Draw thread
yet another draw thread edition
Draw thread
Other urls found in this thread:
No this is the dubs edition
Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>She strips down naked
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad
>Tfw you actually dream about your request
>Tfw she wanted to eaten alive in my dreams
>Tfw she was more enthusiastic about it than me
Weaponized fork
what the FUCK is UP?
Cammy thread good thread
to whoever requested the "female android robot"
Requesting giantess vore of Centorea of Monster Musume.
Try to show a more seductive/lewd mood if possible.
>Her hot breath wafting over the man about to be eaten
>Licking his nude body
>Her nude as well
>Lots of saliva
And perhaps include something about how horses/centaurs can't vomit after he's been swallowed alive, so it's one way trip.
Thanks! Goodluck! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GOOO!!!
Requesting Zhane getting groped and felt up by floating hands.
Also, bless Cammy thread.
>Shilling your Patreon in the drawthread OP
This thread already fucking sucks
Any requests?
For your consideration:
maybe I should come back later...
unless people got some cool r's
do like a
big evil knight or somethin
and now it's even worse 'cuz i'm here
takin non-lewd requests or masks
any other weapon suggestions?
Hello Turbo
If I had a tablet and more time I might but a whole ass comic with paper and pencil ain't happenin today
>avatarfagging this late
gorefag pls
if you think Aeolus is here then you are actually going full retard.
Hitler baking choco-chip "cookikes"
No biggie, user. Good luck on your endeavors!
/r/ a draw of this robot in any dynamic pose
a flail with a screaming gnome or goblin as the head.
fifa street ost was the best gaming soundtrack indeed
a weaponized drill
Adeptus Mechanicus girl looking at a RadioShack catalogue, while blushing
Fifa might suck donkey balls but people at EA sure know how to pick songs for the OST
Almost nothing as comfy as the warmth of freshly dried clothes, the fires of Hell come pretty close though
Wear a mask that resurrects my step sis pls..
sah dude?
who dat?
requesting a draw of this exact glaceon
Requesting a fusion of this OC and Lucario.
this is very dynamic and awesome, thank you!
man are you the same guy that keeps requesting nazi stuff?
>avatarfag circlejerk
you didn't answer my question before though; have you figured anything out with the housing situation? you doin alright?
Rad, thanks
>who dat?
If you like robots and all things mechanical you gotta check these guys out.
>man are you the same guy that keeps requesting nazi stuff?
Nope, but saw the pic and had the idea.
At any rate this is Yea Forums, why are you even surprised?
Big evil knight
Any more requests
wow that pic of me is almost 10 years old, how time flies.
A sexy grim reaper
fucken nice
I dunno why the fuck that shit is in spanish. Here's the page in Freedom slang.
I know what I must do.
That's fair, I've just gotten like 4 nazi requests in the past 2 or 3 days.
Can you draw her fucking a short human slave?
>4 nazi requests in the past 2 or 3 days
Sounds like business as usual.
Requesting this girl entirely nude getting fucked doggystyle by an animal dog. If you could, do some little panels to the side showing her pussy filled with the dog's dick and her womb filled with his cum, impregnating her, and a panel that shows a closeup from behind of her pussy getting fucked
You’re spitroast
I'm not clicking that
Hair is getting long again, I might leave it since heat doesn’t bother me anymore.. still half way than when I joined
>off by one
OH NONONO I thought i did.. I’ve just given up lel let’s see where I manage to go in a week or two!!
Based Gamer Moment
Oh boy, I like these new pens. They definitely add a layer to my art. Now to actually get good at drawing.
Pretty shitty, guess I'll call it a night. Too tired to draw decently
Yep, definitely studying and focusing on getting better. let me tell you, this is probably one of my better ones.
There is no talent in this thread
You fuckers better step it up and practice harder
Or just give up and put your pencils down forever
You could never afford to commission me. You'll never see my work, so don't ask.
that isn't Catfox, Catfox looks like a chubby tumblrette
I think that's actually Soup
big kek
Alright Da Vinci
hey vorefag
Good luck homes
My internet's actually working tonight so if you wanna smash we can
I'll do it, but a sacrifice must be made
>Draw stuff
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
(IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend
>>im too good, but I'll never show my work
>talking down to a bunch of random hobbyists on a thread on Yea Forums
sure you are, honey.
can't wait till tech body mods are perfected one day. shit's gonna be tight
thanks bruv
YOU'RE fucken nice!
only liberals speak like this
you wouldn't happen to be a liberal, right user?
Don't call me honey. My hands are blessed by the goddess Venus. I've captured more souls on canvas than the number of years you've walked this planet. I've put more hours into my drawings than you've been conscious.
Don't call me honey. I call you honey.
sure thing, sweetie. now to go to bed, honeybunch before you get cranky.
ok liberal
Imagine, being this disgustingly pathetic
wow. being this extra makes it way easier to not take anything said seriously.
Nice feet
I don't need to be nice to get anywhere. I have real skill and talent.
I'm disgusting? Fine. My soul doesn't need to be beautiful. Only my work does.
oh! you must be Bishop, the hack who got laughed out of here.
Wasn't the story behind this pic that the furfag who commissioned it paid like $9000 or something outrageous like that?
it is, that same mislabeled screenshot has been around for like 7 years
the actual images are most likely gone at this point, people just post that screenshot to feel like le ebin trole anomalous these days
so anyone looking for requests? Not really talented but I'll try
Based but bluepilled
I’m actually pretty tired from laundry so I’m bound to pass out at any second sozzy..what kinda sacrifice??
Draw a clown girl
Requesting a parody of the terminator poster but with Anna from Desus Ex
Big tiddy roll from last thread
Here you go user!
it's an eye for an eye.
But go to sleep you dweeb, getting plenty of rest is important, I'll beat you at smash some other time
Do you remember when drawthreads were fun?
When drawfriends made adventures, delivered and just chewed the fat?
When drawfriend and user were friends and talked about fun stuff and bounced ideas off one another?
Before shrill asperger-heavy, self-entitled shitposters was all we ever got?
When even the most assholish trolls wouldn't troll the drawthreads because even they understood the value of original content?
Even amateurish, staggering, unsure line work was appreciated, because someone put in an effort.
I do, I miss those times.
>lets shitpost in the thread to try and get rid of them
>"repeat for seven years"
>it will work this time I'm sure!
No way even Vat Mang makes an appearance!! Love ur stuff dude!!
No way right here right now, I’m fine with this handicap, I beat you when I had a headache, I’m sure a little drowsy sparring won’t be too bad!!
>eye for an eye
What’s that mean..??
clown artist here, I'm working on yours user
>amateurish, staggering, unsure line work
Stop insulting my craft. Holding your pencil correctly is supposed to be lesson 1.
shades or no shades
>When even the most assholish trolls wouldn't troll the drawthreads because even they understood the value of original content?
... alas
what happened to miro and meer? miss wholesome drawfags
depends if you want it user
Like so many others, they fucked off out of this toxic environment.
I do miss them still
if you are still here user, just gtta do the shades
I'm here
Ya'll mind if I drop my twitter handle?
Any other requests?
Thanks you
Forgot to erase taht shoulder... Anyways any other requests anons?
lobby's open, don't regret it
and with shades
Thank you
those feet they are nice
moar lewds from them?
requesting akali with a swirly lollipop
Requesting a cute spooky monster girl
Requesting me and my homies GTA v characters doing GTA shit
anyone got a personaaaa or an occccc I can draw?
bro is that mother fucking Dante from Devil May Cry™
i like snorlacks.
not really good at league characters, hope you enjoy it user!
what kind user?
How about a bat lady?
spoopy, I'm not good at fullbody, you ok with that user?
That's fine
Requesting Ichirin Kumoi getting knotted and impregnated by a werewolf
Yeah, you suck my blood you dirty little vampire.
work tomorrow
night bread
sleep well drawfren
almost done user, please wait a little longer!
Here you go user
It's fine take your time
Aw, cute.
/r/ her getting raped
Nice i love her
well I'm sleepy, it's been fun guys
Sleep well user
this one made me lol but thanks!
thanks user!
>keeps disconnecting when I’m about to land the final hit
OH NO NO NO is this your newest strategy to not losing??
The past twenty-forty posts shows us when user and drawfren are nice.
You must all have a CHEESE MONUMENT to enjoy (on toast maybe)
You're the one disconnecting, it tosses me right back in the lobby. My internet is just fine tonight.
c'mon debil you don't have to be THAT afraid, it's the 5th request you have to look out for, the first 4 ain't as bad.
Miroo has a boyfriiend and stopped doing scriibbles. ii don't know where Meerkay went too laast i heard she was dooing ookie. ii miss them booth
Are you really scribble?
Assume it is, relax and enjoy.
Once again
Nelsha still emanates pure chad
because he is
That way likes negativity.
did you have a stroke there user
also checked
I have ten strokes pr. minute! I'm hardcore.
Also nice dubs.
Requesting Ruri from Riverbed Soul Saver getting mating pressed and impregnated by a fat guy.
>off by 2
Is it really me?? It seems to work fine on quick play, I’ve been getting my lesser used players between disconnects.. damn that’s annoying, well I got my 3 and the win but I really wanted to spar more
hello thread! I recently switched to a new art program(from SAI to CSP) and have been trying to get reacquainted with the drawing process. It's been rough.
Anyway im creatively bankrupt, anyone got any requests whether its sfw or nsfw?
Yeah it's you, I tested mine and it was working just fine.
Those were close and quite frustrating, particularly the snake v wolf match.
You got your win, what's the request you'll have me do?
I want a friend
Draw Kakashi doing anal and stuff with Naruto (12 years old)
Draw someone ascending a cliff-side in harsh sunlight.
Draw two lightbulbs with arms getting in a fistfight and then one of them shatters and dies and then the other one holds him in his arms with tears streaking his face because it was an accident and he's sorry
yes iits me! ii diidn't know imposteers even exiisted
hii Debiil!
Requesting all drawfags insert themselves into this pic
Draw Donnie sucking the Bunny's dick and Gretchen doesn't notice because she's sleeping
That's pretty fucking gay
Is that what the actor looks like now? Shit, I'd still fuck him.
Greetings, new thread gents. I hope you are all doing well.
My thanks once more for the delivery! It was very wholesome and it made my day.
I tested mine too, I think we should just blame Nintendo lel, you already what I wanted baka, but I guess I get another.. go to sleep!! And rest well thinking of me beating you lel
How does pokemon get away with putting out the same game over and over for 20 years?
Hi Scribbie!
One word: Children.
Man Children
Be charitable and say "playful people".
You better go to sleep soon too. You were about to pass out 2 hours ago and you’re still up? Unacceptable, go to sleep
Requesting Yukari Tokisaka trying to catch/study insects
For your consideration:
For your consideration as well:
Quality of the thread just dropped.
>Sperging because I came here to improve the quality of the thread with my posts
I have an actual question
like no shit, no fuck yous, no get outta heres
why do you do this? what is your drive to just post this literally every day? where do you find the mental will to just do this for so long?
Someone thinks you'd improve a cup of coffee by pissing in it.
He can't answer that like a proper human being.
What he brings to a conversation is shrill, autistic screaming. Endless, shrill, autistic screaming.
Requesting Siz dressed as Two-Face from Batman
Requesting Trucy Wright in a tuxedo
>why do you do this?
It's an attempt to get my request done for free before the mid-December mark. Should I succeed, I'll save money. Also, I enjoy posting here. I enjoy the anons, the drawfags, the culture. It's all fun to be a part of.
>where do you find the mental will to just do this for so long?
I've always had a mental will and fortitude. Not only do I enjoy this place, but I enjoy life and what it has to offer. All while giving thanks to the Lord above for the gift he has given me, the gift he has given all of us!
Coffee is disgusting to begin with. Pissing in it doesn't change anything.
>Still sperging
>strong mental will*
Curses. This is what happens when I attempt to post frist thing in the morning
man, I can't see myself doing the same shit over and over again, dealing with the same retards over and over again, that shit just seems so damn draining, then again, I don't exactly like doing the same thing every day to begin with
To understand our constant shitposter, one must read up on autism and monomania.
He doesn't try to be unpleasant, or to cause strife, it's just he doesn't know how to break that social code. He's not being a cunt because he's evil, or like unpleasantness, it's because he can't interact like a normal human.
I guess that's a good point. If they know it'll sell anyways, what's the point of trying to improve.
Since they seem to be on a streak of pokemon just being objects with faces, here's a new one that's a brick. It evolves into a house pokemon or something.
Eh, you can't really shit on them for making living object Pokemon. Tsukumogami are a thing in Japanesd legends and Poltergeisst exist elsewhere.
does it come with a loving family, also pokemon ofc
You are back? where you upload new stuff?
To each, their own. I don't spend all day here though. I come in and out throughout the day for a minute or two. Sometimes I'll stick around for an hour or so, but in reality, I spend very little time in these threads. The time I do spend here to have fun and request, I make it count.
ii'm so haappy you liiked iit aand that ii could maake your daay !
EEee! no yoou are the cuute!!
hiii Nameleess!!
You forgot one, user:
I'll be honest user I've never done this kinda pose before, good practice
update your baraag you butt!
it's the only place where I can enjoy your art!
But youkai are already in their own monster catching game. The pokemon ones just seem less inspired.
Yes. Here is its evolution. It becomes a ghost type.
I miss the fat pikachu..
Such a cute drawing!
Friendly thread bumparooski
sup, 1 request?
Satori Komeiji eatin some bread or some shit
To be fair, the recent one they made is essentially Pokemon go but you don't go anywhere and a lot of people dislike it as they took away a bunch of normal Pokemon stuff and changed it up from the previous games.
They tried a new format and it was eh...
If it ain't broke don't fix it and all that.
Nah, no 2hus this time. 1draw already got that covered.
am I the only one that wants to eat scibbie?
She's not edible
What makes you say that?
No, but I'd let Scribbie eat me
Nan. That's gross.
Only scribbie is edible.
requesting jax growing
requesting this zinogre getting fucked by a human/.humanoid of equal size like the right ref.(you can have the zinogre be female if you're not into gay shit
>me ajuda,eu nao to zoando por favor me salva
hi i learned absolutely nothing during my practice break, taking one thiccum req
Guess you didn't see it
Or here
Fishbone! Thank you! I didnt see it. this looks fucking great dude, thank you!
Now j just need to take it to a color thread
I'll take a thick milkshake please.
Make Pauline thick
She'd look better as a niggress.
well bye all
So thick it gained sentience!
>user jams a straw into her brain and starts sucking with the force of a thousand hoovers.
Bye, friend!
Aw she cute
Requesting this version of angel dust getting gangraped in the ass by some daemons.
Show me once you got it colored btw
Didn't you already have your request done? Please don't turn into a repeat requester.
>Oooh, it’s so rude of me to play with my food, I know, you just taste so good... I wanna enjoy you as much as I can before you know... your final trip~ ready to become one~?
based eggs
>vorefag isnt here the one time someone does his centorea request
Holy fuck! Thanks a million, user!
>That dialogue
You must be an ERP god
I take it back
Forgot to mention, I will be fapping to this later on!
Dat rite, bich
Happy you like it!
Open for commissions?
I mean, I figured you would... but it’s a little TMI:p
Not really, I don’t enjoy the artistic limitations getting paid puts on me
>I don’t enjoy the artistic limitations getting paid puts on me
I refuse to take money for my arts
requesting that you remove my autism
>I don’t enjoy the artistic limitations getting paid puts on me
Gotcha. I just rememberd seeing your prices somewhere and thought you'd still be up for it.
Thank you anyway. If you have someone you could recommend please tell me.
you act like such snobs for being such d- gens.
i can shine your boots.
the lost child returns
Made another drawing with her...
>if y-you wiggle around like that, I might cum~!
Perfect timing, user! I'm fapping to it right now!
Thank you kindly!!!
>Guy in the first pic got eaten
>He's in her stomach getting digested
>The other two guys get the pleasure of being gently squeezed by her sopping wet horse pussy as she cums
Poor guy got cucked out of some unbirth action. Oh well, being digested by Cerea and becoming one with her is a good alternative!
Fuck that was a good cum
Literally who
Sorry for replying so late to your offer. May I see one of your commission tier pieces if you don't mind?
don't have one. $20 and I draw whatever you want. no weird smell fetish, body fluid, scat, piss stuff though. in other words. nothing disgusting
Wait I did? This is news to me.
Oh okay, so that means smegma is off the table. Well thank you anyway for your offer though.
I didn't expect this thread to stay all night, got any requests anons?
Milf cowgirl
Did it first because it was easy, here you go user, enjoy the milf cowgirl!
an angry washing machine about to backstab a fridge
I request a football player flying an airplane
motivational thing for all drawfags
hey egg, what do you use to get such crisp photos? What phone n app, or using a dedicated cam?
>tumblr drawings
Its an iPhone, it has a good camera
>didnt even read it
nice dubs
Looks like those dogs stung by bees
I read it, but my anger supercedes my otherwise logical construction of appropriate replies.
It was aimed towards the faggot rcdart, not you. My apologies.
This fucking dude
Meg Griffin getting an anal cum shot
Here you go user
nice, ty!
what makes it even worse is the fact that he thinks he's hot shit
>the towers in the back
Nice thanks
better than mine
I know what you were talking about user... you cheeky cunt
And that he wasn't so bad before
He took such a wrong turn
>a pussy
>captain america
I hate that it's appealing to me in a grotesque way...
If you're talking about the one on the right you might be gay. Sorry user.
Yeah... It's like witnessing a car crash. You just can't look away in curiosity and intrigue over how someone can fuck up so badly.
Aww nice, thanks man!
These are old. Does RC still draw like that?
Gib loli rage
I wanted to check but his twitter (and maybe tumblr) got deleted because of the usual racist sjw drama
you still here?
hey dude yer wrong, nice troll > : (
obviously not off the table
Same here. Checked Twitter and looks like something spiked a new wave of Tweets about them? But that's about it. Best I got was a claim they sat alone at school and their final thesis was on cancel culture. Who knows if it's true. They HAD to have changed though, since they became a living legend.
Dirty Sanchez when?
I hope they got back to an older artstyle, somewhere in the middle. That or they're crying in their dark room still drawing the same shit
discord trannies GTFO
God I really really really do not like this image
taking req
Don't be scared user it's only a word
Smelly cheese loving skunk
see a doctor. Gender dysphoria is an illness.
Fred Flintstone surfing an avalance.
I hope you're pretending and that you're aware "they" can be used when you don't know the sex of someone? I'd guess it's a she but still
Not the artist but here you go user
when i get the monaaay
you just seem shy
you can join us
Danny DeVito having sex with a cow.
Now show me their babies...
>implying you have a choice as i pull my dick out of your dirty asshole and smear your upper lip before forcing it down your throat
This almost looks scary....
>head pat
I am still here. Yet I am not certain, which price tier are we on with an image like that.
user what did you just ask me?
will you ever draw something other than your avatar, and anything mildly interesting/non-doodle?
They looked real happy together... clearly they... you know...
What would their kids look like though?
>hair ruffle
I was doing the other ones but snack's got them covered
guess ill just chill, unless there are any lewd reqs
worst possible outcome
You made me do this user. You monster
35€ and it's all yours. can color too
Spam me here
u aint seen nothin yet!
I made you do nuffin.
This was an act of love, damn it!
>rip stinky
You need the sombrero to really sell it, Sanchez.
any other requests anons?
George Bush riding a boeing into the towers like pic related.
>35€ and it's all yours. can color too
>Spam me here
I will think about and tell you my decision tomorrow if you don't mind. Will also then add you. Thank you for the offer.