What do you think about decapitation?
What do you think about decapitation?
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A good form of execution for pedophilia, treason, and murder.
I couldn't tell, never try it myself
It has its uses.
One way to get ahead in life.
>I want to watch a public execution using the old French guillotine.
>I want to watch a nuclear explosion like they did outside of Las Vegas back in the 1950's.
>I want to watch a Saturn V launch.
The trumpy trifecta!
its fatal
It's no way to get ahead in life
Shit, somebody already said that sort of.
I think people should calm down and not lose their heads
Nailed it
The guillotine was ahead of its time.
I think not decapitation is better.
It takes a weight off my shoulders
It's no way to be the head of a major corporation.
It's over too quickly. Flaying is the way to go.
It's head and shoulders above the other methods
head over heels in love with it
I try not to worry my head about it.
i c wat u did thar
I think it's nice.
Pls go back to plebbit, user kun.
its fantastic we should do it more ofen. alot of people here should get that. and i mean alot.
The right question would be what do I think about YOUR decapitation. Maybe that would make you yo approach your question from a different angle..
I'm for it as a general principle. Not for me though.
I'm pretty sure this guy has no thoughts on the subject.
Needs work
it was interesting.
You could say it's deCAPTIVATING.
Any death that doesnt instantly destroy your brain is ok by me. Ya see, when you die your brain dumps all the dopamine and dmt it has at once. I want that final semi halucinatory death dream.
Checked and keked
It hard to get ahead on the subject
I’ve read that you can still see/hear for up to ten seconds after it happens.
Probably assuming it’s quick and clean.
That's why Steve Jobs last words were "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow."
It is better than anal rape but it is worse that loss of nipples
Ask ed kemper how it is to facefuck a head and then you have your answer
Do you think you could facefuck a head before it lost cognition after decapitation
Hell yeah man. Its our last ride before oblivion. Might as well enjoy it.
i've always wondered if you could keep someone cognitively aware after decapitation by tying a rope around their neck right before you chop their head off. i imagine people typically lose consciousness right away due to blood pressure dropping immediately in the head, but if you kept the pressure up by tying their neck, it might keep them aware and lucid for a minute or two.
A real guillotine uses a 70lb blade and takes 1/70 second to cut a head off. The massive loss of blood pressure would kill a person instantly.
I agree i really REALLY do
that's why i'm saying if you tied the neck so that blood pressure wouldn't drop instantly then it may keep them somewhat aware. tie the neck, chop the head off from below where the neck is tied so blood doesn't instantly spill out from the brain, so the blood pressure stays semi-normal.
Men deserve it.
buttmad faggot or buttmad female who is a crazy bitch that no one wants to deal with, so she blames men for being lonely instead of her own bitchy behavior.
Whores deserve it
That moment you bump a fake decapitation in an decapitation thread.
There's no longer a heart pumping blood. So no blood pressure. Applying a tourniquet around the neck would not change that.
it kills the man
this image is stupid
Baal? Idk
True, true.
Kys nationalist pig
i don't think you seem to understand basic fluid pressure. you don't need something constantly pumping the fluid around to maintain pressure. you can put a stopper of some sort, i.e. the rope's tension as it's tied around the neck, to maintain pressure. oxygen would be depleted in minutes if not seconds, effectively maintaining consciousness. if you just straight cut the head off, the pressure instantly drops because the pressure that's already there causes the blood to spurt out of the vessels, as well as severing the rest of the vessels that propagate that pressure throughout the body.
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