How do you live knowing that it will never get better? I think about killing myself more and more these days

How do you live knowing that it will never get better? I think about killing myself more and more these days.

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One day at a time
It doesn't get better. You get tougher.

Don't be a little bitch user. You got this



I'm giving it about a year.

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Shit has gotten better yearly for me. I sometimes make it that way, others it just sort of happens. The yearly shit that is bad never gets close to being as big of a deal as the yearly good.

I'm a little bitch there's nothing I can do to make my life better. It's harder to live with myself every single day passing. I will not get tougher.

The dream of watching the American Empire collapse keeps me alive.

eh one day something will click and you'll become inspired to do something, you just keep going until then. I didnt know what I wanted out of life until I was almost 35 and now I'm good.

because anything you do is either positive or negative.
it gets better when you do something positive.

if you want a job, go find a really shitty easy one. it'll be a job, and it'll motivate you to get a better one.

if you want a gf, try dating people, if it doesn't work out, GOOD. You get the experience of knowing what not to do, and work towards what you want.

It's all about small goals and motivation.

And for fuck sake... if you want to kill yourself... WHYYYY???? JUST ROB A BANK. If you get away with it, you can have fun on the run with the money. If you aren't successful, have a stand-off and you won't even have to off yourself.

That doesn't sound bad. Never crossed my mind but I could do that before killing myself.

Been there myself too.

It's good to pursue hobbies and interests and just focus on getting better because you're clearly hurting. Don't isolate yourself also. Reach out to people to hang out or do whatever. If they reject, don't take it personally as they have their own life to lead. Instead, try to negotiate a time that works for them.

I agree with the others, try to do positive stuff. Listen to happy music, don't listen to depressing shit. Watch feelgood movies, etc. Try to lift or eat more healthily, that helps too. It's important to not give up and hope that things will get better.

Not with that attitude. Literally not reason to kill yourself. Go do coke, heroin, weed, DMT, acid, mushies and fuck some bitches. You'll love life too much after then. Focus on yourself and get gud. Read a book, a text book.

yep! as soon as you realize that you have the guts to kill yourself, then almost ANYTHING in life is possible!

So of you're going to go out..... just rob a bank.

Thats what i'd do. I'd have a sweet escape plan and i'd live out my time enjoying the money. great food, women, drugs, entertainment. I'd disappear into a major city and start a new life.

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Because if things ever get to the point that I don't believe they'll ever get better, I'll MAKE them get better through creative use of firepower

>If they reject, don't take it personally as they have their own life to lead.
Lol I've heard that stupid bullshit excuse too many times.

Drugs and alcohol makes me even more depressed. I don't like girls I'm a self hating faggot by the way.

If you're a faggot, be a faggot. Be the biggest and best damned faggot you can be. Fuck twinks and bears, wear nothing but leather and drink mimosas while getting your cock cleaned by rich white college students. Being self hating is stupid

>Be the biggest and best damned faggot you can be.
I don't want that I don't like it. It makes me sad.

I never thought it would get better for me either. When I was on the edge I decided that rather than kill myself I'd just dedicate all my efforts towards improving the lives of other people who are less fortunate so they don't suffer as much as I did. I threw away 12+ hours of video games a day for charity work and self improvement so that I could be a better role model to the children I was helping.

In the process I started to meet other people with the same goals as me, and I made real friends, kind, good-hearted and reliable people.

Stop being a bitch or kill yourself

Decide what you lack, what makes you feel unfulfilled, and work towards it.

Don't do it Op

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Actually yeah. Buddy found out his wife and baby son were killed in an accident while we were out riding. It was surreal.
Especially since I don't think I've ever seen someone ride those trails as fast as he did on his way back to camp to go home.

I live knowing it will all end one day, just like everything else.

>Drugs and alcohol makes me even more depressed. I don't like girls I'm a self hating faggot by the way.

C'mon, stop hating yourself and start being awesome!!

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Then kill yourself, you fucking pathetic twat.

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get rekt buddy OP is going through some shit. if you want, just leave the thread. but if you have nothing nice to say....

>pic related
>inb4 you must be new to Yea Forums
>no I'm not, oldfag here
>fuck you get rekt

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Hey Mexicans. Glad you could make a collective post excercising one of your enumerated rights to free speech under the us constitution. Enjoy your free money and healthcare. It wont be long before you get what you ultimately desire.

If a movie has been bad for the first half, it's not going to get better. No one is going to blame you for just walking out.

You won't toughen up. If you could, you already would have.

Sounds like no one will miss you, either. End your pain now. Quit suffering. You only exist for the entertainment of other, more successful people.

Nope. Just sorry ones.

Fucking take a stand and be yourself.

I had cancer, this year has been both shit and amazing considering the number of surgerys and tests I had to go through, and now chemo.

But I took that shit and decided to keep fighting every damn day so I could see my wifes face, my dog bark at nothing, my cat piss off the neighboehood, the sunsets and sunrises, tits.... shit user, pick anything you enjoy, there is a lot of good in the world if you take a step back and look.

I was wondering who owned the interwebz. I had no idea it was you. You should delete those nasty posts.

An oldfag knows that OP is not only a faggot, but an attention seeking faggot. OP must die before he passes on his degenerate genes.

Then you should have died back in the 1970s.

Kill yourself. Make video for someone to find and post. You live only to entertain us.

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Go on a suicidal rampage. An hero. There's a lull in mass shootings. Fill the gap.

When I was a kid I wanted to have a wife and children. I wanted to buy a house and have a job I like. I will never have any of that.

Don't you want to end it sooner?

>Especially since I don't think I've ever seen someone ride those trails as fast as he did on his way back to camp to go home

lol what a faggot, wasting all that energy when his wife and child were already dead

I became aware I was thinking like you around age 18. 25 years later I was diagnosed with adhd. Likely, being traumatized at age 6, made me repress most outward symptoms. Also being very intelligent made it hard to suspect anything wrong at a young age.

As an adult I tested ambigous at every test except eventually a brand new type of test of motor skill aptitude.

What I have come to learn about adhd, with especially very simple, common things (like moving your arm), repetetive actions does not improve your skills. In fact the opposite is true. You get worse at performing the task. No doubt the subconsciousness notice this. Society on the other hand insist that repetition is the ultimate road to improvement. So there's a huge dissonans between your expectations and the reality, with no explanation. Because my body and mind was always telling me that even the small things couldn't be improved, but with no explanation to why, I generalized it to encompass everything. I was of course capable of improving things, but it was almost always at a great cost. I would have to learn and understand everything instead of just repeating until I remembered. Always having to do thing differently than other people, often also keep changing things up to keep my interest in things. It is very exhausting. This also increased my distrust in other people, because I often did things a lot better than others also. So I was wondering why they didn't do it like me, when their way absolutely didn't work for me and my way would give better results for everyone. Of course the efforts to achieve this left little energy for anything else (also with a body and mind working against myself in every little detail) feeling I had to drop more and more of what I appreciated to be able do the things I had to, leading to very little positive feeback.

When I started testing for adhd, I estimated less than 1% probability. Then I took that same fysiological test twice, in 3 hours, having taken Ritalin in between. I was 99% convinced. My back was better, my movements smoother, I was substantially more flexible (20cm difference in strecthing one leg to the side) and I could breathe much easier.

It really sucks feeling you've lived most of your life without feeling you could participate, but at least now I know what I can improve and what I can not. It is a huge difference, with or without Ritalin.

It really sucks

*It really sucks, but it's better.

If there's even the most remote chance, I would look into it.

Are you my gf?

Get a pet and try not to fuck it.

I'm a wisefag, much older than just an better check it.

Dude, exercise. Strength training especially. It definitely helps your mental state, in the moment and for the rest of the day. Once you get muscle, the effect last permanently until you stop working out. I have ADHD as well and burning that energy helps mentally and physically. You just have to commit and DO NOT make excuses to why you cant work out. Just do it, and you will feel better when done.

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I hate that I have a nice family.

I would feel too guilty killing myself and leaving anyone behind, I should try to burn all bridges with my sisters so I can wait for my parents to die and then go jump off a bridge with a clear conscience.

Ever since I realized that all we're doing on this planet is trying to distract ourselves while waiting for inevitable death I have more or less given up on ever being happy again. There's no fucking point to any of this.

No don't, you'll feel even worse after the pet dies

Not with that attitude

Edgar, your skin is hanging off your bones


Fucking kys attention seeking faggot, I would love to see how you really are IRL
