Stonetoss thread

Stonetoss thread

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This guy is such a pompous douche

Nah he a faggot /thread

it's just the same joke over and over
>dude, racism is bad
>no it's not [smug face]

Fuck off with that racist b*llshit

ThE LeFt CaNt MeMe

When the right memes like this, the left don't have to.

is there an actual joke here i am missing?

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This is so bad

>whoops, im a total fuck up and cant read boxes before I CONSUME

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This guy is so deep though no?
Lmao, like 99% of his arguments always involve logical fallacies, it's fucking hilarious.

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Can update the bug burger now to.. human burger..

Thanks Sweeden.

Sex =/= gender you imbecile

Why do the right have no artistic talent?

>Sex =/= gender
Please show me where I said otherwise

yea right, wehres the fucking joke

I'm not talking to you I'm talking to whoever made that stupid comic

Have seen his stuff for a while, saved a few, he is pretty good.

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Did he make a claim otherwise?

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The edits are always better than the original

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Who even gives a fuck.
If you're that convinced teh ghey or teh tranz is a choice, you're not going to make it, right, so why do you even care?

I legit thought the comics were edgelord edits of a normal webcomic for a long time.

He ain't here bro

>sex doesn't equal gender!
That isn't a very useful statement, because it leads the reader to believe that sex and gender aren't inextricably linked across multiple traits ultimately leading to the fact that 99% of all humans identify their sex to their gender and fit well within the definition of their gender/sex.

No he's just very uncreative.
His punchlines are usually "look at audience and clap sign lights up"

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This doesn’t make sense. The gay pride flag is the symbol of a protected class and the US flag isn’t

>protected class
Found the problem

Get fucked you sensitive little faggot.


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Gotta admit though, the douchy smug faces on all his characters perfectly portrays what I imagine him looking like.

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I really don't understand these

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the edit is better


i base all my morals and opinions on the laws of the country i live him

gay guy here

I don't give a fuck about anybody's flag.

I found a problem also: too many people speaking for me.

Pride parades are gross. Rainbows are for faggots. I'm a victim of nothing. I don't want more representation in media. I'm a small business owner, I've denied service to people before for a variety of reasons... so by all means i understand if you don't want to bake me a fucking cake. I understand you think me kissing my boyfriend is gross. I think you kissing your girlfriend is gross. So I don't do it in public. I'll ask you to do the same. PDA is weird for everybody.

Rant over.

I can't imagine hating anybody or any chunk of dirt enough to take time out of your busy life to burn a symbolic gesture of it while shrieking in the streets "I DONT LIKE THING". Like... I just can not imagine being that self important.

Good take, probably the biggest difference is that if all things taken equally you would end up with more heterosexual relationships in media/movies which probably sucks for you or any other majority/minority sorts of issues.

Since you have so many virtuous people ready to stick up for you instead you are wildly over-represented in just about everything. I'm guessing it feels bad.

>I don't like or want THING therefore no one should!
quit trying so hard to be "one of the good ones" and/or crawl back in your log cabin and set it on fire.

Love how this stupid comic triggers left wingers so bad. It's not even that clever or funny yet they cry almost immediately after it's posted LMAO

That does make sense

Telling happy holidays triggers conservacunts more.

>Ewww an LGBT/minority/woman that doesn't agree with the rest of the herd? Stop existing!
People like you are the problem

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Dilate you tranny

That and I hate most depictions of gays in media. The plot always focus's on their sexuality and not that they're normal god damn people.

I don't know what people think of when they imagine the day to day life of gays but let me assure you I don't wake up in fear of confronting my parents and standing up and being loud and proud while announcing my feelings.

That's not representation. It's virtue signalling and it's so sickeningly transparent.

You're so caught up in stereotypes you refuse to see that what i'm saying is gays are not how we're stereotyped.

MOST of my gay friends (being gay I know quite a few) are similar to me. I'm not trying to, in your mind, be some kind of faggy uncle tom. I'm telling you how it is and how it's always been. Most gays hate pride parades, they're embarrasing and make people hate us more.... for example.

Not really, most don't give a shit and will wish you a merry Christmas anyway

You will never pass, you will always be a deformed man and you will die alone.

works for me

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The best and the last one I have

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I think in stories where the sexuality is the main driver for the story it can work, like a story about an oppressed gay person who overcomes or something.

You're spot on that every gay character is defined by their sexuality outside of stories where that is the primary story arc. Just look at what they did with iceman.

Why is there a connection between LGBTQAA++ anyways? To me that would be like trying to combine every ethnic minority into a movement which is fairly nonsensical.

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is this the original, i like the edit better

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You do realize that if intelligence was purely genetic that we'd be the same intelligence as humans 70,000 years ago?

>equating technological advancements to raw intelligence

Thats the point, you libtard npc

incorrect, a population will evolve by selecting for useful traits, that is how animal/crop populations change over time

I have cancer now

When I came out of the closet it was just LGB

Now the whole alphabet is attached to it. Personally I don't hate transgenders, I think it's a mental disorder and it needs to be treated with psychiatric sessions not invasive surgery. The Hippocratic oath states "do no harm" but doctors are fine chopping off a penis for no reason if they get enough money. That should not be allowed.

There are good stories with gay characters... My thing is this. I'd like to see a show where a character is gay but it's absolutely not important, they're not a stereotype, and the central conflict of the story doesnt revolve around it. The simpsons had an episode in the 90's with a character that was gay and it was ALMOST what I wanted to see but they made homer a homophobe for some reason... needed a conflict i guess.

Also please understand when I say "what I want to see" I could care less. I mean that like "if they have to include a gay, have them be this way" not "they need more of this character".

You do know that the waves of mass killings in Europe are credited with increasing the white IQ right?
When you remove the bottom 80% of society 5 or 6 times you will increase the average IQ of that society.

I like bug burgers

Then if you represent the majority, the majority needs to tell their "leadership" to sit down and shut up. You have all these people of "special" groups that claim the extremists don't represent them but there is never any public condemnation of these extremists from the people in these groups. You should be the loudest voices.


That’s retarded. What’s the point he’s making?

This was meant for That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that families with more resources are able to prove their children with more opportunities to develop themselves, which does include intelligence.

The human species has been around for roughly 2 million years. If every other generation was producing more intelligent kids solely on genetics we would be exponentially more intelligent by today.

Here's your tin foil.

I don't care if he's pompous or a douche. He's just not funny that's what gets me.

>Here's your tin foil.
Yeah that wasn't a response.
Disease, famine, and genocide is what is, and has been, credited with the white IQ.

I'd just like everybody to shut the fuck up about it all.
Like, pro or con, I don't give a shit, shut the fuck up.
Wanna wear dresses and be a girl? Shut the fuck up and go do it.
Have a problem with gays? Good for you, shit the fuck up.
As long as your not fucking children or animals, I couldn't give less of a fuck how you want to be, sexually or otherwise.

I know very few gay or lesbians, is there a strong connection between the two? It seems like they would run on completely opposite circles for obvious reasons.

I think the guy who plays dexter played a gay dude in 6 feet under and it was decent, but characters like that are few and far between, usually you just get SLAY QUEEN!! finger snaps and garish clothing.

The way the far left is running, soon gay men will be left out of the virtue signaling and be vilified along with regular men and whites.

Dude dosn't know shit about dogs. I bet he dosn't even know where dogs come from.

Ironically the reason some dogs are dumb is inbreeding. I bet he's against interracial coupling though.

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I'm Christian so I'm fine with it. Statement still holds

IQ is highly inheritable, but for reasons I don't totally understand, high IQ individuals descendants eventually fall back to the population mean IQ, or so the data says.

Dude doesn't know shit about anything. Every comic is just him arguing against a strawman that he thinks is funny. He probably adds another tally to his "internet arguments won" board every time he uploads a new one.

as long as there is enough genetic diversity in the breed you can make purebreds that have very similar traits, intelligence being one of them. Only shit-tier purebreds with a tiny genetic pool are dumb as shit for it.

>is this loss?

It means I'm not going to bother with how deluted you are. Intelligence is a trait that has only become valuable recently. Our species were similar to chimpanzes hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Females aren't biologically attracted to the most intelligent, they're attracted to those with the highest chance of survival. So there's 0 chance of removing the 80% of the dumbest people over generations, like you said.

wut. no?

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What can I personally as an individual do?

Exactly what I'm doing right now. Trying to talk to people... I mean, we don't exactly have meetings and vote on this stuff, you know? Look, I know you're not going to believe me but the majority of gay people... you won't even know they're gay. They're just another person walking past you on the street. Most gays stay in the closet because they're scared people will see them as some rainbow wearing fag prancing in the street on a cock shaped float, not because they're worried about conservative types. I live in Texas, the buckle on the bible belt. When people do find out I'm gay (Which is not something I announce but when I get to know people I introduce them to my partner) the worst i've gotten here in Texas is "well, I don't agree with it but it's your life honey" (texas women say honey a lot, I don't get it). And even that's like 1/100. So yeah, it's not the conservatives we're worried about. 2016 election was an absolute shit show for us because of the antifa weirdo's... so many millenial straight white kids marching and protesting for the rights of everybody else, making fools of themselves, making people hate blacks and gays and whoever else even more.

100% with you. People will sometimes tell me their opinion on gays when they find out about me. I simply do not care. Everybody needs to stop taking shit so seriously and mind their own business.

haha honestly MOST gay guys (the ones I know anyways) believe lesbians are a myth. most "lesbians" my partner and friends have met are women who can't get dick and wanna be part of our social circle. I mean, not true, but I can't speak for life experiences that are not mine and that's usually what we see.. lesbians are usually obese, smell bad, like really weird obscure shit, just... nothing appealing about them at all. And they're mad they can't get a man.

more like 12 million years ago.

In the race war the tranny fags wont have enough muscle mass or brain power to fight efficiently since they are loaded with foreign chemicals. It will be easy to wipe them out like the human tumbleweeds they are. lmaoooo
>trannies die if they dont insert dildo every 4 hours
>fw not even lying

libs pwned epic style

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This thread sucks fat nigger cock

60% of stone toss is accurate but unfunny
10% is genius
30% is inaccurate or misguided AND unfunny. OP is a good example, like nobody is going to FORCE you to eat bugs

Ran out of comment space (I'm a chatty type lol). Just wanted to comment, I did know one lesbian (the only one) who was really pretty. Pale red head from scotland, thick accent which was really cute, she was in the USA training to be a nurse. Lost contact with her as college life got super busy for her (wonder where she is and how she's doing) but she was a cool lesbian. But yeah, that's the only one I knew.

As for the last comment you made yeah... I mean lefties tell white gay men they're pretending to be gay and have as much privilege as anyone else. So I guess you're only gay if you're fucking a guy while brown. I don't get how their mindset works.

No, like hudreds of years ago. Literally. We formed social circles like they do, we organized ourselves around an alpha male like they do, we're even genetically similar, we're genetic cousins in the same family tree.

Hot take from the autist in the room

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I know one lesbian, shes very fat and not too ugly but her makeup looks like shit all the time. I'd still watch her do her biz though cause im a perv.

I think the far left just will do whatever it can to attain power and if the gay man wants to live in society normally and doesn't want to associate with their virtue, then out with him.

>10% is genius
Your standard for genius is pitifully low.

No, it makes perfect sense. Burning the pride flag is still free speech.

I agree with you. But here’s the fallacy in the one you posted? That one is spot on. Liberals and conservatives alike deny facts and science to suit their narratives.

When you burn or desecrate the american flag which is legally protected its "free speech", when you burn a fag flag its hate speech or intolerance, though they are both symbols of democratic freedom i.e. fags being allowed to marry in the us and your right to vote.

Hundreds of thousands*

I can’t even imagine the sort of soulless automatons that find this stuff clever or funny. The USA is a cultural wasteland.


Free speech can be hate speech and vice versa. Hate speech is legal in America.

I don’t really get it

Clever. But don’t liberals agree badthought is bad?


This is bait

It’s an edit. Original probably had Jews.

Ridiculously gay


Better than original

Is that real?

Probably his all time best

His most subtle comic. Still unfunny.

And yet you still don’t make the cutoff

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Basically this one is a case of whataboutism.
Climate change is introduced in 1st panel, and 2nd panel tries to refute it based on an entirely different argument about a different subject, and panel 3 shows the climate change person all mad about how the other dude supposedly shut him up with something not at all related to the argument.

I guess it depends on perspective. If the point is to refute global warming concerns then yes it’s dumb. I read it as accepting global warming and mocking the social left

Maybe head on back to huffpo crybaby

We do. Bet you cant start a fire with foraged materials and keep it going for the next 6 years.

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>Free speech can be hate speech and vice versa. Hate speech is legal in America.

no hate speech only free

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its the goddamn black socks

i see no bee costumes

its anus would be tiny

its captain marvel, but he cant tell u

stop using the esperpento as basis of anything except batroc the leaper

dial 8

All these faggots getting mad at comics should neck themselves /thread

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nigger its not even about racism

exactly the one acctually has a meaning outside of mental illness

>freedom of speech
>afraid to put nigger on his edgy comic
God bless the U S of A

Or he just realized it would be unnecessary and inflammatory?

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This one actually did make me laugh, because I actually don’t care about conservatives getting censored on the internet. I find the toddler rage endlessly amusing.


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wat lol

america is literally the #1 place where nigger gets used, do you know why? Because america is overrun by niggers lmao

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>the comic that makes jokes about holocaust denial doesn't want to sound inflammatory

this one is kinda funny tho

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>see this guy from the future with a weird musket
>prepare your militia
>he kills you all while you're loading
>load up your cannons
>it takes even longer than the musket
>you finally get your cannon ready
>18 men loading 6 other cannons have been killed by this endless mega musket
>you face this demon with only 2 of your friends
>they're already dead

>our cannons will be no match

The joke is that he was arrested before he could finish saying nigger you brainlet

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>these funny comics
Every great artist needs to pretend to be an adoring fan of his own work

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To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand stonetoss

The joke is that England has crazy censorship

that's called deadpan son


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This one is great

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Hey, can you explain the meaning of based? I missed that


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This shit's cringy. Did a boomer make these?

Nice try

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when something is based bro, simple as

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I never really got this one

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so wow none of the posters were you. amazing. You fucking titanic retard you.



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basically mocks the retards who made the sjw/feminist ownage compilations and the sceptic tards too i guess

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this tbh

>I don’t really get it
because you're a fucking dumbass and you're not over the age of 18.

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Well to be fair you are on Yea Forums. None of them could bring thier arugment , or whatever it is they are attempting to do, to any other board and not get laughed out.

he means jewish psyop collective
so same bot

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Tell your people to stop being such a bunch of faggots then

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the one with the giant is funnier

Its actually a statment on slacktivism but then again i dont expect much brainpower from Yea Forums

ur so smart can i suck your dicK?

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Stonetoss constantly gets posted on Yea Forums you tourist

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yeah sure.


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But if free speech is actually outlawed violating the ban could be significant civil disobedience

the bike in the fucking background. 110% effort

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>dating your own race is inbreeding
Did the ADL start this thread to argue with itself?

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No, its commonly accepted that if shit got that bad you needed to be in the boogaloo yesterday, not shitposting on facebook.

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I agree, and it's always crazy people to claim representation of others based on demographic alone.

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This is Yea Forums now.

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/sees member of flock that disagrees
/get angry
/no real argument and resorts to ad hominem-tier retort

heh take that you traitor

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Good thread, thanks all. Enjoyed it :)

This guy is brilliant

my last contribution, good thread lads.

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you have no idea what libs believe. I am a liberal but nothing in american sense.

anyway this is what liberalism is:
Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism (free markets), democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.

if you think libs are commies you are fucking retarded.

stfu faggot u post the worst shit go kys

Thank you Jesus Christ. Me and my husband hate going to pride, we have a list of gay people from our jobs we will never associate with because they make literally everything about how much they love cocks, and we’re so sick of being treated with kid gloves. Shit most of the gay people I know hate this shit, and the ones that don’t (like the ones on the list) we’re pretty sure are faking it for attention. Like the guy who says he’s bisexual because he’s dating a trans man. Dude you’re still putting your dick in a vagina. Everyone you’ve been in a relationship with has had a vagina. You’re fucking straight you just want to virtue signal and have everyone shower you with applause because you don’t want to put effort in to being a person worth remembering for something other than what they like to fuck. Fuck this earth. I have a person at my last job who tried to promote me to a position of authority not because I had earned it, but because they wanted “diversity in our leadership”. Don’t get me wrong I was good at my job but I knew that it was just for fluff. I ended up leaving that job for another one where I actually got the same position but they actually based it off my work history. Go figure. I’m glad that it’s not just a midwestern gay thing that we’re tired of this shit.

>you have no idea what libs believe. I am a liberal but nothing in american sense.

oh my fucking god...

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No. The joke is america


Do boomers really believe this?
As a vet from Iraq let me just tell you. No amount of training will make you jon wick.
That's a movie, you can get very skilled and hit not moving targets with ease.
But combat is impossibly different than anything in media or range firing

Believing the bbc meme tho


JIDF fails at damage control: The thread


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>genetic variance doesn't exist
>we're just as unchanging as the galapagos finches, now that we've observed them as a species there can never be a new derivative species from their genes, new species pop into existence only randomly with no correlation to an ancestor.

this is why we all know that moose came crashing down from heaven and never came from similar animals, as they too just appeared one day

also I can only assume this is bait, in spite of taking it

This one dumb. Learn about Shores of Tripoli.

A man getting fined for teaching his dog to do salutes to heil hitler is pretty funny

>legal in America

First you're a nigger. Second, seethed harder, faggot.

Go back

Jesus this stuff is autistic

they'er political comics you fucking moron, do you really think you can get insightful nuanced political opinions from a fucking comic strip?

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My friend, I don't even know where to start with telling you how wrong and gay that comic is.

I'll just leave you with a quote from the big man himself

"History is written by the Victor."

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How dumb is that phrase?

Anyone can write history win lose or anything.

That's with modern day high tech crematoriums. Back then it would've taken between six and twelve hours each.


why is everyone pushing these unfunny political comics?

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oo, a photoshopped unfunny political cartoon.


It's a reference to lil b the based God.

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I find it funny

that implies the phrase was already around


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Depends about how much you care about subtlety. How about the fact that almost all of the bad guys in Mad Max were gays and invalids/mutants?

why? seething hatred of black people?

it's funny and true

which part?

Basically involves someone's opinions drifting toward the truth

Conservative cartoonist who doesn't understand that the period goes INSIDE the quotation marks.
This retard always writes it "like this".
What the fuck is that? He has no grasp of English.

Fuck kek

he doesn't really have to speak english well, just draw some shit

we both know that wasnt funny

>lovecraft didn't write bigoted work
only niggers could see the crows on the house in the evening, because only they were foolish enough to believe those crows really existed

niggers and preferring ass

>what are genetic mutations
Double digit IQ detected

Sex = Gender
Prove Me Wrong

Calling someone "dude" when they asked not to be is just unintelligent and rude, honestly. Intelligent people generally just say "ok, I'll call you what you'd like; can we get back to designing this aircraft?"
That's why you see trans people in STEM fields. Engineers are pretty liberal. They just accept you and want to focus on the problem at hand.

A lot of people claim to be advocates of free speech but they never actually do anything worthwhile to contribute to its existence, and rather take ineffectual actions to make themselves feel better.

so, you support foot fags? the degeneracy is amazing

>I have a great sense of humor and let me tell you this is so unfunny, I literally cant understand how people can have different opinions

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sorry, didn't laugh once.

you probably think the YLYL thread is funny, huh?

Was the phrase not derived from this guy? I remember seeing "based" being used early on with some kind of reference to lil b.

>you support foot fags?
ass-fetish freak spotted

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The whole point of ylyl is not to laugh

It's not rude, it's right. Calling transretards how they want to be called is just enabling their disease

ass has an evolutionary function, it works as an anchor to stabilize your torso while running. boobs for instance don't have a use, since nobody's starving here.

is the point of this thread the same, cause....

found the nigger

Attached: niggermonkey.png (990x682, 580K)

congrats, newfriend

The ones who win are the ones who will be listened to, because they can call themselves good and just, whilst calling their enemy evil, and not letting him tell his side of the story.

It's a lot like killing someone after accusing them of being evil, then presenting "evidence" of their wrongdoings after they're dead and have no ability to defend themselves.

Based homo. Identity politics is bullshit.


The point of the thread is to post stonetoss comics can you not read or are you retarded

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Imagine being this fucking retarded.
>history is written by the victor
It's because the losers are dead you fuckin moppet

what kind of fag shakes with their left hand? I'd look at you weird too

both are distinct possibilities

that was implied

I dont even consider myself right wing and I still find him funny. Youre gay.

well, america lost vietnam, but we still get to write the story

which one was your favorite?

That says more about you than the thread

>when you dont get the joke so you say it doesnt make sense

..yes, that's what happened

Well said

Ok that makes sense

seems false flag

I like stonetoss comics because 99% of web comics are leftist cringe. It's nice to see some right wing cringe to break up the monotony.


kek, well said

>one of the most well documented genocides of in history
>not a single autopsy of a victim killed by "gas"
>not a single mention of it through the cracked German military codes
>not a single "death" camp found east of Russian occupied territory
>all the testifying officers in the Nuremburg trials literally were tortured half to death and gave "eyewitness" account of things that never happened and couldn't be proved

Attached: Vot ze fuk.jpg (600x534, 81K)

Our entire nation wasn't wiped out. Besides, what do you think they teach over there about our invasion of their homeland?

Attached: futabtfo.png (748x492, 240K)

This one pisses me off because cannons were not privately owned.

i'm all three, checkmate

how do you know?

There's multiple written documents testifying to the private ownership of artillery. For example, a naval trader asked the US government if he could outfit his ship with cannons to defend against pirates, and they basically said "Go read the second ammendment"

It's not whataboutism. It is illustrating the point that someone preaching about science denying on one topic will then be a science denier theirself on another topic because it runs counter to their beliefs. The punchline of the comic is hypocrisy, not scientific topics. Fuckin hell you are dense.

progress in form of ideas and technology. works just like a virus. ideas like that however are not products of the collective but rather of individuals or small groups of individuals. if you'd erase all ideas and technologies that since emerged from our cultures, we would indeed live like 70.000 years ago. you can use a computer, but culd you invent one if you don't even have a concept for it? heck, i'm sure most individuals don't even know how to get copper out of a rock. intelligence can not be compared to ideas and technology like you are implying

"go read the second amendment" does not at all answer the question of whether it's permissible or not. what if my interpretation is different?

Isn't this the same guy that throws shit at everybody no matter their political standpoint?

That's pretty niggerish but still based.

The "interpretation" argument is fucking retarded. The intention is clear, especially within historical context. You don't like it? Live somewhere you can't own guns, like Britain. Watch out for acid attacks.

That was direct assaults on American trading vessels to Italy and Morocco dipshit, and it happened under Jefferson.