Can I call it Mac and cheese if I use non macaroni noodles in it? Wanting to settle a debate

Can I call it Mac and cheese if I use non macaroni noodles in it? Wanting to settle a debate

Attached: hilda_x3_by_pardocrazyart_ddekjz2-pre.jpg (774x1032, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


post more hildas

i call it war of the classes

More like mc cute

Debate settled Hilda has been found to be guilty of being cute

trips! woooh!!!

Peak cuteformance

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the hilda ponies

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haha, this rocks!

Reminder to keep your Hilda figure out of the sunlight.

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all pasta is macaroni product

What does that have to do with this thread?

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If you have macaronis AND other noodles, yes, it would be mac and cheese. If there aren't macaronis, you would have to call it (whatever) and cheese.

it answers the debate, that any pasta noodle is classed as macaroni


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Yeah what ever schizo

haha, this rocks!

Do not post sadde Hilda

Hilda sadde = me sadde:(

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haha, this rocks!

Your fortune: Average Luck

haha, this rocks!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


based hilda poster

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We can expand our Hilda folder

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haha, this rocks!

the real mac n cheese is a mac 10 w/ cheese

Yes, great idea fren, sorry if you have this one

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stop replying to yourself faggot

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Don't worry friend

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This image makes my pp feel funny

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Thanks fren, this is from the game

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Do you think Hilda likes mac and cheese?

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the hilda ponies

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I made this edit

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I really like this image friend mind if I save it?

haha, this rocks!

Maybe, She doesn't seems picky with food, but remember that she likes natural foods

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It's all yours pal

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haha, this rocks!

i love this thread, thank you fren for making this blessed thread a thing.

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Thanks for sharing those hildas

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well....fren? do you happen to be interested in chatting? maybe discord?
s-so we can stay... in contact?

this hilda is one of my favorites, its all yours

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-220405~(1)~(1).jpg (246x351, 65K)

well? you aren't interested in talking in discord?
i'm sad, friend.

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-220821~(1).jpg (740x720, 215K)

So this is Hilda and she is my best friend!

Attached: hilda_by_xyronii_dddnyeg-pre.jpg (894x894, 45K)

Sorry I don't like discord, I'm not femenine or gay and maybe I'm a boomer

I don't know if you knew it, but I have a dream

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She has a cute hat

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A cut hate for a cute fren

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noooo that's not what i meant, i want a friend not sex, just talking and sharing interesting stuff.

If not discord then maybe telegram?

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-210851.png (1280x720, 348K)

You are the autistic guy that gets mad at Hilda's threads, aren't you?

You're trying to bait me

Smoke signals work best

Attached: d8ajzj5-b8237a57-312a-4dd9-89b3-77c587b89077.gif (150x150, 28K)

what? this is my first hilda thread on Yea Forums and how am i being mad?

i also was trying to talk to op if you aren't op then im sorry for (you)ing you

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The op barely posted in this itt I know this because I made this thread because I wanted to know if I could call it Mac and cheese if I used those instant ramen noodles because that's all I had on hand

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How would you cheer up a sad Hilda?

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Sorry,some schizo has been spamming Hilda threads and I'm a little paranoid

No I'm not op tho

ramen and macaroni are pretty similar structure wise and the only real difference is the shape and the wheat type. so yeah, you can call it mac and cheese.

Although you may not have intended it to be a hilda thread i'm glad it had a lot of hilda posting because i had a lot of fun, and you got an answer everybody wins

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Hildas love pizza

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This is a test

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Wouldn't you agree?
Jean Pierre polnaref

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In order to grow, we must defeat the mistakes of our past. The past... even when you break it to pieces and entomb it in stone, it crawls out like a worm.

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stop eating carbohydrates
eat more protein
Drink water
Go to a gym

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>muscular female

fag detected

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i call it a goddamn imbecile licking hair

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dark theme master testimonio

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You think about this kind of thing a lot huh

I don't get it

the hilda ponies

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Lole smol Hilda

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The Heart is the most important muscle. Having your other muscles be strong is a good indicator of a strong heart.


Attached: __hilda_hilda_drawn_by_neobiru__sample-ae1f2663fa1b8d96053e0ab633adfab0.jpg (850x1063, 116K)

haha, this rocks!

>non macaroni noodles
Such as

haha, this rocks!

haha, this rocks!

Attached: 1561399110559.jpg (563x447, 45K)

No. The "mac" means macaroni retard

Your fortune: Bad Luck

two same numbers!

Magnetic accelerator collision cannon


Imagine head patting BOTH Hildas at the SAME time

Based Mods

Attached: 1542863275183.gif (776x799, 637K)

mods confirmed ponyfags

I thought it was MACACO UMA DELICIA

Imagine headpatting Hilda and twig at the same time!

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What did the mods do that was so based?

Some user tried to spam the thread with weird insect-child porn

I understand now why mods = gods

Haha i like to seethe that autistic poster

Hey Hilda! Take off your boots!

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Cute socks!

the hilda ponies

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nice, lewd nightmares


Don't lewd the social outcast with acne

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Is this the Hilda thread?

Attached: artfx-j-pokemon-series-18-scale-prepainted-figure-hilda-with-tep-537009.18.jpg (640x640, 29K)

Yes but no

Yes, post Hilda

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Do not lewd the hilda

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Hilda is meant to be lewded

Attached: 3059459 - Hilda Letdie Porkyman.jpg (616x768, 308K)

Post it

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She want it

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W-What? That's not true, she's pure! Pure!

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Attached: 2927451 - Hilda Hilda_(series) Nov21iggy.jpg (1200x1200, 574K)

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>not making a vegan Mac n cheese


post the rest faggot

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She needs to be a good pet

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n word


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yeah they're doing the thing

this is gay. they're gonna ruin the board

Your fortune: Outlook good

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unchecked trips. [s4s] has change for the worst



The hilda ponies

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No fursecution

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How'dy Mr schizo

How it feels that I'm gaining terrain here more quickly that your forced meme?
No furry scat porn,ponies or porn can stop me

I want to cum inside rainbow dash

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Forgot the hilda

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why brazilian teenagers hate pony

I don't hate them

But I get sexually active seeing the schizo spammer seething

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What pony you fuck?


What pony you fuck?

What pony you fuck?

What pony you fuck?

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bros this cringe normie doesn't even fuck pony what a queer


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I still love her ...

But she's a communist and i'm ancap,

Sometimes we need to just accept people for who they are even if we don't believe in the things they do.

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Cute hat

Post more Hildas pretty please

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Don't cry hilda :(

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Is That a good game?

no, its pretty bad not gonna lie

Yeah I agree with the other guy it was pretty lame but I'm not into those types of games in the first place so it may be a bit biased

This thread needs to live until the other in co is dead

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I want to gib hilda a kiss!!!!!!

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The Hilda ponies drawn as if they were humans in the Hilda cartoon!

Attached: hildatrailer.jpg (1100x620, 124K)

kinda cringe bro


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this is an epic fail

Your fortune: Good Luck

this is an epic win

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

this is an epic fail

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

this is an epic win

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

this is nice dubs

What show is she from?

my little pony friendship is magic (2011)


Attached: 1567463993462.png (900x1273, 1.6M)

my little pony friendship is magic (2011)

Wow she really is cute and those are pretty cute dubs fren

samefig dubs

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We now return to our episode of south park. Hilda the girl who recently moved to the nice town in Colorado is being picked on by her classmates for being a frenchy

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thats pretty cool but stop now

Gonna cry? gonna piss your pants maybe? maybe shit and cum?

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only shit and cum, why u ask?

y cant u go be a hater some where else omg -__-

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anti-hilda freaks trying to keep the thread from getting bumped wtf

dubs confirms omg -___-

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Hilda always makes sure to remind you to go to the gym and stay active.

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Thanks hilda

Nice dubs friend