Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

Are you voting for Trump in 2020?

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I really hope he dies horribly.

Maybe if I was old enough to vote.

>Are You Going To Be A Stupid Faggot




Not unless there is someone I feel is better.

promptly fuck yourself


Yea, probably. American socialism is the dumbest shit ever. Also as a white male, why would I ever vote for people who irrationally hate me?

>American socialism is the dumbest shit ever
lol 8th grade lol

Great rebuttal fuck face

>durr their gonna tax rich people waaa

Shave you’re pits dyke


Also: get a job



imagine being this stupid i bet you're gay because your sister isnt available

if the other guy was Satan.....Satan wins.

anyone who votes for this guy has his head under the ground for real.
feel free to reply to me if you wish to discuss

Stage 6 Anal Cancer
John Wilkes Booth
Plane Crash
Stage 5 Pancreatic Cancer
Fiery Car Crash

why do trump supporters on Yea Forums always resort to some sam hyde-ish passive agressive omega shit.
it's fucking funny cos he's like 6'3 and he's made it blatant that his genetic size is the only thing hes relying on. im short and i could knock him out

He acts tough but he’s a spineless cuck who sucks off Putin

I hope you never breed


yes because I want to see america fall. seriously our country deserves to fall. we've done so many terrible, terrible things. genocided natives, unparalleled racism, we've killed more than any other country in history, we've killed many of our own citizens, the CIA is the most dangerous organization on earth.

Vote trump. End it.

sharpie in pooper

I have two children, I’m going to raise them to marginalize your kind

No, I'm voting independent again.

Somewhat woke

>yes because I'm 12
>I have no responsibilities
>shove a sharpie up my pooper
>shove it up my pooper hngg

>I'm throwing away my vote so Trump can win again


Man, FUCK Sam Hyde.


>trump supporters on Yea Forums
how do you know they are?
They could be Russia

And yet you can’t counter him at all. It’s always like that with you faggots when you’re losing.

Of course! I love Trump. He's a uniter, not a divider.

Fuck yes I file as a S Corp and I made 31,000 more in 2018 vs. 2017 and basically had the same expenses. My tax liability was 2,000 less. Thank you Mr. President !

You can't counter stupid user lol

>licking Trump's mushoom cock


Hey, who won the special election in North Carolina? I heard the Democrat is supposed to win, it’s all downhill for Trump after this!

what is voting for what you believe in

I may vote Dem if someone other than Biden gets the nomination, but ultimately I'll vote for a candidate I believe in. I refuse to vote for someone just so their opponent loses.

Trump always has help

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See? 2020 is gonna rock if this is all you can do.

after is 2nd term bitches

don't worry, he's doing it to himself.
bro are you this much of a retarded faggot shit cunt? you should end yourself real talk.

So you believe in it being OK for a damaging fuck like Trump to win.

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China interfered on behalf of Hillary
Ukraine interfered on behalf of Hillary
Saudi Arabia interfered on behalf of Hillary
Russia interfered on behalf of Hillary
USA has had it in hands in elections around the globe and vice-versa.
Its all nothing NEW

>I will make elaborate convoluted excuses for electing Drumpf again


Trump might win
but you'll still be stupid

you believe posters are who they say they are??

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>So you believe in it being OK for a damaging fuck like Trump to win.

He's only damaging pussies like you.. so it's fine..

>durr Hillary Hillary Hillary hillery


>It's ok if I elected an incompetent racist shitstain
>I be stiggint it i iz so intelligents


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Obama colluded too
but no one cares when a dem does it

boomer faggot lol

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Keep name calling, it’s all you have.


Names? You're lucky you trumpshits aren't beaten up on a daily basis.

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Typical language for trump liberal who calls trump a racist

not an argument

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I actually voted for trump, just remarking how people get mad at people voting for what they believe in.

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if you're not a retarded shit cunt it's pretty obvious who is with who

that because you side doesn't have real men

Then stop trying to blame a popular President like Obama for your stupid President's mistakes.

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Oh it's this butthurt faggot again.
Every time you post that retarded meme you have a nigger's cock thrusting up your fat fissure-ridden ass.

Yes it is. They're all Russian Trolls practicing for 2020.

So you admit that you deserve to be beaten up, you just have the (wrong) idea that we won't do it.

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You're a choad for even asking. You should have to do community service in a mosque or innercity black or latino community.

Anybody remember hearing the words “referendum on Trump” on CNN? Or “preview of the election?” I wonder what the story will be tomorrow? Maybe it was just a local election determined by local issues? That’s what they usually say when Democrats lose. Anybody wanna bet this story barely gets a mention? The love to report everything Trump tweets, bet they skip this. Just watch and see.

Lotta nonarguments in this thread...

nah bro i mean like the retarded shit faggot cunts who need their skull cracked in and skull shards in their head. like we're in a place where we can exchange ideas with other people and converse freely without any restriction.

It's actually because you enjoy living in a 1st world society which, despite a racist fuck like Trump or Moscow Mitch trying to turn it more fascist, democracy is actually working.
You can be a pathetic hideous neo-nazi enabler and get the shit you deserve for being it. We live in a stable democracy despite your Stupid President's best efforts. Even you can sleep peacefully tonight with no fear of reprisal.

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that's not here fam

>durr gotcha cnn
>I'm voting trump now


Sure kid.

Not an argument.

Lotta Nigger Cocks up your ass whitboi

Stay mad.

that's an interesting answer

Not even my retarded cousin is that stupid

I win every time you continue to post these expired memes

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This place is a canvas best experienced while high as fuck and drunk enough to focus it into a good troll. Then you're doing all right.

So weak.

I win.

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Sure kid.

I’m glad you admit I’m right. I know you just want to make silly sounds, but we both know Trump is winning. Again.

I am going to vote Trump again, in spite of all you hateful bastards.

>I'm glad you admit I'm stupid


>I'm going to be a really stupid faggot
>punch me

i see
what is weak?

>muh fee fees



why would someone arsk for that??

lol imagine asking to get punched in the face


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Buaaahawhawhawhaw hawwwwww

constitutional carry and stand your ground-for those to stupid to tie their own shoes


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yeah but if you're wielding a gun in the name of Trump you deserve to be punched

aaand you think you are going to win something on an internet forum? Like I said-too stupid.

It’s ok, as long as we keep winning you can make your silly noises. That’s really all your side has had since Nov 2016. That’s why we won, and that’s why we’re still winning.

Ok cream puff

he's not winning the shitpost idiot. it's the law of attraction where he wills you to get punched and then you get punched, irl.

add me on skype fuckinqwerty52. anytime.
because he would definitely add me :)

>aaand you think you are going to win something on an internet forum? Like I said-too stupid

Muh bots

Stable democracy elects whom they want as you cry about Russian interference.

who are you quoting?
sounds like someone who's gonna get punched

Say that to my face Internet tough guy

my keyboard can whip your keyboard. You fucking genius.

I'm voting 3rd party, Rs and Ds are both lost causes.

gimme your skype we can webcam

No, the tyranny of this blonde fag needs to end
