Blind user reporting in. AMA

Blind user reporting in. AMA
Also, my question to you is: what is your best one sentence description of sight?

Attached: blind-beauty.jpg (968x681, 25K)

>best one sentence description of sight
When you see

youre blind you cant see whats on the screen
fake and gay

How are you posting on an image board?

Op is fag can't see this lol

It must be hard to pivture color so picture it like this. You can have one thing with many different textures. Color is the texture of sight in a way. However One texture isnt always the same color. Concrete for instance Has a pretty similar texture throughout but can be different colors despite this. Usually gray not that it matters that i tell you that. I hope this helps. I also have a question. How do you read these replies and use a pc?

OP wont see me calling him a nigger

I don't feel like dignifying these replies with a comprehensive response. I want to talk to someone with a brain

probably has certain accessibility settings that narrate everything for them or a helper. Though if I were blind i wouldn't want a helper to know i use this cesspool of a website.

Do you masturbate to sound porn?
Do you like cock in your ears?
Have people ever cucked you without you knowing it because you couldn't see them fucking in front of you?
Do you murder?

I don't appreciate liars

Why the fuck do you ask if you can't see shit? You won't be able to process anything that we say because guess what... you're fucking blind

>yeah mom please attach the one photo of the blind guy for me thanks

Where were you on 9/11?

It's all audio that allows me to use a computer.
Yes I do masturbate to sound porn.

This is why do I come to this site. I need to laugh at it it's to feel better.

pretty sure everyone here has one (as doubtful as it may sound). yeah, i know what you mean. then again looking for inteligent responses on Yea Forums... youre not so bright yourself arent you? now what you gonna do? reply angrily to my obvious bait and you prove my point, dont reply and... well its the same. your move user

Have you ever met a gay blind person?

I don't think asking how you use an image board is brainless. I'm also curious. Are you on your own or with someone else?

A description of sight would be: Your eyes are like arms that can stretch for miles and feel the texture of anything in front of you, but the further away you look the smaller things are so determining the texture is harder.

Couldn’t live without it but I still need specs for HD.

Witnessed, also based description

You're welcome nigger, that's our duty. Cheers

This is the response is was looking for. Ever since I was a kid my brother always described it as hands reaching out and feeling things

>based description

Attached: 1568050483966.webm (288x426, 1002K)

Is op dead, he stopped answering questions

what's your favorite color?

Too soon

This user left OP mute. Nice addition to his already exciting life!


I'm still here
I can tell you're samefag

What does the world look like to you? Is it darkness? Can you perceive light at all? When you look at the sun does your “vision” brighten at all?

I’m curious if being blind is like having your eyes closed, or if it’s more like being in a pitch black room all the time.

Have you tried learning to echo-locate like bats? I heard there was some guy from Europe that could do it so well that he started teaching others.

Kish's work has inspired a number of scientific studies related to human echolocation. In a 2009 study at the University of Alcalá in Madrid, Spain, ten sighted subjects were taught basic navigation skills within a few days.

If even sighted people can learn to use echolocation in a few days I’m sure you can too.

I'm not the Daredevil and sound just give me a general idea of an oncoming obstacle like a car or a person on a skateboard or a person walking. When it comes to darkness I can't understand the concept. I was born blind. I've met blind people that can detect if a room is lit or not. I'm not one of them. I don't even know what black looks like

Beside shitposting, do you have any hobbies?

I carve penises out of soap.