I like to send this married slut back home to her husband with my cum in her belly

I like to send this married slut back home to her husband with my cum in her belly.

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Real sluts take their clothes off.

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How long has the affair been going on?

Couple of months. They're right wing types. Church groups and whatnot. But she's pretty much up for anything.

What’s her name for my folder?


Lol I know her

How'd you meet her?

Business aquaintance that got interesting.

Is she on the pill?

No. She's too churchy for that

Wow that's pretty rude of you user :(

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Any good stories?

I know it's cliche but she's literally been on the phone with him while my dick was inside her. I make her do it. It's great.

Amazing. Kik??

Ask her how bill is

why must you lie

She would look good fat and pregnant.

I'm.working on it

so where the pic of your dick in her pussy you lying faggot

Why? I doubt you have anything to offer.

talks about wedding shows no wedding band in pic. so user, whats it about?
routinely lost le ring on her way. that sneaky cougar that.

Tell HM I just shared these in the lads group chat her husband is in.


>married slut
>no wedding ring

yeah sure

Married whore from the office I'm fucking. The sex has been incredible.

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pics of that?


So good. God damn. Any videos?

on Yea Forums looking for reality

She's so good in bed

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That's Lizzy caplan on the right you stupid fuck.

How retarded are you making fake shit with that?

fuckin liar

Everything in this thread is a larp

No lie

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you got any with you fucking her?