Soymilk is bad because it contains "Phytoeostrogens" but regular milk is okay despite containing actual estrogen?
Soymilk is bad because it contains "Phytoeostrogens" but regular milk is okay despite containing actual estrogen?
Other urls found in this thread:
bet you only drink cum
all humans have an amount of estrogen within them. Same for testosterone. I don't see the point here
JPW's videos are poorly researched and he has a cunty voice. He's often wrong about most things.
Kys vegan faggot countries with the highest per capita dairy consumption are the most successful in the world, i.e. Northern Europeans
Not an argument
He made a whole video on soyboys and then is doing the soyboy face in his own faggot selfie
>Not an argument
Lol, you haven't even come with a debate. Dairy/Meat are healthy as fuck, veganism turns men into scrawny effeminates who develop a fetish to be dominated by a woman.
Not scientific and therefor gay and not based
This is what happens when you drink cow estrogen.
Did your wife give you permission to browse Yea Forums? Or is this how u pass the time when her boyfriend comes over to nail her in your bed?
prove it faggot
unleeeess you don't actually know shit about nutrition so you just copy whatever retards like Joe Rogan spew
Why do reactionaries think soy/vegetables will turn people into women. Makes no sense
Because dying of scurvy is based and redpilled..
normie memes
>Falling for obvious GloboHomo anti - Meat/Dairy propaganda
Ok fags, give me some examples of civilisations that have thrived solely (not mostly) on a diet with no animal foods.
Why would you assume this sad Hikkikimori knows anything about nutrition. He clearly doesn't even lift.
>attempting anti vegan argument
Vitamin C is only found in vegan sources(fruit & veggies) you absolute tard
Sorry, my mom told me not to talk to InfoWars reactionaries
lol your premise changed here
you're gay lmao
Who's making the arguement that animal foods are bad? The arguement is that Soymilk is no more likely to turn you into a woman than normal milk dumbshit.
I'm against cutting out animal foods because it's easy to become B12 deficient without them.
It doesn't matter who has or hasn't been a vegan civilization in the past. You don't live in 16th century Mongolia where the only possible food source is animals. You can go to a revolutionariliy amazing place called a supermarket and get more fruits and veggies than your ancesters ever saw in their lives. it's completely irrelevant and doesn't work as an argument for what people should be doing in modern day
The science says people can be completely healthy without meat/dairy.
But that's not what the thread is about, it's pointing out the retards at InfoWars and how their followers believe literally anything they're told as long as it's not ( ( ( the libs ) ) )
There's tons of fortified veggie foods with B12. Been vegan 3 years and my levels are way above average
Fucking kek since when was b filled with this many faggots? Is it the leftover tumblr crowd or the discord trannies, either way veganism is a faggot concept by idiots who got squeamish when they finally figured out oh no meat comes from a animal gasp. Humans need a balanced diet to live healthy, and this means a relatively high protein intake. Dont like it? Well then I guess you could just get your protein by sucking your wife's boyfriends cum out of her when he's done.
fuck being vegan i love killing animals and cookig their tasty bodies.
>tfw literal bodybuilder with femdom fetish
The only reason the rightwing grift exists is because rightists have low IQs.
Now buy more Brainforceā¢!
Ironic considering who's in OP's image.
>White child
Actually surprised.
Did you honestly think idpol was just for the left?
Debating right wing reactionaries is such a waste of time. Everything I point out is clearly just ((soy)) and cucked with no actual reasoning or arguments. Just weirdly sexual insults about being cucked, all of which is a result of a perma-online loser that watches porn for 12 hours a day. You guys need to leave your rooms and go talk to someone in person
pic related
You misunderstand.
You can't reach rightists because they aren't actually sapient beings. They're literally NPCs.
I don't want to believe that, because the only way to deal with millions of people like that would be genocide.
Even if someone like Alex Jones for exmple was killed, it would just further solidify the Q-tards in their beliefs that the deep state was out to get them, and that Trump is secretly fighting a ring of child molesting commies
It doesn't matter what you want. Facts are facts. Rightists are not people. They're barely passing turing machines and that's why they're so dangerous. People engage with them and lose like what's going on in American and global politics right now. They give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they argue in good faith. They don't. They don't even grasp the concept of truth. Just keep in mind that rightists are p-zombies and pay attention to the way they speak and act from now on. You will begin to see I'm right.
>because the only way to deal with millions of people like that would be genocide.
Now you're getting it.
Also, it's not millions, it's billions. Most humans are literal NPCs. They can't think. That's why history just repeats on an endless loop and the species never seems to learn shit.
Gulag time, comrade
Gulag will not solve the problem.
I'm the smart and progressive one. I want to condemn, persecute and de-humanize a whole group of people because of my personal perception that they condemn groups of people. The fact that posters doesn't see the irony in this is why history repeats in an endless loop.
There's that just flapping lips hoping someone will behave in the desired fashion shit. See? Pay attention to this post. It's all there. Miming of others' words, attempts at adaptation to warp the meanings to suit the p-zombie and all of it geared towards the same goal: power. No actual beliefs, no actual understanding of language. Just words words words trying to get the desired effect.
I'm saying I wouldn't persecute them u tard. Even if we thought it was a good idea, it's not fucking viable
And the p-zombie is tireless. It doesn't flag like a person would because it's not actually expending any mental energy which wold tire someone arguing with one out. That's why conservatives seem to have endless energy to argue and tire out their opponents - they aren't actually wasting energy on thought.
You're not learning fast enough.
cOnSerVaTiSm Is ThE nEw CoUnTeRcUlTuRe
>actually thinks Trump isn't in bed with the Clintons and Epstein
Y'all retarded. Fuck people who don't want to eat meat. Let em. Price of steak goes down and I profit. Who gives a flying fuck... nutrition can be supplemented. Eat whatever the fuck you want. Its your body, its your diet.
>ITT My opinion is greater than yours because SCIENCE.
Fuck off.
apparently your retarded
This is funny considering you're working directly from the leftist handbook. Always accuse the opponent of the tactics you are currently employing
>Y'all retarded
Says the guy who learned to spell from trap music lyrics
Otherwise the rest of your post is A-OK.
>Who's making the arguement that animal foods are bad?
Just about every Vegan on the planet.
>This is funny considering you're working directly from the leftist handbook. Always accuse the opponent of the tactics you are currently employing
Once again, everyone observe. Accusing your opponent of what you are doing is LITERALLY the conservative MO, and yet this object tries to use the basic concepts here against it's "enemy". It has no fucking clue what it's talking about. It just talks until it gets what it wants. And so far talking from a far right wing language has worked because society was very conservative. People are starting to notice this bullshit now, however because it stands out. It is a relic. P-zombies have very poor adaptation ability. Their rhetoric only works on humans with low IQs.
I LOVE Yea Forums
Yes keep referring to people as objects and p-zombies in an attempt to bolster your own supposed superiority. This has been the standard tactic of the propaganda machine of every totalitarian regime. Note also the claim that the opponent's message supposedly only has an appeal to low IQ individuals. If that is the case why do you devote so much energy to suppress that message? Oh that's right, you're part of the few who are just oh so smart that you can see though the motivations of your opponent. But if everyone else is a moron why do you devote so much energy into "protecting" people you are simultaneously disparaging?
it's almost like it's retarded pseudo science
Lol this whole thread is just 2 retards sniffing each others farts and proclaiming their superiority and everyone else laughing at their aspergic behavior
thats 30% of the arguments on this board anyway