.

>never fucking with iv
LOL you're not the first to say that

>> Anyone want to talk about you got into/manage using without getting addicted?
Oh Christ, you're so lost.

lol no iv

you'll be sucking dick for it by christmas

You can get shit anywhere you don't have to go to shit areas. I get shit in Astoria, never had an od issue

Again I don't get this. The first time I tried an Oxy 20 I liked it but never had that moment that drove me down the path to heroin. Hell, amps are heaven for me but I don't slam fucking meth.

can I get DMT from darknet?

Mixed responses from everyone, but as being someone who did cross that line, lost it all and hit lower than the lowest low, rock steady but mind your step. It’s a hell of a high but is rough to come back from. Safe trails.

Lol yeah of course. DMT vape carts are even pretty common now. They're expensive though, like around $100/half g

What made you want to cross the line to slamming?

Please tell me why