I think I know the way to make human civilization flourish in a pure success

I think I know the way to make human civilization flourish in a pure success.

1) Kill all retarded/mentally ill kids.
2) Kill all retarded/mentally ill adults.
3) Kill almost all people with < 120 IQ.
4) Kill all people older than 75 y
5) Kill all people with a genetic diseases.
6) Leave enough stupid people alive for hard labor (They need to have < 120 IQ but > 100 IQ And > 20 yo but < 50 yo).
7) Kill all ugly women regardless her IQ.

I think this would be a good starting point for creating a superior human race.

Attached: downie.jpg (500x333, 50K)

This means you would be killed. Are you sure that's what you want?

You forgot the most important step. KILL ALL NIGGERS

>Implying any nigger has > 120 IQ

So eugenics.. What an original concept. Unfortunately the idea of forced sterilization and mass murder is not an idea that most mentally healthy people support.

Attached: 454E4699-CD83-49E9-B62E-21E4C28BD79F.jpg (332x443, 39K)

>dumb people like violence
>trash people commits violence
>spregs like to talk though on internet

German fag here that's true. We try it once

You do realize your autistic ass with a sub 100 IQ would be among the first to be killed...

Don't kill people, thats edgy and lame and will cause resistance against you from people wildly smarter than you are.

Instead, sway people that its a good idea to make it so that these people are unable to reproduce, give them money and freedom and they will happily leave you alone and fuck each other in retarded bliss till they die out. then your plan will take effect.

He's just a token nigger for the science community, his IQ isn't any higher than the average nigger's, he's just show to read cuecards, teliprompters, and scripts. He's a fraud just like Bill Nye

good plan Hitler. Think it might have been tried before but you do you.

hello fellow spreg why not try another route quit spreading hate and fear. educate the masses and allow them to challenge you without the need to destroy them in their childhood, a suggestion.

iq are bs just another thing to categorize a person

That's forced sterilization, AKA eugenics. It has already been tried and condemmed as barbaric and inhumane. You will never "sway" people to think like this. If we stop acting with humanity then we've already lost what was worth saving.

He's just taking one for the team

kek'd and checked

i'm sorry i don't speak sperg, can you translate to english?

Whats up adolf Stalin

op wants 2.3 million people left alive ..

you realize that if you did this , there would be no more i phones no more fancy clothes , prepare to go full agrarian to support yourself.
because there will not be enough people left to keep a society like today with all the cool toys running.

its a better option that slaughtering people, i dont even support these views. im just pointing out to OP that murder is not always the answer to every problem under the sun.

He's taking a hit for the team

>OP doesn't understand "reversion to the mean"

Downies and autists are fine. They are no danger.
Schizos should be gassed though

Textbook eugenics. I like it since i don't fall in to any of the said categories

>kill everyone with genetic disease

Thats not how it works. You would have to kill all people.

All nuclear power plants would go into meltdown if OPs plan happened. Dams would flood, transport would cease to work. Its a terrible plan, just kill mentally ill people.