Why does Yea Forums reject this beautiful woman?
Why does Yea Forums reject this beautiful woman?
literally who
Yea Forums rejects all dumb e thots. Pussy is free
She’s not dumb! She’s a very smart cute girl
she died tho
because modern Yea Forums likes men with tits
She looks like she has a ceiling fetish.
because shes the cam whore equivalent to a Nigerian scammer. Surviving off of the misfortunes and retardation of lonely fucktards. she wants free handouts, and doesn't want to contribute to society. Like a cockroach human. We have plenty of those kinds of people to go around.
This is pure truth right here
she should use her smarts to do something productive with her life. maybe see a shrink about her daddy issues or just do porn like normal sluts.
does she have any newdz?
I don't, i'll defend anything with tits
Even that African man in this thread?
just use your penis or cut it off..
All of these things, and none of them even make her special in any kind of way. shes a like meme person that is becoming less and less relevant everyday, and someday she will be forgotten completely aside from the oldfags that will make threads like this one, referencing her as "bathwater chick"
I will only fap to her when one of her crazy stalker fans kill her the weird faces she pulls started a trend that just does nothing unless she is killed then i can reach orgasm to this pics
Because incels have a serious problem with knowing there are women out there willing and able to both turn them on and taunt them.
They use excuses like
>she lazy! Bad societying!
>grils nawt funnee
in order to distance themselves from the fact that she found an easy way to live how she chooses while they are stuck living in littpe personal hells.
She's also pretty which enrages folks that are buttmad about pretty girls not talking to them.
To put it simply; they don't like that a clever girl makes her living off of weak willed ne'er-do-wells even though that's an obvious cornerstone of capitalist culture.
Fuck, how many times have you blown a sad load looking at her pictures? You're probably one of those pathetic cucks that subscribed to her premium snap and all that garbage.
Oh fuck you got me
Im surrendering my ass to the lgbt community now
I assume she pays taxes but i bet a fan who is prob a really good accountant does it for free for a picture she kisses personally doe him kek
Productive ? She is providing a service with will lead to less rapes so it has to be a positive impact on some lv despite adding to men not seeking actual woman to procreate with
What are you, 80? Spot on with the analysis though. I wish I was a hot babe with no inhibitions like that.
Tries too hard
How the fuck is it lessening rape? If anything it's just making people want to rape her as well as making people mad that she doesn't put out. She turns people into incels if anything, even most of her fans hate her.
Because she a cum covered rat beast like your mother.
somewhere in that dribble drabble is the potential for an actual discussion. Although, I'm pretty sure it will end here as complete nonsense.
i'm not interested in stds, thanks.
Your argument is strong and valid. But do you actually believe a capitalist culture is the shinning example of how a society should be? Sure she's a clever girl, which is one of my personal points. Is this the best case scenario for a clever girl? What does THAT say about our culture?
Plus, your virginity gains value the longer you have it. Better protect it at all costs
I Plan to die one, thanks for mentioning it!
Buckle up because this is some actual OC here, anons. I think I found accidental win in a set. I'm not sure so you guys be the judge.
Here's one of the originals.
she won't do real porn like a real champ
>clever girl
How many women capitalise off their body nowadays? That doesn’t take any effort or intelligence to do. She’s not stupid but the last word I’d use to describe her is “clever”. She’s just doing what anyone would in her situation; making money.
Imagine being one of those idiots who willingly gives up their wizard powers for a stinky vagina
Is that some side nip?
Pic two original
ooook buddy come back when you have reals of her tits and pussy
Second pic circling what i think is a nip
Way to simplify it... Your aim is entirely wrong, but points for effort!
How can you even spot that without a magnifying glass? how desperate are you
You're saying you DON'T want wizard powers?
I was speeding and horny. Sue me
this. we want reals of her tits and reals of her pussy. no "slips" or fakes.
fucking new fags, bitch ugler than your sister user while you're all behind just fucking kill yourselves
wizard powers are a nice plus, but not having to deal with bitch drama is even a bigger plus.
Everyone would lose interest as soon as they came out though. The thing that draws people to her is that she gives you everything except the parts you want.
Cause she's one-note instrument. Initially it sounds really cool, but after about 10 plays, the single note is just the same shit again.
Another great point. A girl with a "meh decent at best" body and the will to take her clothes off... all she needs is a camera and she can make money. Lets appeal to her future for a second for the sake of argument. Lets just pretend we give a fuck what happens to her for a second. When she becomes irrelevant (like whats happening these days), what then? how will she make money? Not so clever to leave your future in the hands of basement dwellers.
Trips of truth
Capitalism is shit, but in all my years I'm yet to see a reason to believe there is any reasonable alternative. They're all bad. Some are obviously worse, but none work well for everybody. Communism almost does, but then you factor in human greed and realize it's an unsustainable idea.
I think given the context of her culture, what she does isn't a total waste of her skills. She subverts popular memes and themes in a way that asks her audience to reconsider how they understand and relate to them. Because she doesn't do it in a teacher-student format this doesn't appear as an obvious side effect of her work, but with a little foreknowledge it is pretty easy to spot. I think if her inclinations/cultural context was a bit different, she might make an effective media analyist, scholar or even propagandist.
>Make up
Would you fucking stop it? It stopped being funny like four threads ago.
Oh for sure. I remember being in high school and spending literal hours of my life listening to girls talk about fucking NOTHING because I wanted pussy.
Feels like another life now. Like I was a different person.
Pretty sure she makes enough that she could retire today and live the rest of her life in relative comfort.
>he mad
because she has no pp
lmao kek
Because of her stupid fake eye thing she does, it’s all bait for saps to give her money
Literal shitposting
Also, check'd
Can't believe no one has posted this one, yet.
Clever girls can and do do much better than this. Sucks that we live in a society that urges some of us to believe this is the best a femanon can do though.
the left one has my attention
Cause she’s mentally ill. Seriously....weird makeup, eyes rolled upward and tongue sticking out. She’s having a psychotic break.
I can agree their is no reasonable alternative to capitalism, which is why we should iron out the bullshit in our different societies (like people who take advantage of others for their own benefit). I will put my foot over the line to say its not all her fault and she doesn't deserve all the blame. But it would be Nobel of her to at least be transparent about her scammery and maybe tone it down a notch. She might even emerge from her current shit storm stronger than before.
Eye folds are different, Belle's teeth are longer.
Also, this was proven fake ages ago. Still probably fairly accurate though.
yeah man, we can do better.
Nah, shes just pandering to a particular audience of weirdos.
>do do
I think she's pretty transparent tbh.
>give me $$ cuz am cute
yeah lol
I mean more along the lines of "hey my dudes, we should talk about the water thing, it wasn't cool my baaaaaad"
She might have too. Givin she doesn't end up spending it all on legal fees over a class action lawsuit, or on dildos and pink fuzzy bullshit.
I mostly agree. It's pretty obvious what her business model is though. I don't think there's much more she can do for transparency short of outright saying "give me money and I will let you pretend I like you". I feel it's worth noting that this isn't exactly a gendered business model either.
I think a possible resolution to the issues of capitalism would be to mix it up with communism a bit. Everybody gets basic necessities fully covered. Housing, food, internet etc. You could live on this alone, but you can also go into business for yourself, the community or the government. Everybody that is not employed by age ?? is assigned a part time gov or community job, usually something vital to running the system.
There'd have to be a lot of deliberation on regulations for this, but if you go into business for yourself you have to pay taxes suitable to your income. This makes sure that money doesn't get caught in the hands of just a few elite.
In order tp enforce this, the gov would have a group/class that exclusively takes note of how much businesses make and reinforces laws having to do woth that. These folks get a higher living wage than average plebs but can not run any external businesses. Very comfy job, but youre not super rich.
There'd be another group/class that does exactly the same for the previous one in order to make sure they are not spending or saving beyond their gov supplied means.
All of this is done to ensure that both everyone has a fair chance at life and that nobody can gain a monopoly over any sector. No more all powerful elites.
It's an early idea and I'm defininately no expert on these subjects, but I think with the proper thought and effort, this idea could grow onto something good.
What legal fees are you talking about?
Capitalism thrives best when it's minimally regulated. That's not to say that it needs NO regulation, because then the market becomes totally lopsided, and predators rise to the top. However, unnecessary restrictions, and excessive safety nets cause complacency, and demotivate competition.
Also, and this is a problem unique to the US, but it fundamentally opposes the very reason our country was formed. We were being taxed without getting proper representation in accordance with those taxes. So by taxing the super wealthy at a higher rate, without providing them with additional government representation, you're violating them the same way we were violated.
And, no. I'm not suggesting that we actually give the super wealthy additional representation. That would be a plutocracy, and an absolute nightmare. I'm just saying, flat taxes with no loopholes work better than graduated taxes with tons of loopholes.
I was just speculating. "Givin she doesnt"
but I think that's a logical speculation based on the current trajectory of her scamming.
Tits or GTFO
it's not like this is hard.
Because most of us got jewed out of 30 or so bucks by her.
>most of us
woman? that sir, is a hoe.
What's up with her face? Is that supposed to be attractive? Does she have a condition?
That stuff is best left for /pol/. I don't even wanna get started on that can of worms.
Cerebral palsy
But with flat taxes the self employed that make way more than they need get to keep way more than they need. What I propose is that if you make more, you get to keep more up until a certain point. I don't know what a reasonable cap would be, but I do know that nobody needs millions in the bank.
As far as representation goes, I can't really comment since I know very little on the topic. I lean toward media theory and memetics way more than politics or government, so I hope you'll excuse my ignorance.
/pol/ is complete garbage. There might be some smart folks there, but the racist propaganda and schizoidal loopheads outnumber them by way too much for their say to keep value.
That said, I would be interested in reading your thoughts if you were to share them.
How do you define "need"? Nobody needs anything, except food, water, and air. Why is one level of comfort acceptable, but not another?
Having excess isn't inherently a bad thing. It's a motivation to excel. Wealth disparity is increasing, sure. Poor people are "poorer" in comparison to the rich. But that's not to say the poor have it worse than ever before. Poor people today are able to afford luxuries that even the middle class wouldn't have dreamt of in the past. That progress was driven by people who were motivated to make money.
If you take away that motivator, only truly altruistic people will generate positive change.
Excess is mot inherintly bad, but it can definitely and easily lend to conceit, which is generally seen as not good.
If one level of comfort comes at a cost to most everyone that's not you, maybe it should be considered a reasonable accomadation.
The idea I've shared still allows for competition, mind you. Self employment allows for a much higher income. Self Employed user 1 buys a nice boat. user 2 is jealous so works at buying a bigger boat, right? That doesn't change. What is intended to change is the circulation of currency and the dispraportionate influence of business on government.
>only truly altruistic people will generate positive change.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing, though. The world could use more altruism.
1) the bitch tries way too hard
2) that dumbass face she makes
She looks autistic in this picture
I agree, nobody should benefit from harm to others. But that's not what's happening. As I said, living conditions, even for the lowest classes are constantly improving.
And again, why is having a boat okay? Why should someone have a boat if not everyone can? Shouldn't that money go to making everyone more equal? The line seems to be pretty arbitrary between good rich and bad rich.
And I certainly agree that more altruism would be unarguably good. But that wasn't my point. Let me see if I can put it another way
>altruistic people will do good no matter what
>some people are altruistic, some are not
>the people who are not altruistic will only do good if there's a different motivation
>if you take that motivation away, those people will stop doing good
>they won't necessarily become altruistic just because you take away that other motivation
Does that make more sense?
We just reject commie brits
She's a stupid cunt that takes advantage of desperation.
Okay, so I'm not the only one who hates the fact that she's british.
Shit turns me off real quick. Doesn't matter how hot a girl is, as soon as I hear that accent, I go limp.
Well I think a better regulated economy could solve a lot of issues including breaking down some of these mega monopolies. I like free trade, in fact I think it plays an essential role in ending global war and poverty. But that being said, I have some serious problems with capitalism + current federal government that I think would take some serious overhauling to fix. I think there's fuck ton of money in government, and there should be a divergence of the two. I think the FDA, FCC, FTC all need some SERIOUS independent oversight committees. I would start here. I also think people should pay taxes more suitable to their incomes and in a perfect world this might work. But whats to stop people from putting their money in off shore accounts? The income brackets already attempt this and people still do it now. then there is the argument (that is pretty valid) what if people just stop trying to be entrepreneurs? what if these regulations hurt economic growth? I'm barely scratching the surface on the what if scenarios here. There's a plethera of factors to consider before making such drastic changes that could potentially cause far reaching damage.
I'm not 16
yes you are
>youtube comment section-tier meme
end yourself
It’s accurate tho. Look at the damn teeth
Fair. It's even pink too.
Let me add FAA, and EPA to that list to name a few. I think there should be a federal regulatory agency watchdog. Police the police if you will. And it should be a board of educators that call bullshit when big pharma can market addictive substances to help us cope with the toxic fucking garbage these corporations can legally call "food" while the FDA looks in the other direction.
Are you saying that you think it's okay for one person or family to hoard more money than they could ever spend even when it could be better used by being put back into the community? I disagree.
I'm not saying having a lot of money makes you bad. Just that hoarding money is not as good as sharing your fortune.
A boat is a commodity, not an essential part of life. You can choose to save for a boat or simply to work and keep yourself fed. While everyone could have a boat, not everyone wants them and even less people need them. There is no such thing as total and true equality and the system I offered does not seek it.
I guess I'm not seeing the point of your comments on altruism. It doesn't matter if people do good, outside of their work that is, as long as they don't do bad instead. Am I missing something here?
soo woo
So if their wealth isn't liquid, it's fine? I can own ten houses, worth 10 million a piece, or a 100 million dollar boat, but not 100 million dollars in cash?
And I certainly agree that hoarding money isn't as good as sharing it. I just don't think it's the role of the government to force people to do it.
My point about altruism is that if people are motivated to do good things by becoming super rich, and you take away that motivation, then they'll stop doing good things. There will be fewer good things going in the world since not everyone is altruistic.
I also think that Commissioners in charge of these federal regulatory groups should be elected by the citizens, and not by the president.
Thanks for sharing and I have to say that I agree. Just one note:
>whats to stop people from putting their money in off shore accounts
This is part of why I suggested a regulating class. If you make X money but can only account for less than X than it's their job to take legal action.
But I'm now seeing that there are innumerable ways to make money under the counter so this system wouldn't really work in that regard.
So I guess I just agree is all. Thanks again for your thinking thoughts, chum.
>I think u smort
>good job at life
furthermore ALL campaign contributions TO INCLUDE charity donations to presidential, congressional or any public official (or any reasonably associated organization, for example Clinton family charity) remain available and view-able to the public.
hey its tough stuff. Its a big picture to look at. But his place is a melting pot of ideas and so long as 4chins is free and (mostly) uncensored we will have plenty of minds to solve all the worlds problems. We just have to get some more of these artards on board.
Who "rejects" her? I'd put more loads in her than a washing machine at a free laundromat.
I get it now and thanks for your patience while explaining. Did I mention earlier that it was a new idea and that I'm not like super smart at political theory and stuff? Because those things are true.
I just want folks to not have to suffer too much because of external circumstance. The idea stemmed from me considering ways to allow for maximum access to basic needs while also preventing monopolies.
Thanks for pointing out some (now obvious) flaws in my though experiment.
To recruit an artard just takes a recruited creative that's been where their target currently is. Or at least a mind that can imagine what it's like. I think this current pulse of radical 'isms' is stirring a new generation of media savvy tykes, well equipped to navigate and shape their world in a more agreeable(and less fear obsessed) way.
No problem. Thanks for taking the time to have the discussion. I like having my opinions challenged on things.
I do think your goals are worth aiming for btw. We should always be looking for ways to improve the system.
But what about the tons of hot girls (girl better looking than her) who aren't doing what she's doing at all. Most girls find their "self-worth" and "dignity" to be more important than free beta-bucks.
Hell yeah I agree. If you're the reading type, and you're interested in the subject of the new generation and their media savvy minds check out out a book called "The Fourth Transformation". It talks about the "Minecraft Generation" and Virtual Reality/ Mixed reality integration into the capitalist world.