Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

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Unfocused outrage culture. Being mad about one thing but than something else the next week.

If you think liberals are stupid, you oughta get a load of our Republicans!

Most of them think Jesus rode around on dinosaurs while preaching about the right to bear arms!!

Too busy fucking. If they had their shit straight, they'd be learning. Conservatives are stupid because of the inbreeding.

Same reason conservatives are

Lots of liberals are stupid. Lots of conservatives are stupid. The sane people in the middle are embarrassed by the louder extreme voices of both sides. Stop viewing it in black and white like a retarded teenager that's just discovered politics.

You perceive them as stupid due to your low iq and poor reasoning skills
Or your one of those “politics are a meme war!” kids who picks trump cause “haha orange man funny and bad and makes the libs mad” rather than keeping up with his policies or words and seeing how completely incompetent he is

Centrists are shit. The dumbest of both sides, unable or scared to even pick one because it would require thinking and having an opinion

Liberals are stupid but have you seen conservatives? Dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Truly subhuman in every way. They should be exterminated.

And what qualifies you to judge other people's inteligence?
Joke, I know you're just an NPC repeating stuff you heard from tRump/fox "news".

because liberals are constantly brainwashed by the media control by jews.

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Liberals are fucking terrible, however conservatives/right wing supporters? They couldn't even hold an intelligent conversation to save their life. Dummer then dumb boomers or racist meme fags.

Not really, most are pretty normal

>Conservatives are stupid!

Liberals run the worst election campaign in history, lose to mentally ill reality TV show host.

it took damn near a college education to learn to make your mom cum; an education is an education, OP. also, yer bait needs dik-pills, faggit.

Spoken like a true brainwashed npc, well done

>dumbest of both sides
Kek retard


Lemme guess, both centrists with 0 opinions who think politics are in everything and it’s annoying

Maybe they're trying to pretend they're Republicans.

Their sensitivity meters are set to 11. They are offended by everything. They bring nothing to the table, except give everyone a million dollars and all problems will be solved. Retards hate em.

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Ha, these toothless trump supporters make AOC look like a goddamn rocket scientist.

Why are Russians like this faggot so obsessed with American politics? Oh yea. Because Russians live and die in a shithole country and have nothing better to do.

It’s the right to arm bears you fucking heathen. Y’all mothafuckas need Jesus.

Because conservatives are so *over-the-top* stupid, liberals need only be generally stupid to be more popular.

We’re just tired of your bullshit “if you ain’t with us, you’re against us.” Sure as fuck am now, you all can eat a sack full of smegma covered dicks, you worthless fucking cunts.
Best thing to happen to both your cunty sides would be a fucking plague.

Indoctrination and lack of strong parents.

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Why are you hate-based hillbillies so fucking bad at grammar??

Liberals aren't the ones who voted for Trump.

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>B b but please pick a side so I can pigeon-hole you into a black or white stereotype that my echo chamber tells me to believe!
Retarded teenage politics-newb confirmed


They get brainwashed at a young age and never challenge what they are told.

Yeah... the conservatives meanwhile give *billions* to the ultra-rich.

> Implying Liberals get any kind of sex


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Truth to be told, all wingcucks are stupid and brainwashed af

Har. Last night I left a party full of 20-something liberals just as an orgy was breaking out... so yeah, they most definitely can get sex.

please stop calling those cucks liberals :-(
liberals are fighting for freedom
freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to be who you want

those idiots are undermining those efforts.

Yeah you /pol/ autists are fending the pussy off with a shit covered stick aren't you

Because, like conservatives, they think the government should dictate and control morality. There is no winner here, people. There won't be one until there is a revolution.

liberals are shutting down free speech.

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i would say the same thing about liberals, most of what's being said here are just boogeyman liberals that internet conservatives make up

They always have been.

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>freeze peach
>just want to be free to incite violence against minorities
Cool country bro

I dont know who those people are in the photos, but if they're anti fascists then they're probably right because trump just announced that he's toying with the idea of going beyond 2 terms.

Absurd. Trump is the enemy of free speech. He wants to investigate anything that doesn't report favorably on him. He's insane and so are you Ivan.

OMG this is perfect. Yeah, we leftists may be pussies, but we're not fucking retarded.

pic unrelated

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Never said you were against anything. You’d have to pick a side for that. You’re just useless bodies, blank of opinion skirting by life trying to ignore the politics that affect it. Getting called out on it triggers you so hard you’re “against us now” but you don’t even have a side or opinion. Just “no more politics cause I don’t wanna have to think!”

You’re way off the mark. I get my news from the source and watch how both sides, Fox and msnbc, try to spin it and form my own opinion. That’s too much work for a small minded centrist

I'm convinced OP just really wants to fuck AOC

>when your response to violence from fascist is violence you are also a fascist
You must be a tard

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>Look, Ma, I can take an image and add words to it!

Living in a trailer and fucking your sister is not normal user. No matter how many times you call her your wife.

ironic that you don't see how this applies to conservatives

Our opinion is your both fucking retarded and wrong, and should die in a fucking fire, you bunch of authoritarian limp wristed faggots who hide behind big brother and as pissant slaves to the government.
Tl;dr - you’re a faggot, Harry.

Yeah, vote for people who don't judge you for what you look like or whom you want to fuck.

>not judging people

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>> Why are liberals so fucking stupid?
Because you forgot you're looking in a mirror, you fucktwat!

Liberalism is a religion at this point. Rationality no longer plays a role in their decisions. They reeeee at the slightest provocation and flip out when they hear mouth noises that hurt their fee fees because they cannot logic.

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Because they lack logic and any semblance of personal responsibility. I am a constitutional conservative and my sister is a hardcore leftist. When I fuck up, I take full responsibility. When she fucks up, she blames everyone except herself.

That's partially a woman thing

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I grant you that. However, a challenge you with people on the left who worship a known pedophile and think that stoning a woman to death is a suitable punishment for her being raped and still think that the rape of prepubescent boys is acceptable behavior.

kek imagine being this disconnected from reality

Damn right. I'm a libertarian, and my best friends are either libertarians or classical liberals. We all cringe and the fringes of either ideology.

Yeah they voted for crooked Hillary, and lost.

Once again, a conservative projecting his own existence onto others so hard it's almost entertaining.

It was either that or Hillary, and I'd rather have front row seats to a nuclear holocaust than 4 more years of Obama policies.

The left can't meme.

> Dur libs r so stoopid

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Most people are retarded because they have no internal logic to access values. They let external stimulus dictate their values as axioms around which their build their worldview. And because they build their houses from top to bottom they will never get it done right.

Do tell me, what are the political leanings of Gates, Zuckerberg, and Soros again?

It's called a meme, libcuck. Take notes....

I always wished there was a website to map the different outrages over time, a timeline of outrage

Fuck yeah, most people can't seem to grasp the concept of, "Do what you want with your own life. Just don't expect me to pay for it."

I would.

That's also why 70% of women lean left.

You want to see mad... look at Fox News and Trump supports. Always bitching about this or that

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You see even more on msnbc and cnn. For two whole years, they were droning on and on about Russia collusion, and once that was debunked, it was back to calling him a racist. I think that most people are smart enough to not even care at this point.

imo if either side didn't have an equal amount of flaws, we would only have one party

Tom Selleck?

Bors always depicts the pedophile left as cool-headed and wise.

>we're not fucking retarded

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Fox got mad when obama wore a tan suit. Peak trigger.

It would have to be the size of a tarp just to cover the year.

>Fox News
This is how fucking dumb you faggots are. You think this is some shrine of evil, but back in reality, it's owned by two libs and is really a leftist channel. Maybe Tucker and Gutfeld are exceptions, but the rest of them are RINOs at best. You keep tilting at windmills, though...

but it wasn't debunked by any means

No, most of them don't think that at all. Just like most Liberals aren't antivax even though most antivax are Liberals.

Ya, they voted for the person who lost to Trump. That's like coming in last at the Special Olympics and bitching about how the winner is a retard.

Naming individual people who support the Democratic party who are wealthy does not prove your point that a 15% corporate tax and abusing 15% long term capital gains tax doesn't provide billions to the ultra rich....

Lemme guess... you wanna tax them more to fund the Trump administration.

Is that what rachael maddow told you?

Not necessarily to fund the Trump administration, it isn't fair for the middle class to have to stay by the rules of the tax bracket system while someone who is in a better position puts all earnings into a real estate investment to avoid paying the same percentages as everyone else

I was always center left and now find myself moving closer to center, just to distance myself from the far left. They are the enemy of freedom and democracy.

Apparently people with right wing beliefs have lower emotional intelligence, look it up

>watch both sides
>try to spin it and form my own opinion
So instead of being a brainwashed idiot following an ideology you act exactly like a centrist

Meaning they're not controlled by their emotions? How problematic. Everyone knows decisions made based on feelings are always right.

The CIA probably has something like this, with Mockingbird or whatever iteration of it they're on.

Niggers cause their own problems.

So they supported the candidate that lost the election, truly geniuses.

Their companies also use and exploit the same loopholes as “conservative owned” companies.
Btw, most of the top billionaires in the US are....

Oh, boy, we can call anybody stupid even though they're successful professionals who graduated top schools with honors.

AOC is Boston U cum laude. How is this stupid? Post your degree.

I agree with you. The initial conversation started with conservatives giving the ultra rich billions, which the decrease in corporate tax rate did.

huh huh heheh heh you say cum lawd heh heh heh

Oh, so just any other rich faggot.
Stop being so envious. Rich people never did anything to you.

>emotional intelligence

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>both sides
>Fox and msnbc
Those are nearly the same side, user.

true bait

heil hitler fagit

>successful professionals
haven't you heard? degrees are worthless anymore.

Being a successful professional does not equate to being smart in everything. This is an authority fallacy

.t spic from the third world so you don't ad-hominem a reply

top kek

Fuck off AOC

Your autism is showing

Your autism is showing

>tfw when the government does that so we can compete with chinese companies

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Your dunning-kruger is showing and you're acting childish.

reddit fag go home!

Op is either a low IQ Trump tard or working for Putin

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>totally not low IQ
>totally wasn't Dems working with Russia

What's with you and your rational opinions man?

the Librul-versus-Conservitard dichotomy is just a distraction
fomented by your owners to keep you from noticing how they fuck you over

I don't think envious is the correct word since I also take advantage of tax loopholes. Everyone has the right to take advantage of these investment vehicles that allow them to do so but does not mean that I can't have an opinion that my house cleaning lady pays more than me in terms of percentages in taxes


Lol there's nothing to be mad about if you're a Trump supporter. Literally anything that's going on with liberals and/or leftists is heard as REEEEEEEEEEEE to anyone sane.

I mean that's like one of the key tenets of Marxism. Greetings, comrade.

Radical cunt.

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No one who has done any serious reading of history is a centrist. Of course, no one who has done any reading whatsoever is a conservative.

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eeeeh still think I'd take that over the murderous pedophile cult that believes you can identify as an attack helicopter and if you don't believe in stalinism you're a fascist

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No one who pays for anything is a leftist.

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Imagine still paying for shit other people have figured out how to get for free.

trips and OP is right
i'm allowed a reroll if i don't get it because second chances matter

WHOA now that's a le EPIC cool headed far leftists fascist fighter right there!!!11!!11 XDDD XDDDDXDDDD le fucking upvote!! Stunning and brave!

hmm reroll

Why is you mother a filthy hoe?

I want you to copy your stupid sentence into a text file and just stare at it for the next few days.
When you finally realize how stupid you are, just pull your arm back really far, then slap yourself in the face.

cause it doesn't take brains to make empty promises using the latest buzz words to get people even dumber than you to give you power.

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Wow that was clever do you write comedy?

Imagine being so devoid of empathy...

that's how conservatives work

Reps are on average dumber.

telling people what they want to hear works on both sides.

nigger, you're a retarded hypocrite.
try dodging and changing the topic more, that'll definitely erase your retardation.

>far left
>not judging people

what a retard lmao.


This is disgraceful thinking. Kill yourself, immediately.

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In what world faggot


>cause it doesn't take brains

>to make empty promises
The wall and making Mexico pay for it, ACA repeal, significantly better trade deals, locking up Hillary Clinton, hiring 'the best' people, getting corruption out of DC.

>using the latest buzz words

>to get people even dumber than you to give you power.

Liberals are stupid. Republicans are stupid. And your outright retarded

Don’t windmills give you cancer?

>Guys I know sbits been going down hill but I promise of we keep doing things the exact same way while also giving multi millionaires and big business more money and tax cuts it will get better, I promise. Fix what's broken? What are you talking about trickle down economics will surely work this time.

Reminder that conservatives actively dont want to fix anything.

I'm not normally a grammar/spelling pedant but making sure that you're using the correct spellings and forms of words when accusing another person of mental deficiency might strengthen your argument quite a bit.

Just remember a Republican was responsible for 9/11 white cheese!

Yeah, did you see the way the reacted to a black guy kneeling during a fucking football game? Fucking snowflakes

No, it's a fundamentally regressive ideology. Every great advancement in technology, philosophy, political organization, or science has had to surge past a crowd of pearl-clutching status quo dinosaurs screeching about the implications of 'moral decay' these advancements would have for society.

Yes republicans are snowflakes that yell fake news when they hear the truth!


my sides

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Because we use math and science and logic instead of crybaby emotions.

Said the retarted redneck

Extremists always are regardless of their alignment

Why do you have the false impression you're not stupid?

Fake news