I don't enjoy living. What do I do?

I don't enjoy living. What do I do?

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What have you tried?

what seems to be the problem, chief?

Depends on why you don't enjoy it

You can quit anytime you like.

I hate myself

Have a beer and talk to a stranger.

Did you do anything irrational lately? Problems with family/friends? Pet died? Noone to talk to? Drugs and Alcohol is the only thing keeping you sane?

Not using social media for some days helps. And talking to a stranger really isn't a bad idea. Or learning something new

I'm sorry but there is literally not much to say to a person like you. No matter what perspective I will try to relate to, you will find a flaw in it and reject it. Sounds familiar? There you go, buddy.

Ok maybe I was wrong and there is something you can actually do - help yourself. Simple as. If you don't know how then maybe you don't even have a problem lmao.

Try to go through one day just with doing and no thinking. You will have to use your brain of course but maybe you will realize how much of what happens in your head is pointless, useless and in fact, toxic.

Again, it's all up to you. Eventually no one cares and no one should.

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do you have any friends in real life?

This hit me hard. I dont normally compliment on these boards but this is a great post. You fucking faggot.

thanks. Just speaking from experience as a hopeless case too. the pic was my facebook background for 1 day, until I remembered I'm nearly 30 years old.

for me the solution was weed.
fuck I love weed.
I get high every day, its fucking great.
It's the most fun hobby I have ever had.
Til the day it kills me.

How long have you been smoking? Do you just sit at home and do stuff? After few years I just fap like crazy when I smoke or listen to favorite music. It kills my creativity, except doing irrational shit to test reality.

Got my medical card about 6 months ago.
I fap alot, listen to music, watch movies, cook interesting stuff.
I'm married, she doesn't smoke.

No response. Figured this was shitposting.

You need to "reboot" yourself;

..... buy some new shoes.

find the reason and change that.
I became happy after acepted to be gay ... now I have a nice boyfriend and everything is fine.

sounds safe

nice try bro lol

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Continue suffering like the rest of us

cute face but what the fuck is that for an ugly ass cunt

Near-death experience did the trick for me. Life kicks ass now

are you a Creezus?

>What do I do?
>I don't enjoy living.
You don't enjoy living.

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>"I'm going to laugh"
Not happening.


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is it real?

Is what real? Snoop Dogg? I think so, yes.