are you
faggot yanks
always crying
about your
shitty cuntry
thinking you
are rich
cant afford
health care
cant afford
decent food
always snowflaking
in these
threads your
cuntry is
fucking shite
nobody cares
about trump
nobody cares
about clinton
nobody cares
when faggots
shoot american
kids less
faggots on
this planet
Somebody's jealous.
ha ha
no bjorn
I can afford amazing health care, amazing food and have virtually no violence in my community. What the fuck are you talking about?
he's high on surströmming
Of course not rent free bjorn. Even socialist countries have to pay rent. wtf
Well at least I can form a paragraph. So much for your elitism over us "yanks."
They stop depending on us if we're so horrible.
Oh wait you can't, just like the rest of the world.
Unfortunately anyone outside the U.S. (this includes New York and California just because) seemingly believes everything in the news when in reality the key to a happy life here is just do well in school (not even needed for trades really) and work hard. Anyone who doesn't do well here is either insanely unlucky or lazy as shit.
i don't have to afford amazing health care, if i need to get an operation or a scan, i know i can go to a hospital and be relaxed in knowing i pay for nothing - no debt potential.
very little violence in my country too, but there is a difference between country and community.
we have amazing freshly made food, sure we have the same low quality supermarket things, but we can afford to go out every night and eat well with no need to tip or worry about tipping.
we don't have people shitting on our roads like you do in san francisco, nor do we treat our homeless people with disdain like americans do.
what a shite country you have.
>what excuse will you use today?
that sounds like hate speech to me
off to jail you go mister
The UK keeps trying to leave us :(
that is a lot of projection there, we are not sheep who sit and watch fox or cnn and clap their hands like trained seals.
americans still think no go zones in europe is real when they are not, there is rape gangs everywhere when there is not, no matter what you tell them they actually think they know more about your country than you do or the city you live in, because americans are arrogant ignorant boifats.
Silly europoor get cry somewhere else faggot.
What country do you live in? I bet my "community" is about the size of your country.
And that's great. i make enough money even without a college degree I never have to worry about debt either. I also don't have to depend on other peoples money to make it that way.
Comparing california and san francisco to where I live would be like comparing Italy to Afghanistan. That US is a very diverse and large country.
Hey Americunts why has 220k+ children 15 or younger been forced into marriage in the US via Judicial consent? Texas was the top at 80k children since 2000, fortunately they changed laws last year to stop it.
All those christians children forced to marry older christian guys or men.
Why is your country full of christian paedophiles? Why has it got the highest rate for Christian paedos?
Why does America have the highest rate of bankruptcy or foreclosures?
That's cool how you did the exact same thing I did only with less style. Typical for eurotrash though.
germany the country that sells you mechancial goods because your country cannot make them because of lack of engineers and also a high amount of steel and aluminium because your country doesn't produce enough steel nationally and the majority of it is pig steel.
It goes both ways, I just said it how it was and I was responding to the original post and I'm not defending any of that. You just made the most hypocritical post I've ever seen.
Why are you ignoring the other hundreds of millions of people that aren't apart of those issues? All the countries with higher population than the US are either communist or shit holes and have way more issues with child starvation and sex slavery than we do.
>germans actually believe this
but yall still cant make reliable cars
or a reliable military
German guy I worked with on our windfarm was taught in school that they invented the automobile. Literally believed the Germans gave the Americans the Ford Model T
We're happy for you up in the Appalachian hills.
its true and is on your department of trade's website.
mercedes benz is not reliable?
bmw not reliable?
but tell us about your "reliable" american car industry that is actually mostly japanese cars
Heres an idea haans. Go up into the Appalachians and see how they greet you. If they don't skin you and hang you upside down somewhere you can tell us how it went.
>mercedes benz is not reliable?
>bmw not reliable?
fuck to the no those aren't reliable. Nightmare vehicles to have brought in. I'd rather change the fucking starter on 20 toyota pick ups than touch those pieces of garbage
>dude just spends time reading american .gov websites holy shit the obsession is real
1886 karlz benz invented the motorwagen
1908 ford model-t invented
also americans didn't invent the telephone
they didn't invent the tv
they didn't invent the microwave
they didn't invent the burger
all those things americans foolishly believe they invented.
>this entire post
i did not post that you clearly are paranoid that you think every post is me.
gm uses eurofag engines
>almost every Japanese company pumps out good cars except for maybe nissan and mitsubishi
ok haans
The American aristocracy is terrified that poor Americans might discover things could be so much better. Almost all news about EU standard of living and Chinese production are portrayed negatively.
I'm American and hear US pussy boys on this board saying things like universal health care is "economically impossible". That sort of ignorance can't be dispelled. America was on a downhill slope. Trump has put it on rails.
I don't understand why people give a fuck. No one here actually did anything to make their countries as great as they think they are. Borders mean nothing, human's just suck all around.
>sees some words
>is wrong
>typical american
Yeah fuck BMW. A minor sensor goes wrong ($400.00) and the entire vehicle screams bloody murder and lights up the dash like a christmas tree. Only vehicle i have ever seen where a "backup" sensor sets off a master code and flashing CEL
yeah and the brazil fags believe they invented airplanes
your just mad your country's only good achievement was concentration camps
I like you user you play a troll very well. But you aren't using the german sentence structure bro. look it up
To be fair diesel beamers and Mercs in Europe are really reliable.
I'd get out but I can't afford the exit fee.
EU is going into a major recession.
Preach my friend. The only fucking reason to work on those cars is because there used to be a shitload of cheap parts for them everywhere... They were never the 'reliable' cars.
Yep but those can't be imported in large qtys due to the retarded emissions laws.
i'd cut a piece of me off for a Pre ECU Diesel Hilux from asia though
because it's true. Americans were never an industrial power until Germany and Japan were leveled. They're back and the US lost markets to both until China started driving the death knell. American business cannot compete without the force of monopolies and armies. Not even Americans buy American products.
diesel is not your average consumer's fuel, and america has tons of reliable diesel engines.
Used to be until BMW and Mershitty's retarded asses decided to prevent 3rd party "OEM" manufacturing. I swear those 2 are the apple of the car world
yes it is a shame america changed in the 1980s when reagan got corporations more power and now they run the show and americans have no clue about politics or the economy to know what is wrong or right.
i find it funny they think the trade war with china is good for them, when they are the ones buying the items with a bigger price due to the increase in tarriffs, and they claim the cheaper reliable goods are counterfeit or bad quality to hide the fact the chinese are making goods cheaper and in higher quality than the high priced american goods.
i just dont think many americans have a clue about how bad a shape their economy is in right now, they actually think they are doing great and are well off.
please nuke us asap
do you remember the industrial revolution?
>Americans buy American products.
you keep thinking that
America became an industrial power when the war market kicked in.
i can agree that no one cares about trump or clinton. they both can go suck some feminine pussy
I wouldn't say tons exactly. Navistar can go fuck itself.
It seems like plenty of foreigners do care though, and are quite vocal about it.
>apples of the car world
truer words never spoken
you are mad you mean because you didn't invent the first car or tv or microwave or telephone or glasses or bank loans or stamps or burgers and so on
i dont care about brazil
Not really. OP probably isn't even foreign. Just a troll who's bored and mad that 8ch died.
That's right. Toyotas and Hondas are Japanese designs built mostly in China. No German influence except for some turbo stuff.
Only an idiot or brokefag buys an American car. Check out Scotty Kilmer's YouTube. He's as American as it gets and he finds US cars laughable.
US cars are built to sell. German and Japanese cars are built to drive and built to last.
Toyota's trucks are built in Texas now
>what a shite country you have.
Oi! You have a license for that e, mate?
>New York and California
And then these end up being the poorest and most junkie-riddles states and wonder why everyone's so lazy and doesn't want to work.
yes german cars have good fuel to distance ratio and are cheaper to run than american oil guzzlers
Japanese cars yes. German cars no
Japanese cars are built to stay in good running order until the heat death of the universe.
German cars are just mean to look good until something goes wrong then you spend thousands chasing ghosts the dealership can't even figure out. Good luck getting them to warranty something too
you say that as if we care
i dont care if we didn't invent those
we dont marvel on those achievements because we got a whole planet to control
Fucking move.
sounds like someone's been watching a lot of fox and cnn.
you do not control anything that is the falacy sold to you, corporations are trying to control the world as they do your country.
tell me honestly why you think you control the world and why, do not resort to childish posts just be honest and if you cant say so.
I don't own a single one of your machines because you don't make them anymore. You sold out to China like everyone else and then you go and heavily restrict your own energy with energiewende. Your mass blackouts won't save your shitty auto industry.
German vehicle engineering is like some sort of autism. They can't just use a standard nut and bolt. The nut has to be security Torx counter threaded with a non existent thread made of brass to hold up the wheel jack. Meanwhile they use a U joint made of nylon and candle wax that costs 7k because its coated in elf grease or some shit
People that actually go to work for a living can afford to pay their medical bills. The problem is the amount of retarded leftists that want "free" shit.
Fr, here in Mexico some young kids(14~yo) tortured and killed a guy for no reason and posted the vid on Facebook, a gang got angry an started a shootout with them, they all died, u can see on the pics and vids that they have ak47s and armored vests cuz they r easy to obtain here, about 10 people died yet no one is talking about it because it’s a daily occurrence
Srry for bad English mens
I like you
>companies that are American
>companies that keep the world running
its not a fallacy, go ahead and ruin the american economy i assure you if our economy goes down everyone's will go down too
Check out the big military build up in France. They are like the 4th largest military now recently displacing India.
The EU also spends more on citizens' standard of living from schools to health care. Everything missing in the US.
top kek
Foot your own defense bill
if you gotta problem with the USA go to mexico i assure you (A) you'll be raped or murdered (B) you go to jail without a court hearing or help from US embassy
nah nigga i worked with the kraut military. You guys are some of the most confused and unprofessional forces. Only topped by the Italians who literally sold information on coalition movements to the enemy.
I was going to say you guys had good chow halls but the Turkish DFAC was better
you can hang out in mexico for months without anyone bothering you as long as you have a grasp of spanish and don't try to bring up politics. Mexico is a pretty chillax place if you are as well
you clearly have no idea about what goes on, our industry is doing good and we export a lot of our excess products to the us, china, japan, australia, uk to name a few.
look at the reality
Snowflakes and we not been ran over by mooslims and women and girls not raped by them while we fap in the corner. We also have freedoms of speech and guns.
Guy there are plenty of idiots who will buy a german car just because they think it looks nice. For fucks sake people still buy Fiats.
but to say its dependable or a quality vehicle is patently false.
>good fuel to distance
>cheaper to run than american oil guzzlers
I don't know what you're talking about. Most companies output identical mileage and power for the displacement these days. The only difference is what kind of catalyst or filters or SMOG shit you have to use.
ive been there
i understand the community that lives there i also have family with some political power
its all run off gangs and lobbyists
it might be safe for the experienced not for the libtards
interesting when each year america buys 60bn+ in cars
which is why fuck california and their bullshit. I'm tired of ripping out all this emissions crap from vehicles just get their actual fuel mileage
so you couldn't give me a proper reason with proof and it is all hearsay and bad assumptions
>it might be safe for the experienced not for the libtards
true i guess
>imagine buying a fiat
the only people who buy fiats are rich white chicks with daddy's credit card
Why are
you typing
like this
you dipshit
America spends more money person on healthcare than any other country
The media is run by 6 Jewish men and they have an agenda
*per person
>our industry is doing good
Not as good as you may think. And the problem is is all you have left is auto. All your eggs are in that one basket, and when car sales are falling worldwide, it's not a good time to try to maintain a few shitty luxuy brands.
Mexico has a policy of returning US fugitives to their own country. The embassy and/or consulates are involved in these returns. These fugitives are not subjected to rape, murder, or formal prison; their captivity is with the Mexican immigration authorities.
Again people will buy all sorts of shit. Guys will literally buy used underwear. You want to base your judgement on vehicle reliability on how many are sold then go ahead. I base it off of how many of the fucking things i never have to fix.
Ive literally gone years without seeing a god damn corolla. Deny the corolla i fucking dare you
also fat chicks that buy modern jeeps lol
+1 if u don’t insult anyone ur gonna be fine, but if u insult(even jokingly)a drug dealer or someone like that ur pretty much dead
Chicanos are the stupidest, most useless kind of gringo.
Back during the VW dieselgate thing, I wondered what the actual difference would be if you left them unrestricted vs. restricted. Less throttle used with more power, or more throttle used with less power.
people like honesty and the truth from someone who doesn't try to over embellish it
Fuck off, Paco.
go be racist somewhere else antifa
Canada should invade America to save us.
plastics, pharmaceuticals, nuclear reactors, lens and other technical goods. it is doing good.
OP is a faggot butthurt eurocuck
we own almost the all tech industry
we own all media (with the exception of japan SKorea and China)
we are the #1 for most revenue
#3 for most produce
no you are wrong and clue deluded, you just dont import a mass of cars on the hope of selling them, the majority of them are already bought, supply and demand you should look up that concept.
bro theres all sorts of shit that hampers not just fuel economy for the sake of EPA but in some of these cars you can get 20-30 horses out of deprogramming some of the garbage.
Tundra literally has a 400 dollar air injection system that can be blocked off to stop it from eating so much shit on a start.
yeah i'm the one deluded. Keep telling yourself that
all GM products are bought by people that are in crippling debt
wrong as I am telling you your wrong and why, so i am not delusional you are. prove me wrong with actual facts and figures, go ahead i will wait but it will no doubt be a long wait of nothing.
Such hubris.
nigga you don't come to Yea Forums for facts.
>you faggot yanks
You've got your own Trump to make excuses for britbong
There is no way that is true surely not.....
corollas and camrys are literally S-tier
It seemed like you were trying to argue reliability with something that in no way proves their general reliability. Someone else btw.
I *do* live in Appalachia. The hurt is real and we do fucking hate outsiders, especially tourists. We don't have M13. We don't have Muslims. We don't have Crips.
We also don't have food even though we farm. Everything has to go to some New York jackass for debt and medicine.
Health care is in grave decline. Doctors will only live in the bigger cities like Knoxville or Asheville. It's fucking 3rd world up here. And, yes, I've been there, too. It's as bad or worse in Appalachia.
It makes me sick when I hear some Joel Olsteen grinning faggot in a $2000 suit tell my people to vote for some jackass millionaire who laughs at us behind our backs. Then take what little there is.
You're damn right we don't like outsiders. We've been raped enough.
it is based on fact not pride
i am german do keep up with the bread
Don't yell at me fucker I'm just some asshole from Texas.
You guys have beautiful land though
>its not pride its facts
kek you lost
hoes mad his country/continent needs a license to watch porn
you're a queer gay faggot is what i got from your faggotry
Oh I know. I'm old enough to remember fixing Jap CARB-legal vacuum controlled carbs. Then the epic saga of the computer-controlled carbs of the 80s. It's cancer all around.
It would seem every country has its share of bastards but only the American brand gets attention.
I'm not that old and neither are you.
The industrial revolution began in UK and spread to the US. The US grew, but wasn't #1 until Europe was leveled by 2 world wars.
I fought in the Civil War you oaf
>no electricity
>goes on Yea Forums to shitpost on b
so much hatred directed at a group of people who literally have no effect on foreigners daily lives
That's my point. Only when EU was being destroyed by war could the US move into the #1 slot.
You meant this dude. And yeah, no facts. I WISH you guys made good shit again. Mainly good hand tools and shop equipment. You fags haven't made a good car since the E30, and even that was questionable.
Ty men I like
Ty men I like u too
you act as if the US was not the #1 most profitable country during the industrial revolution
>i am german
Then you are experiencing a rise in neo-nazi type populism because of non-whites immigrating. user, you can't point fingers. You've got your own shitbomb ready to go off.
just imagine whats gonna happen when the UK finally leaves.
my god the obama admin was cruel to children
Fuckin Bracko...
>he says crossing his fingers accidentally typing "hope"
>I'm gay
we know
>when the truth cuts too deep
Brexit is stupid and so are you
the govt is going to nix it entirely after Johnson gets kicked out
yes immigrants are safe in migrant detention
yes there were migrant detention centers during obama administration
yes you can be mad
>the truth
Breitshart isn't "the truth"
Social mobility is virtually non existent in USA. If you're poor, you stay poor. Your public schools are shit. Your police can just take any money they find in your car. Hyper rich rarely go to jail - especially for financial crimes.In fact you live in an oligarchy. TRUMP - where to start?
>durr the nigger did it durr
lol trumptard
America bombed the twin towers?
I'm not even gonna address the rest of that failure of a meme.
First off, the EU wasn't around then, you were all your own smaller countries with very different identities. And the US at the time had far more land and manpower as well as natural resources to exploit then the vast majority of those smaller nations at the time. So regardless of whether say Germany was getting all of their manufacturing bombed to rubble at the time, the US still had a higher manufacturing potential than that. Furthermore, Germany DID have critical supply shortages, for things like rubber which you would have to outsource anyway. I'm not saying your individual potentials were small, I'm saying the US's was bigger regardless of the war. The US certainly manufactured a lot things for a lot of other countries during and after the war, which contributes to it being the #1 at the time.
left cant meme
>unironically using impact font
fuck you.
you could say that like at least half the world would actually qualify for asylum based on our standards. in fact, all of china is being oppressed by the government and it's just normal there. all of indonesia, etc, the same way. our official criteria for offering asylum is that your government is either oppressing you or refusing to help you when you are being oppressed or threatened. that means that half the world is eligible for REAL asylum here. there are a dozen nations in africa at war. rape/death squads raping 3 year olds. THEY are eligible for asylum.
anyone from latin america is NOT eligible for asylum yet they were told that ALL of them are if they say there's some gang threatening them. it's an insult to 3 billion people to accept them. these fucking latins are completely selfish assholes expecting first place in a line they DO NOT BELONG IN.
the whole continent of africa should hate them. all of china should hate them, etc.
I bet we pay for your defense
They brought the war back home user. Don't deny it.
>Brexit is stupid and so are you
I hope the UK bros cause the rest of the EU as much suffering as possible. You snooty fucks deserve it
when you got nothing left so you resort to name calling
fuck you my side pioneered that shit
>caring about America while not being an American
Glad to see the states are living in your head rent free
get your lazy asses off the recliner and work for it faggot
A terrorist attack isn't a war. It's a single act.
>you resort to name calling
like Immigrant Go Home?
because you are all paranoid in the us that you think what you are being told is true.
i live 5 kilometers from a supposedly "no go zone" and it isn't one, when you go there everyone is friendly there is churches, there is synagogues and there is mosques.
there is no rape gangs walking about
there is no mass increase in crime that you are led to believe, yes some muslims are criminals but not in huge numbers you think
paedophiles are still mostly white christian germans
far right groups like neo-nazis and others have been spreading lies about these areas supposedly being bad and you will be attacked and other lies. but then their pictures and videos never show them going into the areas and provoking them first and then recording. i have seen that done with my own eyes, fortunately us germans know far right is scum and ruined our country once and we pushed them back out.
like i said before americans stick to news media like glue because they believe everything they say.
Specifically those lama fuckers from Peru. Never trust a man who owns a horse that wears a sweater all day
Why are all the Americans I've met up to their eyeballs in debt?
Go ahead and point out where I said that
Doesn't matter. It happened because the US meddled in other countries' governments. Please don't be a faggot about this I will smoke you.
mods pls ban in gonna cri big
because misery loves company?
they just keep getting worse.
Way to prove that other user's point. Poor don't stay poor if they put a tiny bit of effort forth. And besides, our 'poor' people live better than most people IN THE WORLD so I'm not too worried.
Brexit was a deal founded on xenophobia and racism. Of course it needs to be nullified.
that has nothing to do with what we were speaking about
>I will smoke you
go on...
What brand of computer are you using? I guarantee it was not made in the US. It was made in China even if Dell or HP is on the label.
How about your television. If it doesn't have a CRT, it's from China. Like Hershey bars? Made in Mexico now. Want to be a tough guy on a Harley? Moved to Europe.
Where in the US is a shoe produced? A Nike, Adiddas, or Reebok? They aren't.
You can't buy American products even when you buy American brands. It's led to pic related.
Doesn't matter, they voted for it.
Brexit is still going to happen user.
HuH eVRy NoN-LEfTiSt Iss OrAngE mAnN SupPORter
>Libtard thats says nigger
go cry that your wife is getting cucked by giga-chad lads
are you actually mad that you can buy shit from all over the world in the US?
jealous of what? america is a pile of shit,has been since 2008
>amazing health care
choose 1
lol he called another nation a name
Europe has been a pile of shit and has been since 1914
>typed in english
>on an american image board
meanwhile,the person posting this pictures community suffers another weekend of gun violence.but since its a community full of minorities instead of white people,nobody cares
>bombed pile of shit*
well good for europe
dude probably lives in ohio
He means that the U.S. is living in the brains of Europoors rent free while Americans only remember Europe exists when you have a terrorist attack.
I'm and American. I learned more about the US reading European papers (in English, thank you) than I ever did in school.
Most Americans have no idea how close to collapse the whole mess is. We would be in the midst of civil war otherwise. Do you think a reasonable, educated people would have ever come close to electing this?
Bread and circuses.
nah,he probably lives in some shitty anti white west coast state
i was being facetious
have a Harbor Fraught ad
Don’t know what that means, nor am I going to open that image.
How twee. They all boasted about high 5 figure salaries, but pay through the nose for health insurance an MASSIVE debt for college. Here - in Europe it's FREE. Oh and 5 weeks PAID vacation, and a 35 hour work week. Face it -you're cucks.
nice try bjorn
Its a funny image. Read it
I have free insurance, all the healthy food I could ever want in the stores and my pantry and not living in European or Asian shitshacks with 8€ a liter pseudo hivemind states. Which doesn't pay for your free healthcare meds.
A wise decision. JPEGs have been blowing up a lot lately.
I am a computer engineer, and I use a banggood (yes thats the brand name from China) 7X-45X Repair Microscope and it cost me $400 trade. It has so much functions to it, it is robust fully steel casing.
The cheapest American made scope is $1200, plastic with steel coating casing, low number of functions, and poor focus on the lens it takes a few seconds focus when switching levels of magnification.
And they think people will buy the $1200 with the rise in cost of the banggood one because of tarriffs increase, but they continue to buy that one or others because they are better in quality.
And they claim the goods are fake or counterfeit. It is laughable.
You can’t make me read.
It’s time to ban jpegs.
its actually japanese
well shucks mister here on Yea Forums we think people like you have a mental disorder for trying to talk about politics on a site flooded with shemale porn and loli
like dave chappelle said though: You clicked our face
woif jqofif asjo8 asfklj oijsf
Different guy, that was actually pretty funny... But I also know Harbor Freight.
Oh look its Mr Moscow
Don't hate us cuz you aint us.
Language originated in England, computer invented in ENGLAND, electricity - England, roads, jet engines.. I could go on.
who is the swede?
>nobody cares
>makes butthurt, autistic thread
sure thing faggot
i bet you could. It doesn't change the fact that you sought out a website primarily used by americans to talk about america.
as someone said at the very beginning. We live in your head absolutely positively rent free.
Sounds like paradise to me.
thanks uncle bumblefuck
It's like you don't understand this at all.
The only true useful canadian out of the whole lot
Your argument is invalid.
You must be forgetting about ol' Zip Ties.
England.... england. seem to remember a country named that. didn't they get fucking schooled by a bunch of people that fuck goats?
the bumper on my old celica sure as hell didn't
That doesn't make them American. That means that Texas workers would rather work for the Japanese than an American company. I can't say as I blame them.
That plant gives Toyota a big tax break. Part of a complex system. Top of the line automation and employee training.
Mercedes does the same thing in North Carolina. They build the cars in Germany and actually take the engines out so they can be "assembled" in the US and get a tax break.
More power to 'em. Those are tariffs that work because some 3000 Americans have jobs between those two foreign plants. Those are Bush, not Trump, tariffs that give a break to foreign products partly made in the US.
>Language originated in England
Didn't Moot sell it to a bunch of Asians?
he sure did
yep prove me wrong
well alex from ohio i have to go to the gym now. You keep the thread going
I use my mini machete alot, also TSA has never stopped me. However the over zealous assholes at Universal Stuidos did.
Bullshit. Roads arent an invention, it's what happens when you take the same path repeatedly.
nigga this ain't college go do your own research
Better than being ruled by a coon , and then an orange fucking muppet with a pee fetish - cuck boy
I used to have a back pack with aluminum frames. I forgot i stuffed my bayonet into one of the aluminum tube gaps and didn't even notice it until i landed in Seattle.
the people you say fucked goats that a good huge chunk of americans have ties with? and trump's mother was one also?
didn't think that one through did you.
Tarmac, you cunt.
The roads in England were a gift of the Romans.
Paths aren't roads. Roads are paved.
love seeing old abandoned engines get brought back to life.
inb4 german user claims they invented the tree
you said it wasn't japanese, the onus is on you to prove me wrong. or we going to get some salty tears again.
You have CNN over there too, or is it just recycled on the Beeb?
Yes it does. It means you britbongs don't have a fucking leg to stand on. You're just as bad as us.
go ahead and cry ho nobody gives a shit about your salty tears
I'm javanese you nazi faggot
I usually travel on those dirt paved roads.
Some things should not be put to a vote user. That's Lesson 1.
really? all you got? at least they're in tied up with ruling the world instead of roaming the street looking for girls to "groom".
or are those asians. i always forget. i mean should we not vote for Yang cause then we'll get asian grooming gangs too?
do you walk a lonely road?
You might learn how to properly type if you're going to posit arguments in these forums.
brexit is still happening
Only when the paved road is gravel.
If Brexit doesn't get nullified, you are just as stupid as our country is.
>world's reserve currency: US dollar
>reason Europe can afford universal healthcare: NATO funded by USA
>our government does literally whatever it wants with no thoughts of consequences as to what Germany or France or Japan thinks
> you can name at least 50 famous Americans, I can't name 2 German celebrities
This, us Americans forget this shit, but people I know are so fucking retarded they actually think these tarriffs is saving America,
I told them "you know you are the one paying more money nobody else in the end", they look at me like I am stupid. They just don't get it.
>motorwagen is literally a chair and a motor mounted on a tricycle
Yep, Germans definitely invented cars. You're right. Goddamn, us Americans suck so much dick especially your massive German ones.
Fucking retard.
>When Brexit*
not if user
The japs talking shit about others being xenophobic. lel.
>I can't name 2 German celebrities
They still consider hitler a celebrity in Germany
But you are trillions in debt.
there's no "if" either
Brexit will be dissolved by Parliament.
I'm Javanese not Japanese you stupid Nazi. Look at a world map that doesn't have red arrows pointing to neighboring nations once in your life
It means our credit is good. We need to invest trillions in our country and let the savings pay for itself.
i am not crying you are the one crying about it, i just said prove me wrong and now you are crying like a 5 year old. you are just unable to prove me wrong because i am right and it upsets you and now you pretend to be edgy in the hopes someone will back you up, and they wont, so you then samefag yourself eventually.
Everybody likes German cars, nobody but Americans buy American cars.
Brexit will happen and it will be glorious.
um you're both gay
>i am not crying you are the one crying about it
thats it user choke back those tears hike up your panties clench your teeth and type.
this girl is on fire
That don't mean shit! U.S has been in debt for decades yet nothing happens..yet other countries are broke and the u.s sends em cash! Stay mad
cope harder eurofag
I'm he guy who posted. I like German cars until I have to work on one. I fucking hate the mid-engine shit and have never had an engineer tell me why the engines can't be more accessible.
I've had to undo engine mounts on a Porsche 718 Caymen (not mine) to get to fucking, motherfucking, asinine, goddamn, shit eating anything.
I get totally pissed just thinking about it and I haven't done one in years. I'm considering shooting randomly at mid-engine cars and taking out as many as I can before an hero.
Otherwise I like German cars.
Why do people think its ok not to re-rack weights.
Ok He guy
Thats a pretty common answer. "I like german cars until i have to work on one". Thats why most guys who do the work themselves would never buy one.
I misread that, and it turns out you might even be more xenophbic than I thought. Lel. I'm also jewish.
Trolls are getting weaker it seems. They can't even get these threads to 500 anymore.
Also I laughed like a retard
all of that is wrong except reserve currency that will soon be the yuan.
europe can afford universal healthcare because it is subsidised through taxes which also pay for water, road maintenance, benefits etc.
your government is corporate run and is sucking your country dry, when i get paid a salary i have enough to save, in the us and uk actually most people early a minimum amount after rates are paid and rent they are left with little nothing to save, just basic amounts to buy food etc.
I can name a lot of germans the reason you cant is because you are taught america #1 constantly and you have no clue what really happens outside your own country.
also nato is funded by all members 2% of their gdp. that money is for defence not to give to other nations retard.
nobody cares that your jewish
How am I "nazi" you confused faggot? I didn't vote for Trump.
Good. Then you've proven that England is just as fucked up as the US is.
We're done.
It's funny these clowns hate on the u.s but are too scared to rep their own shitty countries! They mad stay mad!!!
not an argument
still a car, no matter how it looked or ran, it was an automobile that ran. it evolved when the ford t was invented, but that motorwagen was the first and it paved the way, no matter what you say.
How am I "nazi"
were not done yet. We'll be done after the UK regains its independence
Wow you must be rich as fuck! Who is this "we"? Where's my cut? Oh, that's right. 'Murica.
>Everybody likes German cars
>nobody but Americans buy American cars
I don't know how are you a "Nazi Dumbass"
Oh. It's this faggot again.
You know what? Every time you post that, you have a Nigger Cock up your ass.
means nothing. we can literally mint a trillion dollar coin and deposit it into federal reserve. the whole world uses FIAT currency. money is an illusion of power scorekeeping.
stay mad
Its a good indicator that I'm not a nazi, which it seemed like you cared about.
For your information, I am a progressive liberal voting for Bernie Sanders. That's not "nazi" dumbass.
good for you
stop stereotyping all Americans
We didn't vote for Trump
wrong you clearly don't understand your economy, your national debt is loans taken out of banks to pay for things that the treasury was unable to, and that is subject to interest daily. which is why it continues to rise, and why the chinese yuan is getting stronger over the dollar.
whatever you say user
Ha, it is you. I'd watch a nigger slowly destroy your virgin asshole.
>would never buy one
No shit. Or it's a Polo or Jetta.
>I am a progressive liberal voting for Bernie Sanders.
good for you
so weak
Roman's had roads you dumbass
All your news is shite
I love my Tundra but wish it wasn't made of fucking biodegradable plastic.
You again faggot?
your taxes are high but would 've even higher if US wasn't funding NATO. We don't need NATO but NATO definitely needs US. your grandma still sends thank you cards that she wasnt gangraped by the entire red army in 1945
>we own almost the all tech industry
where do they make computers in the US? Lenovo still has a plant somewhere. Televisions? Can't find a single listing.
Owning is different than producing. Owning helps one guy - the owner. Production helps us all. Well, at least if you're Chinese.
All news from anywhere is shit. Your point?
Can you morons stop responding to obvious bait?
It is not patriotic to sit on the flag. Those "patriots are breaking p8: law.cornell.edu
If this thread makes it to page 10 then its a sure sign that Brexit will succeed and Germany will inherit nothing but debt and mudslimes
>you clearly don't understand your economy
yes I do
we have a 20 trillion dollar a year Gross Domestic Product that goes to the 1% instead of benefiting the country at large. We need to invest several trillion into people, not corporations.
lol you can't vote here
I can
It absolutely should be put to a vote.