In response to a Mosque attack Youtube Video Star Pewdiepie donated $50,000 to the Jews

what did he mean by that

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Other urls found in this thread:

He gave up, that's what he meant.

He doesn't hate Jews, he's always said he doesn't hate Jews, now his fans are mad that he donates to Jews.

I'm glad /pol/ will finally stop pretending to like this faggot.

ADL was created to defend Leo Frank, a convinced Jewish child rapist and murderer. It also has strong ties with the Jewish mafia. It's not some righteous organization fighting for equality, they support the mass killings of Palestinians and other arabs. The only exist to protect powerful Jews that donate to them.

They also spied on people for Israel, got a Hitler movie cancelled because it portrayed him as “human”, and also used spies to fake hate crimes so jews would donate more money.

>ADL was created to defend Leo Frank, a convinced Jewish child rapist and murderer.
He was pardoned
>It also has strong ties with the Jewish mafia
Hasn't existed since, like, the 40s.
>they support the mass killings of Palestinians and other arabs.

We'll see once he adresses this on his next video
as for now, he has send an army of zoomer to shitpost against the ADL, redpilling them in the process
Don't know if it was a 5d chess move

>He was pardoned
Thats doesn't mean he wasn't guilty

they've been caught spying on the FBI as well

The evidence is against Frank. He clearly killed the girl then tried to play to southern racism by blaming a black guy.

Same guy that wrote the Anne Frank diary with ball point pen years later

degenerate youtuber niggers getting kids to donate their parent's credit card aren't redpilling anyone.

>Pewdiepie does Nazi stuff as a joke
>/pol/ doesn't understand what jokes are and think he's one of them
>SJW don't understand what jokes are and think he's literally a Nazi
>Everyone is surprised when it turns out he isn't a Nazi
>Still none of them understand what a joke is and think he's switched sides or being blackmailed
We really do live in a fucking clown world

He was then lynched because everybody knew he was guilty.
Jewish mafia still exists, they just went "legit" and now exist in Wallstreet and Las Vegas.
I'm glad you don't even pretend to give a shit about actual genocidal forces (unlike Nazis).

>Hasn't existed since, like, the 40s
you got balls ill give you that what a bold faced lie

Stop posting Chang

>swede pretends he's not a cuck for like 2 years

why do incels love this guy so much

Even if you're right and he did it, it's not even relevant what the organization was about over 100 years ago.

He told everyone what the kikes threatened him with, tossed him some chump change, and can now say they accepted money from a Nazi if they try to go that route again.
He outjewed the jews as a first act of his semiretirement.

Why do you love muslims so much?

KKK hasn't lynched anybody in like 50 years. Are they allowed to be reformed now?

Diary of Anne Frank wasn't written in ball point pen. Later editions had notations written in ball point pen

not that it matters because ball point pens were already available in the 1930s

It's physically impossible to lynch someone who isn't guilty

>Pewdiepie does Nazi stuff as a joke
Its more of a dog-whistle than a joke.
his fan-base is full of alt-right kiddies

i guess its time we stop being so harsh on the nazis and confederates

Yes it is, since it was the reason for its foundation. Every ADL member should be executed for treason or espionage.

>haha we win! he donated money to jews! he sure showed them!

also link to where he says "the kikes threatened him"

He's not sending them secret messages. He genuinely hates nazis and loves diversity.

>Felix (((KjellBERG)))

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I don't love Muslims, but I also think it's fucked up to shoot children and bulldoze homes — like Israel does.

They're still all about hating minorities, though? You guys are not intelligent

absolutely seething incels lmao

it actually literally does you retard

It's almost like he doesn't want to die for nazi upvotes.

Imagine the mental gymnastics this takes

This. That tweet spoke volumes and I don't think (((they))) liked its implications.

Lots of screeching trannies ITT

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>They're still all about hating minorities, though?
You mean Palestinians? No you're thinking of someone else, they don't care.

>by allah it's another nakba! somebody call the UN!
cry more ahmed

He was retried decades later and was still found guilty. The ADL bribed a judge in the 90s to give Frank an "honorary" pardon. He was always guilty. This is not the hill to die on, kike.

Cry cry pic related

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technically they're all about the FBI meeting up and sting operating each other

Are you going to start dumping your image folder again, mr sperg?

blacks do 7 times the violent crime per capita as white people, given this, wouldn't it be logical to not want blacks to move into your town?

He doesn't give a shit about politics. He's so rich he can just fly somewhere that doesn't have shit all over it.

kek at all the retarded /pol/tards that thought he was ”redpilling” zoomers slowly and playing 5d chess.

maybe you shouldn't have lost all those wars

Proofs they bribed him

With his net worth, 50k is a backhanded compliment. Fucking wagies killed this board.

So the mainstream (not /pol/) Pewdiepie fans have been trying to convince everyone for years that they're not racists but the second he donates to a jewish group they freak out. Good job.

lmfao like clockwork. You kikes can't hide your true nature at all it's hilarious

are you gonna start crying over memes, mr. tranny?

You people have been nonstop crying about the fact that you had to work in labor camps 80 years ago and some of you died from typhus.

Will he call out trannies next and go full anti-nazi?

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palestinian fucking shits shouldn't put children on the front lines

Truly the master race. A time when men were manly men.

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>haha you see by giving $50,000 to the jews he actually won

You’re the first to being up that ITT tho me trans advocate

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so what you're telling me is that trannies are all nazis? fucking finally the leverage to fight against the cock cutting menace

Based and richpilled

>makes a few muslim jokes makes you jewish
absolute state of /pol/estinians

kek, looks like we have a live one here

>giving money to an org that's mad at frogs

Eat less food

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>he thinks 50000 can do anything
He paid their whole club a day's wages with a half day of his own.

Sure he feels guilty about the nz attack. But why not donate to some Muslim organization? What the hell does the ADL have to do with that? I mean muslims hate jews don't they?

ADL is a jewish racket, he is just paying protection money

it's up to you to place judgement on all trannies. I'm just stating historical facts

>only Palestinians hate jews


>hide behind children
>"Wow, I can't believe you guys shoot kids, smdh senpai"

Your butthurt over Palis being btfo makes it pretty obvious what you are ahmed

Knock yourself out, menachem. Gotta justify your useless job somehow.

>haha i beat you by donating money! take that jews!

Find this book and read it.

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how many cheeseburgers does that EU aid give you a day mahmoud

they're also transphobic

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Could even be some light leverage. If they brand him a Nazi again then they have to acknowledge that they accepted Nazi money.

gonna read this instead

I'm just pointing out your flailing attempts. Whats next? White guys dressed in alt right gear? Just cycle through your folder and be done with it Avi.

lol, I like this.

>using actual pilpul tactics
Oy vey!

Nazi trannies cannot exonerate the jews of their duplicitious nature or crimes against the US. I'm neither a nazi nor a

How’s the WiFi in the refugee center

>haha he's playing 4D chess by bending over to jews and giving them money
lmao absolute STATE of incel man-children that liked this zoomer faggot to begin with

VERY cool

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progressive. Remember, Hitler just wanted an LGBTQ+ nation

He's obviously being blackmailed, he just wants to play minecraft and save up money now until he becomes irrelevant.

>being such a delusional faggot you think he beat Jews by giving them money

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>anything that challenges my delusions is pillpull

Jews like hiding behind the nazis never ever stops, does it?

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Bot. You're faking this same bullshit again.

hes just a normie swede, not some seething political incel. let him be.

He said that he planned moving to Japan because he's a weeb faggot. I'm guessing he's trying to stay out of trouble until then.



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pewdiepie is a jewish slave. Cry more, creaturas

No Chang your dumbass doing this same shit over and over again doesn't mean I'm a tranny

lol I bet you think he (randomly )got famous to.

Christ the JIDF damage control is off the chain today. All he did was explain why he paid you off. Why are you kikes so mad?

>heil hitler y'all

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And gas all kikes!

>pointing out nazis were trans makes you jewish

You suck at this Chang


>pretending there are non-celibates on this website

He made a lot of people aware of the ADL, it's the same thing that happened when Omar made people aware of AIPAC buying politicians.


where did he explain why he "paid the jews off"? link plz

Oh yeah he sure showed them by giving them his money lmao

>I just happened to troll for anti-jew threads, post nazi crossdressers and palestinian statistics

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I'm just here defending muh favorite jewtuber bro :(

this maybe it. youtubers have a bad rep in Japan & pewds has not only been attacked for being racist but the nz shooter started his livestream with "subscribe to pewdiepie". he maybe trying to prove he's a good person to get through Japans tight immigration

No Chang I'm not a nazi and crossdressers don't offend me, worry about your ladyboys

based and redpilled
cringe and trannypilled

This damage control is insane. Did he even mention the ADL anywhere

sure thing moishe

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No Chang you're just a garbage shitposter

wtf I hate white people now

go away, rabbi

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It's in the tweet. He strongly implied the Christchurch shooting was why

That's a garbage photoshop chang

Why are trannys so obsessed with Israel

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He literally named that jew in both his recent tweet and a 10 million viewed video.

No Chang it's not jews
They aren't chang, you're the one spamming them

>somebody shoots Muslims
>doesn't donate money to Muslim charities
>donates to Jews instead

how strange

I like bacon but hate trannies, incels, and palestinians =D

>they support the mass killings of Palestinians and other arabs.
why do people say this about the Jews like it's a bad thing? arguably their only redeeming quality. also most arab cultures make pedowood look like saints

Go away tranny

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Yeah it was right before he finished his giant ad for Honey in his 100m video, he mentions he gave $50k to the ADL

quoth the libtard who actively works to make memes illegal

have sex

Pewds is gonna expose the Dancing Israelis FOIA in his next vid bros

which tweet. Link

Kek makes sense. Obvious hush money and it put a spotlight on those crooked fucks.
How much does pewdiepie make per video again?

Nixon was pardoned

Stop samefagging, again, faggot. You did the same shit earlier.

He sure showed those Jews by giving them money. What will he do next? Give them even more money?

it's not working discord tranny, you've been pushing this failed meme for months and it still hasn't caught on or subverted the anti-tranny movement

Why is Israel full of trannies and tranny propaganda?

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Just google pewdiepie twitter you lazy fucking retard.


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How is this Yea Forums related but not Bolton being fired thanks to Bradley Cooper?

He will probably give them more money in the future in the hope that they leave him alone.

/pol/ trying to rationalize this into a victory is peak pathetic. Give it a rest

>140 replies / 44 posters

Any day now right after he sucks off this rabbis dick

why is this thread filled with retards and trannies?

>based bros: he is dogwhistling to us
>libtards: NUH UH HE ISN'T
make up your mind insane schizophrenic tranny-enabler

I found a shekel at work a few days ago with Palestinian blood on it

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brooo muh pujewds

>Anti-defamation league
>Does nothing but defame people
>"Thank you based Disney for firing pewdiepie!"
>Gives them a donation taking a moral high ground
Definitely a 5D chess move.

Its caught on with me. Im gonna nazi tranny post now

>there's no jewish conspiracy
>if you imply there is, we will tak you off of youtube and have you defamed in multiple publications that just so happen to be owned and edited by jews

>implying i care about Israel
Maybe they just learned from the beet cuz you shitskins always cry israel are literal nazis

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>How much does pewdiepie make per video again?
Also curious. Anybody know how much his kind of watchtime would net?

we did, cry more


I hear pali blood is 90% sugar cuz they're so fat

No chang there isn't and Hindus aren't jews

sure my completely organic and unique and not at all iphone using friend

Legitimately amazed how this site becomes strongly pro-Israel as soon as it’s an excuse to hate Arabs. A hierarchy of racism I guess. Fucking stupid.

>he was pardoned
so was Epstein

>t...the jews forced him to suck their dicks!
wtf I thought this was a genius natsoc victory?

cope and dilate in the discord call

rofl seething soi incel

No chang you arent

love how you conveniently sign all your posts so everybody can watch your hilarious one-man stand against the based mob, keep it up tran

>90% buzzwords
Holy shit, he got me!

>Jewish mafia hasn't existed since, like, the 40s.

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No chang reverse psychology doesn't work

Scary. Will you guys show the kikes some more by giving them more money?


>*donates money to jews*
makes sense

Why does Pewds piss off trannies so much? Is it because they just realized they cut off their cock and balls for "easy mode" when a straight, white man is the most popular person on the internet? LOL

keep crying while you expose how your pathetic subversion is a tremendous failure

so pol will start the 2nd holocaust by giving money to jews? I bet they're afraid

No Chang the people giving money to the adl aren't the hate longer that you are

They have zero bearing on anything on the thread. The only thing they show me is that you're mad and have no argument at all.
If, maybe, this was a thread about jazz jennings cutting his dick off and being labeled a hero, I can see it possibly working, but this isn't that.

it's not working in your favor, tranny, call your boss again and ask him for more shares of bread in your anarcho-communist discord

yeah the nazi trannies do seem p mad at him ITT

I'm sorry I couldn't understand your post, is it maybe because Hebrew is your native tongue?

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They tried to frame a black man

No Chang you being recognized isn't you subverting anything

Once jews recieve too much money they will burst, just like putting too much air in a balloon! It's genius

explain how they have no bearing other than the fact that they are transphobic and personally offend your tranny-centric agenda, you will never be a woman btw

>*donates more money*

You zoomies know he's not actually a nazi, right?

Whatcha gonna do? Donate money to me?

>Don't support mass killings
>OMG why are you, like, in LOVE with them???

why are you running gay ops from the discord to subvert us if you're not shaking, tranny

You should stop arguing yourself already
No chang its because you're esl

What does Israel have to do with tranny nazis? Nobody but you is crying about it

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Just Israeli things

lol the tranny worked up another spoon to continue """""""dumping""""""""""" """"""""""""her""""""""""" """"""""""""""meme"""""""""""

wtf is a discord and why does it make me that for pointing out nazis were fags

Discord gay op where it belongs lol

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