What are you scared of Yea Forums

What are you scared of Yea Forums

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My girlfriend fucking another guy.

Catching the gay

Leaving Yea Forums

That one day we will be able to grow human clones without brains to harvest for compatible organs. On one hand, we could extend human life indefinitely, on the other hand the Republican voter base could double.

mutated giant insects like centipedes. it could happen.

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pooping in the bed :( and peepee

i fucked her :/

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Looking in the mirror

My life continuing on exactly how it is despite my best efforts to change course.

Pic unrelated.

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40 more years of this goddamned horse shit

Swimming. I can't swim to save my life.

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Betrayal, anything both incorporeal and "supernatural", and parasites.

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this, also the prospect of an afterlife full of even more of this horseshit.

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The future. I live in a constant state of anxiety.

You really should be afraid of this. Originally I thought it was amusing. Now I think it's a documentary.

I have a weird fear of like a quiet monotone hum or siren type noise that progressively gets louder and louder that has no source. Until it's unbearable, not deafening just eerie and completely unable to find comfort. I could hallucinate anything(I've taken a lot of psychedelics and seen some shit) , a demon clawing out of the dirt with a horrific face and shrug it off as puppies but a quiet random noise that slowly gets louder with no way to stop it or find it is 2spooky4me. If I hallucinated that I'd probably kill myself out of sheer terror or lose my mind.

I scared myself typing that.

seems unlikely as far as i know. There is not enough oxygen in the air to sustain insect life of that size.

Of what comes after death.
>inb4 black nothingness
You don't know that.

It's not black nothingness, you don't see anything after death because your cells don't work and it's simply over. You think a fish sees to God when I'm filleting it?

Saying or doing something so bad that people dislike me untill I die.

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Trusting women mainly

>blah blah "muh science"

Stop being dense, you know what i mean. You can't be certain there's nothing after brain death

Just like I can't be "certian" God doesn't exist. He does not. I'm not trying to do science but what do you expect to see? Pretty lights and a bearded guy? No. You die. Sure you might experience memories or some DMT like hallucinations right before the brain stops but when you're done you're done.

A god doesn't have to be whatever society dreams up. It could just be some asshole who was bored. You don't know what exists after death, stop assuming you do, you've never experienced it yet till then you don't know.

My idiot woman leaving me before I can use her for money.

I have a few things that i worry about.
I smoke so cancer.
I dont trust easy so being cheated on
Never having friends
Horrible painful deaths that happen at random

Used to be terrified of JP Velociraptors
Stopped being a pansy ass bitch so have no problem with them now

>He does not
Citation needed.

I'm sorry but atheists pull this shit all the time and claim they "aren't claiming anything" or any belief.

You gonna dish it you gotta take it bruh, cite your sources.

Asking a woman out on a date.
Also dying alone.

I cannot stand you fucking pricks on either side of that debate. Instead of just saying "I have no way of knowing, one way or the other" like an intelligent person would, you double down and get aggressive like a child would. I wish I could put all creationist and anti-creationist zealots on a desert island and be done with hearing anything from them ever again

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>He does not
Provide evidence, one way or the other, or shut the fuck up you insufferable cunt

The future. The overall rot of the human race as a whole from its peak in the 20th century. We need to get our asses to Mars or something to convince the population to give a fuck again

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Why do you even want the human race to succeed? We've run our course. Maybe it's time for something else.

You might be right about that but I sure as fuck don't want to live in a world where China, India, and Africa are taking all our resources and polluting the planet at a massive rate while the west just stands on a railroad track as the train slowly approaches them. I think it's depressing when you are old enough to remember a time when it wasn't like this.

Going insane.