I keep seeing so much bullsh*t on this forum about Pitbulls. Y’all need to back off

I keep seeing so much bullsh*t on this forum about Pitbulls. Y’all need to back off.
Seriously, how can anyone think THIS face is dangerous???

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>taking the bait

Nice meme OP but I think we can all agree pit-bulls should be extinct

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Dog of peace

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give this guy back his dog, op, you faggot

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Don't forget to go to your local pet/adoption place, get a few shitbulls, and put them out of their misery! One less pitbull a day keeps death away!

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That's my next tattoo now, genius..

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This doesn’t account for why they attacked.
Now I’m taking the bait

>penis eating dog inbound

Meh, pits are not dangerous. The owners that either train them to be killers or they don't train and let them run wild. I say kill the shitty owners.

El Guapo thinks he knows shit about dogs? he doent even know what foreplay is, dum dum.

There’s never a reason with those little nigger gremlin retards.

They will literally kill just for the sake of killing because they’re trash, it’s what they were bred to do.

That’s why niggers love them so much. They operate on the same wavelength.


How could this possibly be relevant?
Whether a family pet attacked its owner or a gangster sick'd his dog on a police officer, it's still pit bulls being violent.

People train them to be violent because of how easy it is to train them to be violent.

How dare you sir, would you say he has a plethora of dogs?

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Niggers, and white yeah and trash of every other description get them because of that perception, then they abuse and inbreed them.

i have a bill for congress: nigger-pit island. give civilization hope.

>it's the owner, not the dog

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>People train them to be violent because of how easy it is to train them to be violent.
Never heard of a doberman pinscher? How about rottweilers? You, fool.

Ultimately it is the owners of the dog that are to blame. If you adopt a pit that has been inbred too much due to the negligence of the past few owners... well that's also a problem with people. Pits in a vaccum are just dogs.

And check my trips, bitches!

Put them all down except like 5 for in a zoo to remind humanity not to create abominations.

Ya, what don't you understand there, skippy? Do I need to say it slower or use easy to understand words for you? Tell me what helps with your retardation?

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yes, and all with little surprises inside them: rage!

>Put them all down except like 5 for in a zoo to remind humanity not to create abominations.
Put down humans except like 5 for in a zoo to remind dogs humans are a abomination. Fix it fo ya.

aaaaaay, saw that dog eating some dude's dick off in another thread

Dogs are only as good as their owners.

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Why they attacked is irrelevant. Except for babies & very small children, for a dog to kill someone requires a sustained attack. They only way this happens is if the dog is uncontrolled. Even if the attack was on a trespasser the dogs should be trained not to maul someone to death when the owner isn't around because you can't know for certainty every trespasser comes with evil intent. For example, the woman who was mauled to death in 80's (pre-cell phone era) outside a farmhouse because her car broke down and she needed to call for help.

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Yeah, that's dick dog. They were looking for a pony but the dog had to do.

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fuck off back to le reddit nigger

Dog racism.

If pitbulls are aggressive breeds
so are brown skinned "people".
If you don't believe it look at the prison statistics.

I'm Italian, I'm "brown skinned" also. So that's stupid to say..

Extremely dangerous

>Even if the attack was on a trespasser the dogs should be trained not to maul someone to death when the owner isn't around
Winnar of the most stupid thing said in this thread, congrats.

Not dangerous for the owner but for everyone else they are that dog needs a lot of physical activity to reduce stress but most owners are lazy fags so that dog will attack everything

you trolling

Sure until it rips of your face because your phone rings, or the next door neighbors shoot the fireworks.

go on: get back under your bridge, you obvious fuck.

Agreed, any dog I have ever owned(including pit) has always listened to my commands. That's first fuckin thing taught. My dogs know to listen or there is a consequence they don't want to pay. But, I'm a alpha personality where I'm not a pussy like these bitches, bitching about pits. Bait, yep but I don't give a fook.

Wasnt that woman attacked by a pack of dachshunds??

Do you know someone who was attacked by their own dog because of a phone?

people are uneducated and would rather believe the mass opinion of other uneducated. they can't think for themselves.

I hear you brother, pitbulls are cute babies. They're very playful. It's just sad that shitty owners raise them to be violent.

does his breath smell like dick, balls & blood?

Italians are white , it you aren't white you aint Italian

Yeah, you're spot on. Just like with sand niggers and all the misery they spawn world wide. It's definitely not because of their inherently low IQ, poor genes and aggressive behavior. It's because of their parents! Wait..

i loved my pitbull
she lived 14 years and never bit anyone
RIP Karma

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it's better to exterminate all the pitbull owners, otherwise they'll just find another breed to ruin

you can replace pitbulls with niggers.
the numbers don't lie.
They are ticking timebombs.
It's not the owners it's genetics.

No you’re a loser bully. You bully your dog to listen you probably bully your partner/wife and your kids.. There is a difference between fear and respect..

Many countries fear the nuclear might of the USA.. Who respects the USA? Nobody..

But who mess with Murica?? Nobody

Jews messing with America since the beginning. Americans dance how Jews want to.

Kinda like your mom did with you, right?

Cause only an inbred retard would be an apologist for these faggy dindogs


Put all the retards who want to own these faggy nigger dogs on an island together and let nature take its course.

It’s a shame responsible, upstanding, intelligent human beings are punished in having to live in communities with these meth addicted juggalo retards and their mongoloid pets.

I consider myself extremely lucky to be from Ontario where they aren’t allowed (meth addicted juggalos or their retard dogs).

Stuff like this is justice. Her retarded behavior could have convinced others to get pitbulls and cause deaths. Fucking


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Watched it happen. Pits are definitely a liability not a pet. If you have neighbors

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This literally doesnt matter. Type down to us what it changes.

I kill all pitbulls if I have the chance. I've killed at least 20 of them. Poisoned a few, shot a few, trapped a few.

You're absolutely right! They dont require a trigger to snap. It just happens in their brain. No loud sound or pop even required!

you ARE lucky. im fortunate enough to be in So.Cal., and close enough to the shorline that the number of white trash or blackies is a fair minimum. but every now and then, youll get some fat ugly fukkin white jaba bitch at the dog park with her nigger bf and ghetto ass pit bull, and people start clearing out, not sure from darkie or fukkin dog but its def frowned upon around here. most people in my neighborhood had an unwritten rule that when a pit moves into the housing community, we just call the cops enough times that eventually there will be a confrontation and the mut will get blasted on XD...failing that, the ol' gravy sponge (which ive only done once)

this faggot has a point. i love the states, and have a lot of pride, but im not blind about the weak fukkin cucks that brought us to where we are. strength comes from within, and we are far to lenient to each other. animals have a pecking order, lose sight of that and you lose respect with it. 20 years ago, every nation wanted to be us, and now we're mocked. that's nobodies fault but our own; castrated by out own compassion.

I'll send a vase of urin for her grave

Sometimes you’ve gotta take shit into your own hands. A little antifreeze in some human food over the fence.

I feel awful for people like you who have their lives endangered because of the hundreds of dog breeds some retard wants to own the one with the highest kill statistic because “HYURRR DURRE MUH MUH MUH NAANEH DOG”

Yeah I’m with the other user — if I send a bag of shit to your house would you mind setting it on fire and placing it on top of her grave?

She’s fucking ugly as fuck. But so are you.
