How did doremi become a thing here...

how did doremi become a thing here? i've been around but don't come here often so i don't think i saw it here 2-3 years ago

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it's been at least 2-3 yrs. Kinda just happened. It was more an anime watch thread that developed a dialect, and later an ideology.

>how did doremi become a thing here
it hasn't
actually just one person posting with multiple passes and IPs

what ideology?

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Doremi is imageboard culture & heritage. How do I know? Because Doremi has been linked on the oldest BBS ever created and had many discussions about the show. Therefore, Ojamajo Doremi is chan heritage.

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uuuuuuuuuuuhhh i thinke u meaned yotsuba

Both actually.

it wasn't mentioned on this board at all until the spring of 2017 when the daily watch threads started and the worthless faggot started spamming his pedo shit everywhere

ids bcuz doremi is a nice show ann dis is nice boarde LOLE
dubs confirm! wooh!

Attached: doremi thinks its CUTE.webm (640x480, 485K)

It's being pushed by one guy. He's ruining the board.
Gotta say though, I don't hate him. After all, he seems alright besides derailing the whole board at all hours of every day, and Yea Forums is a horrible website that I loathe and every board on it deserves to be derailed just like this.

dublel dublels! wooh!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

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i wish the doremiposters just admitted to being pedos, like the gee mister posters

I'm sorry but I'm not going to just walk up to my mother and hug her. Do you guys really not see how weird this is? Any sane mother would think "what's wrong with you?" because just randomly hugging someone or telling them "i love you" or whatever else is not commonplace behavior.

>he seems alright
he seems like a mentally ill faggot

i dond thing u udderstan how mamas feel

Attached: o my god mario nno.jpg (819x819, 489K)

please walk up to your mother, hug her, and then walk away without saying anything. 100% your mother will think something is up

dond jus nod say anythink sheesh
tlell her somethink u love her ann ur happy tto hab her in ur life

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2017.07.10_12.28.48].png (400x480, 180K)

even weirder tbh...if i did that my mom would think i'm about to kill myself or something

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If my mother were alive she'd think it was totally normal if I suddenly hugged her and told her I loved her. She and I were very close. On casual snuggling terms. She would do the same to me sometimes. Truly we were each other's closest and truest friends in this lonely world. But of course it couldn't be that way forever. She was my mother, she was supposed to be the tutorial best friend. I was supposed to move on from her. Learn from her how to love, and go on to love someone else. That's what she would have wanted for me as well. Now I finally no longer have a choice.

fren... maek id a habit tto show ur mama affection sometiem... widout her u wudnt b here rite nowe... u wudnt b anywhere.......
dublel dublels! wooh!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第15話「母の日とお母さんのにがお絵」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 202K)

> I was supposed to move on from her.
That's not what everyone does
that's just what your own mother taught you

im shore ur mama was ann stlell is bury proud ob u

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第20話「お母ちゃんに会える!あいこ涙の再会」(DVD 64 (640x480, 158K)

She wanted to keep me to herself, she told me as much. She made it clear the only reason she wanted me to take the love she gave me and love someone else was because she knew that was what was healthy for me. She wanted me to have someone else to rely on when she was gone. I should have listened. Now she's still the only one I've ever loved, and because of it, I'm deeply lonely.

dond thing liek dat fren ur alot moar capablel ob maeking frens den alot ob udder peoplel bcuz ob wut ur mama taught u!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第20話「お母ちゃんに会える!あいこ涙の再会」(DVD 64 (640x480, 167K)


She didn't think so

yes and i'm sure renko's sisters didn't think fucking him was weird either

to be fair they had no choice and it became more normal the more he fisted them


id's bcuz ojamajo doremi is da bestest showe on da worlde fren!!1!
id cam eben sabe lives u nno

nice dubses

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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id saeb'd mine

Attached: best frens.webm (960x720, 926K)

doremi is a pretty good series, but it sure didn't come to [s4s] organically, it was forced for two whole fucking years by some cunt who refuses to type readable sentences and singlehandedly wants to push his own vision of [s4s] culture

seriously, fuck that guy
I regret having ever defended him (mostly early on, when the threads were new and it seemed just like a fun, entertaining series with lots of goofy faces), he's just pure cancer out to promote himself and what he likes at the expense of everything else.

the ideology of putting a cartoon show on a pedestal and believing its so incredible and earthbreakign that watching it will completely change you as a person. when really its just a cartoon show and a childresn cartoon at that

its the exact same shit we saw with bronies + mlp except instead of being pushed by not-so-lowkey furries its pedos. the fetish drives their endless interest in an otherwise unremarkable show

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bullyign wont maek u happye.... dond b sso insecure

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第09話「ハーブを探せ!MAHO堂バスの旅」(DVD 640x480 WMV9) (640x480, 174K)

you're one of the most insecure people here
another facet of your boundless hypcorisy
also lol what is it with you and calling people insecure on posts that have literally nothing to do with themselves and couldnt even be tangentially related to their self image. like this is literally the definition of projecting

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u dond hab tto b...........

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.02.[640x480].[3C275406].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_18.42_[2017.07.06_03.26.37].png (640x480, 285K)

yeah and u dont have to roleplay as a little kid for every single post u make yet here we are

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