What is objectively the best bird?

what is objectively the best bird?

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best for what? depends on what you want to do with them

pet? parrots
hunt? falcons
eat? duck, maybe pheasant
communicate? pidgeons

Crows or ravens, ez.

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The dead ones. Fuck birds, they're just flying rats.

Fuck meat is disgusting nigger

Corvid family will inherit the Earth.

All of them


that's actually incorrect sorry

They'd be cleaner than you.



To crush your enemies and see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

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The Meglargentavisdon Rex.

>lamentation of their women
the cock of course
and I am not talking about the bird


this is a rekt webm. thought it was an arrow or something

Nigger detected

emu for the win

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I like kiwi birds.

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angery birb

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Yeah this one


Or loons

Loons are good too
So crows ravens blackbirds loons

Oh and thrushes

Lots of an

But blackbirds crows ravens and loons are my favorite

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The American Bald Eagle

Only bird that won a war.


The last one that goes extinct.

Shut the fuck up bird

Harpy Eagle, absolute unit of a predator

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hes having a shag, Harry.

too expensive, i mean who wants a second mortgage just to buy a bird?

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Look at this beautiful motherfucker. I can't fathom that you call them "Rock Dove".

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Hands down the owl

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Turkey :

..... conveniently proportioned;
easy to raise as a cash crop;
very good value for money; very tasty.

This bird is definitely worth considering for a cost effective celebration meal, if you can't go "the whole hog" with spit roast suckling pigs and an apple jammed in their beaks.

i call them arsenic shitters

>pick related

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fucking eagles duh
no one represents better majesty, elegance and power

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its not the airforce.
this is birds.

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eagles arent as predatory as you might think


they scavenge most of their food

Where can you buy it?

Do they do one in colour? Or are they only available in black and white?


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Based. I can't wait them evolve to eat uranium dust, so their shit will cause cancer.


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"Dude I'm so high right now" The Bird.


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I fucking love magpies.

Pick a Chick

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is little stephen around?

Owl just put this here.

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Crow votes

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Wouldn't it be subjective?

'Merica Yeah!

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I don't shit everywhere unlike worthless birds

Dead birds are the best kind

hiss hiss

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Chickens, of course.

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that's a Pootoo bird.
(yep its really called that)

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birds arent real. wake up sheeple.

Eagles are chumps.

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Kek ty

Yeah, I don't fuck meat either. It's way better to cook and eat than to fuck.


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where my toucans at !

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australians suffered no casualties, emus lost what the fuck are you talking about


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My cock.

this fucking thing

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Keas are pretty cool

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What a dunderhead. Flying rats are bats.

Typo nigger, duck is fucking repugnant

Birds are as virus ridden as any rat.

this guy doesn't even know how to hummingbird properly

Nah, they are pretty clean.

Says you nigger. Birds are fucking disgusting.

Cleaner than you and cats anyway
Less human transmittable diseases too


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more kiwis !

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