
I don't realize it's full once and u all just sit an ur balls instead of make a new one.

Attached: SabeR724.png (500x750, 435K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off okami

what is a okami

nigger from animus

the furry nigger

The furry nigger... are u talking about the guy posting all that dog hentai or what?

Attached: SabeR167.jpg (850x1202, 187K)

he's called squash i think

He is an animus tard? But.. didn't he come here before 8 chan died? Correct me if I'm wrong but that's where they came from as far as I know.

Attached: SabeR266.jpg (850x1204, 378K)

he is THE animustard

Yeah, that's cool and all. What I don't get is why he moved here before their chan died. Why would he do that?

Attached: SabeR37.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Attached: mpv-shot0010.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

Attached: lipstick.jpg (536x693, 123K)

Attached: __koito_yuu_and_nanami_touko_yagate_kimi_ni_naru_drawn_by_nakatani_nio__3b0adede57674be61578a0a51c6c (720x720, 89K)

Attached: bigsmile3.jpg (541x867, 154K)

Attached: JUDE-chan.png (712x649, 30K)

Attached: x28.png (971x352, 362K)

gonna go to bed soon here, it's late

Attached: smile9.jpg (825x600, 79K)

Attached: x1.png (2055x2998, 1.21M)

Post what you would do if you were with your waifu. Related.

Attached: 1564955512276.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Attached: lyingdown.jpg (1152x648, 128K)

Not be a fucking weeb and go get wasted with her.

Attached: SabeR88.jpg (850x1202, 119K)

Attached: 1553785715653.png (503x715, 345K)

Attached: sleepy kase.jpg (1200x675, 84K)


Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_sbel02__82045d0437b094cabbfa684b94d58cb0.jpg (560x800, 389K)

Attached: 73321154_p6.jpg (1960x1585, 353K)


"I don't wear a bra"

I cant find one that fits.

Attached: 6d9b210ff65d453f2f34b764bddab6d4.jpg (500x729, 53K)

my waifu is sleeping

Attached: 73247277_p0.png (1000x1399, 1.52M)

>didn't even chuck it at a nazi yet!
antifa kase confirmed

Go on

Attached: please continue.gif (500x212, 948K)

What else is there to say?

Attached: 4d1bd35227af0b49c43ff5652182d71d.jpg (496x600, 41K)

post moar

I'm beginning to suspect you have no interest at all in what I have to say.

Attached: 5d833cb00db5cbf73d0ca6d50337919d63d28e9av2_00.jpg (322x512, 44K)

Why would you act interested in my predicament, then ignore my response?

Attached: 60716876_p6.jpg (1400x2100, 818K)

You sir are rude!

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kurobe_sclock__sample-c558a57f928a7c4ca29c023bc80ab4d9.jpg (850x623, 139K)

you've got the wrong user bro, i just saw the pics

no u

Attached: kill me.png (248x380, 73K)

You are a liar as well.

Attached: 806e332472f310af3f7a227d7087223f.jpg (409x600, 39K)

That fanook you originally replied to is not me, i just saw sexy pics

Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png (453x267, 24K)

Why should I even bother with you.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_twrlare__9ccca78c9904cf242fdc8efdb0598218.png (688x1300, 540K)


And there you go again thinking you can absolve yourself.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_raite__sample-6ac8655a710e2bef969db982054fd813.jpg (850x1133, 154K)


You need someone to teach you a lesson

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_miwa_hitomi__0b938556fd00c6f962551cee3d029218.jpg (676x1023, 138K)

Rude men only get one response from me.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_hakushi__c2edf570203c809df83c77481c0432cf.jpg (720x960, 171K)



Attached: owo.gif (480x310, 316K)

What would you have me do Master

Attached: dc48bfb1fc13ea97dd7b29f1f46c857e.jpg (850x1396, 275K)

show butte

Not sure if OP would approve of straight up hentai.

Attached: 1d0ae6f4e5af53a659bfbf861cc3c4bf.jpg (612x1307, 84K)

This may be fine though

Attached: Z.png (850x1077, 1008K)

What are you talking about? Sabe loves lewd shit

god i wish that were me

what the hell am i reading, are you trying to rp with me?

Attached: wtf is this.jpg (468x895, 46K)

what the fuck

Aegis claimed. Good morning.

I already see this place is a cesspool of degeneracy and to no surprise, Seras is in the middle of it.

Attached: e661e7df1669d71c760834286e215a42.jpg (800x1653, 501K)

I dont fucking know.

Why do I do this shit.

Attached: _kemomimi_chan_original_drawn_by_naga_u_588642b98662396856a390ae8f5d64d0.jpg (900x800, 359K)

cute, post more

Attached: _kemomimi_chan_original_drawn_by_naga_u_7f4aa5a4df2fa132a4de8ccf4b415d81.jpg (800x700, 409K)

cute, thank you!!!

Im sorry everyone I'm being a degenerate today

Attached: tumblr_pea7uu14Iy1sx8ybdo5_250.png (250x250, 85K)

Don't ask me

Attached: 3c7c5fa1cdf17593fb3dfe0c3669a336.jpg (700x700, 411K)

cute cute cute

Attached: Momiji dancing.gif (280x259, 184K)

Attached: 1567582963031.jpg (850x1063, 780K)

You're cute unlike me just being gross.

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 15K)

We've come to expect it.

Attached: 05040945a5b569291122551cd0a1a106.jpg (1100x1509, 385K)

Attached: de45ba6e5bed4481d8839dbd856a8ffe.jpg (900x700, 689K)

all her images seem to be super peaceful

Attached: 1521319609754.gif (985x662, 304K)

who is this?

Aegis. She's the robot from Persona 3.

Attached: 1ffb5e7def6ea08a7d6e6298edce880b.jpg (645x1024, 355K)

who tf you is nigga

Attached: _kemomimi_chan_kirby_super_star_and_etc_drawn_by_naga_u_3ebbd990a0b9bc847a9736231974b81d.jpg (500x900, 543K)

This image makes me very happy I thank you for that Neko.

Attached: 2678487i.jpg (439x600, 84K)

I'm just me, everyone's most tolerated mechanophile.

Attached: 711d7d86a8527ef2ebd2f6f6b1081444.jpg (572x977, 325K)

how do you know the 8ch folk

I know a few of them because I talked to them. Why?

Attached: a21126457f2403567f82e6831eea21a7.jpg (433x650, 73K)

still peaceful

Neko? She isn't a neko!

Attached: 38987198_p0.jpg (913x603, 177K)

Attached: _kemomimi_chan_original_drawn_by_naga_u_e87eae32bb07761759b2b74f82e294a3.jpg (900x800, 620K)

Attached: 73573614_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 1.24M)

Am I that bad?

Attached: 20190714_232839.jpg (294x514, 67K)

Am big dumb, the word I was going for was kemonomimi.
Not a talkative fellow? It's okay. Do you have any more of your character in other games?

Attached: 1568181223877.jpg (962x1372, 203K)

Sometimes you can be a bit difficult to take seriously.
Granted, I don't exactly have high tolerance for RP.

Attached: 0fbdd7146683cf38fd116adba425176d.jpg (1414x1000, 631K)

Attached: 72c40b4f17e959e1ada79414f01c212d.jpg (1800x1800, 1.71M)

jesus christ how horrifying

Attached: 55151494_p0.png (826x1169, 317K)

And I'm not very good at it either.

Well I have to get out of bed


Attached: __pip_bernardotte_and_seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_kayama_fukayama__8f3ef55daf08727c956edbcf3ea1 (626x500, 101K)

Sheesh.. the number of hardcore weebs increased by a ton. Where did all these fuckhead come from?

Attached: SabeR861.jpg (1754x2480, 209K)

this is my waifu and i like her gentle smile

Attached: Db2w5D8U0AAyVXK.jpg orig.jpg (782x1037, 61K)

just curious
who and when?

You're one of us too, you know.

Pardon me?

Attached: fdf59ebed84add8913358d7a957f0ffb.jpg (576x815, 276K)

u dipshit aren't even a hardcore weeb.
I'm speaking of those elitist fucks who will have nothing but jap shit cause everything else is trash. I'm seeing more and more ppl who fit that category.

Attached: SabeR392.jpg (850x1202, 185K)

Attached: 227-1girl bangs flower hair_over_one_eye hairband long_hair lying on_back purple_eyes ribbon shirt s (900x514, 585K)

Attached: 1561621526683.jpg (1900x1700, 850K)

Attached: uu44ftn92je31.png (887x960, 397K)

i like your gentle smile
how're you

Attached: 73194655_p4.jpg (1330x1904, 247K)

Attached: 47159348_p0.jpg (600x542, 195K)

hey there
t-thank you. i didnt know you had seen it
i am well rested for the first time in what feels like days
i slept like 11 hours
how about you?

Attached: DsXtCTMUwAA3FvF.jpg orig.jpg (1918x1608, 340K)

who do you know from their group
where did you talk
is this from when they were still here

Maybe they just show up when I'm not here, because I haven't really noticed.

Hello there to you too.

I don't really think it's any of your business.

Attached: 831c43dda4088a13f487544411a00241.jpg (717x1000, 121K)

Attached: wesley.jpg (147x157, 17K)

i certainly have~
yay, im glad to hear it! that's a lot of sleep
oh, my day's been alright.. didnt do much. played some bloodborne, watched a little bit of youtube and that's about it
what're you doing today? got work?

Attached: 312298-.jpg (500x726, 80K)

Attached: 1567819782353.png (514x505, 212K)

how are you doing today?
o-oh, i see
im glad youre glad. yeah its probably too much
wellt hats alright, i hope youve been enjoying that at least :)
im gonna play wow today! no i have the day off, so its just a lot of comfy for me today :)

Attached: DcCe_cLVMAAb8B0.jpg orig.jpg (1536x1314, 200K)

Ey Ms. Grey, what's up?
There is one right there.. the fuck posting the pink cunt.

Attached: SabeR199.jpg (850x1202, 223K)

I'm well. Just got off work a little bit ago. How are you?


So you mean animus guys?

Attached: e61b9916c0203e3de0671f9d4af953b8.png (1718x1159, 1.2M)

If anything the animus crowd are less weeb than the waifu crowd

Not only, I know tons of those came here but there are others I haven't seen. They are different but I still sense immense weeb levels.
Good one, animus user.

Attached: SabeR27.jpg (2009x2125, 1.29M)

not much, just gonna play some wow today, making breakfast right now
how about yourself?
im glad to hear it, i hope you can take it easy now
im good, i have the day off work so i'll be spending the whole day just playing wow as usual
got any plans for the rest of your day?

Attached: Df9Tg-oUYAEn6of.jpg orig.jpg (1289x1353, 178K)

I don't really care all that much about it. There's no harm in them being weebs.

Not really. I'll be going to sleep in about two hours, so I don't think I'll do much between now and then.

Attached: f799e29e794e5b8f0046100bed52562e.jpg (700x700, 190K)

woo, i like being glad together. no probably not, im sure youre fine!
yea i've been trying my best to enjoy it..
oh nice, sounds good, hope you have a fun time

Attached: CK65PFGUsAAslxd.png (630x830, 313K)

fair enough, i hope you have a nice comfy time until then :)
im just glad youre glad
yeah, ive done it before, and i feel well rested now! so thats good!
i-i see, im sure itll be plenty fun as you go on...
im sure it will be, thank you :)

Attached: Dc1QFpTV4AAKpTi.jpg orig.jpg (905x1307, 107K)

Attached: 93b536213146533db22b27c887717144.jpg (700x700, 392K)

Attached: 25146457_p0.png (850x850, 127K)

Attached: golub.jpg (512x471, 106K)

i feel the same way!
yep, that's what matters
th-thank you.. sorry
you're welcome

Attached: __koito_yuu_and_nanami_touko_yagate_kimi_ni_naru_drawn_by_nakatani_nio__bb673c5af54f941e68b7d247ab84 (580x870, 216K)

Just made tons of food. Gonna spend the next 2 hours eating all this stuff.
Still mega hype about new Tekken season. So much shit to learn tho.. homework sucks.
Never said it's bad, just wondering where these fucks come from.

Attached: SabeR28.jpg (2825x4385, 776K)

i hope you have a nice day today :)
well i would hope so!
indeed! thank you :)
you're welcome, its okay, i just hope you enjoy your time, however its spent
oh wow, that must be a huge meal. i hope its very tasty!
im glad youre still so excited about it, it must be pretty good. i hope your homework goes quickly and smoothly so you can get to practicing as soon as possible :)

Attached: DbtM2cHV4AAUklE.jpg orig.jpg (627x811, 32K)

Yeah.. 4 steaks and a huge amount of fried veggies..

Attached: SabeR91.jpg (1200x1987, 1.46M)

I forgot to read the 2nd part.. You see.. the homework is for Tekken. Gotta learn dem moves and framedata and punishes u know. Hardest homework ever. Before I can have fun online, I've gotta do my homework.

Attached: SabeR73.jpg (564x752, 98K)

t-thats a lot... you should save some for later meals
oh, i see what you mean. yeah, thats very important stuff. i hope its more fun than not, at least

Attached: Dc-Z5RYVwAA0xCL.jpg orig.jpg (901x1406, 124K)

Yeah... my stomach hurt anyways. I downed too much at once. Still more than half left. Feels good tho
Learning Tekken stuff is always fun. At least for me. I love doing it, no matter how boring it is. Muscle memory training is my favorite since I don't have to look at the screen, I can watch vids while repeating that shit for an hour.

Attached: SabeR283.jpg (1130x1460, 431K)

I need to apologize, I was out of line ever since birth and I said and did some things I shouldn't have. You have no reason to trust me, but I can only hope you forgive me.

Attached: ush902ghe.png (1373x942, 1.63M)

well, y-yeah, thats a lot of food...
im glad you enjoy it! i hope the memorization process goes smoothly so you can transition into real matches quickly :)
its okay i forgive you :)

Attached: Dx6iYp7UYAAPr_u.jpg orig.jpg (2295x3705, 755K)

Did ur cat break up with u or what
If only.. wish I was korean, lole
ever played fighting games urself? Or just WoW.

Attached: SabeR87.png (566x1500, 324K)

just locked myself into chasity

Attached: 1541356752088.png (600x614, 554K)

i threw the last game as mercy i deserve it

Attached: 1568217283867.png (1280x1600, 927K)

Failure girl has been claimed.

i dont know how they do it....
well, i would say yes i have but i have a feeling youd disagree. i think the most i played was i was in the blazblu training room learning ragna combos for about a day
thats it

Attached: Dd3X7nYVQAEWbeI.jpg orig.jpg (1600x900, 118K)

i just dont want to be a downer or something, idk.. and thank you, i just need to find more things i enjoy or something...
sorry i dont have much to talk about

Attached: 71643590_p0..jpg (2389x3282, 1.25M)

Attached: yar.png (483x588, 377K)

What the fuck is up with u..
Not very much huh. I played cross tag for the free weekend with my mate. It'd make a great game to chill and get wasted but that price tag is beyond humane.

Attached: SabeR168.jpg (847x1200, 200K)

Attached: da6594c2e339ee5077cd11fc8d1e9b16.jpg (1000x800, 440K)

nice 1s
t-thats okay, you should just do what makes you comfortable
thats alright, i dont really either
no, fighting games seem like really big investments, and i guess i dont really like competing in that way against other players to start with, and thats really the main draw...
i just stole whichever on i played, dont think it was cross tag

Attached: DeRpPIHUwAEoNq5.jpg orig.jpg (1637x2048, 275K)

i like to punish myself if we lose games because of me

Good morning, beautiful people! I hope everyone is having an acceptable day!

Attached: sample_dc98f40e2d717c6caa3b9200ff548db7.jpg (850x1202, 411K)

You might be retarded
They are but there are a good amount of ppl who play them casually. Biggest problem with them is they tend to die real fast except for the 3 big ones. Tekken SF and Mortal Kombat. Rest is usually a waste of time.

Attached: SabeR116.jpg (646x1200, 90K)

i am retarded
but atleast im not bad at video games

Then that's that

Attached: SabeR632.png (375x316, 178K)

I told a bunch of normies I used to post on 4+Yea Forums...

Attached: Celty (36).png (1280x720, 835K)

this place is horrid why wouldnt you want to post

cuckchan niggers kys

Attached: 28f468ce4649398570fe1a0d501e5f1fa1654c4a.jpg (1600x2400, 239K)


i-i dont know.. also need to find more things that make me comfortable i guess
hmm, hopefully me or you can think of something to talk about for like, tomorrow or something.. i'll be heading to bed soon probably

Attached: __koito_yuu_and_nanami_touko_yagate_kimi_ni_naru_drawn_by_nakatani_nio__98997d9458e3cd8e863ef785dff6 (800x800, 93K)

me irl

who's the slut locked in chastity
post pp

Attached: 4de1ee05e9302efe2dcf2e5f851dfc6b1c7a0df7.jpg (1148x1750, 205K)

Blummer Tonxbilow gurmurkat dilikbolimey brunch juice.

Attached: sample_f4ca18cd916e2cd5be87de138d2f526c (1).jpg (850x1357, 1.02M)

Attached: 694a3a8522fe56dd1c3e452b3acac0ab1d190e4d.jpg (1672x1661, 625K)

Attached: Jill (001).png (1181x1670, 871K)

Attached: monolit.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

>Al*ce impersonator posting porn
Typical of an EIGHTchan refugee.
Go to where you belong

Attached: 1531943753732.png (1024x1073, 228K)

anime thread on an anime website

ok buddy
>EIGHTchan refugee
i started posting here 4 years ago you kike

"""celty""" is mi liu

"mi liu"

For as long as they post the headless whore they are simply an Al*ce impersonator.

Attached: 1530222031333.jpg (184x184, 14K)

my waifu is celty you faggot
im no way associate with alice the niggerkike

imagine being too afraid to say alice

Afraid? No no no. I don't want to give it any attention. It claims to never want it, but then why create threads? Why stream? Why have a premium snap chat?

Attached: 1402939764703.jpg (1000x769, 294K)

fair enough

fuck off you r*ddit text-to-speech channel watching wanker. Alice doesn't own this character. You're just an s-mug tomoko impersonator by your logic

Attached: Celty (33).png (1280x720, 1009K)

>S-mug impersonator
>When I was here first
Please don't drag them into this.

Attached: 1412803207362.gif (480x270, 1.93M)

For as long as they post the friendless whore they are simply an s-m*g impersonator.


>the Al*ce impersonator sure gets mad when you call them Al*ce

Attached: 1521587176473.png (864x925, 247K)

>the s-mug impersonator sure gets mad when you post porn
Get laid, incel.

Attached: BBC-Chan-528681-Yang_playing_at_beach.jpg (1800x1200, 1.47M)

>he needs pornography to garner attention
>he abuses his waifu by posting porn of her
>he is a cumbrain
>his entire personality is just his sexuality
You really do belong on EIGHTchan and

Attached: 1403896039486.jpg (1200x675, 425K)

Attached: Boroda.png (403x504, 301K)

When did I ever post porn of my waifu?
How is that abuse?
How am I a cumbrain? I don't give a shit about porn. You have to avoid it at all cost lest your cumbrain relapses it.
>entire personality is my sexuality
You're making assumptions. My entire personality is me being an ironic asshole.

Attached: 1559841371269.png (960x1200, 1.11M)

>he's still doing it

Attached: 1557258217400.png (750x500, 136K)

Attached: 1529429908001.jpg (702x1024, 73K)

>subscribing to the forced /r9k/ meme
kill yourself, incel.

Attached: 05D6D6C4-392D-462E-8931-C969A6F2564B.png (651x682, 128K)


Attached: Pieck hold up.jpg (612x612, 54K)

Is it /r9k/? I'm seeing it on /int/ a lot. Like, a whole lot. Is /int/ full of /r9k/ posters? Would explain some things.

Attached: 1477438529935.jpg (401x444, 60K)


Attached: 85f4caeacfa56be888045b4b599989850fbbec95.png (850x1188, 1.02M)

mi (you)

>he is STILL doing it
Cumbrains sure are easily manipulated. Just tell them to suck cock and boom! They are on their knees, tongue out, begging.

Attached: 1474591389827.jpg (818x960, 60K)


Attached: 1565898814035.jpg (2781x1854, 1.57M)

>no condoms, she's catholic
Fuggin based.

Attached: wendy approves.png (611x707, 290K)

>and he's a cuck
Like pottery.

Attached: 1507650580036.jpg (1173x1084, 783K)

>someone requests for me to post blacked waifus
>im the cuck
Someone isn't comfortable with their sexuality

Attached: 1565899206876.jpg (1800x1512, 663K)

Nice projection. I'm secure with my sexuality, I just don't make it my personality and the only conversation topic I discuss.

Attached: 1557142431909.png (1645x2927, 1.69M)

Attached: 1567380701344.png (1177x1678, 1.99M)

>muh projection
>more assumptions
I mean you ARE making this about my sexuality

Attached: 1567088527611.jpg (1800x1925, 851K)

>Al*ce clone, you should stop posting porn
>proceeds to sperg out and post cuckold porn
Yeah dude. It's me.

Attached: 1478625892030.png (400x480, 213K)


Attached: 1564359217186.jpg (1920x1080, 927K)

it's just a drawing dude, you can calm down
Unf indeed

Attached: 899fab436f94418657cfe4bda6baa96717aecb92.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)


Attached: 1471770029462.jpg (500x502, 48K)

Why is BBC so fucking good

Attached: 7a35b31c6d46ca6bd204831b48181beb6e38e905.png (500x787, 368K)

imagine saving nigger porn on your drive

>he is so mad he has resorted to posting porn of my waifu

Attached: 1495511096640.png (1280x762, 31K)

Size and contrast?

Attached: 1567087465902.png (3000x2576, 1.56M)

im less mad, more aroused
i didnt even post the tomo one

>i'm not mad
>i'm aroused

Attached: 1505235445078.png (500x500, 58K)

ok alice

That's a good theory

Attached: 1565255554173.jpg (1910x2400, 396K)

tomoko is actually angry because we're posting porn on an NSFW board
Got a discord? Maybe we can continue discussion there?

Attached: 1567307971322.jpg (968x1280, 196K)

Not angry, annoyed. These aren't Rule34 threads. But you are actively trying to turn it into one because you are a cumbrain.


I might have one, whats yours?
