YLYL 9/11 edition – you've had 18 years to collect

YLYL 9/11 edition – you've had 18 years to collect

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Other urls found in this thread:


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top kek, satan.

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dabbing in 2001? way ahead of his time

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yeah sure, i work hard for that fortune, but that day was a lucky one for that fortune

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great example of 9.81 m/s2

Sorry about all those people dying. Here's some coffee and mini-muffins. For a half hour.


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Christ, this is so fucking obvious.

is it just me or does their logo look like leaning twin towers

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jews* ;)

Hey, I recognize that inside job!

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I'm happy i'm not the only one who felt weird about that video.

>going out in style

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I need more 9/11 barely legal meme

Never forgetti that in the following 24 hours the condescending rice lady said they have strong evidence proving who did it and they would release I got public soon?
It's been almost 20 years. Still not released it
Condescending Rice is a liar

The passports.

Attached: hQItUt16KoMDcUKQJCtuonCFPy2n86Xxq4VEhBAjaaU.png (624x898, 674K)

Their generosity is boundless.
Those are day olds, too.

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I love this

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Tha' fuck OP are you saying 9/11 is legal now? Oooh, that's the steel beam melting I'm talkin' 'bout.

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They didn't date it
Free coffee and mini muffs every morning if you keep this image
If they argue that means they hate America

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sauce my nigga

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Fuck you mom, Imma dab for the rest of my life

You're gay

Weebs r dum

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (500x375, 27K)

looking through 9/11 memes, you can see the rise and fall of so many other things in culture.

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canada's next

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This was a personal favorite.

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Pajeet also approves.

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was just going to post that

>2014 meme

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You're retarded

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is that that black guy from tv?

That makes no sense and you are retarded for posting it

Danny Glover's son

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:not bad:


You're the only one that felt weird in your pants though

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You need a job, friends, and a social life
Prioritize faggot

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Anyone got the old animation of Bin Laden singing "New York, New York?"

The announcement was made before any cleanup even started

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>picture of a computer monitor


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Why don't you marry it?

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9/11 was an insde job. Not just as all believe.

Bush wasn't behind it.

The reason the man in pic related jumped out the window is because of the electricity surging through the building at the moment. Let me explain:

BEfore they built the towers, they built the foundation, right? The base of the towers. But what did they build right underneath? A well. A water well. An aquiafier. In nature they are called "pingos".

This aquafier, or well, was beneath the towers for years. THey built the towers towards the skiws and at the very top put poles for lightning strikes. These poles were connected towards ground. Electricians, you know what's up.

ANyways, on september 10th, 2001, lightning struck the buidlings and they charged the water beneath the towrs. It was terribly hot. The water got steaming hot. They got it ready.

On september 11th 2001, they shorted the entire buildings. They "pulled" it, as larry silvestein allegedly said, and the charge surged right throughout the steel of the towers, making them burn hot. At the same moment, detonations exploded to simulate plane crashes.

MOments later, the building were getting too hot, so fucking hot men and women couldn't handle it and began lookin gfor the windows to get out. Even though there was no fire on their floor, some even jumped because the electricity was fuckingthem up. Their feet were burning. It was hell.

The building got so fucking hot that the steel eventually began to melt. The power of electricity is amazing. The steel melted. Material evaportated. Turned to dust. The bulding collapesed in shower of smoke. Meanwhile, building 7 was a normal demolition. No electrically charged aquafier was used there.

Spread the word, people. There were no planes. IT wasn't just bombs and thermite.

It was electricity. All a plan to demonstrate the power of aquiafiers, artesian wells, pingos. Every main building has these water wells underneath. A lot of schools have them.

Weebs r dum

>All a plan to demonstrate the power of aquiafiers, artesian wells, pingos

ah, yes. the big water lobby.

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A lease holder does not own the property

Illerminatti confirmed

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Lost right off the bat, dammit.

I try not to post shit memes, but fuck it

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I feel sad on this date because I lost my cousing 18 years ago, he was on the plane that hit the second tower. He was funny, smart and I'm sure his life would have been great if he hadn't lost his life that day. The only thing that puts a smile on my face is that at least on that day, my cousin fufilled one of his life's goals: flying a plane by himself.

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THe ancient people knew of this technology before us. THey built all kinds of architecture that harvested electricity from the air, but to this day , the governments are destroying that tech bit by bit with wars and invasions and "natural" disasters and shit.

so lucky larry isnt real?

that's what today is for


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wow was he arabic?!


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Gonna mix it up a little.

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I am not autistic lol. Just research it dude. Please. DOn't fall for the mainstream version of the twin towers, but don't fall for the bush did 9/11 version either. Both versions are created by the same poeople who want you disinformed.

Research the truth. Research water wells beneath all kinds of buildings and statues and schools and museums and towers and roundabouts and all. They are litereally harvesting electricity from the air and selling it to us for a price.

Tesla knew energy was free. But they made him look likea retard and are using his tech in secret.

this guy knows

You're retarded

Deplorables are so-called because they'll believe anything that Pussy Ass Bitch tells them.
All work at Ground Zero was identified and coordinated through NYC. There is no record of this help.

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Yeah, google them if you don't knwo what they are.

There are surface pingos and underground pingos. In nature.

Man usually makes the underwater artificial ones to power up buildings.

im asking you you fucking moog

Facebook faggot

and a vertical photo no less

Attached: onlygenxwillunderstand.png (400x462, 192K)

9/11 will never be funny in your lifetimes.
You realize 9/11 arguably the worst human tragedy to have taken place in the past century? Sure it’s funny and cool for teenagers who were too young to remember, but the world. fucking. stopped. that. day. Your parents cried the day this evil act took place. You realize there are still first responders who have to live through the fact that kids think of this insanely horrible act as a joke?
So no, no one thinks any of these are actually funny. You can atop posting them now.

>underground pingos

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ooo nice

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stop in your tracks everyone. respect the boomer... so selfish!

Doing something is better than nothing. What else can a hotel do? Deploy their maids into Syria and Iran?

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Do you rent a property?
If so, do you insure the property?

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ooooh so close

You realize this is why you’re an incel whose parents are ashamed of?

>worst human tragedy to have taken place in the past century
This is what burgers actually believe

you know nothing about me silly old man

A lot of stuff has its context changed with time.

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Real funny making fun of 9/11 on 9/11. Why don't you try showing a little class and maturity, you degenerate

Grow up

grow up

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>the worst human tragedy to have taken place in the past century?

top kek

that. would be the gays

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You're gay and have autism

I'd put feminism right up there with them gays

Takes one to know one

Hey it's Cunnilinga Rice. Where's she been?

yes. and vaccines

>twin price

>began flight

November 9th is months away

Yeah obviously
And the planes were holograms not real
911 was basically the pot being over boiled or as Larry Shekelstein said “tipped over”.

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suck me!

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That makes no sense and you are retarded for posting it

If a tragedy like 9/11 happened in your country, you’d be talking about it for the next 500 years. Even Americans would show respect and aid your country in its time of need.

That's not how insurance works

boomers dont know how to have fun

zoomers, Yea Forums is your birthright.

reclaim the land that was made for you

thanks, britfag

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How many?

This. Topkek

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I know you’re an incel who laughs at tragedies. It doesn’t really seem like there’s any redemption after that.

Genocide in the millions has happened multiple times in the last century
Nobody cares


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Dose anybody have that photo of Beavis and butthead holding each other and crying with the towers burning on the tv. Can't find it with google

not sure if real or just trolling but still, top kek

fuck, i need sauce now

Yeah. More than half of the US public don't believe the official story. Even less after they seen footgage of WTC7 - since the collapse of the building was more or less ignored in media. I mean, for many reasons, a 47 story building TOTALLY COLLAPSING due to a few small fires would raise some concerns about building regulations and safety. So it would be of the greatest interest of the general public... but for some reason it's been quiet.

Considering the entire rest 9f the world uses a normal date format, guessing seems impractical at best


This makes a tasty burger into a sad burger

So much for Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, London, and Armenia.

Attached: Dresden 1945.png (960x700, 841K)

Weebs r dum
Cumbrains r worse

Post pls

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I miss flappy plane

two, but they dropped off

>a 47 story building TOTALLY COLLAPSING
Not only that, but the BBC broadcast news of that collapse before it happened. WTC7 was clearly visible over the announcer's shoulder.

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I'd fuck her

Like your balls?

They deserved it
They deserved it
They deserved it
Who gives a shit about a couple of buses
Who gives a fuck about them they probably deserved it

Try harder faggot

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are you suggesting that all news broadcast aren't actually live?

russian shill bait.

In reality, Trump bragged he now had the tallest building in manhattan minutes after 9/11

I heard the USA government has satellites that with a certain force directed downwards like a laser they can level a building with it. They used it 3 times on 9-11. With Bush's knowledge to test the system and obviously for the false flag to bring war to the middle east.

Burger deserver

You mean 'prescient'.

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Empire State Building became the tallest building in Manhattan. Thankfully, he doesn't own that.

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A likely story, but you forgot one important detail: the perfectly intact passports of the hijackers. Tell me how did they get there and who found them?

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How can you call someone a faggot when you post a Chinese cartoon?

I live in one
Can confirm

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got 'em

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There were no planes.
No holograms.

Only edited videos played on TV as "live", and a load a of paid actors who got money for saying they saw a plane crashing into the tower.

No, I mean the video they were playing was not live
You're slow


Shut the fuck up conspiracy theorist

Dude, those passports are a ridiculous par tof the story. Some of the guys had it in their pockeet and tossed it into the rubble while inspecting.


Funny thing about all those is the world kept going. Must suck being irrelevant

I'm not clicking a link posted by a guy with no balls

Honey, the whole episode was run live on every news source.
Are you old enough to be on this board?

Weebs r dum

Thats what i meant its all a hoax
There wasnt even any towers man, the whole thing was staged and photoshopped by Steven Spielberg (a known jew)

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Hell yeah free muffins
Israel really is our greatest ally


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Got paid
Can confirm

So you're new here to Yea Forums, eh? Never used an embedded link before?

honestly, south park got it right. uncle sam would love conspiracy theories to scare gullible citizens into believing that the government is more powerful than it really is. they're idiots like the rest of us.

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The world stopped after burger tower boogaloo?

Definitely slow

Lol, so butt hurt did your mommy and daddy die in the inside job? Still looking for those sweet sweet barely legal 9/11 meme

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Pussy Ass Bitch

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Being this angry 40 minutes later

Angry potato


Fun fact: The Bushes and the Bin Ladens used to be business partners.

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There’s the old saying in the agency
>if only we were half as strong as they thought we are


You know what's actually funny? Moral handwringers who in the same day they poopoo our harmless jokes continues to enable and encourage the US government's profiteering for the elite in the name of everyone who died that day with their pointless and evil occupation of foreign land. Fuck you, your kind spit in the faces of the murdered and call it righteous.

Attached: 44c6a4e343d2913fa28007d4e632d533c1532b22d42bda32443d769899fb7e07.gif (220x227, 578K)

The Conspiracy of Incompetence.

Careful, you can really scare people with that one.

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Ur dum

Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend

Next level retardation right here

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Grrrrrrrrr angry angry lol hey When does a pentagon have 4 sides?
When it intersects with a plane.

Ninel-Seven fucking changed America and now everything that used to be so fucking simple is a 12 step program

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>Be Bin Laden
>Be spoiled rich kid from some Saudi Family
>Be hired by the CIA to help drive Commies out of homeland
>Later on rebel groups pop up
>They need spoiled Saudi kids money to hel fund their proto-state
>Agree because you feel obligated to help your fellow Ackbars
>Civilians feel attacked
>They convince America to help them fight the proto-state
>Osama: "Woa fuck those American imperialists I feel betrayed!"
>Sit in cave for a couple of years smoking weed with a couple buddies while they rack up hours in Microsoft Flight Sim 2000
>Buddies crash plane into buildings
>America needs to blame a single person to help rally people to spread some motherfucking freedome so they choose Osama
>Osama denies it at first because he doesn't feel responsible for what his dumb friends did
>He later embraces infamy and takes credit
>Stays in his cave for the next half-decade playing Counter-Strike Source and Donkey Kong

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The only thing that would make this message more perfect is if it ended with "* while supplies last"

Making lame jokes to distract from his anger

>doing something is better than nothing
If your something makes a mockery of the entire event doing nothing is absolutely better.

911% this

What fitting numbers.

Tig if brue

Pics or ur lying

Spoonfed shit and loving it


Internet too shit up here
Times out before any image can upload

No. Doing nothing is better than something that makes it worse.

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How the fuck you gonna say that on 4chinz. GTFO faggot.

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Happy national bring your airplane to work day, anons

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she's 34 now. what do you think she's doing these days?

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So you are part of the secret space program, like MIB but less silly?


Attached: 692D7821-7893-474D-875E-E537CBC4CD73.jpg (750x829, 207K)

Driving a Honda Odyssey to take her snot nosed kids to soccer practice

she just celebrated her 34th birthday

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r u the lady space criminal?

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Im all for clowning 9/11 but lets leave out the people who were faced with the option of burning to death and being crushed or falling out a skyscraper, like holy fuck.

No alien shit, and we wear blue

She's in a different can

Blocked from what?

Auto-defenestration is all the rage these days.

from entering the United Snakes

unfortunately it's all fair game

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Worst ylyl ever

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That's complete bullshit though

how did i lose to this

One in the pussy and one in the bum
Double the pleasure and double the fun

So defenestration is throwing yourself from a window, but what's auto-defenestration?
When you do it without thinking?

Neat. How didya get the job?

Nogs r dum

We prefer the term 'bulltrump' these days.


Maybe for sadist losers who like watching people fall and die in real time.

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>being this dumb
Trump did block travel, that is where the hijackers came from. Did you just blow in from stupid town?

Wh- what if I dont have pussy user sama?

that is

Attached: 2a0.jpg (540x650, 82K)

I was "volunteered"
I don't want to be up here
I want to go home

A lie is no less untrue no matter what we call it

Autism the video.

You're an idiot

We get a lot of hasbara activity on 9/11.

Attached: likethisguy.jpg (570x731, 127K)

Then one in the anus and one pokes your balls you fucking faggot

Shit, beam me up.


7 gum was a planned chew

where there's gold, there's joos.

get off this website you fucking child

I wanna little Shoah I can call my own,
a Shoah I can mention anytime.

Sad to hear. Is that even a possibility? People have these jobs & then just retire & go live with normies?

get off Yea Forums now

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You don't want
There is nothing to do here but work
They are never taking me.home
I will die here and be floated away

9 gum has 11

This kids upset

Just what I wanted to hear user San. Dom Arigat-To Gazayimasu!

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I can't go home
Have been here so long my body wouldn't work in gravity anymore
I will work and die here then they float me out the port


Shits probably better than my 9 to 5, pick me up. What is your work?

Gay cunt

Weebs r dum

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>not only made an insurance policy for terrorism a month before the attack but also sued the agency rewarding him with the money because they were attacked twice and the thought he deserved twice the money
>he won the lawsuit
You cannot make this shit up.

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Monitor other vessels
It's endless and draining

I'm with you but this site is edgelord central, you won't get very far with that philosophy

It is made up though, so obviously you can

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This was the shittiest ylyl i've seen for some time. Nothing to do with the subject matter, I just felt like the jokes were catered to autists.

someone did make it up, you're just dumb enough to believe it

You should've loved it then

Honestly though, imagine living your whole life and then having your instant fame and recognition while you're in the process of dying. Like this guy was just living a normal life and never would've known this would happen to him

All of that actually happened, google it shekelberg.

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Im down, its better than my current gig, hell, id take your place, tell your superior to get me. You all can most likely find me.

No it didn't
Why would insurance pay out a lease holder ratgercthan the owner?
You're an idiot


We watch up here, not down there
Those idiots couldn't find their own asshole

>You should've loved it then
Probably the only good joke i've seen itt. Can't believe ive set myself up like that. good job

You're not even trying

Its sad, i can joke about anything but that retard posted a webm that was just people falling, this isnt a gore/rekt thread. Dude must be illiterate.

>It’s a fact that Silverstein took his insurers to court after 9/11 and asked for double the damages. It’s also a fact that he did so on the grounds that there were two attacks (or, in insurance lingo, “occurrences”), not one
>The court ultimately did grant Silverstein a payout of $4.55 billion, which amounted to about a third more than the maximum allowable for a single “occurrence” by his insurance policy