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I'm not edgy enough.

because there are many philosophies in the world with both good and bad ideas. Anyone who subscribes to just one lacks depth and deep thought. Satanism is great for people who lack confidence, but once you have learned and applied its lessons, there is no reason to consider ones self a 'satanist'. I personally started my philosophical journey with Satanism, then expanding into Nihilsim, Daoism and most recently stoicism.

Who says I'm not?

Do as you will is the whole of the law.

Because ALL religion is for the weak minded people, devoid of any ability to think critically.

Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. *

Thats a Themlimic teaching though, not specifically Satanist.

bc deep in in your heart you have to be a christian to be a satanist..

and i am not..

>Implying LaVeyan Satanism is anything more than a philosophy.

>Implying the most common varieties of Satanism aren't just Atheism with an attatched moral philosophy.

anton lavey is just spooky ayn rand. It's cringe, but also very funny.

*chuckles nefariously*

I agree with some other comments above that Satanism is fine if you just live it as a philosophy and treat all the rituals as just metaphors to live by.

I think he did get a lot of his ideas from Rand.

Why does it matter?

yes, he did. I like to think of lavey as a proto-juggalo

Not just Rand, but Nietzsche, Ragnar Rebeard, and several others as well. Its not that simple

Ragnar's Might is Right is a pretty interesting read.

You are obviously not one of us.

satan is a liar.

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kek i remember as a kid/teen i'd join online communities where they would discuss this shit because i thought that was edgy and funny as hell, but i couldn't tell if they were serious or a larp. i'd talk to those people and they would never go out of character

i think they were legit, fucking hilarious

He's not called the Prince of Lies for nothing user.

who is not?

Autism detected. I've read and own The Satanic Bible, and The Book of the Law. Clearly you don't know much.

Satan is your animal will, and your carnel lusts. Not some spooky goat boy, you brainlet retard.

Fuck Anton Levi, hail Satan

Indeed, I've got a copy on my book shelf next to me.

Theists are retarded. People who believe in the metaphysical in general are pretty retarded.

Absolutely false. Read a book, stupid.

brainlet take

Or an edgier L. Ron Hubbard. Fucking grifting charlatans.

If you think the words are that important you have understood nothing.

Because nobody, man or god, can tell me what to do, furthermore, the main philosophy branches explore the idea that.... All glory to the hypnotoad...

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I think LaVey was more sincere than Hubbard ever was.

because i won't make a fool of myself playing halloween all year.

Because I'm an antitheist, all religion of any type no matter how well-meaning is retarded dark ages bullshit.
We need to move past this shit it's just holding us back as a species.

Their philosophy makes a lot of sense, but I just don't feel comfortable identifying as a satanist. Too many preconceived notions about it and it just seems pretentious to claim you're a satanist.

Like Buddhism it's more of a philosophy.
Sure, there are people who like to congregate, but it's not a requirement at all.

this could literally be a line out of one of lavey's shitty books

lol, no. Hubbard actually believed in his philosophies, LaVey did it for pussy.

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Chicks dig Satanists

>Implying all religions focus on theism.

Luciferianism is pretty respectable, the humanist philosophy of individualism and knowledge, but the satanism looks like a meme religion.At least if the Satanist is an edgy 4cha user, that's totally cringe

Suburban goth chicks have always been easy.

>randian objectivism with gothic window trimmings
>edgelord cuckitry
>blatant charlatans
no idea

Not even worth a (you)
Literally the latter half of the book is about magic rituals lmfao

Was forced into Catholic School, converted to Satanism, realized I was just giving my life to something else again. Just living my own life now

Because I'm a Christian.

Implying some of our greatest works haven't been in the name of a God and it isn't politics holding us back

Satanism and Judaism worship the same deity

Because I don't believe in God.

It's funny how blind Christian's are. They are grateful for their sentience and cognitive reasoning which according to their own holy book Lucifer bestowed upon them.
Yet they blame anything they dislike on Satan.

If I was religious, I would be a Satanist for sure.

All gods are idols. Live for yourselves

Gets it

Because i don't feel the need to dress my philosophy with decorations to make it appealing

obviously hasn't read it.

Well said.

But what about everyone else's imaginary friend?

Because just like God he doesn't exist.

My favorite character never mentioned in the old testament, satan

(If you know your religions and their history Satan and Lucifer are not the same, Lucifer the fallen angel mates with a jackal, the jackal gave birth to Satan. The phrase son of a bitch, is calling someone Satan.)

Redeem for one chicken dinner

That kike's dead. It wasn't real Satanism. It was just that kike's secular cult of personality.

Nothing exists all is a dream. God - man - the world the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars a dream, all a dream they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.

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Hubbard flat out said he was starting a cult for money after being kicked out of the golden dawn.

Levey wanted people to live for themselves. He saw the toxic masculinity of Christian society, the objectify of people especially women. The preaching about charity while giving nothing more than hypocritical sermons and the Christian priests justifying the womanizing child molesting 'holy men' who claimed to be doing gods work.

Levey wanted to wake people up.
He wanted people to be people instead of sheep being led to slaughter.

He was arguably a good person.

The satanic religion does not condone violence against children or sexual assault. Unlike the Catholics and Christian.

If levey were alive today he would be the ideal liberal. (Not like these shitty neo-liberals who preach national socialism and the oppression of those who disagree with their skewed ideology and double standards)


What a nigger. Was he high on something or just mentally ill?

Because I chose to grow up, face the world and be responsible. Why are you still a child?

Well said user

They don't believe in a literal satan or God. How could they be Christian and atheistic?

They don't believe in God or satan either...
They are like fun atheists lol

Do you have some links for this info or a reference? Sounds like a good read

coz im not 12


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>We need to move past this shit it's just holding us back as a species

gee what an original opinion. how can anyone seriously think this?

Because I'm a atheist. I'm not so inclined to believe in the antagonist of a god, I don't believe even exists.

But satanism is more philosophy many of us don't actually think he's real.
I know and don't care.

Just be a Chaos Magician
