How is it possible for anyone with a highly functional brain to be autistic?

How is it possible for anyone with a highly functional brain to be autistic?

I don't believe that autistic people should be integrated into society. I've witnessed both the children and adults first-hand, and they give off every indication of someone who would normally be diagnosed as mentally ill. They laugh when someone gets hurt, and they have no issue with hurting others themselves. They're immensely selfish and narcissistic. Some of them would rather sit in their own filth and shit in diapers than to give up their current activity and go to the bathroom. Even when taught right from wrong, they genuinely don't understand it, and will often do wrong as long as they think they can get away with it.

To lack empathy is to lack what it is to be a normal human being. Autistic people are not capable of being normal. They're taught how to mimic normal, but they will never be the same as you and I. They struggle with basic human decency, and I would never trust someone like that to prepare food, watch children, or serve any role which requires understanding what it is to be normal.

If you've ever looked into an autistic person's eyes, it's about as empty and void of emotion and compassion as a doll on a shelf. Even dogs are capable of a wider emotional range than autistic people, which is scary.

We need to figure out the cause, because society will only continue to decline as the politically-correct continue to hide these automatons in our midst.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you're an autist faggot

>being this butthurt

Autism detected.

>being this autistic

Faggotry detected

Let me guess. You're fat, never had a girlfriend, live with your parents, don't have a job, and are jealous of literally everyone you know.

autism is weird. don't get your hopes up OP.

Weren't a great number of intellectuals reclusive or socially autistic?

>taking the bait this hard
lol faggot retard

>have job
>live with parents
>have acquired gf
>skinny as fuck
>only jealous of gaston glock

yeah, op's a faggot again

you're the bigger faggot for taking their obvious bait

So you're saying that autistic people are sociopaths?

you're the bigger faggot for not realizing i'm on the counter-troll squadron

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"i was only pretending to be retarded"

>taking the pretend tard bait

OP didn't even get mad at you, you suck at baiting

you sound like an op trying to fuck with me. Samefag

>an op
go back to your special retard school autistic fag

Wow, that was an Awsome post. Scary but so true.

Learn how the fuck to speak English. Autists use run-on sentences and no capitalization

do you use perfect grammar while texting
lol fag

You sound super butthurt. lol
I hope you have a kid and he turns out to be an autistic nightmare, like the next chris-chan or some shit, you'll regret white knighting autistic people, fag. lol
I said he because girls can't have autism, shyness is normal in women, but an abomination in men.

I'm autistic. I have a job, my own apartment, and a car. My longest relationship was 7 years. I am a perfectly functional member of society.

Why are people sticking up for autistic people here. Their a nightmare to work with.

no autistic person is normal, you faggots just mimic it really well at best, but you will never truly be a normal human being like me or my girlfriend, you're like sociopaths but less "sexy" and more cringe and pity inducing.

> girls can't have autism
Patently untrue. One of my closest child friends was an autistic girl. Yeah she was kinda weird, but a lot of fun to hang out with.

You answered my question.

As I said, weird behaviours like being shy are normal in girls.
Real autistic people are like Chris Chan or the weeaboo faggots who marry their waifus.

You're right, I'll never be completely normal. I don't give a shit. As long as I do my job, pay my bills, and interact half normal with my friends, I live a life that is functionally indifferent from anyone else.

>being this much of a faggot

Nigger detected

Autist in highschool here, I literally just got voted class president, most remembered, and most successful.

Even though I'm literally retarded, I can't imagine being as retarded as op lmao

Mimicking being normal isn't the same as actually being normal, I'd rather die than trust a sociopath-like abomination like you with anything normal, retard.
Even children hate autistic people and want nothing to do with them, they're barely human.

I agree.

Autistic people are subhuman

You've never seen someone who is genuinely high functioning. I've seen the whole spectrum. It ranges from complete dependent drooling retards to borderline geniuses whose social difficulties are barely perceptible.

Yes its horrible working with them. They can't be trusted.

Bored? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewdds of females and traps!

discord gg/a4maaZD

I hope they all get gassed along with bronies, weeaboos and furries
High functioning autists "function" like sociopaths
they seem normal but are dead on the inside.

Okay it's obvious that op had his mind made up when he posted this and is just samefagging the thread to create apparent consensus. I'm out.

I know.

KYS Insecure faggot.

Try working with these fuckers every day is a night mare

I'm not OP you butthurt fag

Butthurt autist
Most autistic people are zoophiles or pedophiles, which is why bronies/furries and weeaboos are mostly autistic people

I'm autistic, and so is my son, but we're both high-function as a motherfucker. You, ironically, probably suffered from global developmental delay as a kid and never quite caught up. So, you know, eat a bag of dicks and then die in a fire, you weasel fuck.

Get out really ?

>Chris Chan
You mean dead on the inside like most 4 chan followers, right.


You and your girlfriend sound like a pair of shitfuckers. He's better off autustic.

I think you are a retard xd

Oh god I'd rather die, I feel sorry for normal people who make the mistake of befriend autistic """""""people"""""""
AHAHAHHAHAHAA you and your faggot son are autistic subhumans AHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm glad my daughter is a normal girl and not like you two
One day all autistic people will be gassed and only normal healthy people will be allowed to breed instead of this politically correct "anybody can breed even autistic people and downies, this totally won't fuck up the gene pool or anything" bullshit LOL
Autistic people are the reason why I support eugenics.
Me and my girlfriend laugh at autistic people and their laughable special interests, their stupid hand flapping and screeching, them shitting themselves,etc autistic people are so pathetic and i'm so glad my wonderful girlfriend agrees
You don't even have a girlfriend, I bet not even the LGBT would accept your faggotry. LOL AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Never should HAVE been... you simple cunt. Hope you and your gf are using protection, cos me and my gf aren't - we trying for another autistic ubermensch. I'd name it OP, but you're a cunt so I don't want to.

Your waifu's fake son doesn't count as a child loser
Your waifu if she met you in real life would think you're a creepy, smelly loser.


Not as retarded as you.

Bubba, I'm so high function I worked in sales and customer services... social skills? I bet I got spades more than you, you mumbling fuck.

wuss poppin, it's your neighborhood autist here. I've got aspergers and literally none of this applies to me. I don't know anyone with that level of autism, and, while I can say I struggle with a little too much apathy sometimes, some of us high-functioning autistic bois are just normal people with slightly different brains than normal.

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At this point I believe that nobody on this God forsaken planet is "normal". We got sociopaths, we got corrupt business people, who have no empathy, this whole world is a mess. I truly believe that God hasn't came back yet, because he is genuinely disgusted and disappointed in his own creation

Qhy dont you use your hatred to shit on trannies instead you faggot.

I bet you can't even look at girls in the eye without crying your faggot little eyes out, let alone get a beautiful girlfriend like mine.
At least I get to go the bed with my girlfriend, glad i'm not an autistic subhuman and I have empathy for normal humans and I have real genuine social skills and not fake bullshit ones.
Most trannies are autistic you dumb sped.

I'd tell you to kobain yourself, but that would be too good for you. Go run into a pitbull pen covered in meat juice.

Aw how cute. At least you're aware pitbulls are vicious monster dogs who need to be banned, not cuddly misunderstood sweeties.

Actually I believe most trannies are far past Autistic. They will never have kids in a normal way, and I believe that even an autistic man has a more normal sexual preference

I may be fat, celibate, living with my parents, unemployed, and jealous, but I, sir, will never let you guess.

I bet you trash the place by flailing and flapping your hands while screaming and they only keep you around to not look like a mean bigot.
High fuctioning autists are literal sociopaths. LOL

Nah just hand over to peta. They'll take of em. Peta is just a extremist version of an exterminator

Autistic people have no social skills, fake ones at best, its a proven fact that most autistic people never get married or have kids.
Most people with degenerate fetishes are autistic, which is why most furfags are autistic. Nobody normal would fap to that shit bruh

So I guess the CEO of Sony music is Autistic? Wouldn't surprise me.

Who said they got married.
Did you work as a robocaller

Low tier bait. Common op try harder.

True, being shy/having anxiety is not the same as being autistic.

A lot of people who have kids get married. duh

>in this thread a bunch of triggered autistic faggots.

Good job, OP.


This is bait, OP is trolling you all and he is successful.

Actually that's flipfloped, Autistic people CAN'T show empathy or emotion. It isn't fake but they way the act, it appears that they dont care about others. Sociopathic people know they hurt others, and have social skills. BUT THEY DONT CARE. Autism makes it to where you cant, while sociopathy, you just dont give a shit about people. Most times autistic people care about the resulting emotions others have due to how they were acting, but sociopaths could care less

>wants to eliminate different human beings
>blames THEM being autistic and have lack of empathy
do you realize how retarded and autistic you are?

They cant show it, but they can FEEL the emotions. They dont know how to express, the feelings they have

just stop talking, you're embarrassing yourself, magatard neckbeard

Autistic people are selfish, stop white knighting them, it's pathetic. Having no empathy is a well known autistic trait and many autists admit they can't feel empathy.
Have sex.

found trump voter

OP is gayer than the pride parade and won't stop sucking dicks.

you're trying to educate a cheese munching neckbeard murrican? good luck

Plus you dont know if they can feel empathy, and not Express it. Or feel it, and and not CARE. There's a diffrence in caring and expressing it


I'm probably autistic and I work on Windows NT (including Windows 10). I can focus for fourteen hours at a time on a problem without taking a break but I have to be interested on the problem to work for fourteen hours at a time.

you sound like a highly disturbed being, probably because you were buttfucked by your dad when you were a child
You were saying

Now that is autism

I can tell you're a butthurt autist because your spelling and grammar sucks donkey ass.
No normal person wants to know about your pedophilic sex fantasies.

This is the lowest tier bait and yet all of you are falling for it. Shouldn't expect any less from Yea Forumstards

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that wasn't a fantasy, it was a diagnosis

Even if your Autistic, you have more patience and commitment to something than anyone else does. That's what I find interesting in the people everyone considers not "normal".

You say with your hand on your dick horny as hell. pedo

Do you just want attention, because your not getting it.

Learn the difference between you're and your.

well you were right about my hand on my dick, but I was scratching my balls and I'm not horny at all, I masturbated 2x today

I think OP probably has an autistic brother or something that. Probably too young to process his feelings like an adult so he's lashing out. We can just hope that he grows up some day and realizes how big of a wad he is.

If you don't like people with certain traits avoid them. It's not hard. Going out of your way to hate and spread your negative emotions just makes you unpleasant to be around. I assume that's why you have to post this on an anonymous image board. Work out your anger, find friends who are supportive, and focus on improving yourself instead of lashing out at things outside your control. You will be an actual real life mature adult in no time. I believe in you Yea Forumsro.

Yea Forums is the new /pol/

I fucked mom
She said you're a mistake.

That good enough

Then I'm guessing /pol/ is even worse. Haven't been there in awhile.

Damnit autocorrect.
I fucking hate myself

You fucked your mom? No wonder why you're such a fuck up.

lol, yeap that's good enough

I have myself to believe for this fuck up. Shame me

I know right, he couldn't get pussy any other way? LOL

He proves OP is right about autism.

Wait so in your version of what i said I fucked my mom, and she had me. And I'm my dad and that's why I'm fucked up........ I'm having an existential crisis

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This describes this whole fucking thread

Start by killing yourself you autistic faggot

What the hell is this...thing


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You sound like an angry meathead who doesn’t have the slightest idea what he/she is talking about. Who wronged you? Show me where they touched you.

Autism manifests on a spectrum. Lower spectrum autistic people are more than capable of feeling emotions and empathy. Perhaps more than others. They struggle developing a few social norms sure. But they are as human as you and me.

What you seem to be referring to are people on the high end of the spectrum, and if that’s so, then you’re still an ignorant bully.

You confuse autistic people with psychopaths which are emotionless and cold. Not caring what they do as long as it serves them. That’s not how autistic people act. Perhaps it’s your skewed perspective of things that needs to be put on a pedestal and questioned?

Your rally call to ban autistic people is childish and desperate. This isn’t Sparta you fucking ape.

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Op and everyone who took the bait.

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Welp, this thread has official become a meme shitpost thread

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It always was one

Good meme I’m sure there’s plenty more right?

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It's possible you don't know what you're talking about. There's research on the subject, perhaps you should take a gander at some publications.


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There's nothing wrong with being autistic.
OP just can't stop being a faggot.

OP works for Autism Speaks.


Im autistic and even I know this is weak bait

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OP is not wrong though. My gf is autistic. And this fucker hit the nail on the head several times.

>pic related is how my gf looks when she laughs.

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>You confuse autistic people with psychopaths which are emotionless and cold. Not caring what they do as long as it serves them.

You clearly don’t know how autistic ppl are. Put them in positions of power and you get Stalin.

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This is so true.

This doesn't correlate with what i've seen of autistic people. Severely disabled people, yes. High-functioning autists are usually pacifist and shy because they are constantly being told the way they think is wrong

LOL this thread

The left hand on the right arm

At least you're not a CZ fag.

shitty pasta is shitty

I've seen this pasta before lol

a fool is known by his words. a wise man is known by his silence.


>lives with parents
>skinny as fuck
lol what a fag

this made me laugh tbh

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Do not question cooler's hands boi

Two words: fuck society.

Okay social reject 14 year old.
It's way past your bed time kid.

Aww look at mr.grown up here. Do you want some tendies? Do you?

I'm not autistic and I have no empathy lol

OP doesn't know what autism is

Holy fuck! Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome from typing that post faggot

You autsey faggot

You are useless faggot. I hate auties

Fuck you nigger

Vegetables don't speak faggot.

Go burn a house down corky.

Corky made a poopy!

lol why do you hate your auntie

Kys looser

You can't have babies by ass fucking faggot

How's being a drooling Wal Mart greeter working out for you?

Gimme those sales flyers corky

Wizard level

Your autism is showing.

Auties not aunties you down syndrome faggot

Fuck you corky! Burn your house down again faggot

Only retards use the word autie. It looks like a gay misspelling of auntie.


Butthurt autist

Why is this thread still going?

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Deflecting much, faggot?

its true

when a person can't tell the different between someone with autism and being a psychopath/sociopath

Ew learn to use the toilet you freak

Everyone who replies to this thread is gay.

Especially you

Oi fucking niggers! Why aren't you in this server yet? What the fuck are you doing and join right the fuck now or i will come and cut you a new pussy hole tonight.. discord bRcJTf

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God damn it you got me.

end mee

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>They laugh when someone gets hurt, and they have no issue with hurting others themselves. They're immensely selfish and narcissistic.

Do you realize what board you’re on, faggot?